Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 66 Amazing Kendo Talent

Chapter 66 Amazing Kendo Talent

Men, after all, must fall and return to their roots.

Where it comes from and where it goes back.

That night, Bai Yuxian realized this truth deeply.

I woke up early and on time with my biological clock, put on my training clothes and prepared to go to the martial arts hall to practice. My whole body felt refreshed.

Xiangling on the bed was still in a lazy sleep, her pure and beautiful face was tired after hard work and as gorgeous as a flower after being watered, and the corners of her mouth were still raised with a hint of nothingness. A faint smile, as if he was having a sweet dream.

Seeing this, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but walk to the bed and lean down to kiss Xiang Ling's pretty cheek. Unexpectedly, Xiang Ling woke up and opened her sleepy eyes.

"Brother Yuxian."

"Sleep a little longer and have a good rest. I'm going to the martial arts hall to practice. I will tell my mother about the specific situation when I go out."

Seeing Xiang Ling open her eyes and wake up, Bai Yuxian laughed softly again, knowing that Xiang Ling was very tired last night and she was a woman for the first time.


When Xiangling heard this, she couldn't help but think of her hard work last night. Her pretty face immediately turned red visibly, and she responded shyly.

"I'll let Yuzhu take care of you."

Bai Yuxian said again, then stood up and walked out of the room.

As soon as I opened the door and walked out of the wing, I saw Yuzhu with a pretty face and a blushing face in the corridor not far away.

"Sir." Seeing Bai Yuxian, Yuzhu, who was already blushing, suddenly turned even redder.

As Xiang Ling's personal maid, she naturally knows everything about Bai Yuxian and Xiang Ling's affairs last night. She even listened to them in the middle of the night, so that she is still thinking about them now.
Looking at Yuzhu's appearance, Bai Yuxian knew it well, thinking that the little girl didn't learn well and actually eavesdropped in the corner, and listened for so long, even in the middle of the night, she was not afraid of the cold.

But I didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, they were Xiangling's personal maids. According to the rules of this era, they would have to have sex with him from now on.

And Yuzhu's appearance is not bad, after all, she was carefully selected by her mother. Although she is not as stunning as Xiangling and Han Shiyin, her appearance and figure are at least above [-]%.

Beauty, like money, is actually an inverted pyramid in society. The higher you go, the more concentrated money and beauty are.

If you are just an ordinary person, then you may feel that it is difficult to see beautiful women around you.

But if your status is high enough, you will find that almost all the people around you are beauties, and ugly ones are rare.

Because of social rules, we will automatically screen for you.

"Xiang Ling is feeling a little unwell today, please go to the room and take care of her."


Hearing Bai Yuxian's words, Yuzhu immediately blushed and walked towards the side room as if running away, not daring to look at Bai Yuxian.


After leaving the other courtyard, Bai Yuxian met his mother again and immediately saluted.

Mrs. Zhen seemed to be heading to his yard with her maids Xiao Tao and Xiao Lan. Xiao Tao and Xiao Lan behind her were still carrying stew.

"Since you plan to wait until the exams and martial arts exams next year before getting married to Xiang Ling and Shiyin, you and Xiang Ling haven't officially gotten married yet, so be careful not to reveal your pregnancy to make people gossip."

Zhen reminded her that she couldn't hide what happened to Bai Yuxian and Xiang Ling last night. Xiao Tao and Xiao Lan who were following Zhen had their pretty faces red, and they couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian secretly.

"Yes, my child understands."

"As long as you know."

Zhen nodded and said no more immediately. Bai Yuxian has been smart and sensible since she was a child. She believed that she didn't need to say anything because Bai Yuxian would also consider everything that should be considered.

"Go and practice with peace of mind. Mother will take good care of Xiangling."

"Trouble mother."

With her mother's words, Bai Yuxian felt completely at ease.

Not long after, he came to Wu Tang again. He first returned the "Ji Yi Sword Canon" skills, and then briefly greeted Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi, and Bai Ziyu before starting to practice.

