Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 97 Li Bai’s opportunity to become an official

Chapter 97 Li Bai’s opportunity to become an official

After a while, Bai Yu left Wu Tang.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but be in a good mood after making a breakthrough in martial arts cultivation and finally stepping into the realm of martial arts Xuangang.

Once the martial arts reaches the realm of Xuangang, from now on, even if we look at the whole world, Bai Yuxian himself can be considered as one of the martial arts masters. This is also a huge dividing line between the strength and weakness of warriors.

At the same time, for this year's martial arts examination, Bai Yuxian has the foundation of martial arts and Xuangang's cultivation, and he is definitely qualified to compete for the top spot in martial arts.

And don't forget, it's still only May, but the martial arts examination is only held in October after the autumn examination in September, which is still nearly five months away.

After the cultivation level breaks through to the martial arts Xuangang, the cultivation level required for each small realm improvement breakthrough is already hundreds of thousands. However, with Bai Yuxian's current cultivation speed under the blessing of the [Martial Saint] destiny, it can still be called Rapidly.

In the past five months, Bai Yuxian's cultivation speed under the blessing of [Martial Saint] was enough for him to improve his cultivation by two or three small realms.

In addition, now that his martial arts cultivation has broken through the martial arts Xuangang, his sword cultivation can continue to improve.

His current swordsmanship level is at the seventh level of the "Jiyi Sword Code", and the corresponding martial arts level is exactly the martial arts Xuangang realm.

In addition, the martial arts cultivation levels corresponding to the eighth and ninth levels of the "Ji Yi Sword Code" are also martial arts Xuan Gang, so in the following sword training levels, Bai Yuxian can at least break through the "Ji Yi Sword Code". By reaching the ninth level, his overall combat power will definitely take another leap forward.

"But the martial arts hall is no longer suitable for future training."

After setting foot on the martial arts Xuangang in cultivation, if I continue to practice in the future, Wutang will be a little unsuitable, especially when I still have to practice swordsmanship.

The people in Wutang are too arrogant and it is not suitable for me at all. Otherwise, if I am too immersed in sword practice and don't pay attention, a sword energy will be cut out inadvertently, and it will be fatal if it falls on someone.

Moreover, Bai Yuxian didn't want to continue to expose his specific cultivation situation to others so clearly, so he had to keep it a secret.

So Bai Yuxian felt that he needed to find a suitable place for cultivation next.

With thoughts in mind, Bai Yuxian returned home.

"Brother Yuxian."

Looking at Bai Yuxian who suddenly returned today, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling were a little surprised, because it was just afternoon.

According to Bai Yuxian's past practice, once he went to the martial arts hall to practice, he would come back in the evening after sunset.

"I have made a breakthrough in my practice today. I should not go to the martial arts hall to practice again in the future."

Bai Yuxian smiled and said roughly to the two women.

Soon, the news of Bai Yuxian's breakthrough in martial arts and entering the Xuangang Realm of martial arts spread throughout the Wuhou Mansion, causing quite a sensation.

However, the sensation was not too big, because Bai Yuxian had the experience of being admitted to the Imperial Academy and winning the first prize at the Yuanxi Poetry Festival, which was praised by the emperor.

In comparison, this time Bai Yuxian's breakthrough in martial arts and his entry into martial arts Xuangang is not so outstanding.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty is still in its prosperous age. Except for going to the frontiers, there are few places for warriors to use their skills. Especially in the land of the capital, it is a world of literati. No matter how high the martial arts are, it is difficult to do so in the capital. There is no room for display, so relatively speaking, the role of martial arts cultivation is far weakened compared to talent.

Nowadays, the status of warriors and literati in the Tang Dynasty can be understood by looking at the influence gap between the martial arts examinations and the liberal arts examinations in the Tang Dynasty.

However, he naturally did not pay too much attention to these Bai Yuxian, and he knew very well that perhaps the Tang Dynasty was still a world of literati, but when the Anshi Rebellion broke out, the importance of civil and military affairs would change.

At that time, boxing was power.

Look at civil servants in prosperous times.

Look at the generals in troubled times.
Three days later, in a bamboo forest outside the city, Bai Yuxian and Li Bai stood holding swords.

After a sword fight between the two, Bai Yuxian was defeated again, and the surrounding bamboos fell into pieces, cut off by the sword energy of the two people's exchange of swords.

"It's Yuxian who lost again. Brother Li is so strong that Yuxian is convinced." Bai Yuxian smiled and admitted defeat.

Although this time his cultivation reached the level of martial arts Xuangang, through this fight Bai Yuxian once again realized that whether it was martial arts cultivation or swordsmanship, Li Bai was now still above him.

Judging from the previous fight, he could barely hold on for about half a moment under Li Bai's sword, and it was probably because Li Bai didn't use all his strength.

Li Bai's strength is still far above him.

But despite this, Bai Yuxian was not depressed, but was very happy, because through this battle, Bai Yuxian finally had a clear understanding of his current specific strength.

"Haha, Brother Bai doesn't have to be modest. I'm a few years older than you. If we were the same age, I might not be Brother Bai's opponent today."

