Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 100 Escort, Princess Yuzhen

Chapter 100 Escort, Princess Yuzhen
The next day, in front of the Chang'an City Post Station, under the shade trees.

"Brother Bai."

"Brother Li."

Bai Yuxian, dressed in white clothes and as graceful as a jade master, rode a fine white horse and met Li Bai as promised.

Li Bai also rode a tall white horse. He was dressed in a green shirt and had a long sword tied to his waist. He looked like a Confucian scholar and a swordsman.

The two met and greeted each other warmly, and then waited patiently for the arrival of Princess Yuzhen Li Mi.

This is the meeting place agreed upon by Princess Yuzhen and the two of them.

Bai Yuxian and Li Bai waited for about two quarters of an hour after meeting. Princess Yuzhen's motorcade finally slowly arrived and appeared on the road coming from the city in the distance.

Princess Yuzhen sits in the frame of a lacquered red phoenix chariot pulled by two tall horses. The frame is surrounded by pink and white curtains, gauze, and bead curtains, making it difficult for people to see the specific situation in the frame. .

The front and rear of the carriage are protected by a team of more than 30 Guardsmen, headed by a tall and imposing middle-aged general.

In addition, there were two waitresses in the team, a nun who looked about 50 or [-] years old and a girl who looked about [-] or [-] years old.

"The two in front are Mr. Bai and Mr. Li Bai. I have met the two young masters on the orders of Princess Yuzhen."

Seeing Bai Yuxian and Li Bai in sight, Princess Yuzhen's carriage also stopped. The nuns in the team stepped forward to look at Bai Yuxian and Li Bai and saluted with a smile. There was nothing arrogant about it.

Bai Yuxian and Li Bai had already dismounted. After hearing this, they immediately knew that the carriage in front of them must be Princess Yuzhen, and they immediately stepped forward to salute Princess Yuzhen in the carriage.

"Your Majesty Bai Yuxian/Li Bai, I would like to pay my respects to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Bai Yuxian glanced at the Phoenix Chariot frame from the corner of her eye, but it was blocked by the gauze curtain and could not see the true face of Princess Yuzhen inside the frame.

"You two don't need to be polite."

The voice of Princess Yuzhen also sounded in the frame. The voice sounded very soft and gentle. The voice alone sounded like a mature woman about 30 years old, which was also very touching.

"I've heard about the names of Mr. Bai and Mr. Li. Wang Wushan and his party will have to trouble them a lot this time."

"Your Highness, you're welcome. This is my duty."

Bai Yuxian and Li Bai said together again.

"Okay, let's set off."

Princess Yuzhen in the carriage did not say anything more, and at the same time she had no intention of getting out of the carriage and gave the order directly.

The team immediately started marching.

Bai Yuxian and Li Bai also mounted their horses and joined the team.

The journey from the capital to Wangwu Mountain is not very short. According to the normal carriage speed, it will take about ten days.

Such a round trip will take about twenty days. If we stay in Wangwushan for a few days, then this trip will indeed take more than a month.

But Bai Yuxian is not in a hurry.

Calculated, it has been almost exactly a year since he traveled to this world, but during this year, he has not left the capital, and he has even spent most of his time studying hard every day.

After a year of this, Bai Yuxian had already begun to feel restless and thought of going out for a walk.

This trip to Wangwushan should be treated as an outing.

And if Li Bai is with you along the way, you won't be lonely and boring, and you might even find a rich woman.

The team moved forward. Bai Yuxian and Li Bai rode at the front of the team, and deliberately kept a certain distance from Princess Yuzhen's team behind them, so as to avoid the influence of the two of them while drinking, having fun and chatting. Princess Yuzhen who entered the carriage made Princess Yuzhen unhappy.

At the same time, after joining the team, Bai Yuxian and Li Bai also learned the identities of several other main personnel in the team except Princess Yuzhen.

In Princess Yuzhen's team this time, apart from Princess Yuzhen, there are only three people with relatively important identities. Two of them are the two maids beside Princess Yuzhen, Grandma Rong and the girl.

The girl's name is Yuqing, and she is Princess Yuzhen's personal maid.

The last one is the leader of the Guards who is responsible for escorting Princess Yuzhen this time. His name is Li You, and he holds the rank of school captain.

"Talent is like a literary song coming into the world, and beauty is like a banished immortal coming to the world. No wonder your majesty can't help but praise him like this. I never thought that there is such a banished immortal like Mr. Bai in the world. I thought it was an exaggeration at first. But when I saw it today, it turned out to be the opposite." I feel like meeting him is more famous than hearing him, rumors are a bit understated."

Next to Princess Yuzhen's carriage, the maid Yu Qing's beautiful eyes couldn't help but keep looking at Bai Yuxian who was riding a white horse in front of the team and chatting and laughing with Li Bai.

