Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 475 [Ziwei] Fate, 95 Supreme!

Chapter 475 [Ziwei] Fate, ninety-five supreme!

In November, all the civil and military officials from Chengdu and their families under Bai Yuxian's command moved to Chang'an, the capital.

From then on, Daxuan completely took control of the capital and unified the world.

However, it will take a while for Bai Yuxian to relax. After all, although the country has been defeated, the next governance and management work must be done well, such as the appointment of civil and military officials and local officials at the center of the imperial court. All need to be arranged.

In addition, arrangements for the civil and military ministers under his command must also be prepared.

There are also the surrendered civil and military officials of Dayan and the 240,000 captured Yan troops, etc. that need to be dealt with.

When these things are added together, they can definitely form a small mountain.

Fortunately, as the emperor, as long as you can know people and make good use of them, it is still very easy, rather than having to do everything. It just so happens that Bai Yuxian is not bad at knowing people and making good use of them, and his father-in-law Li Linfu and Han Su are both A capable minister in civil and political affairs.

With the arrival of the civil and military personnel from Chengdu, Bai Yuxian immediately handed over these matters to his two father-in-laws.

There is no doubt about the abilities of Li Linfu and Han Su. In just a few days, they drafted a comprehensive appointment letter for officials at all levels in the capital and handed it to Bai Yuxian.

Bai Yuxian also looked at the names of officials at all levels on the appointment letter and found that the information above was very detailed. From top to bottom, each official's basic identity information, interpersonal relationships, personal abilities, etc. were roughly noted.

Judging from the information annotations of officials at all levels on the appointment letters, none of the officials in each position are relatively suitable.

After reading it and confirming that there were no problems, Bai Yuxian immediately agreed, and then started the appointment directly.

With the appointment and appointment of officials at all levels in the capital, the entire capital began to operate in an orderly manner in an instant.

Now that the officials at all levels in the capital have been appointed, the next ones are the local officials, as well as the civil and military ministers who originally followed and supported him. Now that the world has been completely conquered, it is natural to reward them.

Finally, after some discussions with his two father-in-laws, Bai Yuxian decided to hold a ceremony to worship heaven next month. This is something that emperors of new dynasties often do after dynasty changes throughout the ages. There are two reasons. One is to offer sacrifices to heaven, which means accepting the orders of heaven and earth, and the other is to completely announce to the world the enthronement of the new emperor and the establishment of a new dynasty.

In this way, after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven next month is completed and the establishment of the new Daxuan Dynasty is completely announced, Bai Yuxian will hold a court meeting again, where he will divide the civil and military ministers under his command and appoint officials from all over the world.

The specific time was set by Bai Yuxian at the end of next month, which is the last day of the end of this year.

It is already November, and the end of next month will be the last day of December, which is also the end of the year.

And as soon as the New Year is over, it’s a new year.

The reason why Bai Yuxian chose this date was also to get rid of the old and welcome the new.

Gone are the old years, Daxuan will be prosperous forever!

Unknowingly, more than a month has passed, and the time has entered the end of December. At this moment, the entire world has been completely stabilized. Daxuan is in the world, the world is purified, and other foreign races outside Daxuan No one dared to cause trouble, thinking that there was an opportunity for Daxuan's new life.

Early that morning, in the open space outside Chang'an City, there was a tall altar, and the ninety-nine white jade steps led to the height of the altar like stairs to the sky.

A huge bronze cauldron is placed on the altar, with three incense sticks burning on it.

The altar was surrounded by a forest of soldiers, and teams of Daxuan soldiers standing like javelins surrounded the altar.

Directly in front of the altar were a large group of people headed by Li Linfu, Han Su, Bai Zheng, Li Bai, Li Su, Pei Min, Gao Xianzhi, Wang Zhongsi, Guo Ziyi, Gao Shi, Li Siye, Feng Changqing, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, etc. Xuan Wenwu officials all looked at the altar in front of them with solemn expressions.

The surrounding areas were already overcrowded, and almost the entire city of Chang'an gathered here to witness the ceremony of the Son of Heaven offering sacrifices to the gods.

At this time, Bai Yuxian slowly appeared in a dragon robe, stepping on the white jade steps, and walked slowly to the heights of the altar alone.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"


Bai Yuxian stepped onto the altar, turned his back to everyone, raised his eyes to the sky, and spoke slowly.

"I, Bai Yuxian, entered the officialdom at the young age of Tianbao's second year as the top scholar in literature and martial arts in the Tang Dynasty. I was fortunate enough to be appreciated by my father-in-law, His Majesty Xuanzong, and was promoted and appointed as the chief general of the first army of Tiance Army."

"In the third year of Tianbao, I was ordered to lead an army to quell the rebellion of 70,000 bandits in Hongqingshan, Xiangzhou."