Li Bai said with a loud smile, admiring Bai Yuxian even more in his heart.

Although Bai Yuxian's current strength is still far behind him, the fact that he can set foot in the martial arts Xuangang at such a young age, and his sword skills are equally extraordinary, shows that Bai Yuxian's talent is astonishing.Given time, as long as Bai Yuxian is given time, he may not be able to catch up or even surpass him.

Moreover, Bai Yuxian's current cultivation strength has reached the martial arts Xuangang, which cannot be underestimated.

Today, Bai Yuxian invited him to compete with swordsmen outside the city. He was still a little confused. Now he finally understood that Bai Yuxian had broken through to the martial arts Xuangang realm.

In this case, it would be appropriate for the two of them to come outside the city, otherwise there would be no suitable place within the city for them to perform.

Li Bai felt that Bai Yuxian was really becoming more and more interested in him.

First of all, in terms of personality, the two of them get along well. Secondly, in terms of talent, Bai Yuxian is on par with him. Li Bai also recognized this from the bottom of his heart. Now, in terms of martial arts cultivation and swordsmanship, Bai Yuxian has also shown extraordinary performance. His talent is constantly catching up with him.

Whether it's drinking, writing essays, discussing martial arts, or discussing swords, the current Bai Yuxian can satisfy him.

This made Li Bai feel more and more like a close friend to Bai Yuxian.

As the saying goes, it is too cold to be high.

Bai Yuxian's feelings towards Li Bai were similar. After all, in this world, among his peers, it was necessary to find someone with a harmonious personality who could be on par with him in both civil and military skills.

too difficult.

After the sword duel, the two of them took the wine jar they brought and started drinking at each other in the bamboo forest.

"Haha, it's great. When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are too little. It's enough to have Brother Bai as a close friend in your life."

After drinking the wine, especially when he thought that his official career was already in sight, Li Bai couldn't help but laugh loudly and looked at the White Jade Immortal.

"During this period, I was fortunate to get to know Supervisor He. Two days ago, Supervisor He told me that Princess Yuzhen will go to the Zhenyuan Palace of Wangwushan in one month and needs someone to escort her. If I can agree to help escort Princess Yuzhen along the way, If I guarantee that Princess Yuzhen will have a safe journey back and forth, Princess Yuzhen can be my guarantor and introduce me to the emperor when I return to the capital."

"I agreed to escort Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain."

Princess Yuzhen.

Bai Yuxian's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

He has also heard about Princess Yuzhen, and she is quite famous in Beijing and even in the whole world.

Princess Yuzhen's real name is Li Mi, her nickname is Chichiying, so she is also called Li Chiying, and her Taoist name is Supreme True. She is the sister of the emperor Li Longji, the current eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty, and a female Taoist priest.

It is said that the reason why Princess Yuzhen became a Taoist priest was because she did not want to get married.

It is rumored that Emperor Li Longji wanted to marry Princess Yuzhen after he ascended the throne, but Princess Yuzhen did not want to get married. Emperor Li Longji refused to take back his fame, so Princess Yuzhen became a Taoist priest directly, and even reported to Emperor Li Longji that she was willing to cut herself off. The identity of the princess and the return of the princess' mansion, fiefdom, title, etc.

Emperor Li Longji had no choice but to withdraw the marriage order and allowed Princess Yuzhen Li Mi to become a Taoist priest. However, Emperor Li Longji did not take back Princess Yuzhen's title, mansion, fief, salary, etc.

In terms of grade, Princess Yuzhen is not too old. She seems to be in her 30s and less than 40 years old now, a mature woman.

At the same time, Princess Yuzhen also has considerable status and influence in the capital, especially in front of Emperor Li Longji.

If Li Bai can really be recommended by the other party, it will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity for Li Bai to become an official.

The He Jian in Li Bai's mouth was He Zhizhang. Because his official title was Doctor Yin Qingguanglu and he was also the secretary-supervisor, people in Beijing called him He Jian.

"Congratulations to Brother Li, the big roc finally rises like a storm. I also wish Brother Li that he will rise to the ninth level in the future."

Bai Yuxian immediately congratulated him, feeling happy for Li Bai in his heart.

He knew in his heart that Li Bai had been staying in Beijing for a period of time just to find an opportunity to become an official, and now, Li Bai's opportunity to become an official had finally come.

"But if this is the case, then you need to be extremely careful when escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain this time to make sure nothing goes wrong." Bai Yuxian expressed concern again.

Li Bai also nodded, knowing naturally that escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwushan this time was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. He must not make any mistakes. Otherwise, let alone the opportunity to become an official, he might not be able to stay in the capital.

So for him, escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain this time is not only an opportunity, but it is also a test, and there must be no mistakes.

Thinking of this, Li Bai immediately looked at Bai Yuxian again.

Now that Bai Yuxian has made a breakthrough in martial arts and entered the Xuangang realm of martial arts, it would undoubtedly be safer if he could find Bai Yuxian to help accompany him in escorting Princess Yuzhen to Wangwu Mountain.

"I wonder if Brother Bai will be free to accompany me to Wangwu Mountain to escort Princess Yuzhen together."

(End of this chapter)

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