Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 50 Be a good person in the next life

Chapter 50 Be a good person in the next life

half an hour later;
In the lobby of the Bai family's inner palace in Wuhou Mansion;
Bai Zheng, Bai Lian, Bai He, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and other heads of the inner palace gathered together.

The atmosphere at the scene was depressing. Bai Zheng's face was so gloomy that it seemed like it was dripping with water. It also made everyone present tense and nervous. It was the first time that Bai Zheng was so angry.

But at this time, most people still don’t know what happened.

Because they were all suddenly summoned by Bai Zheng.

"Brother, what happened in the end is worthy of the family's mobilization of troops, but what big thing happened in the court?" Bai He couldn't help but ask.

But it was okay if he didn't ask, but when he asked, it made Bai Zheng even more angry.

Because Sun was Bai He's concubine, Bai Wentao was also Bai He's son.

This time Sun and Bai Wentao, mother and son, did something like this. Bai He, as the husband and father, definitely has an unshirkable responsibility.

"What's the matter?"

Bai Zheng held back his anger and glanced at Bai He.

"Sir, Mr. Yuxian and Capt. Zhao from Beijing Yamen are here with their people." At this time, his steward came in from outside and said.

"Let Yuxian bring people in." Bai Zheng nodded.

The faces of Bai He and others present changed slightly. They didn't expect that the matter was actually related to Bai Yuxian. Looking at Bai Zheng's obviously suppressing anger, he also instantly realized that this matter might be serious.

"Zheng'er, what happened?" At this time, Mrs. Bai, who had been silent in the audience, finally couldn't help but ask.

Only then did Bai Zheng couldn't help but sigh and tell the story about how Sun, Bai Wentao, mother and son secretly found someone to attack Bai Yuxian in order to prevent Bai Yuxian from participating in the college examination.

After hearing what Bai Zheng said, everyone present could not help but change their faces, especially Bai He, who turned pale.

You know, fratricide is a big taboo. Although fratricide among big families is always inevitable, even if such things exist, they must not be exposed to the public. But this time, his concubine and son attacked the same clan. , the key is that it was not successful and now it is revealed.

The most important thing is that Bai Yuxian is now a supervisor of the Imperial College.

If you dare to secretly send people to attack the supervisor of the Imperial College, even ten heads will definitely not be enough to chop him off.

Bai He turned pale for a moment. What he was thinking about now was not whether he could save Sun and Bai Wentao, but whether he could protect himself from being implicated.

"This, this, how could this happen? How could something like this happen among the same race? Could it be a mistake!"

Mrs. Bai's face also changed greatly.

Although she has been dissatisfied with Bai Yuxian during this period, she has never thought of harming Bai Yuxian so directly. Moreover, Bai Yuxian is now a supervisor of the Imperial College. If she has resentment against the entire Bai family, what will happen in the future.

And if this matter spreads, it will be a devastating blow to the reputation of the Bai family of her Wuhou Mansion.

The expressions of the other Bai Lian, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Mi also changed drastically.

At this time, Bai Yuxian also walked in. Behind him were Zhao Qing and four or five Zhao people escorted by a group of Beijing Yamen guards.

"Yu Xian has met the old lady, my uncle, two clan uncles, and three aunts."

Bai Yuxian walked in and bowed to Mrs. Bai, Bai Zheng and others.

"Sir Bai, Old Lady." Zhao Qing also cupped his fists.

"Uncle, we have been brought here. What is the truth? We will find out once we confront him." Bai Yuxian looked at Bai Zheng again.

"Okay, come on, bring Sun, Bai Wentao and others." Bai Zheng took a deep breath and ordered directly.


The steward immediately led a group of people from the inner palace and left towards the inner courtyard where Sun, Bai Wentao and their son were staying.

At this time, the eyes of everyone in the Bai family could not help but fall on Bai Yuxian.

"Brother Xian, is there any misunderstanding about this matter?" Old Taijun Bai moved his mouth, but couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxiandao.

"What the old lady said is true, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, we will find out everything after the confrontation."

"Then if this is really the case, what does Brother Xian mean?"

"If what happened that day was really behind the scenes instigated by Sun and Bai Wentao, then Yuxian naturally needs justice."

Justice means that Sun and Bai Wentao must die.

Old Taijun Bai suddenly couldn't bear it. He felt that Bai Yuxian was a little too cruel. They are all descendants of the Bai family. Why is this so: "Why is this so important? Why is this so important? They are all descendants of the Bai family. Brother Xian needs to think more about it. Kindred spirit”

"The old lady is right, we are all descendants of the Bai family, but precisely because we are all descendants of the Bai family, this matter cannot be tolerated. We are all descendants of the Bai family, members of the Bai family, but the mother and son of the Sun family and Bai Wentao are To do such a thing regardless of the feelings of the same clan shows how vicious the heart is. If such a vicious person is not dealt with impartially and cleans up the family, I am afraid he will only continue to bring disaster to the family. And if he is not dealt with impartially, how many members of the Bai family can accept it? , I’m afraid that my huge Bai family will all turn away from each other."

Bai Yuxian looked at Old Mrs. Bai and said in a calm tone. His voice was not loud, but it made everyone present change their expressions, especially Old Mrs. Bai, who couldn't help but turn pale.


These four words are fatal to a big family.

Once they are separated from each other, the whole family will inevitably break up. If the family is broken up, what is the meaning of their main family?Moreover, Bai Yuxian's words are definitely not alarmist. If this matter is not handled impartially, first of all, Bai Yuxian will not agree. Secondly, other descendants of the Bai family who are like Bai Yuxian will definitely not be satisfied. If they make a fuss or even raise their arms, it might even cause the entire Bai family to fight against their main family.

