Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 56 Embarrassed

Chapter 56 Embarrassed

[One effort, one reward. If you practice hard, you will gain +10 in cultivation;]

Soon, when they arrived at the martial arts hall, Bai Yuxian quickly entered the state of cultivation.

And with the improvement of Bai Jade Immortal's cultivation, especially now that his cultivation has broken through to the ninth level of Qi and Blood, the Qi and Blood Realm is completed.

His momentum during cultivation also became more and more powerful, and his every move was accompanied by bursts of sound breaking through the air, which was frightening and attracted the attention of other Bai family disciples around him.

Although it is not clear to what extent Bai Yuxian's current cultivation has reached, but looking at the power and movement of Bai Yuxian's cultivation at this moment, one can roughly feel that the power bursting out from Bai Yuxian's movements is by no means easy.

Only Bai Yuxian himself knows best what specific level of cultivation strength he has reached now.

After breaking through the ninth realm of Qi and Blood, Bai Yuxian briefly tested his current strength secretly.

His current cultivation level is at the ninth level of Qi and Blood, and his own strength has reached more than two thousand kilograms. He can easily lift a boulder of about two thousand kilograms. His physical strength is twice that of an ordinary ninth level warrior of Qi and Blood.

At the same time, everything in Marquis Wu's mansion was busy.

Mrs. Bai personally presided over the preparation work in the mansion.

Nangong Che, General Yunhui of Nanguo Duke's Mansion, is coming to visit. This is no small matter, and there is absolutely no room for slights.

After all, Nanguo Gongfu is one of the top princes and dignitaries in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. In terms of rank, it is one level higher than Wuhou Mansion. Its power is at its peak, and its power is even greater than that of the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion. I don’t know how much stronger it is.

And General Yunhui Nangong Che is the next heir to the Duke of Nanguo.

Under such circumstances, Nangong Che suddenly sent a greeting card to visit. How could Old Mrs. Bai not take it seriously?

Although it is unclear the purpose of Nangong Che’s sudden visit.

But these are not important. The important thing is to receive Nangong Che well next. If receiving Nangong Che well can build a relationship with the Duke of Nanguo, then it will be of great benefit to their Wuhou Mansion. Word.

"Today, General Yunhui of the Duke of Nanguo came to visit. The princes and dignitaries of the Duke of Nanguo are the same nobles and dignitaries of the court as I am from the Marquis of Wu. General Yunhui is the future heir of the Duke of Nanguo, the future Marquis of Nanguo. This is me. Distinguished guests of the Wuhou Mansion, if anyone loses etiquette and neglects the distinguished guests today, hum--"

Mrs. Bai gave instructions while directing the people in the house, and then explained to Bai Feifeng beside her.

"Girl Feng, please tell me carefully. Today, when a distinguished guest comes to our door, we must not lose etiquette and let people say that I, the Marquis of Wu, do not understand etiquette."

"Don't worry, old lady, I will definitely be optimistic about this matter."

Bai Feifeng immediately gave her assurance.

In this way, the entire Wuhou Mansion lived slowly for most of the morning.

At this time, Nangong Che finally arrived. To show the grandeur, Mrs. Bai almost led most of the people in the Wuhou Mansion out to greet him.

"I have met the old lady." Nangong Che, dressed in casual clothes, saluted the old lady Bai, and said politely with a smile on his face: "I have taken the liberty to visit and disturb the old lady's tranquility. I hope you don't blame me."

"General Yunhui's words are serious. General Yunhui can come to our Wuhou Mansion today because of the glory of our Wuhou Mansion. Please come in quickly."

Mrs. Bai enthusiastically invited Nangong Che into the house and sat down. The people below brought all kinds of good water, tea, and precious fruit snacks.

Then after a superficial polite conversation, Nangong Che changed the topic.

"To be honest, Che took the liberty of visiting me today. Apart from visiting the old lady, I actually have one other thing to do."

"Oh, I don't know what it is, but General Yunhui said it doesn't matter."

"It's about my daughter's marriage. My daughter Nangong Xue got her haircut two years ago and has already reached the age to leave the court. I'm here today not only to visit the old lady, but also for my daughter's marriage."

Nangong Che said.

Hearing Nangong Che's words, Mrs. Bai's eyes suddenly lit up.

