Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 72 Bai Yusheng is determined to make himself stronger

Chapter 72 Bai Yusheng, who is determined to improve himself【】

In the afternoon, after saying goodbye to Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen, Bai Yuxian returned to Wuhou Mansion.

At this time, red celebration lanterns and couplets on red paper had been hung up and down, inside and outside the home and the entire Wuhou Mansion, creating a festive New Year's Eve celebration.

Most of the servants in the mansion had cheerful smiles on their faces, because it was the end of the year and all of them had received red envelopes.

"Young Master Jade Fairy."

"Young Master Jade Fairy."

Seeing Bai Yuxian coming back, everyone in the mansion also bowed and saluted.

Hearing these salutes and greetings, Bai Yuxian responded with a slight nod and a smile, and walked through several courtyards and around several corridors to return home.

"Brother Yuxian."

Seeing Bai Yuxian coming back, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling immediately came up to him happily. They seemed to be happy about something, especially Han Shiyin, whose big watery eyes turned into crescent moons with joy.

"Anything to be happy about?"

"I just took the poem you wrote, Brother Yuxian, to the inner palace and showed it to my grandmother. My grandmother, Sister Xue and Sister Qian all agreed."

"There are also people in the mansion who all say that Brother Yuxian's poem is very well written and fits the occasion."

Han Shiyin said happily, with a look of joy on her face, and at the same time she couldn't help but feel a bit proud. Her snow-white neck was slightly raised like a proud white swan.

However, after Bai Yuxian went out, Han Shiyin couldn't help but take Bai Yuxian's poems to the inner palace. In addition, the new year was approaching, and the poems were so suitable for the occasion that Bai Yuxian's "Yuan Ri" is now the most popular song in the whole Wuhan. The news spread throughout the Hou family.

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I thought you would show this to Mrs. Bai. Isn’t this a happy new year for the elderly?

The old man is already very old, so it would be great fun if he was unhappy and couldn't catch his breath.

Your granddaughter can do it too.

During the Chinese New Year, I made it especially difficult for my grandmother.

"I'm afraid the old lady is happy on the surface, but she doesn't want to see her in her heart." Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Han Shiyin couldn't help but stick out her little tongue at Bai Yuxian in a naughty and cute way and explained.

"Actually, I just wanted to show it to Sister Xue and the others, but unexpectedly my grandma happened to be there too."

Although Han Shiyin was not deeply involved in the world, she was very smart. She didn't know that her grandmother was devoted to her cousin Bai Yusheng. She had understood this well after so many years in the inner palace.

So she originally didn't want to show Bai Yuxian's poems to Mrs. Bai, but wanted to show them to Bai Xue and others. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Bai happened to be there too.

"But it's okay, the old man sometimes needs to be angry. It takes ten years to be angry." Bai Yuxian smiled again.

"Gee, Brother Yuxian is so mean. He has been smiling for ten years. If your grandmother hears this, she will be so angry that she will die."

Han Shiyin couldn't help but laugh. She couldn't detect the irony in Bai Yuxian's words.

I thought that Brother Yuxian usually looked gentle and modest, but I didn't expect that he was also dark in his heart.

But she likes it.

Xiangling, Yuzhu and Qingmei beside them couldn't help but laugh too.

"No matter how old or young you are, you can still make fun of your elders. If these words reach the ears of the old lady, let's see how the old lady punishes you."

At this time, Mrs. Zhen also heard the voice and walked over from the corridor, and heard the conversation between Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin and scolded them angrily.

However, neither Bai Yuxian, Han Shiyin, Xiangling, nor Yuzhu, Qingmei, etc. were afraid.

Because everyone present could hear that although Mrs. Zhen said this, she obviously did not mean to blame her. At most, she only reminded her to be careful next time she said these words.

The atmosphere in the whole yard is also happy.

At the same time, in the inner palace, there was another scene.

The original festive atmosphere at the end of the year has dissipated, but everyone has become cautious.

Because Bai Yusheng lost his temper again. Hearing that everyone in the house was praising Bai Yuxian's poems for writing well, but no one paid attention to his poems, he suddenly lost his temper again.

