Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 38 Follow-up, the appearance of all living beings in Wuhou Mansion [2]

Chapter 38 Follow-up, the appearance of all living beings in Wuhou Mansion [[-]]


In the annex of the inner palace where Bai Wentao and Sun's mother and son were, Sun, after receiving the news, sat blankly on her chair, as if her whole body had been emptied of time.

Bai Wentao, who was still lying on the bed, no longer dared to shout loudly and continue to demand Bai Yuxian's death. At this time, let alone resentment towards Bai Yuxian, it was already too late to be frightened and frightened.

Bai Yuxian successfully passed the Imperial College Entrance Examination and became a student of the Imperial College. This was a bolt from the blue for the mother and son. From now on, Bai Yuxian has this identity. Let alone mother and son, they will not continue to deal with Bai Yuxian. Unless Bai Yuxian comes back to look for him. Both mother and son were lucky enough to settle their scores.

Especially during the previous college examination, they secretly arranged for someone to prevent Bai Yuxian from participating in the college examination. If Bai Yuxian knew about this matter, it would probably be a life-threatening talisman for their mother and son. Today's Bai Yuxian is definitely not them anymore. Can be provoked.

Fortunately, this matter was done secretly and they were just looking for people from outside to pretend to be normal gangsters to rob, and nothing happened after so long. There was no movement on Bai Yuxian's side, so Bai Yuxian didn't think too much about it. .

Thinking of this, Mrs. Sun felt a little more at ease.

She felt that she had done it very secretly before sending people to prevent Bai Yuxian from participating in the college examination, and there should be no flaws. As long as Bai Yuxian was not caught in this matter, even if Bai Yuxian wanted to take revenge on them, their mother and son After all, they were directly connected to the Bai family, so it would not be easy for Bai Yuxian to deal with them.

At the same time, Bai Yu was in the other courtyard.

After hearing the news, Bai Yu was silent for a long time, and then called his followers.


"Go, send me 500 taels of silver to Brother Xian in the outer mansion, and tell him that I wish him to leap over the dragon gate and prosper thousands of miles from now on."

Although Bai Yu is lustful, he is not brainless. The moment he learned that Bai Yuxian passed the Imperial College entrance examination, he knew that he could never be an enemy of Bai Yuxian anymore. Not only could he not be an enemy of Bai Yuxian, but he could not offend him, otherwise If he is hated by Bai Yuxianji, he may not have any good fruits to eat in the future.

As for the last incident with Xiang Ling, although he was used by Bai Wentao, Bai Yuxian must have been offended to some extent and made Bai Yuxian unhappy.

If Bai Yuxian was still a scholar before, he would not need to pay too much attention to this matter with his current status, but now, he must resolve and deal with this fact.

Bai Feifeng also quickly learned the news, and her heart was shaken violently, with a look of shock on her face.

Although she had already imagined that Bai Yuxian might actually pass the Imperial College Entrance Examination and enter the Imperial College, she was still shocked when her vision came true now.

At this time, his maids Yao'er and Bi'er walked in from outside.

"Housekeeper, the old lady has asked you to come over."

It seems that the old lady has also received the news, and it must be related to this matter.


Bai Feifeng nodded immediately, knowing that Old Taijun Bai was eager to recruit her so early, which must be related to Bai Yuxian passing the entrance examination of the Imperial College.

As expected, not long after meeting Mrs. Bai, Bai Feifeng received an appointment from Mrs. Bai, asking her to go to Bai Yuxian's mother Zhen on behalf of the inner government and then go to the main entrance to greet Bai Yuxian.

Although he was not happy with Bai Yuxian in his heart, Mrs. Bai was not too happy that Bai Yuxian passed the Imperial College entrance examination this time.

But the matter is a foregone conclusion, so the most basic expression on the surface must be made, even if it is just a show, otherwise it will directly offend Bai Yuxian and the reputation will be bad if word spreads.

Bai Feifeng received the order and quickly found Zhen.

At this time, Mrs. Zhen's side was already crowded with people like stars over the moon, all of them came to congratulate and please.

Looking at this scene, Bai Feifeng couldn't help but be envious for a moment.

Mothers are more expensive than children.

Bai Feifeng knew in her heart that this time Bai Yuxian really jumped over the dragon gate and soared into the sky, and the Zhen family really came out on top. From now on, even in the entire Wuhou Mansion, as long as Bai Yuxian is there, the Zhen family will have a decisive position. .

"The young lady housekeeper is here."

"The young lady housekeeper."


The crowd quickly saw Bai Feifeng arriving and quickly saluted.

"I've met the young lady housekeeper." Mrs. Zhen also bowed.

"Oh, Aunt Zhen, you are too polite. I can't bear this great gift from you now. Brother Xian has passed the Imperial College entrance examination and will be a graduate of the Imperial College soon. This is a great joy, old lady. As you just said, Brother Xian has made the lintel of the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion shine this time. He specially asked me to come to you and then greet Brother Xian." Bai Feifeng said quickly, her graceful body swaying on her lotus steps as she spoke. Zi walked up to Mrs. Zhen and grabbed her hand warmly.

Not long after, the main gate of Wuhou Mansion opened.

Bai Feifeng affectionately and enthusiastically pulled Zhen and Xiangling to stand at the front, followed by a large group of maids from the inner palace, looking forward to it.