And not only Mrs. Bai, but also Mrs. Wang next to her, could not help but show excitement on her face.

Because the meaning of Nangong Che's words was already obvious. He obviously intended to marry the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion.

Nangong Xue and the others have also heard that she is the legitimate daughter of Nangong Che, the absolute legitimate daughter of the Duke of Nanguo. Moreover, it is rumored that she is not only outstandingly beautiful, but also a proud daughter of heaven. I don’t know how many dignitaries in Beijing have asked for this. The marriage was planned but never succeeded.

If Nangong Xue can really be married into the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion and the Duke of Nanguo Mansion, then the benefits to the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion will be needless to say.

And they, the entire Bai family of Wuhou Mansion, are qualified to be favored by the Duke of Nanguo Mansion to marry Nangong Xue, the proud daughter of heaven.

In the eyes of Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang, who else but their most precious Bai Yusheng is the future of their Wuhou Mansion, a 15-year-old scholar. "I have heard for a long time that Miss Xue is of heavenly beauty and she is one of the rare beauties of the emperor in our Tang Dynasty. If Yusheng can really marry Miss Xue as his wife, it will be a blessing to my son Yusheng and also to my Wuhou Mansion."

Mrs. Wang, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but interrupt.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Bai nodded in agreement, with an aunty smile on her face, and then waved directly to Bai Yusheng who was present next to her.

"Yusheng, why don't you come over quickly to meet your Uncle Nangong and let Uncle Nangong take a good look at it."


Nangong Che was confused by Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang.

Looking at the two people's operations, I couldn't help but have a few question marks on my forehead.

When did he say that he was going to marry his daughter to Bai Yusheng.

At this time, Bai Yusheng had already walked over and bowed to Nangong Che.

"Yusheng pays homage to his uncle."

At this time, Bai Yusheng was also very excited.

He felt like he was finally standing up now.

That was Nangong Xue, the daughter-in-law of Nanguo Duke's mansion, and she was also a proud daughter of heaven who was well-known throughout Chang'an City and had countless suitors.

If he could marry Nangong Xue, then Bai Yuxian would be nothing, and Han Shiyin would be nothing.

Although he likes Han Shiyin in his heart, in Bai Yusheng's heart, Han Shiyin is undoubtedly not qualified enough to compare with Nangong Xue. Not to mention other things, Han Shiyin is not on the same level as Nangong Xue in terms of status alone.

At this moment, Bai Yusheng just wanted to change his mind and call Nangong Che his father-in-law.

Nangong Che was full of embarrassment, especially when he looked at Bai Yusheng who had come to him with excitement and expectation on his face.

He has also heard about Bai Yusheng for a long time. After all, Bai Yusheng has been legendary since he was born, and the Bai family has done a lot of publicity to the outside world.

But looking at Bai Yusheng at this moment, Nangong Che had only one feeling.

The outside of the golden catkins is broken and the inside is a puddle of mud.

Just look at this outfit, a man with a greasy head and face covered in rouge and gouache looks like a woman.

Can such a man be on the stage?

"Ahem, I have heard about the name of Yusheng's wise nephew for a long time. Today, he is indeed a rare young talent in the world."

Nangong Che had to cough lightly and praise superficially.

Although he disliked Bai Yusheng in his heart, he certainly wouldn't show it on the surface.

And after hearing Nangong Che's words, the smiles on the faces of Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang became even bigger.

Bai Yusheng was extremely happy.

But just when the three of them thought that Nangong Che would discuss the specific matters of marriage with them, they heard Nangong Che's tone suddenly change.

"But regarding my daughter's marriage, the old lady and Mrs. Wang may have misunderstood."

"What Che is talking about about my daughter's marriage refers to Bai Yuxian, the son of Bai Qingfeng, Che's former friend."


The smiles on the faces of Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang suddenly froze, and their whole necks felt as if someone had pinched them, and they lost their voices instantly.

Bai Yusheng also froze on the spot for an instant, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning again.

Bai Yuxian;
It’s Bai Yuxian again;
Except for Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, and Bai Yusheng, the other members of the Bai family present were almost embarrassed and wished they could stay away from the three of them.

This is too embarrassing.


(End of this chapter)

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