Chapter 99 The pattern is bigger

[Ding, one effort, one gain, you have obtained the [Wisdom Heart] and [Qin Heart] destiny, triggering the [Sword Master] destiny synthesis acquisition conditions, you also need the [Sword Crazy] destiny.]

[Ding, one effort, one gain, you have obtained [Wisdom Heart], [Qin Heart], and [Zen Heart] fate, triggering the [Linglong Sacred Heart] fate synthesis acquisition conditions, you also need [Yixin] fate.]

Just when Bai Yuxian successfully obtained the fate of [Qin Xin] and had just synthesized the fate of [Gongzi Ruyu].

Two new fate trigger messages appeared.

[Sword Master]: Purple destiny, greatly improves swordsmanship talent, and increases swordsmanship practice efficiency by 10 times.

[Exquisite Sacred Heart]: Purple destiny, you have the most intelligent and intelligent Exquisite Heart in the world. No matter what you learn, it will be easy for you, and your abilities in thinking, memory, learning, understanding and other aspects will be greatly improved.

"Two more purple fates were triggered."

Bai Yuxian was overjoyed.

As he obtained more and more fates, he also clearly felt that it was becoming easier and easier for him to trigger the conditions for obtaining purple fates.

And when you get enough purple destiny, you should be able to get the highest level golden destiny soon.

But the top priority is not to look forward to the golden destiny. The golden destiny is still a bit far away for him now. Obtaining more purple destiny is the first priority.

After the reminder messages triggered by the [Sword Master] fate and [Linglong Sacred Heart] fate ended and there were no other new prompts, Bai Yuxian also called up the golden finger's information panel.
Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation level: second level of martial arts Xuangang;

Skills: "Jiyi Sword Code" [ninth level: 16W/50W]; "Mingzun Martial Code: Xuangang Chapter" [third level: 1W/30W];
Looking at her personal information on the information panel at this moment, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel excited.

First of all, I won’t say much about my destiny, but I will talk about my current martial arts cultivation and swordsmanship.

The martial arts cultivation at the second level of Martial Arts Xuangang and the eighth level swordsmanship of "Jiyi Sword Code" are enough for Bai Yuxian to gain a foothold in the world of martial arts masters, and even in the martial arts Xuangang realm, he is now Definitely not at the bottom.

Especially with the eighth-level "Jiyi Sword Canon", even the masters of the Xuangang Realm of martial arts who are one or two levels higher than him may not be able to defeat him.

This made Bai Yuxian more confident about escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwushan and the subsequent martial arts examination with Li Bai.

Finally, after reading the personal information on the golden finger information panel, Bai Yuxian slowly calmed down the ups and downs of joy in her heart, and Bai Yuxian slowly opened her eyes.

Then he saw Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi looking at him unblinkingly as if their souls had been taken away.

There are also Liu Hongxiu’s maid Xiaoyu and Li Shishi’s maid Xiaohuan.

It was as if their souls had been taken away by him.

"What's wrong, you're all looking at me like that."

Seeing this, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but look at the four girls and smiled softly, her jade-white palms and fingers gently pressing on the strings in front of her.

After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, the four girls were suddenly awakened and came back to their senses.

The two little girls, Xiaoyu and Xiaohuan, suddenly turned red with embarrassment and quickly lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi have nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, they have been frank with Bai Yuxian for a long time. They can no longer be familiar with each other, Wen Yan said.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly feel that you, Shiro, seem to be more charming. I feel like my soul has been taken away by you, Shiro."

Li Shishi whispered with a charming voice.

Liu Hongxiu, the three girls Xiaohuan and Xiaoyu who were beside them also nodded in agreement with deep understanding.

They all felt the same way. They felt that the Bai Yuxian in front of them seemed to be more charming than before. Almost every time they looked at her, they felt as if their souls were about to be taken away.

Although the Bai Yuxian in the past was equally charming and charming, she didn't feel as charming as before.

This feeling is indescribable, because if you look closely, Bai Yuxian's appearance does not seem to have changed, but it just feels different.

The only change that can be said is probably in temperament.

After listening to the women's words, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile.

The four girls may not know the specific reason, but Bai Yuxian certainly knows.

Because I had just obtained the [Gongzi Ruyu] destiny after obtaining the [Qin Xin] destiny.

His appearance and temperament are already as handsome as immortals and unparalleled in the world. Now that he has obtained the fate of [The Young Master is Like a Jade], his appearance, charm and temperament have been greatly improved.
Just like what Master Li said, the current Bai Yuxian can really be said to be seductive to women.

"Perhaps it's because Qin had some enlightenment just now, and some changes in his mood caused changes in his temperament."

Bai Yuxian explained.