However, Bai Yuxian did not practice the "Ming Zun Martial Arts Code" today. Instead, he took a long sword from the weapon rack in the martial arts hall and started practicing the "Jiyi Sword Code".

Now that he is strong in martial arts, he can slow down a little in terms of cultivation. Bai Yuxian plans to spend more time practicing the "Jiyi Sword Code" next, so as to make up for his shortcomings in weapons and martial arts.Taking a handy long sword, Bai Yuxian came to the open space where he usually practiced and started practicing.

Now this open space has basically become Bai Yuxian's exclusive training place in the martial arts hall. The Bai family's disciples in other martial arts halls all know that Bai Yuxian practices here on weekdays, so no one will come to seize the space.

Bai Yuxian has also memorized the content and information of "Jiyi Sword Code" for a long time, and he feels that he can also understand the content and information of the entire sword technique.

The long sword in her hand was lightly danced with sword flowers, and Bai Yuxian began to practice according to the sword techniques recorded in the "Ji Yi Sword Code".

At first, Bai Yuxian's movements were a little stiff, but after a while, Bai Yuxian's sword-drawing movements became smoother at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Yuxian felt that he had an extraordinary affinity for swords and swordsmanship. Apart from being unfamiliar at the beginning, after practicing it once, he felt very comfortable with it.

This was a feeling that Bai Yuxian had never experienced before whether he was practicing martial arts or studying.

This feeling is like finding what he is best at, and he feels indescribably comfortable in practicing it. It seems that the sword is his destiny.

Slowly, as the practice of swordsmanship deepened and concentrated, Bai Yuxian felt that his whole body began to fall into a mysterious and mysterious state of enlightenment.

In this state, he felt that his soul seemed to be transcended, and he had a feeling of being detached from the world, with nothing to focus on but the sword.

It seems that there is nothing else in the world except himself and the sword.

In this state, Bai Yuxian felt that his mastery of swordsmanship and the "Jiyi Sword Code" were rapidly improving.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but Bai Yuxian had already forgotten the time.

At this moment--

[One effort, one effort, you practice swordsmanship diligently, and gain swordsmanship +1000;]

[One effort, one gain. If you practice swordsmanship diligently for an hour, you will trigger the [Swordsman] fate acquisition condition, gain +1 progress, and the current progress is [1/100];]

The golden finger's information notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind, and Bai Yuxian also came out of that state.

Then looking at the sword skill improvement value on the golden finger information panel, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel shocked.


In just one hour of practice, his swordsmanship directly increased by 1000!
Looking at the skill column information on the information panel, "Jiyi Sword Codex" has directly broken through to the first level.

"Jiyi Sword Code" [Second level: 0/2000. 】


Seeing this speed of improvement, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Then he thought of the state he was in when he was just practicing his sword.

He guessed that it should be the rumored state of enlightenment during practice.

"The situation just now, was it accidental or inevitable?"

An hour of practice directly allowed his swordsmanship to break through from the first level to the second level of the "Jiyi Sword Code".

At the same time, a new destiny was triggered.

[Swordsman]: Green destiny, slightly improves swordsmanship talent, and increases swordsmanship practice efficiency by 3 times.

This is a fate related to the practice of swordsmanship. It is similar to [Warrior] and [Scholar]. The conditions for obtaining it are also the same. You can get progress value by practicing sword practice. You can get one point of progress value by practicing swordsmanship for an hour. The current The progress value is [1/100].

But at this time, Bai Yuxian didn't pay much attention to the fate of [Swordsman].

What Bai Yuxian is most concerned about at this moment is the state he was in when he just practiced swordplay. Whether it was accidental or inevitable for him.

After briefly reading the information changes on the information panel, Bai Yuxian immediately picked up the long sword in his hand again and started practicing.

Then soon, he entered into the mysterious and profound sword-practicing state that was like an epiphany when he was just practicing swordsmanship.

[One effort, one effort, you practice swordsmanship diligently, and gain swordsmanship +1000;]

[One effort, one effort, you practice swordsmanship diligently, and gain swordsmanship +1000;]


(End of this chapter)

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