"Princess, do you think the legendary Pan An and Song Yu can be as handsome and beautiful as Mr. Bai?"

The maid couldn't help but talk too much, but Li Mi in the carriage didn't want to pay attention to it.

Li Mi doesn't want to talk now, especially to discuss Bai Yuxian, and she doesn't want to take another look.

Even Li Mi has begun to regret that she agreed to let Bai Yuxian accompany her on this trip to Wangwushan.Because after just meeting Bai Yuxian, she found that this person was simply the biggest stumbling block on her path of life and could seriously damage her Taoist heart.

Back then, I became a monk and practiced Taoism because I didn't want to get married, so I could devote myself to the Taoism.

After practicing Taoism for many years, Li Mi also believes that she has perfected her Taoist heart and will no longer be affected by the secular world and the love between men and women.

So before meeting Bai Yuxian, she was quite curious about Bai Yuxian.

But after she just saw the White Jade Fairy Queen through the gauze curtain of the carriage frame, she regretted it.

She clearly felt that after seeing Bai Yuxian, her Taoist heart that she had practiced for many years suddenly became shaken, and an unprecedented emotion began to arise deep in her heart and affect her Taoist heart.

This made Li Mi couldn't help but panic.

Can't think about it.

Absolutely can't think too much.

This man is the inner demon, the inner demon of all women in the world, and will destroy his Taoist heart.

Li Mi quickly recited the scriptures, clearing away Bai Yuxian's figure and all distracting thoughts, and calmed down her Taoist heart.

The result was that she didn't have time to stabilize her mind.

"No wonder Mr. Bai can write poems like "The Green Jade Case: Yuan Xi"."

"I searched for her thousands of times in the crowd, and when I suddenly looked back, that person was there, in a dimly lit place."

"In this world, only an immortal like Mr. Bai can write such beautiful sentences."

Outside the carriage, Yuqing could not help but murmur to herself. She looked at Bai Yuxian as if she had completely transformed into a little fangirl. She felt that her soul had been taken away.

Li Mi, who was still reciting the Sutra in her mind just now and trying to stabilize her Taoist heart, suddenly collapsed.

His whole heart collapsed almost instantly, and he was filled with shock and anger.

Bold Bai Yuxian, how dare you break my Taoist heart!

This maid cannot stay for long.
a few days later;
Willow head on the moon.

Bai Yuxian and Li Bai met under the night sky.

"Brother Bai, have you offended Princess Yuzhen in some way? Why do I feel that Princess Yuzhen seems to have some objections to you along the way?"

Under the moonlight, Li Bai finally couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with doubts in his heart and asked, feeling a little worried.

Because during the past few days, Li Bai clearly felt that Princess Yuzhen Li Mi in the carriage didn't seem to like Bai Yuxian very much.

Although Princess Yuzhen Li Mi seemed a little cold during the past few days along the way and didn't like to talk to others, he could still occasionally say a few words to Princess Yuzhen Li Mi.

But facing Bai Yuxian, Princess Yuzhen Li Mi's attitude was that she didn't want to say a word to Bai Yuxian.

"I'm also confused about this matter."

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this.

He naturally felt that Princess Yuzhen Li Mi's attitude towards him was reasonable, but Bai Yuxian had been confused about this for the past few days.

You must know that he and Princess Yuzhen Li Mi have never met before, and Bai Yuxian also believes that he has no rude or offensive words and deeds in the past few days.

I shouldn't have offended Li Mi in any way.

But for some reason, Li Mi seemed to dislike seeing him.

However, although Li Mi didn't seem to want to see him, Bai Yuxian didn't feel any obvious malice, as if she didn't want to have more contact with him.

This also makes Bai Yuxian really puzzled.

"Brother Bai, this matter should not be taken lightly. It needs to be resolved as soon as possible. In my opinion, if you really can't figure it out, you should take the initiative to go to Her Highness the Princess to ask for forgiveness and talk things over."

Li Bai suggested, worried about Bai Yuxian. After all, offending the princess is not a trivial matter. If something really happened to make Bai Yuxian resented by Princess Yuzhen Li Mi, it would have an impact on Bai Yuxian's future, especially on his official career. That's a big deal.

Bai Yuxian nodded solemnly when he heard this.

Indeed, no matter what the specific reason is, he has offended Princess Yuzhen, but for him, the first and most urgent thing to do is to go to Li Mi to plead guilty and talk about the problem, otherwise he will really be resented by a princess, then It will have a great impact on Bai Yuxian's future career.

Especially Li Mi, the eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty who could speak with a certain weight in front of the current emperor Li Longji.

(End of this chapter)

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