Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 10: The family members of the inner palace, Mrs. Bai

Chapter 10: The family members of the inner palace, Mrs. Bai

Wuhou Mansion;
The inner court;

Several women gathered in the corridor to discuss.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind. Several women who were discussing suddenly became silent when they heard the sound, and quickly turned around and saluted.

"I've met the young lady housekeeper."

The person who came was dressed in red, with a red ribbon tied around his waist to show off his slender waist. He looked to be in his 20s, with an oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a charming face, and skin as white as snow. A pair of narrow, cold red phoenix eyes gave people a hard-to-speak expression. A sense of shrewdness and sharpness.

It was Bai Feifeng, the housekeeper of the Wuhou Mansion.

Bai Feifeng's specific identity is the daughter-in-law of Bai Erye Bai Lian, the head of Wuhou Palace, and the wife of Bai Yu. She is smart, capable, and good at talking, so she is deeply liked by Mrs. Bai, and she is also responsible for all matters in the palace. Her management and control is known as the housekeeper's young lady.

Bai Feifeng has always been proud of the title housekeeper.

After hearing the names of several women, Bai Feifeng's expression softened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then she asked again.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"Are you chewing your tongue again?"

Behind Bai Feifeng were two maids who looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old. They were both born very iconic, named Yao'er and Bi'er respectively. They followed up and asked sternly, with a fierce energy.

"Don't dare."

After hearing this, several women waved their hands and said they didn't dare, and then told the truth.

"We were just discussing Brother Xian's affairs?"

"Brother Xian?"

Bai Feifeng frowned when she heard this, but she didn't know who it was for a moment.

Although Bai Yuxian is somewhat famous in the Bai family, it is only limited to the servants of the outer family and the Bai family. For Bai Feifeng and other core powerful figures in the inner family, it is just that. How can they usually bother to care about it? Those little things in the foreign government.

"Brother Xian is Bai Yuxian, the son of General Bai Qingfeng and Bai. He passed the county and government examinations last year. As long as he passes the college examination this year, he will be awarded the title of scholar."

Seeing that Bai Feifeng didn't seem to remember who they were talking about, Brother Xian, a woman quickly explained.

"It was him."

At this moment, Bai Feifeng finally remembered. She had never met Bai Yuxian and was not very familiar with it. However, she had heard about Bai Yuxian's father, Bai Qingfeng. After all, Bai Qingfeng was still very famous in the Bai family at that time. He was both civilized and military, and he was young. Just take the lead.

In the Bai family, which has seen more and more decline over the years, Bai Qingfeng was a standout at that time, and was definitely the most prominent figure in the Bai family in the past century. It was a pity that he died young.

"What's wrong with Brother Xian?"

"Brother Xian entered the martial arts hall yesterday. We all say that Brother Xian is good at both civil and military skills. He has a tiger father and no dog son. Maybe he will be another General Bai Qingfeng in the future."

Several women immediately told each other about Bai Yuxian.

Bai Feifeng's eyes couldn't help but light up when she heard this. After listening to what the women said, she felt that Bai Yuxian was indeed good. The most important thing was that she could treat this matter as a new topic when she went to Mrs. Bai's place.

Not long after, the garden of the inner mansion was filled with birds and birds, laughter and joy.
At the head of the group was an old woman with white hair who looked to be in her 60s but was in good spirits. She was dressed luxuriously and holding a longevity crutch. She was none other than Mrs. Bai, the highest-ranking lady in the Wuhou Mansion.

Mrs. Bai is the mother of the current head of the Bai family, Bai Zheng. In addition, she has two other sons, Bai Lian and Bai He, known as the Second Master Bai and the Third Master Bai. They are also the main actual power holders in the family of the current head of the Bai family in Wuhou Mansion. , and at the same time, she is also the imperial first-grade imperial concubine, so Mrs. Bai enjoys a transcendent status in the Bai family. Especially the affairs in the Wuhou Mansion are basically decided by the old Mrs. Bai, and she is in charge of the entire Bai family of Wuhou Mansion.

