Chapter 21
The so-called top students are the top ten in the exam. This is also true for the county and college examinations that Bai Yuxian has taken before. The top ten are top students.

And if you can get into the top ten and become a top student in the county examination, prefecture examination, and academy examination, you can become a junior student after the academy examination and participate in the Imperial College Entrance Examination held by the Hanlin Academy.

At the same time, after becoming a junior student, you can also receive a salary of six dou of grain from the government every month. Although this salary is not high, for scholars with poor family conditions, this six dou of grain is enough for an ordinary family of three to survive. In the end, The main thing is that being eligible to receive government food and salary has a different meaning.

Therefore, although Lin students also have the title of scholar, their status is much higher than that of ordinary scholars. They can be regarded as top students among scholars.

Originally, Bai Yuxian was among the top ten top students in the previous two county and college examinations. Therefore, as long as he is in the top ten and becomes a top student in this college exam, he will be able to become a junior student. He passed the Imperial Examination held by the Hanlin Academy one month later.

"There are 139 candidates in this year's college examination, and the one on the list is Xu Siyuan"

The civil servant began to read out the list of students who passed the college examination, and the order was from back to front, that is, starting from the last one admitted this time. Being on the list means admission.

The last person to pass the examination was Xu Siyuan.

Then came 138th and 137th.
Whenever a civil official reads out a name, the crowd will make a sound of excitement and then immediately fall silent to prevent it from disturbing the civil official reading the list.

Not long after, the top ten top students in the college examination were listed on the list.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel happy. His name was not mentioned before, which meant that if he passed this time, he would definitely be among the top ten top students.

As for the results of this college examination, Bai Yuxian is also fully confident.

Of course, there are no absolutes in anything, especially until things are settled, everything is possible.

Therefore, although Bai Yuxian was confident in himself, as the civil servant began to read out the top ten, Bai Yuxian's mood could not help but slowly tighten.

"In this year's college examination, the top student is No. 10, Wu Sixing."

"The No. 9 top student in this year's college examination, Li Qin."

"The No. 8 top student in this year's college examination."

As the civil servant read out, the No. 10, No. 9, No. 8, No. 7, etc. of the top students in this year's college examination were soon read out one after another.

But none of them heard Bai Yuxian's name.

"Why haven't I read my clan brother's name yet?"

Beside Bai Yuxian, Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi, and Bai Ziyu couldn't help but become a little nervous and anxious when they saw that Bai Yuxian's name had not been read at this time.


Bai Haowu and the four others were sweating profusely on their heads.

Bai Yuxian's own heart was involuntarily raised at this moment.

"The No. 2 top student in this college examination is Wang Yanlin."

Not yet.

Bai Haowu and the other four felt that their hearts were already in their throats, until the civil servant read out the last No. 1 name.

"The No. 1 top student in this year's college examination, Bai Yuxian."

Bai Yuxian.

There was a buzz, and Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi, and Bai Ziyu felt as if their brains exploded in an instant.

Bai Yuxian did not fail and actually passed the college examination.

And it's still No.1.

First place in the college examination!

is himself.

When Bai Yuxian heard his name at the end, his tense heart couldn't help but drop instantly.After the civil servant read out all the lists, he asked the subordinate officer behind him to post the entire list on the bulletin board on the wall next to him. Bai Yuxian's name suddenly appeared at the top of the list.

Immediately afterwards, the candidates who passed the examination began to go forward to verify their identities, register and receive their scholar's merit book.

Once these are completed, it means that one has the title of scholar, is recorded as a scholar in the imperial court, and enjoys certain privileges and protection from the imperial court.

"Yuxian, congratulations, you ranked first in the college examination."

"Congratulations to my brother from the Jade Immortal Clan. I am ranked first in the college examination. I am a high school scholar and have achieved great fame. I have won one of them."

"Congratulations to Jade Immortal."

Beside Bai Yuxian, Bai Haowu and the other two immediately congratulated each other, and couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts. After all, the relationship between the four of them and Bai Yuxian has been getting along well during this period, and they are all collateral descendants who are naturally close to each other. , in the future, if Bai Yuxian really wants to rise to the top, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity for the four of them.

"It turns out that this is Brother Jade Immortal. As expected, he has a jade tree facing the wind and a majestic utensil. I have admired him for a long time. I am Liu Qingyuan."


Many other students on the list nearby heard the words of Bai Haowu and the other two and learned about Bai Yuxian's identity. Many of them immediately came over to say hello.

"It turns out to be Brother Liu, disrespectful."

Bai Yuxian also smiled and responded politely one by one, and then walked to Taiyuan College with a few students who came to greet them and started to verify their identities and register.

Compared with the autumn examination and spring examination, the level of the college examination is still lower after all. If a high school student is successful in the autumn examination or spring examination, the government will directly send someone to the door to deliver the merit list of the examiner or Jinshi. That is the real test. There will even be wedding banquets such as the Luming Banquet and the Qujiang Banquet specially held by the government for high school candidates or Jinshi.

"You are Bai Yuxian."

"Yes, student Bai Yuxian has met your Excellency."

"Sure enough, he is a dragon and a phoenix among men, and a jade tree stands in the wind."

Soon it was Bai Yuxian's turn to verify his identity and register to receive the merit book. The registration official couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian and praise him.

After all, he ranked first in the college examination, and he had also been a top student in the previous two county examinations and government examinations. With such talents, it is not surprising that passing the imperial examination, high school, and Jinshi will be inevitable in the future. Naturally, he deserves to look at him differently.

"Your Excellency is overrated."

Bai Yuxian was still humble and polite.

The registering civil servant smiled kindly and nodded to Bai Yuxian again, then registered Bai Yuxian and handed him the scholar's merit list. At the same time, he also gave Bai Yuxian a copper token with the two words "媪生" engraved on it. A big character, which represents Bai Yuxian's identity as a junior citizen.

After getting the merit book and Linsheng token, Bai Yuxian's heart completely relaxed.

With the reputation of a scholar, especially the protection of Lin Sheng's identity, he finally has a certain status in this world. From now on, even in the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion, no one can bully and manipulate him at will, not even Wu Hou. The masters, wives and direct descendants of the Marquis’s family.

Because his fame represented the Tang Dynasty, especially his fame in the liberal arts examination, it also represented that he had officially entered the world of literati, and to a certain extent, it also represented the face and interests of the world's literati.

Now that the Tang Dynasty has been in its heyday for many years, the influence of the literati has become even more powerful. If anyone dares to touch the literati's face and interests, even the princes and nobles will not be able to get away with it.

For example, if anyone dares to bully a scholar who has a good reputation at will, if the matter is revealed, he will definitely attract literati from all over the world to attack, because fame is one of the interests of a scholar. Today, the person who bullies a scholar with a good name will dare to bully a scholar with a good reputation tomorrow. , If this continues, what value will the scholar’s ​​reputation have?

Therefore, the value of fame is also related to the interests of the entire literati group in the world. Therefore, it is protected by all literati in the world. This is the interest of the entire literati group in the world. If anyone destroys it, it will affect the interests of the entire literati group in the world.

"The Imperial College Entrance Examination will be held in one month. As a junior student, you are qualified. Remember to come to the Imperial College to register half a month in advance."

The registration official gave Bai Yuxian a kind reminder.

"Thank you for reminding me, sir. Please keep this in mind, students."

Bai Yuxian immediately thanked him again and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this moment, after gaining fame, especially after becoming a junior student, he found that the people around him seemed to be kind to him all of a sudden, and it seemed that the whole world suddenly became gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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