Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 478 Emperor Qin’s seal, Emperor Qin!

Chapter 478 Emperor Qin’s seal, Emperor Qin!

The mighty and terrifying kendo pressure burst out from Bai Yuxian's body, almost covering the world for thousands of miles.

Even Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang only felt the insignificance of mortals looking up at the sky.

Facing the sword pressure that Bai Yuxian burst out at this moment, he couldn't think of any resistance at all.

This is the true pressure of the great avenue, a supreme power that completely transcends the level of divine powers.

At the same time, with the breakthrough in swordsmanship and the successful comprehension of swordsmanship, Bai Yuxian felt that his whole body seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation in the dimension of time and space, especially his soul, which seemed to be semi-detached.

Faintly, Bai Yuxian felt that his spiritual thoughts seemed to have completely felt the entire space barrier in the human world, touching the end of the space in the world.

And at this time, Bai Yuxian felt an extremely powerful seal from the space barrier at the end of the human world, which was also the power of the avenue.


Bai Yuxian's heart moved.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, this seal could be the seal left by Emperor Qin when he cut off the passage between heaven and earth.

Moreover, over the years, since he first broke through the ninth realm of heaven and established himself as an ancient sage, Bai Yuxian himself has been looking for the seal of Emperor Qin, hoping to use this seal to judge the specific strength of Emperor Qin at that time, but all this time None were found.

Now that he had made a breakthrough with his sword, he suddenly felt such a powerful sealing force on the space barrier at the end of the human world.

There is no doubt that this is probably the seal left by Emperor Qin when he cut off the passage between heaven and earth.

And if you think about it carefully, the passage between the human world and the heaven must also be located at the space barrier connecting the end of the human world and the heaven.

Emperor Qin's seal is completely reasonable here.

This may be the reason why I have never been able to find it in the past.

Because Emperor Qin's seal is located on the space barrier at the end of the human world, it can only be discovered after comprehending and mastering the power of the great road.

Otherwise, before this, even the end of the human world and the space barrier could not be reached, how could it be discovered.

However, although Bai Yuxian had speculations in his mind, he did not investigate immediately because he was still in the process of breakthrough and enlightenment.

Especially this kind of opportunity for enlightenment is rare.

Therefore, Bai Yuxian planned to wait until the complete breakthrough and enlightenment was completed before exploring.


The pressure of swordsmanship on Bai Yuxian's body is getting stronger and stronger.

The whole process lasted for several hours.

A few hours later, as Bai Yuxian's eyes slowly opened, the pressure of the sword between heaven and earth dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

At this time, Bai Yuxian also completed the final breakthrough, and his swordsmanship cultivation completely entered the realm of swordsmanship.

Look at Bai Yuxian's information panel at this moment.

Cultivation: The seventh level of martial arts and supernatural powers, the ninth level of spiritual cultivation;

Skills: "Mingzun Martial Arts Code: Supernatural Power Chapter" [Level 2.1: 36 million/0 billion], "Secret of Immortality" [Great Perfection], "Ji Yi Sword Code" [Level : /?], Ji The Way of Swordsmanship [Dzogchen], the Master of Health [Dzogchen], Xiaoyaoyou [Dzogchen], the Human World [Dzogchen], Sword Control [Dzogchen], Innate Arithmetic [Dzogchen], Jiyi·Human World [Dzogchen] ];

Fortune: Banished Immortal [Gold], Sword Immortal [Gold], Martial God [Gold], Young Master Ruyu [Purple], Exquisite Sacred Heart [Purple], Martial Saint [Purple], Literary Saint [Purple], Military Master [Purple] 】.Lagerstroemia 【Gold】;——

In terms of swordsmanship, the "Jiyi Sword Code" has completely broken through from the original fourteenth level of Sword Intent to the current fifteenth level.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian's own swordsmanship of [Jiyi Swordsmanship] and [Human World] created by merging [Jiyi Swordsmanship] and [Human World] were also displayed, and the realm directly reached the state of Great Perfection.

In terms of cultivation, in the past ten years, Bai Yuxian's martial arts cultivation has also been upgraded from the original third level of martial arts to the seventh level of martial arts.

