Chapter 20
After the hospital examination ended, Bai Yuxian's life returned to its previous two points and one line.

I went to the martial arts hall early in the day to practice, and in the evening I came home and took a shower, then stayed up late to read in the company of Xiang Ling.

Practicing for five hours during the day and studying for three hours at night, although he was busy, Bai Yuxian felt fulfilled. The most important thing was that he could feel his improvement every moment.

However, after the college exam, Bai Yuxian found that there seemed to be more people in the house who cared about her. Every time on the way to and from the martial arts hall, from time to time, when she met people she knew or didn't know, she would ask how she did in the exam, and then say He made some superficially polite remarks, praising him for his civil and military skills and that he would definitely pass.

Of course, just listen to these words. In the adult world, sometimes even relatives and friends may not be reliable, not to mention these outsiders. Most of them say one thing but have another in their hearts. Anyone who believes in it is a fool.

Bai Yuxian responded to these words in a polite and courteous manner. You were polite and I was polite, but everyone knew what was going on in his heart.

Just like that, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

In ten days, Bai Yuxian's cultivation and destiny acquisition progress have improved tremendously again.

Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: The third level of martial arts Qi and blood;
Kung Fu: "Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter Qi and Blood Chapter" [Level 1950: 4000/[-]];
In terms of cultivation level, the progress of the fourth level of "Ming Zun Martial Arts: Qi and Blood Chapter" has reached [1950/4000]. According to the current cultivation progress, it will only take less than half a month to break through again. .

In addition, in terms of obtaining fate, the progress of obtaining the fate of [Scribe] has reached [304/1000], and the progress of obtaining the fate of [Martial Chi] has also reached [240/1000].

However, the fastest improvement in acquisition progress is the [Wisdom Heart] fate triggered at the end. In more than ten days, the progress has reached [78/1000], which is faster than the acquisition progress of [Scribe] and [Martial Chi]. Fast, because the progress conditions for obtaining the [Wisdom Heart] destiny are the same as the original [Inspiration] destiny. It mainly depends on Bai Yuxian's inspiration when he is studying. When he has inspiration and quick thinking, he will get it.

But now that she has the blessings of the two fates of [Scholar] and [Inspiration], Bai Yuxian's probability of getting inspiration while studying has greatly increased, which has led to a greatly improved progress in obtaining the [Wisdom Heart] fate.

The effects equivalent to the two fates of [Scholar] and [Inspiration] also have a blessing effect on the progress of obtaining the [Wisdom Heart] fate.

According to the current situation, Bai Yuxian feels that among the three major triggers of [Scribe], [Martial Chi] and [Wisdom Heart], the blue destiny is triggered. Although the [Wisdom Heart] destiny is triggered the latest, it may become the first blue trigger for him. Fate.

Seeing her improvement during this period, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel satisfied, and then she couldn't help but look forward to it.

Because the ten-day period has passed, tomorrow is the day when the results of the college examination will be released.

To be honest, although she was very confident about her exam this time, as the results were about to be released, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel a little more nervous.

This feeling is like the feeling I had when I wanted to check my results after the college entrance examination in my previous life.

In terms of importance, the imperial examinations in this world are definitely worse than the college entrance examinations in the previous life.

That night, Bai Yuxian rarely slept soundly. He was thinking about the results of the college examination the next day, and then he woke up involuntarily at dawn.

"It seems that my state of mind still needs tempering."

Bai Yuxian sighed in his heart, but he thought this might be normal.

The so-called state of mind, the so-called Gujing Wubo, can make a mountain collapse in front of his eyes without changing his expression. Bai Yuxian feels that this is mainly related to his status.

Just like a rich person, he would definitely be indifferent to 1 yuan, but for a poor person who can't even afford food, how can he be indifferent to 1 yuan, no matter how good his mood is.

Bai Changsheng feels that whether something can affect a person's mood mainly depends on how much impact it has on a person.

For example, if Bai Yuxian is the legitimate son of the Bai family and has a distinguished status, then he does not need to pay too much attention to this college examination. Even if he fails to pass this time, it will not have a great impact on him, but he is only a collateral descendant, and he carries more of his mother. He and his sister's expectations, as well as the fate of the whole family, now require fame to protect him, so under this situation, he has no choice but to not care about his results in this college examination.

After waking up early, Bai Yuxian simply got up directly.

Then when he got up, he found that his mother Zhen and his sister Xiang Ling had also gotten up.

Obviously, not only he, but also his mother Zhen and his sister Xiang Ling were very concerned about the results of this college examination.

However, Zhen still comforted Bai Yuxian in advance.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. No matter what the outcome is, mother, me and your sister will always believe in and support you." "Yeah."

When Bai Yuxian heard this, a smile appeared on his face. It had to be said that having such a mother was definitely a lucky thing in life.

Later, Bai Yuxian also had breakfast at home with his mother Zhen and sister Xiangling.

As for Wu Tang, it is definitely impossible for him to practice again today.

After eating, Bai Yuxian simply dressed up and then went out and walked directly out of the Hou Mansion towards Taiyuan University.

Because the place where the college examination results are released is also in Taiyuan College.

"Jade Immortal."

Bai Yuxian had just left the house when he saw Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu.

"Brother Clan, Qingzi, Ziyu, you are here."

Bai Yuxian looked at the four of them unexpectedly and found that the four of them were not dressed in the usual attire for training in the martial arts hall, but in casual clothes for going out.

"I heard that today is the day when the examination results will be released. I think Yuxian is also going to see the results. We also plan to go with Yuxian to get acquainted with Yuxian's literary spirit. I don't know what Yuxian wants."

However, after discussing it last night, the four of them decided to go with Bai Yuxian for the examination results today. After getting along with each other during this time, they also had a very good relationship with Bai Yuxian and planned to go and cheer for Bai Yuxian. Once Bai Yuxian came on If you are in a high school, one more person can make it more lively.

Bai Yuxian heard the words and immediately understood what the four people meant, and immediately smiled.

"Brother Clan, Qingzi, and Ziyu are willing to accompany me, which is something Yuxian can only ask for."

Then the five people immediately left together.

After leaving the Wuhou Mansion through the small gate, they arrived outside the gate of Taiyuan College not long after.

At this time, there was still a long time before the results were released, but there were already no less than a thousand students and crowd waiting to gather outside the door. At first glance, they were all densely packed with heads.

The business of the surrounding teahouses and restaurants was also surprisingly good on this day, and they were full of people early in the morning.

"Yuxian, let's go to the front." Bai Haowu suggested after looking at the crowd in front of him.

Bai Yuxian also nodded. There were indeed too many people present. If you wanted to know the results of the rankings as soon as possible, you had to go to the front.

Fortunately, the five of them were all martial arts practitioners, and they were all young and strong, so they squeezed to the front easily.

After waiting like this for nearly half an hour, more and more people gathered around.


A loud bell rang from Taiyue College, and a civil servant, two subordinate officers and a team of more than a dozen guards came out of Taiyue College, holding the inscription in hand.


The scene also fell silent, and everyone became quiet, knowing that the results were about to be released.

Then he listened to the leader of the civil service.

"In this capital college examination, ten top students were selected, nine were selected for the second time, and a total of nine were selected."

(End of this chapter)

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