Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 476: The national destiny turns into a dragon, and the dragon patrols the sky!

Chapter 476: The national destiny turns into a dragon, and the dragon patrols the sky!

"Ziwei destiny."

Bai Yuxian's heart moved slightly, and the golden finger's information panel was summoned from his consciousness.

Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: The third level of martial arts and supernatural powers, the ninth level of spiritual cultivation;

Skills: "Mingzun Martial Arts Code: Supernatural Power Chapter" [Level 1.1: 10 million/0 billion], "Secret of Immortality" [Great Perfection], "Jiyi Sword Codex" [Level : /? ], Ultimate Swordsmanship [Dzogchen], Health Preserver [Dzogchen], Xiaoyaoyou [Dzogchen], Human World [Dzogchen], Swordsmanship [Dzogchen], Innate Arithmetic [Introduction];

Fortune: Banished Immortal [Gold], Sword Immortal [Gold], Martial God [Gold], Young Master Ruyu [Purple], Exquisite Sacred Heart [Purple], Martial Saint [Purple], Literary Saint [Purple], Military Master [Purple] 】.Lagerstroemia 【Gold】;——

As expected, the [Demon Star] destiny, which was originally only a blue-level destiny, was directly promoted to the golden [Purple Micro] destiny.

Ziwei Emperor Star, the Nine-Five Supreme, destined by destiny, blessed with luck

This is the effect of Ziwei's destiny.

At this time, the national destiny gathering in the sky has also reached the final moment of taking shape.

The endless divine light formed into pieces of colorful auspicious clouds that gathered in the sky above the capital, covering the sky for dozens of miles in radius.

And that's when.

"hold head high!"

With a thunderous dragon roar sounded.

A huge five-clawed golden dragon with a length of a hundred feet slowly appeared from the auspicious clouds gathered by the national fortune, and soared down from the clouds.

And this huge five-clawed golden dragon is also the result of Daxuan's national destiny.

Golden dragon for national luck!


"Five-clawed golden dragon!"


Everyone in the entire capital watching this scene couldn't help but burst into excitement.

After all, this is a dragon, and it is also the legendary five-clawed golden dragon. It appeared in the heaven-sacrifice ceremony of the White Jade Immortal's enthronement ceremony. This looks like an auspicious omen.

"hold head high!"

The huge dragon body of the five-clawed golden dragon slowly flew down from the clouds, and then flew directly towards the White Jade Immortal on the altar.

Finally, when it flew in front of Bai Yuxian on the altar, the five-clawed golden dragon stopped, and as if it had its own spiritual wisdom, a pair of dragon eyes looked at Bai Yuxian meekly, and the dragon head even took the initiative to get in front of Bai Yuxian. .

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes.

Because he can clearly feel that the five-clawed golden dragon transformed into the national destiny does have its own intelligence and can communicate with him and convey emotions and information to him.

After the national destiny is formed, does the dragon of national destiny have its own intelligence and spirituality?

Bai Yuxian could not help but guess, but this could not be confirmed because this was also the first time he had seen the Golden Dragon of National Fortune.

Looking at the five-clawed golden dragon that flew to and stopped in front of him, feeling the gentle and emotional message coming from his spiritual consciousness, Bai Yuxian also stepped out, and his figure soared up and landed on the forehead of the five-clawed golden dragon. Located between two dragon horns.

"hold head high!"

The golden dragon seems to have been waiting for Bai Yuxian to ride.

After Bai Yuxian's figure landed, the five-clawed golden dragon roared loudly again, and then its huge dragon body soared into the sky again.

The five-clawed golden dragon first dragged Bai Yuxian to patrol and hover over the entire capital for a while, and then dragged Bai Yuxian to fly towards the distant sky.

"Your Majesty, you have left with the dragon!"

Everyone in the capital watching this scene couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the civil and military officials became a little numb, and Bai Yuxian went directly to control the dragon. What should they do? Moreover, according to today's ceremony and regulations, there will be a court meeting to be held later.

Fortunately, Li Su spoke at this time.

"The five-clawed golden dragon is the transformation of my Daxuan Kingdom. Now it is taking His Majesty away in the sky. It should be taking Your Majesty to inspect the world."

"Your Majesty is patrolling the sky with a dragon. This is unprecedented auspiciousness in ancient and modern times. There is no need to worry, just wait patiently for His Majesty's return."

After hearing Li Su's words, the hearts of all the civil and military personnel present calmed down.

On the other hand, Li Su's words were indeed correct. After Jinlong dragged Bai Yuxian away from the capital, he flew directly to all parts of the world.