"In the eighth year of Tianbao, an army of 300,000 Turks, Uighurs, Geluolu and other Hu barbarians took advantage of the rebellion of Prince Li Heng of the Tang Dynasty to invade our land of China and invaded Hexi. I was ordered to lead the Tiance army to go out and kill the two Hu barbarians. The heavenly beings pushed across eight thousand miles into the Hulu hinterland, and completely penetrated the northern Hulu territory in one battle."

"In the ninth year of Tianbao, I took office as the military governor of Jiannan. I killed the demon dragon in Jiannan and put down the rebellion in Nanzhao."

Bai Yuxian opened his mouth slowly and slowly recounted his achievements in this life one by one.

Bai Yuxian's voice was not loud, but it spread clearly throughout Chang'an, so that everyone could hear it clearly, and his agreement also carried an invisible majesty.

"Today, in troubled times, I have purged the world, pacified the world, and saved the people of the world from war and turmoil. With such achievements, I am worthy of ascending the throne and proclaiming myself emperor."

"Although I was born slightly cold, it is not a shame to be born slightly cold. Only those who understand reason and make progress are heroes."

"Although I was born slightly cold, I still have the heart to rule the world in peace." "So, today I offer sacrifices to heaven and enshrine Zen, ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor, establish Daxuan, and swear an oath here."

"As Empress Daxuan, I will work diligently to love the people and benefit the world."

"After I establish Daxuan, I will vigorously develop and promote construction so that everyone in Daxuan can have food to eat, clothes to wear, and houses to live in."

"After I establish Daxuan, I will vigorously promote education, promote spiritual practice, and broaden people's wisdom, so that everyone in our Daxuan will have the opportunity to rise."

"After I establish Daxuan, I will develop medical care to reduce the suffering of diseases and hardships of our Daxuan people."

"I established the Great Xuan Empress"

On the altar, Bai Yuxian made more than a dozen vows in succession, just like the legendary ancient Buddhist saint making great wishes.

And as Bai Yuxian's voice fell one sentence after another, everyone in the entire capital was shocked when they heard the words.

Especially the people in the entire capital were even more excited after hearing Bai Yuxian's words.

If Bai Yuxian can do what he said, then Bai Yuxian will undoubtedly be an unprecedented sage.

"What I say, I hope heaven and earth will learn from it."

After finally saying everything, Bai Yuxian also solemnly bowed to heaven and earth twice.

A prayer to God.

Bye bye.


And as Bai Yuxian finished his last words and bowed, the whole world seemed to feel it, and in an instant the whole sky roared violently.

Immediately afterwards, endless divine light bloomed from between the sky and clouds, and continued to gather.

"National Destiny."

Bai Yuxian instantly saw that with his formal sacrifice to heaven and his enthronement, the national destiny of Daxuan began to gather together and take shape.

And once Daxuan's national destiny is completely gathered and formed, it will also represent the complete establishment and stability of Daxuan.

Because the national destiny is a reflection of the strength and weakness of a dynasty.

The stronger the national destiny, the stronger and more prosperous the dynasty is and the longer its vigor.

Only when the dynasty is completely stabilized can the national destiny be fully consolidated and formed.

Now Daxuan's national destiny is beginning to take shape, which undoubtedly means that Daxuan has been completely stabilized.

In this way, the future development and everything of Daxuan will also be blessed and suppressed by the fate of the country.

As the Emperor of Daxuan, Bai Yuxian can directly receive the protection of Daxuan's national destiny.

At the same time, Daxuan's civil and military ministers and his royal relatives will also be blessed and protected by Daxuan's national destiny to a greater or lesser extent.

There are many benefits to national luck.

If the national fortune is strong, then the country's development will be strong and smooth, and even bad things may be turned into good things with the blessing of the national fortune.

On the other hand, if the country's fortune is weak, then good things may turn into bad things, and bad things may happen one after another, such as leaks in the house and continuous rain.

This is a matter of luck.

The importance of luck goes without saying.

As the saying goes, one fate, two luck, and three feng shui, when luck is strong or weak to a certain extent, you can even change your fate.


The entire sky above the capital shook violently. Countless fortunes from all over the world under Daxuan's rule gathered towards the capital and continued to condense in the sky above the capital.

At this time, deep in the consciousness of Bai Yuxian Yuan Shen, the message notification tone of Golden Finger also sounded.

【Ding! With one effort and one harvest, you win the world, your luck gathers, and [Demon Star]’s fate improves. 】

【Ding! [Demon Star] Fate Promotion is completed, you get a new Fate, [Ziwei]]

[Ziwei]: Golden destiny, Ziwei Emperor Star, Nine-Five Supreme, destined by destiny, blessed with luck

(End of this chapter)

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