In fact, Bai Yuxian has not taken the initiative to practice and improve his martial arts cultivation. However, with the powerful yin and yang dual cultivation effect of [Health Preserver] and the frequent dual cultivation of Yidiandian, Bai Yuxian's martial arts cultivation has also improved very quickly, and now it has directly reached Reached the seventh level of martial arts and supernatural powers.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

At this time, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and others from Penglai Island in the distance saw Bai Yuxian's breakthrough and couldn't help but fly over to congratulate him. They looked excited and expected, and couldn't help but ask. "Your Majesty has completely understood the way of swordsmanship and has broken through to the realm of the great avenue."

Bai Yuxian nodded slightly and smiled, but did not hide it.

"Now I have successfully comprehended my own swordsmanship and touched the power of mastering the avenue, but I am still a little short of a complete breakthrough."

"In terms of realm, I should be considered a Half-Way Realm or a Quasi-Dao Realm right now."

And this Tao naturally also means the realm of the great road.

Today, Bai Yuxian has successfully understood the power of the Great Dao through his swordsmanship. Although he has not been able to achieve a complete breakthrough in his realm, compared to the realm of divine powers, he is undoubtedly far beyond the realm of divine powers that cannot be considered as divine powers.

So in terms of realm, Bai Yuxian feels that his current state can be called the Half-Way Realm or the Quasi-Dao Realm.

The Qin Emperor in the last years of ancient times was also in this state.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, the art of swordsmanship has been accomplished, and the great road is in sight!"

After listening to Bai Yuxian's words, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and other divine powers present could not help but feel happy.

After all, they will have to fight against the immortals in the heaven in the future. Under such circumstances, the stronger Bai Yuxian is, the more beneficial it will be for them.

Bai Yuxian himself was also very happy.

After all, his cultivation of swordsmanship has completely broken through and he has reached the realm of swordsmanship, and his cultivation has reached the half-step realm. His chances of winning against the Emperor of Heaven will undoubtedly be even greater in the future.

I just don’t know the specific strength of the Emperor of Heaven. If I face the Emperor of Heaven now, what are my chances of winning?

However, judging from the defeat of the Qin Emperor in the Pre-Qin Conquest of Heaven last year, if the Qin Emperor's cultivation level is at the Half-Step Realm, then the Heavenly Emperor's cultivation level is at least the Half-Step Realm.

I just don’t know if the Emperor of Heaven has completely broken through to the realm of the Great Dao. If the Emperor of Heaven’s cultivation has completely stepped into the realm of the Great Dao, then I am definitely still no match for him now. But if the Emperor of Heaven’s cultivation is still at the half-step realm, then now There is no doubt that he has reached the same level as the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Qin back then.

However, Bai Yuxian felt that most of the current Heavenly Emperor's cultivation levels had not completely broken through to the realm of the Great Dao, otherwise the Qin Emperor's seal would have been broken by the Heavenly Emperor.

And Emperor Qin's seal can isolate the passage between heaven and earth for so long without being broken by the Emperor of Heaven. It can be seen that although the pre-Qin conquered the sky failed, the strength of Emperor Qin was definitely not much worse than that of the Emperor of Heaven. It was probably just a matter of defeat, and In terms of realm, both belong to the same level.

It just so happened that I had already felt Emperor Qin's seal when I broke through, so I could take this opportunity to see how strong Emperor Qin was back then.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but raise his head and look up at the sky.

The mighty kendo power in his body burst out again.

next moment.


The entire sky seemed to be broken open in an instant, and a huge space crack appeared directly from the sky, which was broken open by Bai Yuxian's sword.

Immediately afterwards, in the depths of the void crack, a vaguely visible space passage leading to nowhere and a terrifying avenue seal also appeared in front of Bai Yuxian and others.

On the space passage, the terrifying power of the avenue seal flows, almost crushing the surrounding void into chaos.

A wisp of power from the great avenue that casually spills out of the seal may be enough to severely damage an ancient sage who is in the ninth level of ordinary celestial beings and supernatural powers.

And with the breaking of the void and the manifestation of the seal.

At this time, in the seal, a majestic imperial figure wearing a black dragon robe slowly appeared, and finally turned into an imperial figure wearing a black dragon robe.

But when they saw the face of this emperor clearly, whether it was Bai Yuxian or Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and other gods and supernatural powers present, their pupils could not help but shrink violently.

Because the appearance of the emperor manifested in front of him is exactly the same as that of Bai Yuxian!

(End of this chapter)

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