Mrs. Zhen looked at the enthusiastic Bai Feifeng next to her and the door behind her, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Speaking of which, she has not walked through the gate of Wuhou Mansion for more than ten years since her husband Bai Qingfeng died in the battle. Because the rules of Wuhou Mansion are strict, even if it is a gate, it is not for anyone. Those who can leave can leave if they want. Under normal circumstances, those who can enter and exit through the gate of Wuhou Mansion, except for the important people of the Wuhou Mansion and direct descendants, are some distinguished guests. Naturally, none of them, like the original Zhen family, can Those who are qualified to enter and leave through the main gate of Wuhou Mansion can only go through side gates and small gates.And now, she is finally here again.

Zhen couldn't help feeling happy and emotional at the same time, while Xiang Ling beside her was already blushing with excitement.

"Brother Xian is here."

"Brother Xian is here."

At this time, on the street directly in front, Bai Yuxian's figure also appeared. He was dressed in white like jade, but he looked like a young man in troubled times.

Bai Feifeng's eyes lit up when she saw this, and she said quickly: "Hurry up, why don't you go and greet Brother Xian?"

Bai Yuxian looked at the large group of people who suddenly greeted her from the gate of Wuhou Mansion from a distance. He was stunned for a moment. Then he saw his mother and sister who were surrounded by the group in the center. A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he understood in his heart. come over.

"The child has met his mother." Looking at the approaching team, Bai Yuxian bowed and saluted her mother solemnly: "In this Imperial College Entrance Examination, the child finally lived up to his mother's years of hard work in raising and training, and successfully entered the Imperial College. This is Please ask mother to take a look at the child’s official admission book.”

As he spoke, Bai Yuxian handed his Imperial College admissions document book to his mother.

Zhen stretched out her hand, her hands trembling with excitement. She carefully took it into her hand and looked at it again and again, and spoke.

"Okay, okay, my son has grown up and is successful."

"I've met the young lady housekeeper."

Bai Yuxian bowed to Bai Feifeng again.

"Oh, Brother Immortal, I absolutely cannot afford this. From now on, you will be a supervisor of the Imperial College, but a disciple of the Emperor. I am just a woman, so how can I be worthy of your great gift? From now on, if you If you don't mind, just call me Sister-in-law Feng." Bai Feifeng hurriedly said, she didn't dare to treat Bai Yuxian like this again now.

"Okay." Bai Yuxian was no longer humble and polite this time. He has now been admitted to the Imperial Academy, and Bai Feifeng can no longer afford this great gift from him. And if possible, Bai Yuxian doesn't like to give others nothing. salute.

"Brother Xian has really brought glory to our Wuhou Mansion this time. As the old lady said, Brother Xian's admission into the Imperial College this time will not only make him leap over the dragon's gate, but also bring glory to the lintel of the Bai family of our Wuhou Mansion. I was specifically asked to come over to greet Brother Xian.”

Bai Feifeng said again, looking at Bai Yuxian with unblinking eyes. The more she looked at her, the more extraordinary she became, especially Bai Yuxian's perfect jade face, which had already impressed her enough when she saw it before. She was shocked. Looking at it now, she felt that Bai Yuxian seemed even more charming. She suddenly couldn't help but wonder why the person she married was Bai Yu instead of Bai Yuxian.

Bai Yuxian didn't know what Bai Feifeng was thinking, but he smiled inwardly when he heard Bai Feifeng's words. He was afraid that Mrs. Bai didn't mean what she said, but on the surface it was true.

"The old lady is interested."

Then the group entered Wuhou Mansion.

"The old lady also said that from now on Brother Xian can go in and out of the Marquis Mansion directly through the main gate. You are the pride of my Marquis Wu Mansion, and I can't let you go through other small doors to wrong you."

"In addition, the old lady specially asked me to send 1000 taels of silver to congratulate Brother Xian."

After finally entering the Hou Mansion and returning home, Bai Feifeng asked someone to bring another 1000 taels of silver. It was Mrs. Bai who ordered it to be delivered.

It seems that although Mrs. Bai dotes on and prefers Bai Yusheng, she is not completely stupid. At least she knows that she can't lose her superficial skills.

"Thank you very much, old lady, for your kindness. As the saying goes, elders don't dare to refuse gifts, so Yuxian is not polite. Please ask Sister-in-law Feng to wait for me to tell the old lady how to say hello and thank you when she gets back. Yuxian will go to you in person when you have time." Old lady, please say thank you."

Bai Yuxian didn't excuse himself politely, he accepted the money with a smile, and then sent Bai Feifeng away.

Not long after Bai Feifeng left, the servant sent by Bai Yu arrived again and gave Bai Yuxian 500 taels of silver.

Bai Yuxian knew in her heart that this was Bai Yu's attempt to repair the previous bad relationship with him. Bai Yuxian was not polite about this and continued to accept the order. After all, the money delivered to his door should not be wasted.

After all this, Bai Yuxian's place finally became quiet. Zhen went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. Only Bai Yuxian and Xiang Ling were left in the yard.

After successfully passing the Imperial College entrance examination, Bai Yuxian was extremely happy and couldn't help but hold Xiangling in her arms and smell the fragrance of the girl.

Just then.

"Brother Yuxian."

Han Shiyin suddenly came over happily with her maid Qingmei, and when she arrived at the door, she saw Bai Yu holding Xiang Ling in her arms.

Bai Yuxian was also stunned for a moment, not expecting Han Shiyin to arrive suddenly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't come at the right time." Han Shiyin's face turned pale instantly, and she felt as if something had stabbed her heart for a moment. She couldn't help but burst into tears. She turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Bai Yu. Xian walked up and grabbed Han Shiyin, and like Xiangling, he took Han Shiyin into his arms.

Bai Yuxian said softly.

"No, sister Shiyin came just in time."

(End of this chapter)

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