Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 63 Breakthrough, martial arts becomes more powerful

Chapter 63 Breakthrough, martial arts becomes more powerful

"The Duke of Nanguo came to apologize."

In the evening of the next day, Bai Yuxian returned home after finishing his training in Wutang and learned that Nangong Che had come to Wuhou Mansion to apologize.

I was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

"I just don't know whether it's sincere or fake." Xiang Ling frowned slightly and said, a little worried that the apology from the Duke of Nanguo may not be sincere.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile when he heard the words: "Whether it's true or false, it doesn't actually matter. What really matters is that as long as I can maintain the current momentum forever, then even if Nan Guo Gongfu is false now, it will definitely become a false meaning in the future. Sincerely, and vice versa.”

Han Shiyin, who originally had the same concerns as Xiang Ling, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he understood what Bai Yuxian meant, and he couldn't help but agree.

"Brother Yuxian is right. As long as Brother Yuxian continues to rise in power from now on, the Duke of Nanguo will naturally not be willing to make another enemy like Brother Yuxian unless necessary."

After saying that, Han Shiyin looked at Bai Yuxian with even more admiration. She thought that brother Yuxian was indeed a man of both civil and military skills. He could see everything clearly at a glance.

"Master, Miss, Miss Shiyin, Master's medicinal bath is ready." At this time, Xiangling's maid Yuzhu came in from the door and looked at the three of them.

"it is good."

Bai Yuxian immediately nodded slightly and stood up, then spoke to Xiang Ling and Han Shiyin and walked to the bathroom.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and night had fallen.

After taking the medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian returned to the study room in the courtyard to read, with Xiang Ling and Han Shiyin accompanying him.

In the past, when reading at night, Xiang Ling was the only one keeping company with the white jade cactus lamp.

However, since the relationship with Han Shiyin has been completely established, the relationship has deepened as the time spent together has increased. At night, Han Shiyin no longer returns to his own courtyard in the inner palace as soon as dark as before, but also spends time with Xiangling. Also reading with Bai Yuxian.

And no one in the entire Wuhou Mansion dared to say anything about this.

One is that Bai Yuxian's identity is different now, and the other is that the relationship between Han Shiyin and Bai Yuxian has been approved by the elders. In this case, who can talk about it anymore.

Bai Yuxian naturally had no objection to this. After all, who wouldn't like reading at night with such two charming beauties willing to accompany him to study.

Moreover, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling are both sensible. They will not disturb him when he is concentrating on studying. Instead, they will serve him in every aspect. When he is thirsty, he will pour him tea without him needing to reach out. When he is cold, he will already give orders to the maid without him needing to speak. Put the charcoal on fire.

In this way, Bai Yuxian continued to practice during the day and study at night.

So unknowingly, nearly half a month has passed, and the time has entered December.

During this period, it snowed in Chang'an, but it was just a light snow.

But the coldness of winter has completely enveloped the world.

At this time, after more than half a month of hard training, Bai Yuxian's cultivation was finally about to break through.

He is about to break through the qi and blood realm and enter the martial arts realm.

[One effort, one gain. If you practice hard, you will get +10 cultivation;]

As Goldfinger once again improved his cultivation, the message sounded.

On the system information panel, the cultivation progress in the exercise column also changes accordingly.

[Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter: Entering Jin] [First level: 10000/10000].


In an instant, Bai Yuxian felt that the energy and blood in his body boiled and exploded like an erupting volcano.

The skin on Bai Yuxian's entire face and body began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Yuxian felt that the temperature of his entire body began to soar rapidly with the boiling blood, and his whole body felt as if he was in boiling water.

The blood all over his body seemed to be boiling, steaming violently.The surge of energy and blood is like an erupting volcano, impacting his entire body and even every cell from within his body over and over again.

This process was not pleasant. Bai Yuxian felt as if his whole body was in boiling water, being boiled.

Fortunately, the whole process didn't last too long.

After a while.

There was a roar as the qi and blood surged in the body.

Bai Yuxian's whole body couldn't help but tremble violently, and she felt that the invisible barrier in her entire body was broken through in an instant.

In an instant, I just felt a feeling of vast sky and sea, and my whole body was relaxed and smooth.

The energy and blood that had been boiling like a volcanic eruption slowly calmed down.

Eventually everything returned to calm.

At this moment, Bai Yuxian felt that his whole body seemed to have been completely transformed, and his entire physical body seemed to have completed a sublimation. He had no idea how much he had improved compared to before.

At the same time, in his body, he clearly felt that there was a force that could be felt in his body at this moment, like blood.

This power is gathered in the qi and blood, as if the qi and blood are concentrated. As long as it is activated, you can instantly gather and mobilize the power in your physical body, allowing you to use the power contained in your body better and more efficiently. Play it out.


Bai Yuxian knew it.

This is the strength of martial arts cultivated in the realm of martial arts, which allows warriors to operate better and more efficiently to mobilize the power in their bodies.

"Breakthrough succeeded!"

Bai Yuxian slowly opened his eyes, feeling the surge of power in his body, especially the strength born in his body, and couldn't help but smile excitedly on his face.

Martial arts enter the realm of strength.

From now on, he can be regarded as having truly mastered martial arts and got rid of the rookie stage.

Even if he was placed in the Tang Dynasty army, his martial arts training would be enough to serve as a small general.

Then Bai Yuxian stood up and briefly felt and tested the improvement in strength after the breakthrough at this moment, especially the mystery of strength.

The first is the physical body. Needless to say, this point goes without saying. Breaking through from the Qi and Blood realm to entering the Jin realm, a breakthrough in a whole realm, almost caused Bai Yuxian's entire physical body to undergo a sublimation and qualitative change. Just the pure physical body The strength has increased by nearly one thousand kilograms, making Bai Yuxian's pure physical strength now directly reach the terrifying power of more than three thousand kilograms.

But this improvement is not the biggest, the biggest thing is strength.

Bai Yuxian did a simple test. If he uses the power in his body to take action at this moment,

With a single punch or palm, he can produce a terrifying explosive power of more than five thousand kilograms.

Even if it were a cow, he could knock it away with a single punch.

Moreover, this is the first time he has entered the realm of martial arts and strength. Although he has developed strength, his strength is still very weak and is far from being able to penetrate the whole body and mobilize all the strength of the body.

If he waits until he reaches the ninth level of martial arts in the future, when the martial arts is completed, and the strength penetrates the whole body, limbs, and bones, then the power of entering the level will be fully reflected.

At that time, the power penetrates the whole body of Hunyuan. Not only can all the power of the whole body be mobilized and exploded instantly, but any part of the body can be used as an explosion point, and there is no place on the whole body that cannot be attacked with force.

For a warrior, every breakthrough in a major realm is a qualitative change and sublimation.

But in the same way, cultivating from each major realm to the ninth realm is definitely a qualitative change and sublimation, a qualitative change and sublimation of strength.

After spending more than half an hour to fully familiarize himself with the cultivation strength and power he had just broken through, Bai Yuxian called up the golden finger's information panel to look at his current information situation.
Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: Entering the first level of martial arts;
Kung Fu: [Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter: Entering Strength] [Second Level: 0/20000];
(End of this chapter)

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