Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 477: Years of haste, understanding the art of swordsmanship!

Chapter 477: Ten years in a hurry, understanding the art of swordsmanship!

With Bai Yuxian's formal sacrifice to heaven and enthronement, and the enfeoffment of civil and military ministers under his command, it also marked that the world had officially entered the era of Daxuan rule.

As soon as the new year passed and time officially entered the year of Yongsheng, Bai Yuxian also issued the first decree after ascending the throne, which was to exempt the people of the world from paying taxes for three years to allow the people to recuperate and recuperate.

Although it seems that Bai Yuxian has unified the world very quickly after he raised his troops in Jiannan, and the world has not experienced a long period of war and turmoil, but don't forget that since Tianbao's five years, the entire world has been transformed by various gods under the promotion of the immortals. Various natural disasters continue, causing people to live in dire straits.

It can be said that from the fifth year of Tianbao to the present for more than six years, the people of the entire world have been in a state of difficulty making a living.

According to the preliminary statistics Bai Yuxian asked his civil and military officials to make, from the fifth year of Tianbao to the present, the population of the entire world has decreased by at least 60 million.

On average, the population will decrease by at least 10 million per year.

Looking at this number, you will know how cruel the living environment of the people of the world has been since Tianbao five years ago.

Bai Yuxian planned to use the next three years to allow the people of the world to recuperate and resume production, and then after three years, after the people of the world had recovered and recovered, they would begin to vigorously promote the comprehensive development of all aspects of society.

Look at today's Daxuan issues in comparison with the perspective and social conditions of the previous life.

Production, medical care, education, construction and other aspects, these are all areas that need to be greatly improved in the future development of Daxuan.

At the same time, during this process, we must also pay attention to the problem of official corruption, especially those officials who are seriously corrupt and do not do anything but destroy the reputation of the court. We must deal with them one by one.

To be honest, Bai Yuxian is not too repulsive to corrupt officials. After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. No one is a saint. Everyone has greed. It is impossible to say that there is no greed at all.

But you must control this greed within a certain level. For example, if you can be a little greedy while doing practical things without damaging the reputation of the court, then Bai Yuxian can tolerate it completely.

As long as you can do practical things and have the ability to do things well and have a positive impact rather than a negative impact, Bai Yuxian can allow you to be greedy for a while.

But if you can't do anything and want to destroy the first place and still want to be greedy, then if you don't kill you, why don't you still keep it for the New Year?

Regarding the issue of corruption, Bai Yuxian appointed Yu Chaoen to establish the Qingyi Guard, which was responsible for monitoring these matters and then reporting to him.

Yu Chaoen is indeed a man with outstanding abilities, who can be said to be both civil and military.

Bai Yuxian also decided that if Yu Chaoen worked hard in the future, he would never mind using him again and getting generous rewards.

In fact, it’s not just Yu Chaoen.

Today's entire Daxuan can be described as full of talents.

In terms of civil service, his father-in-law, Li Linfu, and Han Su were both capable officials, especially Li Linfu. In terms of political ability, even if we look at ancient and modern times, Li Linfu was definitely among the top figures. Although Han Su's ability was inferior to that of Li Linfu, Some, but they are definitely top-notch political talents, followed by Wang Wenru, Li Daosheng, Mo Wenyuan, and Wang Wei, Han Yu, Liu Yu, etc. who are still growing.

Needless to say, there are seven military commanders who have supernatural powers: Pei Min, Wang Zhong, Gao Xianzhi, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, and Baili Changfeng. There are also seven generals with supernatural powers: Guo Ziyi, Gao Shi, Li Siye, Feng Changqing, Ge Shuhan, Li Kailuo, Chen Xuanli, Gao Sheng, Tian Hao, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Li Guangbi, Pugu Huai'en and other figures, and most of them are famous generals in parallel time and space in later generations, and they are still in the During the growth period.

Even among these civil and military officials, Baiyue, Li Bai, and Li Su are not included.

To put it bluntly, although the current Daxuan is still in its early years, the most important thing it lacks is talents.

In terms of strength, looking at the past and present dynasties, since the end of ancient times, today's Daxuan is definitely the most powerful dynasty in the past.

The next thing Bai Yuxian has to do is to ensure that he, the emperor, is not stupid and controls the general direction of development, and then there will definitely be no major problems in the subsequent development of Daxuan.

Of course, Daxuan's governance and development need to be taken seriously, but one's own cultivation is even more important.

