Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2 Green fate, God rewards hard work

Chapter 2 Green fate, God rewards hard work

Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: None;

Skills: None;

Fate: Scholar [Acquiring: 10/100], Inspiration [Acquiring: 3/100];
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
An electronic light curtain emerged that only Bai Yuxian could see.

This is his golden finger.

The function of the golden finger is also very simple. One is the information panel that appears in front of Bai Yuxian's eyes, which can display Bai Yuxian's current basic important information and progress information such as fate.

In addition, there are two functions: [Tiandao rewards hard work] and [Fate];
The function of [Tiandao rewards those who work hard] is that no matter what Bai Yuxian does, as long as he works hard and does something seriously, he will definitely gain something, just like studying, or other things, or even practicing.

The function of [Fate] is to bring various effects and blessings to Bai Yusheng, such as the two fates [Scholar] and [Inspiration] displayed on the information panel in front of Bai Yuxian.

[Scholar]: Green destiny, slightly improves the ability to comprehend knowledge, and increases reading efficiency by 3 times.

[Inspiration]: Green destiny, slightly improves all aspects of thinking calculation, inspiration memory and other abilities, allowing you to think quickly about anything.

Different fortunes have different effects. At the same time, fortunes are also divided into levels. From low to high, there are five fortunes: white, green, blue, purple, and gold. The higher the grade, the better the effect.

There are two ways to obtain the destiny. One is obtained through daily behavior. For example, the [Scholar] destiny is obtained through reading, but you need to trigger it yourself. After triggering, the golden finger will give prompts and display the progress of acquiring the destiny. However, The highest level of life obtained by daily behavior is only blue. If you want to obtain a life of purple or even gold above blue, you need to use synthesis. Purple and above are synthesized from multiple low-level lives below purple. high-level destiny.

Currently, the only fates triggered by Bai Yuxian are [Scholar] and [Inspiration]. The acquisition progress of these two fates are [10/100] and [3/100] respectively.

[Scholar]'s fate is much easier to obtain, and the progress is much faster. Through these three days of observation, Bai Yuxian has almost determined that as long as he studies seriously for an hour, the progress of obtaining [Scholar's] fate will increase by 1 point, which means that he only needs to study hard for a hundred hours to obtain the [Scholar] destiny. Once he obtains the [Scholar] destiny, it will undoubtedly be a huge help for his subsequent study and imperial examination.

Bai Yuxian must continue to take the imperial examination. After all, the Tang Dynasty has been prosperous for many years and the literary style is extremely prosperous. The imperial examination is also the best way to improve one's status by becoming an official.

Bai Yuxian's current status also urgently requires the imperial examination to improve his status.

Although this is a mythical Tang Dynasty, the status of literati is extremely high, and even now far exceeds that of military generals.

The main reason is that during the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty for many years, the literati governed the world and controlled the government. If it were a troubled time, military generals would definitely be important, but in the prosperous times, the status of military generals would undoubtedly lag far behind that of the literati.

[Inspiration] Obtaining the destiny is much more difficult than [Scholar] destiny, and there is no regularity in the progress. It is related to personal thoughts and inspiration. Bai Yuxian can only be able to think quickly when he suddenly has an enlightenment while reading. Obtaining progress can be said to be a true destiny. As the name suggests, it requires inspiration to obtain, but there is no doubt that the effect is powerful.

If he obtains both the destiny of "Scholar" and "Inspiration", then Bai Yuxian will have almost full confidence in the upcoming imperial examination.

"However, I have to pass the imperial examination, but practicing cultivation is also imperative."

After all, this is the mythical Tang Dynasty. Although the literary style of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous and the status of literati is high, if you are really in danger, no matter how high your literary talent is, it will not help. After all, there is no such thing as literary talent in this world.

And the most important thing is that now is the first year of Tianbao, and in 14 years it will be the 14th year of Tianbao.

What will happen to Tianbao in 14 years?

An Shi Rebellion.

Although this world is the mythical Tang Dynasty, except for the mythical attributes, other aspects of historical development are almost exactly the same as the Tang Dynasty that Bai Yuxian knew in her previous life.

Anlu Mountain exists and was just promoted to Pinglu Jiedushi this year.

And Tang Xuanzong now also began to indulge in pleasure, and trusted traitors like Li Linfu.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yuxian has every reason to believe that the Anshi Rebellion 14 years later will break out as he understands the history.

In this case, in addition to improving one's status through the imperial examination and becoming an official, it is even more necessary to practice spiritual practice.

In such a mythical Tang Dynasty, the two paths of civil and military affairs go hand in hand, which is undoubtedly the best choice. Moreover, in addition to the civil and military imperial examinations, the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty in this world also include martial arts examinations.

And if Bai Yuxian wants to practice, as a descendant of the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion, he can easily obtain martial arts training techniques, even if he is only a collateral descendant.

Because according to the rules of the Bai clan in Wuhou Mansion, all descendants of the Bai clan, whether direct, direct or collateral, as long as they want to practice, can go to the clan to receive martial arts skills, and if they can enter the martial arts and enter the Qi and Blood Realm before they pass, You can also enter the Bai Family Martial Hall to be cultivated by the resources of the clan. The clan will provide daily meals and have enough meat.

