Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 87 What qualifications do you have for not working hard?

Chapter 87 What qualifications do you have for not working hard?
Bai Yuxian looked at Bai Yusheng's expression and smiled slightly, then looked at Bai Zheng, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang and said.

"With cousin Yusheng's talent and talent, if he is willing to work hard, he will definitely be excellent. Cousin Yusheng was able to become a scholar at the age of 15. It can be seen that cousin Yusheng is also very good in terms of talent."

"And this year is the autumn examination. If cousin Yusheng is willing to work hard, this autumn examination will definitely not be a problem for cousin Yusheng."

Bai Yusheng, who was still hiding next to Mrs. Bai and looking at Bai Yuxian with a dissatisfied expression, couldn't help but puff up his chest when he heard this.

Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with a kinder look. They felt that Bai Yuxian was not completely ignorant and could still talk sometimes.

Bai Zheng's expression also softened slightly. As his biological son, how could Bai Zheng really not care about his liking? The reason why he was angry was just because of his deep love and deep responsibility. At this moment, Bai Yuxian's words undoubtedly made him feel comfortable.

Bai Zheng is indeed quite confident and proud of his son Bai Yusheng's talent.

But at this time, Bai Yuxian's tone changed again.

"However, this effort cannot be just lip service. I wonder how many hours a day cousin Yusheng spent studying hard during this period?"

"Three hours!"

Bai Yusheng replied with some pride.

Three hours is also called hard work.

Bai Yuxian was a little helpless to complain, but he shook his head calmly.

"Too little. If cousin Yusheng thinks that studying for three hours a day means working hard, then I'm afraid there will be no scholar in the world who doesn't work hard."

"Cousin Yusheng, do you know how many hours it takes me to practice and study every day?"

"How much, how much?"

Bai Yusheng felt a little guilty. He had some understanding of Bai Yuxian's situation, but if he wanted to be like Bai Yuxian, he thought he would die.

"Rise when the rooster crows and rest at the third watch. Practice at least five hours every day, study for at least three hours, and add up to at least eight hours."

Bai Yuxian looked at Bai Yusheng calmly, but Bai Yusheng's expression changed drastically.

Practice and study for at least eight hours a day, which means that the rest of the day is only four hours at most.

Four hours was not enough sleep for him.

"Of course, in addition to studying, I am also a martial arts practitioner. I have a strong body, so it is okay to maintain such high-intensity training and study every day. Most people may not be able to persist, but even if I can't spare eight hours a day, if I want to work hard, If you think about it, five or six hours is quite easy."

"Cousin Yusheng, do you know Cui Zongzhi, Wei Qing, Su Jin, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen?"

Bai Yuxian asked again.

Everyone present here naturally knows which one of these people is not a famous young talent in Beijing today. First of all, Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin will not be mentioned. Last night at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, the top three were Cui Zongzhi and Bai Yuxian. Su Jin, and both of them are also famous young celebrities in Beijing. Among them, Cui Zongzhi is the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs, and he can be said to have an extremely prominent life experience.

Secondly, it goes without saying that Wei Qing is one of the top princes and dignitaries in the capital. Heir to the Duke of Wei, he is also the No. 1 of the younger generation in the Duke of Wei. He is a student of the Imperial College, and his status is even more prominent than Cui Zongzhi. At the same time, he is also the No. [-] in the younger generation of the Duke of Wei. Far better than Bai Yusheng.

Finally, Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen were the most familiar to the entire Bai family. Bai Yuxian was a good friend. They were both Imperial College students and disciples of powerful people in the capital.

Which of these people is not the top young talent in Beijing today, regardless of their family background or their own talents.

"These people and I are all students of the Imperial College, and all of them are prominent people. Some are even more prominent than my Bai family in Wuhou Mansion. But cousin Yusheng knows how many hours they spend studying every day. .”

"How much?" Bai Yusheng felt completely guilty.

"At least five hours, or even more. In comparison, cousin Yusheng thinks that studying for three hours a day can be considered hard work."

Bai Yusheng's face turned pale and he was speechless.

Not to mention Bai Yusheng, even Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang who doted on Bai Yusheng were speechless.

If Bai Yusheng can be regarded as studying and working hard for three hours, then what do people like Cui Zongzhi mean? And the most important thing is, among Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin and Wei Qing, which one will have a lower status than Bai Yusheng.

No one else present spoke, but the look they looked at Bai Yusheng said everything.

Has Bai Yusheng really worked hard in his studies recently?

I guess even a fool knows whether he works hard or not.

Bai Zheng's face turned gloomy again.

At this time, Bai Yuxian ignored Bai Yusheng and looked at Bai Zhengdao.

