Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 19 The college exam is over, God is waiting

Chapter 19 The college examination is over, ten days of waiting

"Brother Yuxian."

Not long after, when they returned home, Xiangling immediately trotted up to meet her happily. She wanted to hug Bai Yuxian directly and throw herself into Bai Yuxian's arms, but she was worried that she would be displeased by being too unreserved, so she hesitated again.

Bai Yuxian saw the girl's thoughts in an instant, and immediately smiled and took the initiative to pull the girl into his arms. He smelled the faint fragrance of the girl and asked.

"Where's the mother?"

Feeling Bai Yuxian's gentle embrace, the first such personal contact, the girl suddenly blushed, feeling shy, but at the same time extremely happy, she whispered a reply.

"Mother has gone to the inner palace."

Zhen has to go to the inner palace every day to do some busy work, so she doesn't wait at home like Xiang Ling.

Bai Yuxian nodded, and then let go of Xiang Ling and did not continue to hold him, otherwise he felt that he would not be able to suppress the ancient power in his body. After all, he was still young and was not an innocent virgin, so he knew better. He knows the allure of women to men, especially girls like Xiang Ling who are pure in desire. Unless they are men with physical problems, it is absolutely impossible not to be tempted, especially when they are in their arms.

But now is not the time for Bai Yuxian to think about women.

One is that his achievements have not yet been completed, and the situation at home has not been greatly improved. How can he think about this? It is definitely a taboo for men to start coveting women for pleasure before their achievements are completed.

Furthermore, his current martial arts practice is still in the Qi and Blood realm. The Qi and Blood realm is the first major realm of martial arts and is also the realm where martial arts is the foundation. The most important thing for a warrior in this realm is to strengthen the body and strengthen the Qi and blood essence. Yuan, so in this state, it is too late to hold on to one's own essence. If you still find a woman, not only will it slow down your own cultivation speed, but if you indulge too much and damage your origin, that will be the most fatal.

Therefore, in the realm of martial arts, qi and blood, if you want to lay a solid foundation, go far in the future, and practice quickly, you must pay attention to abstinence from drinking and sex, especially when it comes to female sex, you must not touch it.

As long as you break through the qi and blood realm and step into the energy, the foundation will be solid and you can lift the ban.

But everyone knows the truth. Almost everyone who practices martial arts knows this truth, but there are very few people who can actually do it. I'm afraid it's only one in a hundred.

After all, quitting drinking is easy to say, but when it comes to quitting sex, how many men in this world can do it, especially if their martial arts talents are not too outstanding and it is not known how long it will take to break through the Qi and Blood realm, how many men can I can't bear to eat meat.

But in this regard, Bai Yuxian definitely needs to abstain from humiliating himself and wronging his elder brother in a short period of time.

And with his current cultivation speed, it wouldn't take much time to break through the Qi and Blood Realm.

After a few brief words with Xiang Ling, Bai Yuxian put on his clothes and walked to the martial arts hall to prepare for training.

Now that the college exam has ended, the next step is to wait for the results. However, the results of the college exam will not come out until ten days. Naturally, Bai Yuxian cannot waste this time. He should practice training and read books.

As it was before, so it continues to be.

But what Bai Yuxian didn't know was that almost as soon as he changed his clothes and left, Xiang Ling ran back to her room with a blushing face and changed into a pair of obscene pants.

"Jade Immortal."

Not long after, Wu Tang, Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu and other Bai family disciples present looked at the arriving Bai Yuxian with some surprise.

Everyone knew that the hospital examination was over today. I originally thought that Bai Yuxian would not come today just like yesterday. I didn't expect Bai Yuxian to come so soon. It seemed that he had just come back from the hospital examination.

"Brother Clan, Qingzi, Ziyu."

Bai Yuxian also immediately walked away from Bai Haowu and the others with a smile.

"Yuxian, you are working too hard. You came to practice again just after the college exam."

The four of them couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with a wry smile. Originally, they thought they had worked hard enough, but after looking at Bai Yuxian's performance during this period, they found that compared with Bai Yuxian, their own efforts seemed to have room for improvement. , even sometimes I want to be lazy, but when I think of Bai Yuxian's efforts, I feel lazy and unsteady.

What the hell is it that suddenly feels like being spurred by Bai Yuxian?

"If a young man doesn't work hard, his old age will be miserable. If a junior like me wants to get ahead, he has no choice but to work hard."

Bai Yuxian smiled slightly.

If possible, Bai Yuxian wouldn't want to lie down, but reality doesn't allow it.

Yes, if they, the collateral descendants, want to get ahead, they really have no choice but to work hard.

