Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 64 Swordsmanship, "Jiyi Sword Code"!

Chapter 64 Swordsmanship, "Jiyi Sword Code"!
On Goldfinger's information panel, his cultivation level had, as expected, broken through the Qi and Blood realm and reached the first level of martial arts.

Secondly, in terms of skills, "Ming Zun Martial Arts: Entering Jin Chapter" also broke through the first level and reached the second level, but the cultivation value required to break through the second level became [0/20000].

Compared with the previous [0/10000] cultivation value required to break through the first level, it has been directly doubled.

"Sure enough, after breaking through the martial arts and gaining strength, the cultivation level required for further breakthroughs will increase far beyond the Qi and Blood realm, directly changing from [0/10000] to [0/20000]."

Bai Yuxian was not surprised by this.

Finally, there is the fate, in addition to the [Scholar] [Warrior] [Hui Xin] fate that has been obtained.

Among the remaining three fates of [Scribe], [Martial Chi] and [Hu Ke] that are still being triggered and obtained, the acquisition progress of the two fates of [Scribe] and [Martial Chi] has also been greatly improved.

The progress of obtaining the fate of [Scribe] has reached 603, and the progress of obtaining the fate of [Martial Chi] has reached 740. Based on the current progress of obtaining the fate of [Martial Chi], there will be more than 50 days in the future. Bai Yuxian will be able to obtain the fate of [Martial Madman], and his cultivation speed will be further improved by then.

Looking at the personal information on the information panel, especially feeling the powerful power in her body at this moment, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel complacent.

This feeling of being able to clearly see and feel that you are constantly improving and improving is really intoxicating.

Moreover, this kind of improvement and breakthrough in martial arts strength can also make people feel more confident and secure.

Now that his martial arts is strong, even if he looks at the world, his strength can be regarded as completely out of the novice level.

"However, it is not enough to compare with the real masters."

Looking at the world, if you want to truly join the forest of martial arts masters, you need at least the strength of the martial arts Xuangang realm.

Entering martial arts can only help Bai Yuxian escape from the level of a novice in martial arts, but if he wants to become a master, it is still not enough.

Therefore, Bai Yuxian's next goal is the martial arts Xuangang. Only by setting foot in this realm can one truly join the ranks of martial arts masters.

In the Tang Army, martial arts Xuangang is also a threshold. Only warriors who have the strength to step into the martial arts Xuangang realm are qualified to truly serve as generals and lead an army in the Tang army.

This is also the time in Bai Yuxian's mind to become an official.

Wait until your cultivation level reaches the realm of martial arts Xuangang, and then you can become an official.

Because at that time, his strength could be considered to be truly among the martial arts experts, and he was qualified to lead an army alone in the Tang Dynasty. It was not that easy for others to deal with and suppress him.

Otherwise, it may not be a good thing if you enter the official position too early and have insufficient strength.

It just so happens that now I also have the status of a student of the Imperial College. With this status, I can grow up in peace without worrying about anyone harassing me.

And when the Autumn Examination in September next year and the Martial Arts Examination in October next year, my cultivation strength should also be expected to be in the Martial Arts Xuangang. By then, I will take advantage of the opportunity of the Autumn Examination and the Martial Arts Examination to become an official. Chance.

"Next, it's time to practice weapons and martial arts."

Then Bai Yuxian started thinking again.

Now that he has become strong in martial arts, it is natural for him to practice a weapon and martial arts to give full play to his martial arts strength.

When it comes to practicing weapons and martial arts, he naturally has to choose swordsmanship.

Because the most famous weapon and martial skill of the Bai family in Wuhou Mansion is the sword technique "Jiyi Sword Code", a top-level sword technique at the magical level of martial arts.

Bai Yuxian soon came to the pavilion deep in Wutang where the Bai family's martial arts inheritance of Wuhou Mansion was stored.

"I've met the clan elder." Bai Yuxian bowed to the old man guarding the pavilion.

The old man was shocked when he saw Bai Yuxian: "Are you strong in martial arts?!"


Bai Yuxian cupped his hands and didn't try to hide anything.

The strength of this old man is definitely not simple. Even if he is now strong in martial arts, the old man still feels unfathomable to him. I am afraid that he is at least a martial arts expert with a martial arts Xuan Gang or above.

The old man couldn't calm down at this moment. Bai Yuxian's martial arts talent was simply beyond imagination.

Bai Yuxian has only been practicing for a long time. It has only been about half a year since he first came to receive the skills from him.

In about half a year, he went from practicing as an ordinary person to becoming a master of martial arts. He had never heard of such a terrifying speed of cultivation before, let alone seeing it.

The most important thing is that Bai Yuxian's amazing talent is not only martial arts, but also extremely talented. If he is admitted to the Imperial College, his future career in the imperial examination will be bright.

Moreover, such a young talent with both civil and military skills and amazing talents came from their Bai family.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but feel happy again. Even his attitude towards Bai Yuxian changed from his usual indifference towards people, and he showed a kind smile and praised.


Then he asked Bai Yuxianci the purpose of his visit.

"The Jade Immortal is here to apply for the "Jiyi Sword Code"." "Okay, you wait."