"Uncle, as the saying goes, if jade is not polished, it cannot be used. Yuxian dares to say a few more words today. Yuxian feels that the management of cousin Yusheng has been too easy over the years."

"Even Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, and Wei Qing study and work for at least five hours every day. With their status and status, what reason does cousin Yusheng have for not working hard?"

Bai Zheng nodded when he heard the words, deeply agreeing with Bai Yuxian's words. He had always wanted to discipline Bai Yusheng well, but Mrs. Bai always protected him.

Indeed, among Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, and Wei Qing, no one is lower than his son in terms of status and achievements. But these people are all working so hard, so why should his son not work hard? "Besides, if it's the other children of my Bai family, that's it. If you really don't want to work hard, with my Bai family's family background, it's not difficult to maintain wealth for a lifetime, but cousin Yusheng can't."

Bai Yuxian spoke again.

"Because cousin Yusheng is the future heir of our Bai family in Wuhou Mansion, and the future helmsman of our entire Bai family in Wuhou Mansion. He is tied to the future and even life and death of our entire Bai family in Wuhou Mansion. Under such circumstances, How can cousin Yusheng continue to be so playful?"

"If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. If cousin Yusheng continues to play like this and doesn't know how to work hard, how will he support the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion in the future? This is related to the future of the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion and the entire Bai family." The fate of hundreds of people, life and death.”

Bai Yuxian gave Bai Yusheng a hard blow directly.

Aren't you the future of the Bai family in Wuhou Mansion? If that's the case, then what qualifications do you have for not working hard.

If you don't work hard, what qualifications will you have to inherit the Bai family in the future? Do you want everyone to pay for your playfulness?

And you, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang, haven't you kept saying that Bai Yusheng is the future of Wuhou Mansion? Then you should make him jealous.

Bai Yuxian's words were accurate, but they made Bai Yusheng, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang change their expressions greatly.

Especially Bai Yusheng, a look of horror appeared on his face for a moment.


I have to work and study for at least five hours every day.

This is to kill him!
The faces of Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang also changed drastically. They thought about how Yusheng could bear five hours of work every day, and he would have to die from hard work.

Besides, with Yusheng's talent and talent, there is no need to work so hard.

However, except for the three people, the others present were either Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi, Bai Xue, Bai Yue and other female family members of the inner palace or other servants present.

After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, he looked at Bai Yusheng with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and there was an extra thought in his heart.

They had not thought much about this before, but when they heard what Bai Yuxian said today, they all couldn't help but feel as if they were awakened by the sound of bells in the morning and drums in the evening.


Why don't you, Bai Yusheng, work hard? Aren't you the heir and future of our Bai family in Wuhou Mansion?

If that's the case, then you should be cautious.

Otherwise, why should we place our destiny on you in the future?

If you just want to have fun and enjoy yourself without working hard to support yourself, then why should we trust you? Are you going to ask us to pay for your fun and enjoyment today?

As the saying goes, it is honor for a servant to follow his master. Whether the master's family can do well or not is closely related to these servants, and even directly related to their destiny.

If Bai Yusheng is unable to support the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion in the future, and the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion collapses, then they and others will surely suffer the same consequences.

With Bai Yusheng's current virtue, can he support the Bai family? !
At this moment, everyone present became somewhat silent, and looked at Bai Yusheng with a somewhat incomprehensible look.

Many servants have begun to secretly look at Bai Yuxian.

Compared with Bai Yusheng, Bai Yuxian is like the scorching sun in the sky, and he looks like a person who has great prospects for doing great things in the future.

Even Bai Feifeng couldn't help but feel excited at the moment.

In the past, for her own status in the inner palace, she only thought about pleasing Old Mrs. Bai and didn't think too much about her.

But now after what Bai Yuxian said, she felt that her previous vision was a little too short-sighted.

Bai Zheng who was present felt like he was struck by lightning for a moment!

I felt Bai Yuxian's words were like thunder exploding in my mind.

"Yu Xian's words really enlightened my uncle. He is extremely ashamed."

"Yu Xian is right. As for Yu Sheng, my uncle has neglected to discipline him."

Bai Zheng took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and then turned to look at Bai Yusheng.

"Yu Xian is right. If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. As the future heir of my Bai family, if you want to inherit the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion, what qualifications do you have if you don't work hard? Even Cui Zongzhi and Wei Qing They are still working hard, so what qualifications do you have to enjoy yourself here every day."

"From now on, you must work and study for me for no less than five hours every day."

"No, six hours."

"If you dare to be lazy, I will break your legs, and your grandmother and your mother will not stop you."

(End of this chapter)

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