Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 98: Another purple destiny, [The Young Master is like jade]!

Chapter 98: Another purple destiny, [The Young Master is like jade]!
"Jiang He said that it will take about a month to escort Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain and back. We will depart in early June next month. If nothing happens, we will be back around the end of June at the latest."

Li Bai said that he knew that Bai Yuxian would definitely participate in the autumn trial in September this year, so he told Bai Yuxian the time of the trip so that Bai Yuxian could think about whether he could go with him to help.

a month.

Bai Yuxian did a simple calculation in his mind, and felt that the problem was not big and that he would only be back in late June or early July, so it would not affect his participation in the autumn examination and the martial arts examination, so he immediately decided to leave.

"I've been living in Beijing for a long time, so I'll go to Wangwu Mountain with Brother Li."

Li Bai has already spoken, and he can indeed squeeze out time. Under such circumstances, as a close friend, Bai Yuxian will naturally not refuse to ask for help.

Seeing Bai Yuxian agree, Li Bai was instantly overjoyed. Bai Yuxian has now set foot in the martial arts Xuangang and has a good swordsmanship. If Bai Yuxian is willing to help him and has a helper like Bai Yuxian, then he will be even more important for this escort. I'm sure.

In order to express his gratitude, Bai Yuxian was pulled into Tianxiang Pavilion again by Li Bai that night to treat him.

At the same time, Li Bai called Cui Zongzhi, and the three of them drank until midnight.

After drinking, Bai Yuxianzhao came to Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi as usual.

"Bai Lang."

Seeing Bai Yuxian arriving, the two girls immediately ran up excitedly and snuggled into Bai Yusheng's arms.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, the two women became more and more obsessed with Bai Yuxian. They almost turned into love minds and wished they could be with Bai Yuxian every day, or even become one.

At the same time, after Bai Yuxian's nourishment and care during this period of time, the two girls, who were already stunningly beautiful, looked even more beautiful and charming, with every glance and smile full of charm.

The figure is getting more and more outstanding, especially the child's future granary. It can be said that he has been brought up by Bai Yuxian's hands visibly.

Another night of Spring Festival.

Then when she woke up the next day, she stayed in Tianxiang Tower for another morning and learned the piano from Master Li all morning before leaving Tianxiang Tower.

After receiving the fate trigger of [Martial Saint] and [Gongzi Ruyu] two months ago, Bai Yuxian Youxia came to Tianxiang Tower and began to learn the piano with Master Li.

And with the step-by-step guidance of Master Li, a master of piano skills, Bai Yuxian's piano skills and [Qin Heart] destiny acquisition progress have also improved rapidly.

Today, Bai Yuxian's piano skills are almost as good as everyone else's, and the progress in obtaining the [Qin Heart] fate has reached more than 700 points.

Of course, being able to learn so quickly has a lot to do with Bai Yuxian's own talent.

The level of [Qin Xin] destiny is also the same as the previous [Zen Heart] destiny. It is directly the blue level destiny. The progress value required to obtain it is 1000 points.

Bai Yuxian feels that as long as she exchanges and learns with Master Li a few more times in the future, she will be able to join everyone in her piano skills, and the progress of obtaining the [Qin Heart] destiny will be almost there.

When you get the [Qin Xin] destiny, you can get the second purple destiny [Gongzi Ruyu].

At the same time, there is also the [Scribe] fate, which is finally about to be obtained.

"Then next, I will set a small goal for myself. In addition to practicing, I will also strive to obtain the [Qin Xin] destiny and the [Scribe] destiny within the next month before going to Wangwu Mountain."

When we walked out of Tianxiang Tower, it was already noon.

Bai Yuxian did not go home directly.

Instead, he took the Junzi Sword and went straight to the Nanzhu Forest outside the city where he had a sword fight with Li Bai yesterday. It was a vast place with few people and a quiet environment, which was just right for him to practice.

Bai Yuxian planned to use that place as his training place from now on.

Well, I'll get a horse when I get back tonight, so that it will be easier to go back and forth in the morning and evening.

Soon he came to the bamboo forest outside the city again, and Bai Yuxian began to practice.

It wasn't until sunset that Bai Yuxian returned home.

At the same time, Li Bai also found He Zhizhang again and told He Zhizhang that Bai Yuxian would also accompany him on his trip to Wangwu Mountain one month later.

"Since you are a gentleman, Your Highness the Princess will not refuse if you want to come. However, I still allow me to report this matter to Your Highness the Princess first and let Her Highness make the decision."

After hearing that it was Bai Yuxian and learning about Bai Yuxian's strength, He Zhizhang immediately agreed, but he would definitely have to consult Princess Yuzhen before making a specific decision.

"As it should be, thank you for your help."

At night, at Yuzhen Temple, He Zhizhang came to a woman wearing a Taoist robe and a black gauze, whose true appearance could not be clearly seen, but her figure was voluptuous and graceful, and she looked extremely plump and round.

The woman is none other than Princess Yuzhen Li Mi.

"Bai Yuxian."

Hearing He Zhizhang's words, Li Mi couldn't help but have a look of surprise in her eyes.