The most important thing is that Bai Yuxian is now a supervisor of the Imperial College, and he definitely has the weight and ability. If Bai Yuxian takes the lead, I am afraid that some of the descendants of the Bai family will be willing to follow Bai Yuxian.

By that time, it will definitely not only be a question of the Bai family's reputation, but also a question of whether the entire Bai family can continue to maintain it.

"As for the feelings of the same clan, I think this matter should not be arrested directly through the Jing Yamen. It is better to discuss it with my uncle first and let the uncle and the old lady handle justice. Yuxian already cares about the feelings of the same clan enough."

Bai Yuxian's face and tone were still calm, but at this time everyone could hear the sharpness in Bai Yuxian's words.

Bai Yuxian's words made it very clear. I didn't directly ask the capital government to arrest people and make the matter known to the whole city. Instead, I told the clan first and asked you to handle the matter within the clan fairly. This was because I was concerned about the feelings of the same clan and the face of the family.

But if you still can't handle it fairly and satisfy me at this time, then don't blame me for being rude.

Mrs. Bai's face suddenly showed a look of sarcasm and she stopped talking.

She felt a little frightened and angry in her heart, feeling that Bai Yuxian disrespected her as an elder and refused to give her face, but she didn't dare to get angry. Now Bai Yuxian, she really couldn't hold it down anymore.

Especially since Bai Yuxian is responsible for this matter.

Everyone present saw Mrs. Bai being scolded by Bai Yuxian's few words. Bai Zheng did not say a word. Naturally, others did not dare to say anything, even Bai Lian and Bai He.

But their thoughts are different.

Bai Lian and Mrs. Zhou looked like they were watching a good show. After understanding that the matter had nothing to do with them, they became more relaxed. Especially when they saw that Old Mrs. Bai was so embarrassed, they felt a little gloating in their hearts. After all, Old Mrs. Bai usually treated them badly. Bai Yusheng was so partial and doting, so it was impossible for them to say that they had no objections in their hearts.

Mrs. Zhou next to her was actually a little happy when she saw Mrs. Bai being deflated at this time, but she was also a little worried. She was mainly worried that Bai He would be implicated. After all, she was Bai He's legal wife. If Bai He was implicated, she would definitely have to do the same. Affected, she naturally wouldn't care about the life and death of Sun and Bai Wentao.

At this moment, Bai He was frightened and angry. He was frightened and angry that his concubine Sun and his son Bai Wentao dared to do such a thing without telling him. What was even more frightening and angry was that after doing it, he knew that he had failed but didn't know how to handle the tail. He directly Being caught was so stupid.

No, I can’t have this concubine and my son.

Soon Bai He had a decision in his mind.

At this time, Sun, Bai Wentao, and the servants and maids from Sun and Bai Wentao's mother and son's courtyard were all brought over.

Bai Wentao's leg was not healed yet, so he was carried here.

At this time, Sun and Bai Wentao, mother and son, were already pale because they already knew everything.

When a young boy following Sun and Bai Wentao saw the four or five Zhao people being tied up, he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

When everyone in the Bai family saw this scene, they instantly understood that there was basically no need for a trial.

Sure enough, after just a few inquiries, the young man lying on the ground explained everything clearly. This young man was also the one who was appointed by Sun to deal with the four and five people of Zhao, and he and the four and five people of Zhao had already known each other. They knew each other, and Zhao Si also knew that this boy was working under the Sun family of the Bai family in Wuhou Mansion.

"What a poisonous woman and rebellious son, how dare you do such a thing to harm your own people."

After the matter was cleared, Bai He stood up without hesitation and gave each of Sun and Bai Wentao an ear of melon seeds. Then he turned to look at Bai Yuxian and apologized.

"This matter is the fault of the clan uncle. He actually raised such a poisonous woman and rebellious son, and almost harmed Brother Xian. Here, clan uncle apologizes to you, Brother Xian."

"Brother Xian, don't worry. This poisonous woman and traitor have done such evil things to the people of the same clan. The clan uncle will never cover up and will definitely give Brother Xian a satisfactory explanation."

"Uncle Clan understands the great righteousness. With Clan Uncle's words, Yuxian is relieved."

Bai Yuxian smiled and cupped her hands to Bai He.

"Uncle Clan, don't take this matter too seriously. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. My Bai family has inherited it for hundreds of years. Now that there are more people, it is inevitable that one or two scum will appear. Now we can find them in time and eliminate them."

"Master, please help me."

"Old lady, please have mercy, old lady."


Sun and Bai Wentao's mother and son's expressions had already turned pale at this moment, and the expressions on their faces were finally completely replaced by fear, and they began to beg again and again.

But at this time, even Bai He, a husband and father, was eager to put aside the relationship with the two of them, let alone the others.

"Brother Xian, Brother Xian, we were wrong. We were confused for a moment. Please do us a favor and give us a chance. You are a big shot, and you are destined to do big things in the future. You have a lot of talents."

Seeing that the others were indifferent, Mrs. Sun quickly begged Bai Yuxian.

"The gentleman said, "How can you repay righteousness with kindness?"

Bai Yuxian's expression remained calm, and he just looked at the mother and son calmly.

"Be a good person in your next life."

 PS: Let’s talk about the update. Because we are still in the new book recommendation stage, we need to control the number of words on the shelves, so we will have two chapters a day. After it is put on the shelves, we will have three chapters a day. I also hope that book friends who like it can support it.


(End of this chapter)

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