After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, both Bai Haowu and the other disciples present couldn't help but agree greatly, and looked at Bai Yuxian with a little more admiration.

"I don't know how this college examination will go, but with Yuxian's talent, I think it won't be a big problem." Bai Haowu said again, and everyone else present could not help but look at Bai Yuxian curiously after hearing this.If Bai Yuxian really passes the academy examination and obtains the title of scholar, then Bai Yuxian's status will be different instantly.

Although the scholar title is the smallest one in the imperial examination of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how small the title is, it is still a title. The Tang Dynasty was prosperous for many years and the literary style was prevalent. Once you have the title of scholar, you will enjoy certain privileges and protection. By then, even if anyone wants to If you want to touch Bai Yuxian, you have to consider the issue of his fame. This represents the imperial court and also represents the interests of scholars all over the world. He is supported by scholars all over the world.

"The situation is still uncertain, and no one dares to say for sure. The specific situation will have to wait for the results in ten days."

Bai Yuxian smiled again and said that although he was very confident about this college examination, he would definitely not be too satisfied with what he said on the surface.

Bai Haowu and the other four did not ask any more questions immediately after hearing this, but looking at Bai Yuxian's calm and composed smile, they felt that Bai Yuxian must be confident.

Afterwards, Bai Yuxian didn't say much more to Bai Haowu and the other four, and went directly to the open space where he usually practiced and started practicing.

【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you practice hard, you will gain +10 in cultivation;]

The familiar golden finger prompt for improvement in cultivation soon sounded in his consciousness.

At the same time, in the Wuhou Mansion, with the return of Bai Yuxian, the news that he had completed the college examination also spread throughout the Bai family.

Apart from Bai Yuxian's own family, the ones who are most concerned about are undoubtedly Bai Wentao and Sun's mother and son.

Mrs. Sun was so filled with hatred that she could not directly stop Bai Yuxian from taking the imperial examination and cut off Bai Yuxian's path to the imperial examination. Now that Bai Yuxian has finished taking the imperial examination, Bai Yuxian will be able to gain fame in the examination. , then it will not be so easy for her to deal with Bai Yuxian again.

Bai Wentao, who was still lying on the bed with both legs broken, was even more disgusted.

"Madam, sir, don't worry too much. It's not so easy to get the imperial examination title. Even if Bai Yuxian took part in the college examination this time, it's still unknown whether he can pass it. Otherwise, my huge Hou family will have a younger generation now." Master Yusheng is not the only scholar in the world."

"In the opinion of my subordinates, it is impossible for the White Jade Immortal to pass this examination."

The subordinate boy said.

When Mrs. Sun heard this, she couldn't help but look at her servant suspiciously. She felt that these words seemed familiar.

When he was arranged to prevent Bai Yuxian from taking the college examination, he seemed to have made the same promise that everything would be foolproof.

I don't know why, but looking at this subordinate's vow, Sun suddenly felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Young Master, Bai Yuxian has returned to the mansion after taking the college exam."

In addition to Sun and Bai Wentao's mother and son, Bai Yu on the other side is also paying close attention to Bai Yuxian's college examination.

"Okay, pay attention to the results of the hospital examination in ten days to see if Bai Yuxian has passed. If there is any news, let me know as soon as possible."


At the same time, on Zhen's side, with the end of the college examination, there were people around who were concerned about the results of Bai Yuxian's college examination.

"Hey Sister Zhen, it seems that the college exam is over today. Calculating the time, Brother Xian should have finished the exam as well. I wonder how Brother Xian did in this college exam."

"It goes without saying that Brother Xian is good at both civil and military skills. He will definitely pass the examination in one fell swoop."


Zhen could clearly feel that after the introduction of Bai Jade Immortal Martial Arts into the martial arts hall, the attitude of these people towards her had improved a lot, with less obvious yin and yang aura, and they seemed to be really nice to her.

Of course, only these people know how they feel in their hearts.

However, as long as these people did not take the initiative to target her, she had no intention of becoming enemies with these people. Of course, she had no intention of making friends with them, and she still only dealt with them politely on the surface.

In her heart, Zhen was naturally very concerned about the results of Bai Yuxian's college examination.

After all, if Bai Yuxian can successfully pass the academy examination and obtain the title of scholar, it will be a huge improvement for their family's current status.

As long as Bai Yuxian obtains the title of scholar this time, in the entire Wuhou Mansion from now on, even if the head family wants to blame their family for something, they will have to consider Bai Yuxian's reputation, especially if he encounters any injustice. By virtue of his reputation as a scholar, Xian can directly sue the government and even Taiyuan University. This is the most important thing.

 PS: During the new book period, please read it, recommend it, collect it, and ask for all kinds of things.

(End of this chapter)

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