After Mrs. Bai, there are three middle-aged beauties, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Mi. Among the three, Mrs. Wang is the wife of Bai Zheng, the head of the Bai family. She is the fifth-rank imperial concubine and holds a high position among the female relatives of the Bai family. Second only to Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Zhou is the wife of the second master Bai Bai Lian, and Mrs. Mi is the wife of the third master Bai Bai He.

After that, there are six ladies from the inner palace: Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Yue, Bai Xue, Bai Lan and Han Shiyin. Among the six, Bai Qian and Bai Qian were born to Mrs. Wang, Bai Yue and Bai Xue were born to Mrs. Zhou, and Bai Lan was born to Mrs. Zhou. Born to Mrs. Mi.

Han Shiyin is the granddaughter of Mrs. Bai. Because her mother passed away and her father was sent to Lingnan to be an official, she has been living in the Bai family. However, Han Shiyin has a well-behaved and sensible personality, is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting, and is extremely beautiful, so she is deeply loved by Mrs. Bai. Therefore, although he lives in the Bai family, he still has a high status.

In addition to some of the maids present, there are more than 20 people in the whole garden, and except for Old Taijun Bai, they are all outstandingly beautiful, even the elderly Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mi , because the pampered life in the Hou Mansion does not make her look older, but adds to the sexy charm of a mature woman.

In addition, among the female relatives in these gardens, there is a young man who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old, who is also the most eye-catching.

The young man has pretty features, a little bit of makeup, and is dressed a bit prettier than a woman. Although he is a man, he always gives off a woman's squeamishness and femininity. He is surrounded by all the birds and chicks in the center, vying to please him like stars. Like a crescent moon.

And the young man's identity is none other than Bai Yusheng, the son of the younger generation of the Bai family, the head of the Bai family, Bai Zheng and Mrs. Wang.

It is said that Bai Yusheng was born with a strange phenomenon, the house was filled with red light, and there was a psychic jade accompanying him. At that time, a senior monk from Guangfo Temple happened to be in the house when he was born. He said that Bai Yusheng was the reincarnation of an immortal from heaven, and he would be extremely valuable in the future. Mrs. Bai was very fond of her when she heard this, and she was the legitimate son of the Bai family.

Therefore, after he was born, Bai Yusheng was favored by thousands of people in the entire Hou Mansion, especially Mrs. Bai, who was even more doted on. She firmly believed that Bai Yusheng was the future of the entire Wuhou Mansion.

Bai Yusheng is indeed a bit ambitious. He has been very smart since he was a child. He was literate at the age of three, started reading at the age of five, and started writing poems at the age of nine. He passed the county examination, government examination, and college examination two years ago when he was 15 years old. Try to obtain the title of scholar.

At this time, Bai Feifeng came from the corridor, looked at the people singing and laughing, and walked towards Mrs. Bai to say hello.

"The old lady is safe."

"Feng girl is here."

Everyone's eyes also fell on the arriving Bai Feifeng. "I've met madam, young lady, and young master Yusheng."

Bai Feifeng saluted everyone else one by one.

"How is the situation in the mansion today?"

Mrs. Bai asked Bai Feifeng as usual.

"Don't worry, Old Madam. Everything in the house is fine. With your good fortune, Old Madam, the whole house will naturally be in harmony and everything will be well." Bai Feifeng said with a smile.

"You know how to say nice things."

When Mrs. Bai heard this, she couldn't help laughing. However, even though she said so, she was very impressed by Bai Feifeng's words in her heart.

"Sister Feng's mouth is just sweet."

Mrs. Mi next to her answered, but she was thinking in her heart that Bai Feifeng's mouth was not just sweet.

No one in the house knows how powerful Bai Feifeng's mouth is.

"By the way, speaking of the mansion, I got something new this morning." Bai Feifeng said again.

"Oh, what's new? Let's talk about it." Mrs. Bai and everyone were immediately interested. Although they, the female members of the noble clan, usually have enough food and clothing and live in luxury, they will inevitably become bored after a long time. In this case, naturally There is also the indispensable tendency to gossip.

Seeing that Mrs. Bai and everyone else were interested, Bai Feifeng immediately continued.