However, this morning, seeing the New Year approaching, Bai Yusheng, who felt the festive atmosphere of the New Year, also wrote a poem. He originally thought of writing it out and making it a blockbuster, but in the end, it was lost to everyone before he could enjoy the praise.

This made Bai Yusheng, who had always been arrogant and accustomed to being the center of attention, unbearable.

He is the legitimate son of Wuhou Mansion, the future and heir of Wuhou Mansion.No matter what happens to Bai Yuxian, he is just a collateral disciple, so how can he be qualified to compare with himself.

Isn't it because he has some talent that he was admitted to the Imperial College by luck?

And really talking about talent, I was admitted as a scholar at the age of 15, much earlier than Bai Yuxian. If I hadn't neglected my studies in recent years, how could I have allowed Bai Yuxian to become more arrogant.

In terms of talent, I, Bai Yusheng, am No.1.

Bai Yusheng became angrier the more he thought about it.

He would never believe that he was inferior to Bai Yuxian, although Bai Yuxian was indeed outstanding and dazzling now. He was admitted to the Imperial College and his talent was indeed extraordinary.

But Bai Yusheng felt that this was mainly because he had not put much effort into his studies in recent years.

If he works as hard as Bai Yuxian, Bai Yuxian will be nothing in front of him.

Even now, if he is willing to work hard, he can definitely surpass Bai Yuxian easily.

As long as you work hard, you can definitely surpass Bai Yuxian easily.

Thinking of this, Bai Yusheng's eyes became firm and he made up his mind.

From today on, he will work hard, not for anything else, just to win a breath. He will study hard, and then surpass Bai Yuxian for everyone to see.

He, Bai Yusheng, is the number one among his peers in the Bai family, no Bai Yuxian, nothing more than that.

He wants those who are now praising Bai Yuxian to look down on him to take a good look at Bai Yusheng's true ability.

Next year's autumn exam will be Bai Yusheng's chance to avenge his shame.

As long as he can get the title of Juren and surpass Bai Yuxian in next year's autumn examination, today's shame will be wiped away.

He, Bai Yusheng, must work hard to become stronger!

"Ha, Bai Yusheng is working hard to study hard."

The next day, Bai Yuxian learned from Han Shiyin that Bai Yusheng was determined to become stronger.

"I heard that cousin Yusheng said this himself last night. He must work hard to prepare for the autumn exam next year. He will not give up until he takes the exam. He also said that he will surpass Brother Yuxian in one fell swoop." Han Shiyin said. .

This matter has been spread in the inner palace early this morning.

Last night, Bai Yusheng suddenly announced that he would work hard and study hard to prepare for next year's autumn examination. If he wants to pass the exam, he must surpass Bai Yuxian.

For this reason, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang were very happy. Early in the morning, they gave instructions to the kitchen to cook the best rice, fry the best vegetables, and stew the best soup for Bai Yusheng. They also told the maid to take good care of them. Bai Yusheng, at the same time also told him to take good care of Bai Yusheng and not let Bai Yusheng be too tired.

"The hanging beam is still bone-piercing. It seems that you are very determined."

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this.

If Bai Yusheng is really determined to work hard, then with Bai Yusheng's talent in reading, there is indeed great hope for him to gain fame.

But thinking about Bai Yusheng's current situation, he couldn't help but shake his head.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. I am used to having good clothes, good food, fun and enjoyment, but now I want to work hard.


"If Cousin Yusheng really changes his ways and works hard, he may be able to achieve great things in the future. But with Cousin Yusheng's current character and the doting of his grandmother, I'm afraid..."

Han Shiyin also shook her head and was not very optimistic about Bai Yusheng's efforts.

However, neither Han Shiyin nor Bai Yuxian paid much attention.

Regardless of whether Bai Yusheng is really determined to improve himself or not, it has no impact on them.

The next day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve.

Bai Yuxian stayed at home and spent the festival happily with her family.

As soon as the new year passes, time enters the second year of Tianbao.

Bai Yuxian also entered into the diligent study of the past again.

At the same time, news of the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival also came from the palace and was officially announced in Chang'an City. The emperor personally issued an edict to hold it, and the capital was instantly discussed.

(End of this chapter)

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