Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 9: Entering the martial arts hall for the first time, [Martial Arts Chi] destiny

Chapter 9: Entering the martial arts hall for the first time, [Martial Arts Chi] destiny

A moment later, after obtaining the Wutang token and officially entering the Wutang, Bai Yuxian returned to his residence.

His mother Zhen and sister Xiang Ling were also waiting for him. At this time, both of them were happy in their hearts and had smiles on their faces.

"Brother Yuxian."

Seeing Bai Yuxian's return, Xiangling ran up happily immediately, grabbed Bai Yuxian's arm, and then took the Wutang token and looked at it curiously.

"It has been hard on my mother and sister during this period, but from now on, things will gradually get better."

Bai Yuxian rubbed Xiangling's hair lovingly, then looked at her mother, Zhen, and solemnly bowed and bowed.

Bai Yuxian knew that in the past month or so, his mother and sister had suffered a lot in order to support him in his cultivation. For this reason, they had cut down on food and clothing. The original three meals a day for them had become two meals a day.

Fortunately, he has now successfully entered Wutang. From now on, his food will be provided by Wutang. Not only will his family no longer need to support him for training, but his food will also be reduced. This will undoubtedly reduce most of Zhen's financial burden at once.

Nowadays, although Zhen's monthly income from working within the clan is not much, it is definitely not a problem to feed and clothe a normal family of three.

"From now on, there is no need to prepare more meals for me at home. From now on, I will be training in the martial arts hall during the day, and all my food will be there."

"it is good."

Mrs. Zhen nodded with a smile on her face, feeling happy and relieved.

Naturally, I am happy that Bai Yuxian has achieved success in martial arts, but I am gratified that Bai Yuxian has not only achieved success in martial arts, but is also mature and sensible, and can understand her.

And this time Bai Yuxian successfully entered the martial arts hall. For her, it was indeed a big relief for her and greatly relieved her financial pressure.

Then the three of us had dinner together.

This is also the first time Bai Yuxian has eaten with his mother Zhen and his sister Xiangling since he traveled to this world, because before, he basically spent all his time on practicing and studying, and the meals were cooked at home. His sister Xiangling gave it to him.

Although the family's financial conditions are not very good, Bai Yuxian's status in the family is really that he has clothes to eat and food to eat. Both his mother Zhen and his sister Xiangling provide and support him unconditionally.

But precisely because of this, Bai Yuxian cannot live up to the sacrifice of his mother and sister.

After eating, Bai Yuxian returned to his yard and started reading.

After entering the martial arts hall, Bai Yuxian also needs to adjust his training time and study time.

After entering the martial arts hall, there was enough meat supply to meet his basic martial arts training requirements, so that he would not be able to practice for two hours a day as before.

Bai Yuxian felt that he could practice in the martial arts hall during the day, and then read when he got home at night.

"Brother Yuxian, I will hold the lamp for you."

Night had fallen and the sky had darkened. Xiangling took a lamp from the lotus stand and came to Bai Yusheng to illuminate the white jade cactus lamp.

When Bai Yuxian was studying, she would help hold the lamp and watch Bai Yuxian read. This was her favorite thing for so many years.

When Bai Yuxian was studying at night, she would be there to help with lighting, which made her feel like her red sleeves were fragrant. She felt that every time at this time, it was her and Bai Yuxian's alone time.

The feelings of a girl are always poetry. She is at the age of fifteen or sixteen when her love affair begins, and they have been together day and night for a long time. Moreover, Bai Yuxian's conditions in all aspects are also extremely excellent. The young man is as handsome as jade, and now he is both civil and military. In addition, he is not a real Brothers and sisters, under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the girl to have feelings in her heart.

Bai Yuxian can also feel the girl's affection, but for him, now is not the time to think about these things.

【Ding!A hard work, a hard work, you study hard and gain +25 knowledge;]

【Ding!A hard work, a hard work. If you study hard for an hour, [Scribe] will gain +1 progress in life. The current progress is: [161/1000];]

"Brother Xian is here." "Brother Xian."


Early the next morning, Bai Yuxian came to the martial arts hall early, putting on a suit of clothing suitable for training.

Many Bai family disciples who entered the martial hall like Bai Changsheng and had already met Bai Yuxian last time immediately came up to him and greeted him enthusiastically, especially Bai Haowu who had initially established a relationship with him last time.

"I've met all the clan brothers and clan brothers."

Bai Yuxian responded politely to those who came up to greet him one by one, and then through Bai Haowu's introduction, Bai Yuxian also got to know these people who took the initiative to greet him.

These descendants of the Bai family who took the initiative to greet him all had one thing in common, that is, like Bai Yuxian, they were all collateral descendants of the Bai family.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian also noticed that there was a group of people not far away. Several of them were in the obvious center position. They just looked here calmly. Then through Bai Haowu's whisper, Bai Yuxian learned that that group The few headed by him are all direct descendants of the Bai family, and the rest of the people are just collateral descendants of the Bai family, but they usually follow these direct descendants. To put it bluntly, they are just bastards.

The so-called direct children refer to the concubines of the main line of the Bai family. Although the status of these concubines is not as good as that of the direct children of the main family, their status is undoubtedly higher than that of the collateral children such as Bai Yuxian. Big cut.

Bai Yuxian saw everything, but didn't say much. He had no intention of joining a group or joining a small group for the time being.

The main purpose of his coming here is to practice.

After briefly greeting Bai Haowu and others, Bai Yuxian found an open space and started practicing.

Compared to the yard where I live at home, the entire martial arts hall is much larger. There is a dedicated open space covering several acres of land for training. In addition, there are many weapons such as knives, guns, sticks, sticks, and swords around it. .

According to the rules of the Bai Family Martial Arts Hall, any descendant of the Bai Family who has entered the martial arts hall can also choose a weapon to practice, and can apply for the corresponding weapon skills from the clan.

However, Bai Yuxian has no such plan for the time being, because there is not enough time. He now has to practice martial arts and study literature. Time is already a bit insufficient. There is no extra time to practice other things. Moreover, he has just started martial arts and his cultivation level is too low. Well, he was prepared to at least wait until his cultivation reached the fifth level of Qi and blood and passed the academy examination.

Before this, apart from practicing martial arts, my main focus was studying to prepare for the next college examination.

The college examination was in September, and now it's August. There's only a little more than a month left.

【Ding!One effort, one gain, practice diligently, and gain +10 cultivation;]

【Ding!One effort, one gain, you practice hard.】

【Ding!A sacrifice, a reward, you practice hard for an hour, trigger the [Martial Chi] fate acquisition condition, obtain progress +1, the current progress is [1/1000];]

"A new destiny has been triggered!"

An hour later, after gaining 30 cultivation points three times in a row, a new fate trigger message also appeared.

Bai Yuxian immediately clicked on the message to check the details.

[Martial Madman]: Blue destiny, [Warrior] advanced destiny, slightly improves martial arts training qualifications, moderately weakens the breakthrough barrier of martial arts realm, and increases martial arts training efficiency by 5 times.

Like the previous [Scribe] destiny, the [Martial Chic] destiny is the advanced destiny of [Warrior]. The acquisition conditions are also the same as the [Warrior] destiny. You only need to practice. After practicing for an hour, you will get 1 point of progress. , and to obtain the [Martial Chi] destiny, you need 1000 progress points. After obtaining it, the [Martial Chi] destiny will automatically overwrite the [Martial Artist] destiny.

"This fate effect."

Seeing the effect of [Martial Chi]'s fate, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in his heart.

He was really greedy.

Don't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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