The four girls also nodded when they heard this, agreeing with Bai Yuxian's statement, and felt that this was indeed the reason. After all, temperament can also change a person. Bai Yuxian's appearance has reached the top, and if it changes and improves, it will only be temperament. . "Of course, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder." Bai Yuxian smiled again.

Xiaoyu and Xiaohuan were both shy and wondered what the young master meant by these words. Did he also understand our thoughts?

"Although Xi Shi is beautiful, in the eyes of my master and my sister, she is not as good as Bai Lang Wanyi."

Li Shishi said coquettishly again, and Liu Hongxiu and Liu Hongxiu snuggled into Bai Yuxian's arms, tightly holding the owner of Bai Yuxian.

"Bai Lang, the souls of Shishi and sister have really been taken away by you. You can't let go of Shishi and sister in the future, otherwise, Shishi and sister really don't know how they can survive."

Nestling in Bai Yuxian's arms, Master Li murmured again.

"Both Hongxiu and Shishi have very small hearts. In this life, there is no room for anyone else except Bai Lang." Liu Hongxiu also said softly, her beautiful eyes like water looking at Bai Yuxian unblinkingly, as if to destroy Bai Yuxian. It’s like it’s been imprinted on everyone.

"Since I share my head with Xu Qing, I should hold hands together for the rest of my life."

Feeling the deep affection between the two women, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but gently hugged the two women and comforted them softly.

Then she stayed with Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi in Tianxiang Tower for more than an hour. After some communication and comfort that reached the deepest parts of their bodies and minds, making the two women completely satisfied, Bai Yuxian stood up and left.

He also informed him when he left.

"Tomorrow I will accompany Brother Li out of the capital to escort Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain. This trip will take more than a month to go back and forth. During this period, you should take good care of yourselves. If you have any trouble, please contact Cui Zongzhi, Brother Cui, and Brother Wang Yanlin. , Song Xiuwen, Brother Song, Zhang Changshi, and everyone Wu helped."

"Well, we will take care of ourselves. Bai Lang doesn't have to worry about it. Everything is about business. Bai Lang himself must be careful along the way."

After leaving Tianxiang Tower, Bai Yuxian hurried back to Wuhou Mansion without daring to stop at all on the way because he was worried that if he stayed on the street, he would cause a riot in the entire Chang'an Street.

It's summer, and there are more ladies and sisters shopping on the streets on weekdays, but Bai Yuxian is also more dangerous.

Boys must protect themselves when they go out.

If Bai Yuxian hadn't walked so fast, all the bones would have been eaten by those brave young ladies.

"Brother Yuxian."

After returning home, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling were stunned when they saw Bai Yuxian again. Then Han Shiyin couldn't help but cover her chest and look at Bai Yuxian with green eyes.

"Brother Yuxian, what should I do? I feel like my soul has been taken away by you. You have to take responsibility now."

"Me too." Xiang Ling echoed in a low voice.

Seeing the barely concealed wolf-like green light in the eyes of the two women, Bai Yuxian was also speechless.

He found that the two women were getting more and more erotic. As long as they were in front of him, especially when there were no outsiders, the innocence and sweetness they had before were almost completely gone.

I have two pure and sweet love sisters.

Late at night, after reviewing the past and learning the new, Bai Yuxian leaned on the bed with his back on the bed, holding Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling in his arms, and gave instructions.

"Tomorrow I will leave the capital with Brother Li to escort Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain. This trip will take about a month. After I leave, you and your mother should take care of yourselves at home."


The two girls had already known about this matter and were mentally prepared for it, so they didn't have much reaction to Bai Yuxian's words at this moment. Instead, they were a little curious about Princess Yuzhen and asked.

"By the way, Brother Yuxian, have you seen this Princess Yuzhen? I heard that this Princess Yuzhen became a monk, is it true?"

In fact, Bai Yuxian was also very curious about Princess Yuzhen, because it was rumored that Princess Yuzhen was very beautiful and was known as the most beautiful woman in the Li Tang royal family before she became a monk.

I just don’t know if the rumors are true or false.

If the rumors are true, Bai Yuxian feels that Li Bai's pattern can be bigger.

It's nothing to just escort Princess Yuzhen to Wangwushan to win the opportunity for Princess Yuzhen to recommend to the emperor to become an official.

If Bai Yuxian, if Princess Yuzhen is really beautiful, he will directly attack Princess Yuzhen herself. When the time comes to capture Princess Yuzhen herself, then a mere chance to become an official will mean nothing.

Therefore, Li Bai’s pattern is not big enough.

If it were Bai Yuxian himself, as long as Princess Yuzhen was beautiful, he would directly attack Princess Yuzhen herself.

Men, the pattern must be big.

As the saying goes, the world is as big as the heart is.

(End of this chapter)

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