The old man nodded again, then turned around and entered the pavilion. Soon he came out with a sword manual and handed it to Bai Yuxian.

Astonishingly, it is the "Jiyi Sword Code".

And after Bai Yuxian opened it, he discovered that this time the "Jiyi Sword Code" was actually the complete version.

This made Bai Yuxian look at the old man in surprise, thinking that the "Jiyi Sword Code" would still give him a incomplete version like the "Ming Zun Martial Code".

The old man seemed to see Bai Yuxian's doubts and said angrily.

"You have become strong in martial arts and are eligible to directly receive the complete sword technique. However, remember not to pass it on to others. Write it down and return it."

"Thank you, elder."

Bai Yuxian immediately cupped his hands and thanked him again.

After that, Bai Yuxian turned and left, but just as he walked to the door, the old man's voice suddenly sounded again behind him.

"I already understand your situation. What happened back then was indeed a loss of morality in the clan and a loss of virtue in the master's family. I don't advise you to let go of your grudges, nor will I interfere in your decision. But there is one thing I hope you can do. Remember, no matter what decision you make in your heart in the future, don’t forget that your surname is Bai, you are a descendant of my Bai family, and the blood of my Bai family flows in your body."

"My Bai family has been inherited for hundreds of years since Wuhou. We have been prosperous, wealthy, and comfortable for too long. The whole family will inevitably get lost in it. Some things are destined to be unavoidable. The current Bai family has actually reached an extremely dangerous point. I believe You have already seen this, if this continues, no one in the clan will stand up to revive our Bai family, and our defeat is not far away."

Having said this, the old man paused for a moment, and then looked at Bai Jade Xiandao in a solemn tone.

"If I, the Bai family, still have a future, it will definitely be with you. If the master's family is not virtuous, for the sake of the future of my Bai family, my descendants should take his place."

"My family, the head of the Bai family, should be filled with talented and capable people. This is the way for my Bai family to prosper forever."

Bai Yuxian was shocked and looked at the old man in surprise. He didn't expect that the old man would suddenly say such words to him today.

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yuxian without blinking.

Although he has not been involved in clan affairs for many years and has stayed in Wutang all year round, he still knows everything about the situation in the entire Wuhou Mansion and the clan.

Therefore, the old man also clearly knows how dangerous the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion is now.

If there is no more outstanding young man in the clan who can stand up, I am afraid that the Bai family will not be able to exist in the huge capital of Chang'an for long.

As an old man of the Bai family, the old man naturally did not want to see that scene.

The appearance of Bai Yuxian gave the old man hope. Even with Bai Yuxian's current talent, if he can dominate the Bai family in the future, let alone revive the Bai family's prestige, there is great hope for leading the Bai family to a higher level.

So at this moment, the old man also had the intention to fully support Bai Yuxian, even if Bai Yuxian wanted to replace the current head of the Bai family in the future.

The old man didn't care about this. Compared with the main family, he cared more about the continuation of their entire Bai family.

If it doesn't work for the owner, then of course it should be replaced.

As for the current head of the Bai family, it is indeed not good. Although the head of the family, Bai Zheng, cares about the family and revitalizes the Bai family, unfortunately, he has limited abilities and is foolish and filial. As for the rest of the family, they are completely holding them back. , one is more miserable than the other.

As long as Bai Yuxian does not plan to get rid of his identity as a descendant of the Bai family in the future, then he is willing to fully support Bai Yuxian from now on, even if Bai Yuxian wants to replace or even cleanse the master's family.

Bai Yuxian saw the old man's unprecedented solemn expression and immediately understood what the old man meant.

"Yuxian's surname has been Bai since she was born, and the blood of the Bai family has been flowing in her body since she was a child. Naturally, she will be a descendant of the Bai family in this life."

Bai Yuxian cupped his hands and said.

Although Bai Yuxian had made up his mind to leave Wuhou Mansion and establish a separate branch from the first time he traveled through time.

But establishing another family does not mean that you have to break away from your identity as a descendant of the Bai family.

Moreover, in this era, it is very troublesome for a descendant of a noble family to leave the family. There are also various influences, and it is not as simple as just leaving if he wants to.

Besides, why do you have to leave the family? If you are unhappy in the family and have enemies, can't you kill all the enemies and then dominate the family?

As long as he sets up his own family, as long as he is strong enough, who will be in charge of the entire family in the future will not be determined by his strength.

So from the beginning to the end, Bai Yuxian never thought about breaking away from his identity as a descendant of the Bai family. One reason is that it is not that easy to get into trouble, and the other reason is that it is unnecessary.

Bai Yuxian had already thought about it.

After he becomes an official, he will look for opportunities to leave the Wuhou Mansion and set up another family, but there is no need to leave his identity as a descendant of the Bai family. Then when he develops and becomes completely powerful, the Bai family from top to bottom will naturally take the initiative to surround him. He is Lord.

At that time, he didn't have the final say in the entire Bai family, and anyone who didn't obey would be eliminated directly.

Who dares to disapprove?
Who dares to object!

(End of this chapter)

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