Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 45 Young Du Fu, Tianxiang Tower [1]

Chapter 45 Young Du Fu, Tianxiang Tower [[-]]

Half an hour later, Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen came to the classroom after receiving their textbooks from Wenyuan Pavilion.

Mr. Nian looks to be in his 50s, with gray hair and a goatee. He is thin and has the aura of a scholar. At first glance, he gives people a sense of profound knowledge.

As a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and a famous scholar in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, Mr. Nian was indeed worthy of being a real celebrity. He was eloquent in class and quoted all kinds of scriptures at his fingertips.

If you don't have deep knowledge, you may just think of listening to the book from heaven, but if you can keep up, you will feel the power of this young master, especially many of his insights are so profound that it is shocking to listen to. Following Master Nian's explanation, Bai Yuxian felt suddenly enlightened and saw the blue sky through the clouds and mist.

This is indeed a person with real knowledge, not the kind of person who lives up to his reputation.

What makes Bai Yuxian happy is that after half an hour of class, his knowledge has increased by more than 200 points. Compared with his previous self-study at home, his efficiency has been greatly improved.

What surprised Bai Yuxian even more was that he found that after this class, his [Wisdom Heart] destiny progress increased by more than ten points.

This must be because Mr. Nian’s lectures in class just now made him refreshed and enlightened in knowledge many times.

Because the progress of obtaining the [Wisdom Heart] destiny is related to one's own insights. The more insights you have when reading and studying, the faster the progress of acquiring the [Wisdom Heart] destiny.

"Nice place!"

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but become excited.

No wonder it is said that famous teachers make great disciples. If there is a famous teacher who is capable enough, the efficiency of learning can indeed be greatly improved.

"If this is the case, you must not miss the Imperial College courses in your future studies. The remaining time for self-study can be appropriately reduced and arranged according to the courses."

Bai Yuxian made a decision quickly in her heart.

And according to the current progress of obtaining the [Wisdom Heart] fate in the Imperial College classroom, I am afraid that he will be able to obtain the [Wisdom Heart] fate in the next few days, and his learning efficiency will definitely be greatly improved by then.

However, there are not many courses in the Imperial College. Usually there are only one or two classes a day, and occasionally there are no classes at all.

Today there is only Mr. Nian’s class.

"Brother Bai, let's have a drink tonight."

After the class, Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen invited each other. They were good friends.

Among the ten people who were admitted to the Imperial College this time, apart from the two of them, only Bai Yuxian was a native of the capital like them, and from the initial contact before, they felt that Bai Yuxian was also good, so at this moment the two of them were interested. Completely pull Bai Yuxian into the circle and join together from now on.

Naturally, Bai Yuxian would not refuse this. Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen were interested in making friends with him, and he also needed connections.

"it is good."

Bai Yuxian agreed without any hesitation, and then the three of them agreed on a time and place for the evening and then separated.

Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen left the Imperial College directly.

Bai Yuxian was also ready to leave. After all, he had officially signed up for the Imperial College and there were no classes for today. If he continued to stay in the Imperial College, it would be meaningless unless he went to Wenyuan Pavilion to read.

During this period, I also met Li Wensi, Lu Shaofu and other classmates who were admitted to the Imperial College this time, and they greeted each other in a friendly manner.

Many other old students from the Imperial Academy also noticed Bai Yuxian and other new students, but there was no direct contact between the two parties for the time being.

Then, when Bai Yuxian was about to leave the Imperial College and go home, he had just reached the door.

"You are Bai Yuxian, No. 1 in this Imperial College Entrance Examination."

Suddenly, a clear voice like a child sounded from behind.

Bai Yuxian turned his head when he heard the sound, and then saw a 1.3-meter-four-meter-old child wearing a small Confucian shirt looking at him curiously from behind.

Seeing Bai Yuxian turn his head and look over, the child raised his hands politely and said politely: "This is Du Fu."

Du Fu?

Bai Yuxian was slightly surprised, but his expression remained calm. Then he saw the identity token on Du Fu's waist. It was obvious that he was also a supervisor of the Imperial College, and he immediately handed it over and returned the greeting.