【Ding! A hard work, a reward. If you practice swordsmanship diligently, your swordsmanship will be improved by +30W! 】

【Ding! A hard work, a reward. If you practice swordsmanship diligently, your swordsmanship will be improved by +30W! 】


After Daxuan completely established the rule of the world, divided up the civil and military ministers under his command, and issued subsequent governance orders, Bai Yuxian's life also became completely stable. In addition to listening to the development of Daxuan every three to five times every day, he made sure that he had not deviated from himself. After taking control of things and not having to deal with them personally, the rest of the time was basically spent on swordsmanship practice.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yuxian's swordsmanship also improved rapidly.

Under such circumstances, time disappeared silently.

In the blink of an eye, ten years passed by in an instant.

Ten years later.

It was the spring of the eleventh year of Yongsheng.

This is also the eleventh year since Daxuan officially established his rule over the world.

And this time on the endless sea far away from the inland.

Bai Yuxian emerged from the dust dressed in white clothes, standing in the sky above the Yaochi Fairy Island like a banished immortal.

That's when. "Buzz!"

A mighty and powerful sword force suddenly burst out from Bai Yuxian's body, like a terrifying sword intent that completely penetrated the entire world.


The sky seemed to burst open in an instant.

The sword power that exploded from Bai Yuxian's body at this moment directly far exceeded the sword power of the Great Perfection realm.

But after more than ten years of hard training, Bai Yuxian's swordsmanship finally achieved another breakthrough.

And with this breakthrough, his swordsmanship will completely reach the legendary realm of swordsmanship and touch the great road.

Bai Yuxian fell into the state of enlightenment, and felt that his entire soul seemed to transcend the physical body and heaven and earth in an instant along with the sword intention.

Bai Yuxian only felt a feeling that seemed to be completely beyond the foundation of heaven and earth.

This feeling is something Bai Yuxian has never felt before. It is not just a breakthrough in personal strength and life level, but more like a breakthrough and detachment in the dimension of time and space. In an instant, the breakthrough and detachment are based on the dimension of time and space of heaven and earth. higher level.

However, he has not completely broken through and transcended. He has only mastered the power of the higher space-time dimension through the sword, but he himself is still stuck in the existing space-time dimension and has not been able to completely break through and transcend.

But even so, Bai Yuxian had a strong feeling that if he tried his best to use the sword power that he had mastered through breakthrough comprehension at this moment, the power would be beyond what he could have imagined before.

Compared with the power of sword intention in the past.

The power of swordsmanship that I have achieved through breakthrough at this moment is completely a powerful power at a higher level.


Bai Yuxian muttered to himself, and began to take advantage of the opportunity of breakthrough at this moment to realize the power of swordsmanship above the sword's will.

Bai Yuxian knew that if nothing unexpected happened, this was the legendary swordsmanship.

The legendary power of the avenue, the ultimate pursuit of monks.

At this time, in the sky, with Bai Yuxian's breakthrough, with Bai Yuxian as the center, the void for dozens of miles around was directly and violently distorted, and in the end, it was directly distorted into space cracks visible to the naked eye.

This scene is astonishing. From a distance, it looks like the entire human world is completely unable to bear the power and Bai Yuxian bursting out at this moment.

The terrifying pressure of swordsmanship swept across the land thousands of miles away.

Even those who are powerful at the level of gods and humans, facing this terrifying sword pressure at this moment, can only feel the feeling of a mortal looking up to the sky.

"Such a breath!"

On Penglai Island, which is less than a hundred miles away, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and other celestial beings living on Penglai Island were instantly alarmed. They flew high into the sky and looked at Bai Yuxian in the void with horrified eyes.

Originally, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level was already at the ninth level of heaven and human, reaching the level of ancient sages.

And now there is another breakthrough.

"It's Your Majesty. With this terrifying pressure of swordsmanship, could it be that Your Majesty has comprehended the legendary swordsmanship and touched the realm of the legendary avenue?"

Everyone couldn't calm down, and couldn't help but stir up a storm in their hearts, especially when they felt the terrifying kendo aura emanating from Bai Yuxian's body at this moment.

This terrifying aura of sword pressure is obviously an aura of power that is completely transcendent of the supernatural powers of gods and humans. It is not at all the power that the supernatural powers of gods and humans should have.

Bai Yuxian, on the other hand, had no distractions and devoted himself wholeheartedly to breakthrough and enlightenment.

At the same time, during this period, he finally successfully integrated [Jiyi Kendo] and [Human World], creating his own swordsmanship.

And this swordsmanship will also be a manifestation of his swordsmanship. It is a great swordsmanship created based on his swordsmanship that completely transcends the level of divine powers.

"Since it is the fusion of [Jiyi Sword Dao] and [Human World], then this sword should be called [Jiyi Renshijian]!"

Extremely accomplished in swordsmanship!

This will also be the name of Bai Yuxian's kendo in the future.

The way of swordsmanship that is understood based on the [Jiyi Sword Code].

(End of this chapter)

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