Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 4 Ming Zun Martial Arts Code, [Warrior] Fate

Chapter 4 Ming Zun Martial Arts Code, [Warrior] Fate

"Xiang Ling."


At nightfall, Mrs. Zhen called Xiang Ling, took out her treasured jewelry box from under the bed, opened it, took out a gold hairpin and handed it to Xiang Ling.

"Take this to Qibao Zhai tomorrow morning and exchange it for as much money as you can."

The golden hairpin is very delicate and beautiful, and there is a small golden butterfly at the end.

"Mother, this is not you"

Xiang Ling's expression suddenly changed, because she clearly remembered that this was Zhen's most treasured gold hairpin, which had a special meaning. Many times, Zhen would hold this gold hairpin alone in trance.

Although Zhen had never told the origin of this golden hairpin, Xiang Ling knew that it was no accident that this golden hairpin should have been given to her mother by her adoptive father Bai Qingfeng before his death, and it might even be a token of love between the two.

"No need to say more. Also, don't talk to Jade Immortal about this matter. Just let him practice and study in peace."


Make sure you practice martial arts.

Early the next morning, before having breakfast, Bai Yuxian got up early, dressed up and walked towards the Bai Family Martial Arts Hall to apply to learn martial arts and obtain the clan's martial arts.

Not long after, they arrived at the clan's martial arts hall. Many of the Bai family's disciples who had entered the martial arts hall were practicing here. Bai Yuxian was a little surprised when he saw the arrival.

"Brother Xian."

Because the original Bai Yuxian passed the county and government examinations, and because she was as young as a jade and had an extraordinary temperament, Bai Yuxian was very well-known among the young people of this generation of the Bai family.

"Jade Immortal has met all the clan brothers and clan brothers."

Bai Yuxian also smiled politely and saluted everyone and said hello.

"Brother Xian, why did you come to the martial arts hall?"

Seeing Bai Yuxian's modesty and courtesy, all the Bai family's disciples couldn't help but become more accommodating towards Bai Yuxian and asked.

"To be honest with you clan brothers and clan brothers, Yuxian came here this time to practice martial arts. He suffered a serious illness a few days ago and feels weak, so he came to the martial arts hall today to apply to learn martial arts and obtain the clan's martial arts."

Bai Yuxian didn't hide anything. He directly stated his purpose and quickly became involved with everyone.

As a person of two generations, Bai Yuxian knows the importance of intersection, especially when you are still weak, it is even more important to build good relationships with others. As the saying goes, many friends lead to many paths, otherwise it will be difficult to move alone.

After a preliminary conversation, everyone saw that Bai Yuxian was humble and polite. Everyone felt that Bai Yuxian seemed to be a nice person, and someone immediately took the initiative to say.

"Brother Xian wants to learn martial arts. That's easy to say. I'll take Brother Xian to the clan leader."

"Thank you very much, brother. I haven't asked my name yet."

"What's the name? My name is Bai Haowu. I'm a nobody. I can't compare to Brother Xian. Brother Xian is very talented. He will definitely be a high official in the future. If Brother Xian doesn't mind, just call me Haowu."

"I heard that the college examination will be held in September. With Brother Xian's talent, he will definitely pass it in one fell swoop. By then, Brother Xian will be a scholar with a great reputation. In the future, Brother Xian will be in high school. I hope there will be many more brothers take care of."

Bai Haowu said with a smile. When he said this, he couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with a little envy. He and Bai Yuxian were only collateral children of the Bai family, so their status in the Bai family was very low, and Bai Yuxian didn't have the education. With such talent, it will not be easy to stand out in the future, so at this moment he also intends to make friends with Bai Yuxian.

In this way, if Bai Yuxian really wants to take the imperial examination and become an official in the future, he will be able to support him.

Bai Yuxian also instantly understood Bai Haowu's thoughts, but he had no intention of refusing. On the contrary, he was happy to see the success.

Because his current status is also very low, if he can gather some people like Bai Haowu around him now, his influence in the Bai family can definitely be increased.

And whether he is an official or a general in the future, his subordinates will definitely need people they can trust.

In this case, a brother of the same race like Bai Haowu is naturally the best natural choice. After all, the love of the same race is here, and there is a natural close relationship by blood.

"Then Jade Immortal will inherit the good news from my clan brother first. We are all brothers of the same clan. If Jade Immortal is really in high school in the future, he will naturally not forget his clan brother and all the brothers of the same clan."