"Brother Yuxian, it's time for lunch."

At this time, my sister Xiangling walked in from the yard with food.

Bai Yuxian put down the book in his hand when he heard the sound and looked at Xiang Ling who came with a smile.

Xiang Ling is now 16 years old. She is slim and tall, with skin as white and delicate as snow. She is a standard beauty, especially her delicate face. I feel pity for her, she is extremely pure, and she smiles There are two shallow dimples that look extremely sweet and cute.

In addition, Bai Yuxian and Xiang Ling are not biological siblings, and Xiang Ling is not the child of Bai Yuxian's mother, Zhen.

The original Xiangling was the daughter of a good friend of Bai Yuxian's father, Bai Qingfeng. Her surname was Li and her full name was Li Xiangling. Her mother passed away early, and her father entrusted Xiangling to Bai Qingfeng's care before she fell seriously ill when she was very young.

Bai Qingfeng adopted Xiangling as his adopted daughter, and lived with Bai Yuxian's family from then on.Xiangling has also been well-behaved, sensible and lovable since she was a child, so the Bai Yuxian family also likes Xiangling very much, and now they regard Xiangling as a real family.

Xiangling walked in with the food, served Bai Yuxian another meal and handed it to Bai Yuxian.

"Thank you for your hard work." Bai Yuxian thanked you with a smile and took it.

"It's not hard for Xiangling, and as long as brother Yuxian is fine, it will be fine."

Xiang Ling smiled and shook her head, and then sat down next to Bai Yuxian. Her big watery eyes stared at Bai Yuxian eating without blinking, as if she was watching something she would never get tired of. .



At sunset, Mrs. Zhen came back from the inner courtyard of the Hou Mansion, and then came to the courtyard to see Bai Yuxian. Bai Yuxian immediately stood up and saluted.

Xiangling was also there, accompanying Bai Yuxian.

"It seems that the complexion has recovered well."

Seeing that Bai Yuxian's face was rosy and no longer as pale as three days ago, Zhen's heart couldn't help but relax completely.

"It made my mother worry."

"By the way, mother, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?"

"My kid wants to start practicing martial arts from tomorrow."

Bai Yuxian Dao told Zhen that he planned to practice martial arts.

Bai Yuxian naturally had to discuss this matter with his mother, Zhen, because it was not only about his own decision, but also because martial arts training also required a lot of resources.

As the saying goes, if you want to learn martial arts, if you want to learn martial arts, not to mention other medicinal baths, just eating meat is the most basic requirement. Because practicing martial arts consumes a lot of money on the body, you must ensure enough food to supplement it, and ordinary food is not enough. , must have enough meat.

But in this era, ordinary people have problems with food and clothing, let alone enough meat.

Although Bai Yuxian didn't know much about her family's financial situation, she knew that it was not easy for her mother to support her in studying over the years. It would be very difficult for her to support her in martial arts in the future.

This was also the reason why Bai Yuxian did not practice martial arts in the first place. It was not because he didn't want to, but because he was worried that his family's financial conditions would not support him and that his mother would be in trouble.

But now that he has traveled through time and has a golden finger, Bai Yuxian must practice martial arts, and according to the rules of the Bai clan, as long as the descendants of the Bai clan have not entered the Qi and blood realm beyond the previous martial arts entrance, they can enter the martial arts hall and obtain resources within the clan. From now on, the training will provide daily meals from the clan. Although there is no medicinal bath, there is still enough meat, which is enough to meet the basic requirements for martial arts training.

Now Bai Yuxian is still two months away from turning 19.

In two months, relying on the golden finger, he may not be able to make a breakthrough. As long as he can enter the martial arts realm and enter the Qi and Blood Realm within two months, his mother will not have to worry about subsequent martial arts resources.

Moreover, if he enters the Bai family martial arts hall as a martial arts beginner, his status in the Bai family will also be improved.

After all, those who can enter the Bai family martial arts hall can be regarded as outstanding children of the Bai family, and naturally enjoy a certain status.

"But don't worry, mother. Although the child is practicing martial arts, he will not give up studying literature. Moreover, in the college examination in March, the child is confident that he will not disappoint his mother."

Bai Yuxian added that he had completely integrated and inherited the memory of the original owner of the body, and now he had a golden finger added to his body, so he was indeed confident in the upcoming college examination.

"Okay, in the past your father was also talented in both civil and military affairs. Since my son has such ambitions in civil and military affairs today, my mother should give her full support."

"Since my son has this ambition, just go ahead and practice with peace of mind. Don't worry about anything else. Mother is here."

Zhen didn't hesitate too much. After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, she immediately agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you mother."

Bai Yuxian bowed again. He knew that practicing martial arts would definitely be a huge pressure on his mother, Zhen.

But Zhen agreed without hesitation.

Mother Zhen has never reserved any support and training for her.

 PS: Upload new books for newbies, please recommend, collect, read, etc.
  PS: I originally wanted to write about a Korean gangster chaebol, but I found that the writing style couldn't capture that flavor. I'd better go back to Xianxia. This book has many female protagonists and LSP. If you don't like it, you can avoid it in advance.


(End of this chapter)

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