First it was Luoyang, then Hedong, Hebei, Henan, Huainan, Jiangnan, Lingnan, Jiannan, Qianzhong, Longyou, etc. Nowadays, various cities and places under the rule of Daxuan.

The five-clawed golden dragon dragged Bai Yuxian to inspect almost all parts of the world under Daxuan's rule.

And this scene is also clearly seen by everyone all over the world, because wherever the five-clawed golden dragon goes, it will roar as if to specifically swear that it and the White Jade Fairy are coming, and then circle in the sky for several times. leave.

Bai Yuxian is like a heavenly emperor patrolling the world.

Yulong patrols the sky.

"It's your Majesty!"

"It's Your Majesty!" "See Your Majesty!"


When the White Jade Immortal Yulong appeared in Chengdu, the entire Chengdu was instantly in a state of excitement.

As the place of Longxing of Bai Yuxian, Bai Yuxian's reputation in Chengdu is needless to say. When seeing Bai Yuxian standing on the golden dragon head, the whole Chengdu could not help but kneel down and worship.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but stay for a while longer in Chengdu.

After spending most of the day inspecting the entire world, Bai Yuxian took advantage of the five-clawed golden dragon to return to the capital.

"hold head high!"

After returning to the capital, the five-clawed golden dragon took Bai Yuxian and circled in the sky above the capital. Then it turned into a golden light and disappeared between the sky and the earth above the capital. The figure of Bai Yuxian then slowly fell down and returned to the sacrifice. On stage.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, the return of Yulong Xantian!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, the return of Yulong Xantian!"


Seeing Bai Yuxian return, the civil and military personnel who were still waiting at the scene immediately shouted loudly.

"No need to be polite. Today's ceremony of worshiping the heaven has ended. Let's go back to the court now."

"I will obey His Majesty's will."

Then the mighty team entered the city and returned to the court.

Now that the heaven-sacrifice ceremony is over, the next step is to formally divide the civil and military ministers under his command and appoint local officials.

However, Bai Yuxian had already decided all these matters in more than a month, and all he had to do next was to announce the appointment at the court meeting.

Half an hour later.

Above the court hall, hundreds of civil and military officials gathered, with Bai Yuxian sitting high on the throne.

"See your majesty, long live your majesty!"

All civil and military officials paid their respects.

"No need to be polite, just lie flat."

Bai Yuxian nodded slightly, raised his hand to signal the officials to stand up, and then said loudly.

"Now that the world has been decided, I, Daxuan, will rule the world, purge the world, and quell the rebellion. During this process, all the beloved ministers have contributed a lot. I have always been clear about rewards and punishments. I will punish those who make mistakes, but I will reward them if I have merit."

After saying that, Bai Yuxian nodded slightly and looked at Yu Chaoen who was standing beside him. Yu Chaoen immediately took the imperial edict and stepped out to read it to the civil and military personnel present.

"By God's blessing, His Majesty issued an edict saying that today I, Daxuan, can unify the world and determine the world, and all my civil and military achievements are indispensable, so today I grant you special titles."

"The right prime minister, Li Ru, is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and a capable minister in the world. Now he is specially named Li Guogong."

"Han Su, the Prime Minister of the Left, is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and has made great contributions to governing the world through civility. Today, he is honored as the Duke of South Korea."

"Li Bai, Minister of the Ministry of War, is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and possesses both civil and military skills. Now I am conferring the title of Duke of Zhenguo!"

As Yu Chaoen's announcement sounded, the pardons also fell one after another.

This time, the Duke of Baiyu Fairy Kingdom awarded five people.

Li Linfu, Han Su, Pei Min, Li Bai, Li Su.

This number has to be said to be a bit small, but there is no significance in the existence of any one. Li Linfu, Han Su, and Pei Min have no doubt about their respective civil and military abilities, and Bai Yuxian's father-in-law has long supported Bai Yuxian. No one can say anything when someone is made a duke.

Li Bai and Li Su are also similar. Their strength is there. If anyone refuses to accept it, he must first beat them.

However, there are more marquises under the duke.

Wang Zhongsi, Gao Xianzhi, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, Baili Changfeng, Guo Ziyi, Gao Shi, Li Siye, Feng Changqing, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Bai Zheng, Wang Wei, Wang Wenru, etc. add up to two Thirty people.

There are even hundreds of people with titles such as earl, viscount, and baron under the duke.

There is no Wang Jue, because Bai Yuxian does not intend to enfeoff kings with different surnames.

Bai Yuxian planned that in Daxuan from now on, the Duke would be the top of the ministers' title, and the Marquis would be the highest honor.

Such enfeoffment also marks the complete establishment of Daxuan. From now on, the entire world will officially enter the era of Daxuan Dynasty.

The reign name was named Yongsheng by Bai Yuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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