Soon Bai Yuxian followed Bai Haowu to a small pavilion. There was an old man sitting at the door of the pavilion. He looked to be in his 60s, and his body was thin and seemed a bit frail.

"I've met the clan elder." Bai Yuxian followed Bai Haowu and bowed, and already knew from Bai Haowu that the old man in front of him was an elder of his Bai family who was responsible for passing on martial arts to the younger members of the clan.

When the old man learned about Bai Yuxian's purpose, he didn't say much. He just verified the identity of a descendant of the Bai family of Yuxian and handed him a technique.

"Ming Zun Martial Arts Code".

Looking at the four big characters on the skill, Bai Yuxian immediately bowed to the old man again.

"Thank you, elder."

After getting the technique, Bai Yuxian didn't stay long.

"Thank you so much, brother, today."

Returning to Wu Tang, he said goodbye to Bai Haowu and other Bai family disciples, and Bai Yuxian quickly left and returned to his residence.

As for Bai Yuxian's modesty and courtesy today, many of the Bai family's children also have good feelings, especially Bai Haowu and many other descendants of the Bai family who are the same as Bai Yuxian.

After all, we are all descendants of the Bai family, so we have an instinctive closeness.

Of course, some people are a little unhappy with Bai Yuxian, feeling that Bai Yuxian is a bit pretentious and pretentious.

In particular, there are many direct descendants of the Bai family in the martial arts hall. Their status is usually much higher than that of the collateral descendants such as Bai Yuxian. However, when Bai Yuxian came today, these direct descendants seemed to have become a foil.

"It's just a pretense. It's just a sideline. No matter what, it's just a lowly sideline. No matter how you pretend, you really think you can turn around in the future."

A direct descendant could not help but whisper disdainfully.

However, these words made all the other descendants of the Bai family present change their expressions.

To say that Bai Yuxian is a lowly collateral lineage does not mean that he is scolding all the other collateral lineage disciples like them.

The direct descendant of the Bai family who spoke also realized this after speaking, and noticed the sudden change in the expressions of Bai Haowu and other descendants present, but he did not care, because as a direct descendant of the Bai family, although his status is not as good as that of the direct descendants of the Bai family. Although he is a disciple, he is naturally higher than these collateral lines, so deep down in his heart, he has never looked down upon these collateral lines, and feels that he is naturally superior to these collateral lines.

If you scold, you scold.

The other direct descendants of the Bai family also looked indifferent. In fact, their thoughts were similar. How could a group of lowly collateral descendants be compared with these direct descendants.

On the other side, Bai Yuxian didn't know what happened to Wu Tang after he left, but even if he knew, he wouldn't pay attention to it for the time being.

Returning to the courtyard where he lived, Bai Yuxian immediately began to read the exercises.

"Mingzun Martial Arts Code" Bai Yuxian knows that this is the clan-controlling technique of their Bai family. It cannot be learned by the descendants of the Bai family, nor can it be passed on to outsiders. It has been passed down to Bai Xianwu, the Martial Marquis of their Bai family. It is said to be a top martial arts technique that directly points to the realm of supernatural powers. The method has an extraordinary origin. It was obtained from a cave by chance by Marquis Wu of the Bai family. It is suspected to be an ancient method.

It was precisely with this skill that the Bai family, Wuhou Bai Xianwucai, completely rose up, refined martial arts and magical powers, became the founding general of the Tang Dynasty, and was awarded the title of Wuhou. This is how the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion came into being.

"Qi and Blood Chapter."

As he opened the technique, Bai Yuxian immediately discovered that the "Ming Zun Martial Arts Code" he had obtained was not complete. It was only the first part of the technique, the Qi and Blood chapter, which corresponds to the practice of martial arts in the Qi and Blood realm.

Martial arts practice is divided into five major realms. The first major realm is the Qi and Blood realm, and each major realm is subdivided into nine smaller realms.

What Bai Yuxian has now obtained is the cultivation method of "Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter: Qi and Blood Chapter".

But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, this top martial arts technique is the most precious treasure of the Bai family, so naturally it is impossible to give them all easily.

If he wants to obtain the subsequent skills, he will probably have to wait until he reaches the peak of Qi and Blood Realm.

"However, it is enough."

Then Bai Yuxian began to practice according to the technique.

An hour later.

【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you study hard and practice hard for an hour, you will get +10 in cultivation;]

【Ding!One effort, one gain, study hard for an hour, trigger [Warrior] fate acquisition conditions, obtain progress +1, current progress [1/100];]

(End of this chapter)

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