Naturally, Li Mi is no stranger to Bai Yuxian. After all, Bai Yuxian is now famous all over the capital and is known as Bai Junzi. It is said that this person is not only extremely talented and charming, but also as handsome as an immortal. In ancient times, Pan An and Song Yu are incomparable. He can be said to be Unparalleled in the world.

Even his reigning brother personally praised this talent for coming to the world like a piece of music, and being as beautiful as a banished immortal coming to earth.

To be honest, Li Mi was actually a little curious about Bai Yuxian.

Moreover, she has also read Bai Yuxian's poems, especially the poem "The Green Jade Case: Yuan Xi".

The last sentence was searched hundreds of times for her, but suddenly looking back, that person was there, in a dimly lit place.Li Mi is still touched and amazed.

I have wondered more than once what kind of amazingly talented man it is that can write such beautiful sentences.

As a result, I never expected that this time I was going to Wangwu Mountain. I originally wanted to ask Li Bai to escort me in exchange for recommending Li Bai when I came back, but I didn't expect that Li Bai found Bai Yuxian again, and Bai Yuxian's martial arts cultivation had actually improved. Reached the martial arts Xuangang realm.

"I heard the name of Bai Yuxian a long time ago. I thought that this talent was already amazing in talent, but I didn't expect that my martial arts cultivation has reached this level. He is really good at both civil and military skills."

"In that case, let's accept it."

Finally, after some thought, Li Mi made a decision.

During her trip to Wangwu Mountain, the road may not be smooth, and she does need someone with certain capabilities to escort her.

Since Bai Yuxian has the strength of the martial arts Xuangang, and is Li Bai's friend who is willing to accompany Li Bai to escort him, and his identity and background are clear, there is nothing to worry about.

In this case, Li Mi naturally had no reason to refuse.

And she was indeed quite curious about Bai Yuxian.

It just so happened that she wanted to see what Bai Yuxian was like along the way. If he was really good, then in addition to Li Bai, she could also recommend this Bai Yuxian to her imperial brother after she came back.

That night Li Bai learned from He Zhizhang that Princess Yuzhen had agreed.

Then Li Bai told Bai Yuxian the next day.

During the trip to Wangwu Mountain one month later, Bai Yuxian also decided to accompany her friend Li Bai in escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain.

After confirming that he would accompany him, Bai Yuxian also informed his mother Zhen and the four daughters Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi about the matter.

As for Bai Yuxian's decision, neither Zhen nor the four girls had any objections, they just expressed concern and advice.

Of course, there is still one month before the specific departure time.

In a month, Bai Yuxian felt that his martial arts cultivation and swordsmanship cultivation could be improved to another level.

In this way, Bai Yuxian continued to live as usual, studying hard every day. Occasionally, when invited by his friends Li Bai, Cui Zongzhi, Wang Yanlin, Song Xiuwen and others, he would go to Tianxiang Tower to get together.

Just like this, another month passed without realizing it.

The time has entered June.

During this period, Bai Yuxian's martial arts cultivation and swordsmanship cultivation also rose to a higher level again.

The martial arts cultivation level has been improved to the second level of martial arts Xuangang, and the swordsmanship cultivation level has also been upgraded to the eighth level of "Jiyi Sword Codex".

At the same time, the fate of [Scribe] was finally obtained by Bai Yuxian, which made Bai Yuxian feel that it was not easy.

The three blue fates of [Scribe], [Martial Chi] and [Wisdom Heart] were the first to be triggered. [Scribe] was the first to be triggered. As a result, both [Martial Chi] and [Wisdom Heart] have already been obtained for who knows how long. , now the [Scribe] destiny has been obtained.

After obtaining the [Scribe] destiny, Bai Yuxian once again triggered the synthesis of a purple destiny to obtain information.

[Literary Saint].

The synthesized fate requires [Scribe], [Wisdom Heart] and another [Yi Xin] fate that Bai Yuxian has not yet triggered to obtain.

[Chess Heart] The conditions for triggering the acquisition of destiny are related to the chess game.

However, Bai Yuxian currently does not have much energy and time to trigger the acquisition of [Yixin] destiny, so he can only put it on hold for the time being.

At present, in addition to practicing and studying, Bai Yuxian's main energy after obtaining the fate of [Scribe] is to obtain the fate of [Qin Xin] with all his strength, so as to obtain the fate of [Gongzi Ruyu] as soon as possible.

And finally the hard work paid off.

After a month of hard work.

At this moment.

[One effort, one gain, [Qin Xin] Fate acquisition progress is full, do you want to receive it? 】


[Piano Heart]: Blue destiny, greatly improves the talent of piano art, and slightly improves the mental understanding;
[One effort, one gain, [Young Master is like jade] The conditions for obtaining the destiny synthesis are met. Do you want to obtain it through synthesis? 】


【Ding!Congratulations on getting the purple destiny [Gongzi Ruyu] through synthesis. 】

In an instant, when the destiny synthesis took effect, Bai Yuxian once again felt that his whole body and mind, especially his face, seemed to have been baptized from the inside out.

Moreover, the feeling this time was many times stronger than the previous feeling when I obtained the destiny of [騒客] and [Yashi].

The effect information of the fate also emerged accordingly.

[The young master is like jade]: Purple destiny, Mo Shangren is like jade, the young master is unparalleled in the world, and his appearance, temperament, and charm will be greatly improved.
(End of this chapter)

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