"It turns out to be Brother Du, I'm Bai Yuxian." "Hehe--"

Du Fu was very happy to hear Bai Yuxian's words, because although he was known as a young prodigy and a supervisor of the Imperial College, and was born smart and sensible, but because of his age, the other supervisors in the Imperial College basically regarded him as a child, and would even treat him from time to time. Like to tease him.

But at this moment, Bai Yuxian's name, Brother Du, suddenly reached his heart, and he instantly fell in love with Bai Yuxian.

Randomly looking at Bai Yuxian's appearance, he couldn't help but take a closer look and said: "I heard before that Brother Bai's jade trees are in the wind, and he is like a banished immortal in the world. Today, when I see him, he is indeed worthy of his reputation."

"I originally thought that Cui Zongzhi was already a rare jade tree in the world, but today I saw Brother Bai Fangzhi with Pan An's appearance, Song Yu's beauty, and the banished immortal alive."

After saying that, Du Fu couldn't help but be speechless. To be honest, looking at Bai Yuxian's appearance, he couldn't help but be envious. If he could have one-tenth of Bai Yuxian's appearance in the future, he felt that he would be satisfied.

"Brother Du is too famous."

Bai Yuxian said with a smile, seeing that although Du Fu was young, his speech and behavior were polite and decent, and the young man was smart and mature, so he couldn't help but pay more attention to Du Fu and not treat him as a child.

Then Bai Yuxian was pulled by Du Fu to chat for a long time. He found that Du Fu seemed to be a bit talkative.

However, Du Fu was a talkative, but he knew a lot of things. Bai Yuxian got a lot of news from Du Fu that he had never heard or knew before.

"Brother Yuxian."


At noon, Bai Yuxian returned home.

First, after briefly greeting his mother, Xiang Ling and Han Shiyin and telling them about the situation in the Imperial College, Bai Yuxian quickly changed his clothes and went to the martial arts hall to continue practicing.

Then he continued to practice until sunset in the evening, and then returned home to take a medicinal bath and take a bath. It was almost time to make an appointment with Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen.

"Mom, I made an appointment with two classmates to drink together tonight. They may have to come back later. You and Xiangling don't have to wait for me. You can just go to bed early."

After taking the medicated bath, changing clothes, and saying goodbye to her family, Bai Yuxian left the house.

"Brother Bai, this way."

As soon as Bai Yuxian left the gate of Wuhou Mansion, Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen came to the door in a carriage and greeted him to get in the carriage.

Then the three of them got on the carriage and headed straight to Tianxiang Tower.

Tianxiang Tower is located in the prosperous place of Chang'an, and is the most famous brothel in Chang'an City.

And this brothel is not the kind of place where you can go in and spend money to find a young lady to sleep with.

A place where you can find girls to share your bed with just by paying money is called Goulan.

A brothel is a higher-end place, a place where dignitaries can drink and have fun. If you want to get in, it's not enough just to have money, you also need to have a certain status.

And even if you have the status to get inside, the young lady inside is not something you can find just by looking for it.

Every young lady here has been carefully selected and trained by the instructors. Whether it is appearance, temperament, or figure, they are definitely one of a hundred, or even one of a thousand, or one of a million. They all have their own strengths and are basically proficient in them. Chess, calligraphy and painting.

According to the rules of the brothel, if you want to find these young ladies to accompany or even sleep in the same bed, you must first satisfy the young ladies, whether it is through appearance or other aspects. If you can initially impress the young ladies, you can be alone with the young ladies. Opportunities to get along.

In the future alone time, if you can still satisfy the girl and please her, then you can finally sleep with the girl in the same bed, otherwise don't even think about it.

In short, if you enter a brothel and want to sleep with a young lady, you don't choose the young lady, but the young lady chooses you.

As for using force, Jiesifang is a government agency of the Tang Dynasty, and the brothel is completely a government background. Who dares to cause trouble in it and not follow the rules.

If someone with a general identity and background is not strong enough and dares to cause trouble and break the rules in a brothel, he is seeking death. On the other hand, if the identity and background are strong enough, he will not cause trouble in the brothel because he cannot afford to embarrass that person.

Moreover, the people who can enter brothels are basically either rich or noble, and it is easy to offend others if they cause trouble inside.

Therefore, it cannot be said that there are no people who make trouble in brothels, but they are basically rare.

(End of this chapter)

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