"I wonder if the old lady still remembers General Bai Qingfeng."


Mrs. Bai nodded. She naturally remembered Bai Qingfeng. After all, the original Bai Qingfeng was indeed outstanding. He could be said to be the most outstanding member of the Bai family in the past hundred years. It was a pity that he died young.

However, Mrs. Bai did not feel too sorry for Bai Qingfeng's death that year. After all, it was just a sideline. To be honest, when Bai Qingfeng died, she was a little happy in her heart, because if Bai Qingfeng had not died, Bai Qingfeng would have died. With his performance, it’s hard to say who is in charge of the Bai family now.

In terms of personal interests, if the collateral lineage is too prominent, it may not be a good thing for the direct lineage of the main family.

"Could this matter be related to the dead Bai Qingfeng?" Mrs. Wang, who had been silent, said.

"Madam, you still remember that when General Bai Qingfeng passed away unfortunately, he left a son, Bai Yuxian."

Mrs. Wang nodded slightly when she heard this. She did have some impression of this, but that was all many years ago. She had no longer paid attention to the affairs of Bai Qingfeng's family since Bai Qingfeng's death.

"I just learned about this. It is said that this immortal brother is also extraordinary. Not only did he pass the county examination and the government examination last year, he will be awarded the title of scholar as long as he passes the college examination. It is also said that he successfully entered the martial arts last night. Entered the martial arts hall."

"Now the outer court is saying that this immortal brother is both civilized and military, and his father has no dogs."


Everyone immediately understood after hearing this. Although they were not clear about the specific conditions of practice, they also knew that it was not easy to enter the martial arts hall. Being able to enter the martial arts hall meant that Bai Yuxian's martial arts talent was definitely not low, and he was also If you pass the county examination and the government examination, you will be awarded the title of scholar only after the next college examination, and your talent will not be as young as the weak.

In this way, it can indeed be said to be both civil and military.

"Both civil and military."

At this time, Bai Yusheng, who was among the crowd nearby, couldn't help but chuckle, with a trace of disdain on his face, and a little unhappy in his heart.

Just a side branch, worthy of being called both civil and military.

To put it bluntly, when he was 15 years old two years ago, he had passed the county examination, government examination, and hospital examination to obtain the title of scholar. Bai Yuxian did not say whether he would pass the next hospital examination. Even if he could pass, he would already be older than him. He didn't get the title of scholar until he was three years old, how could he compare with him?

As for Wu.

Coarse warriors, what he despised most were those old men who were thick and smelly and smelled of sweat. Above the court, the people who really held the power were not the literati.

However, Bai Feifeng was also aware of his words. When she saw Bai Yusheng's performance, she immediately changed her tone.

"Of course, this is what the people below said. Bai Yuxian does have some talents, but it depends on who he compares with. Compared with others, Bai Yuxian is naturally good, but compared with Master Yusheng , then naturally the fireflies compete with the bright moon."

"But I think that the reincarnation of Young Master Yusheng is destined to be a high official in the future, but a high official must also need some useful subordinates around him. Since this Bai Yuxian has some talents, I am Bai Yuxian. A descendant of the family, if this is the case, it is a good thing. If Bai Yuxian really has the ability to enter the court, Master Yusheng will have one more person available to him in the future."

"Well, Feng Yatou is right. If Bai Yuxian really wants to be able to enter the court, he is also a descendant of my Bai family, so he can pay more attention to it. This way, when Yusheng enters the court in the future, he will have more available for his subordinates. man of."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Bai immediately nodded thoughtfully and agreed.

Mrs. Wang who was standing by was also moved. She felt that what Bai Feifeng said made sense. She thought that she could pay attention to it in the future. If Bai Yuxian was really talented and capable, she could give him some benefits in advance so that Yusheng could use it in the future. However, Don’t rush for the moment, wait until you have a trial in the hospital to see the situation before making a decision.

If Bai Yuxian passes the college examination, it is not too late to win over him. If he fails the examination, there is no need to think about it again.

Bai Yusheng's face improved after hearing this.

I thought that if I accepted him as a subordinate, it would be okay if I did it reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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