Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 25 Entering the Inner Palace

Chapter 25 Entering the Inner Palace

In the inner palace of Wuhou Mansion, Mrs. Bai and other female family members gathered in the garden as usual, admiring the sweet-scented osmanthus that had just bloomed in the garden, and the fragrance of the osmanthus filled the garden.

At this moment, there suddenly seemed to be a loud noise coming from outside the garden.

"What happened outside the garden to make such a noise?" Old Taijun Bai turned her head and looked towards the door outside the garden and asked.

Seeing this, Bai Feifeng immediately stepped forward and said, "Please be patient, old lady, I'll go and take a look right now." After saying that, she quickly took small steps and walked towards the door with the maid, and not long after, she left again and again, with a look on her face. He said happily to Mrs. Bai.

"Old lady, it's a happy event, it's a happy event."

"Oh, where's the joy?"

When everyone in the garden heard about the happy event, they couldn't help but look at Bai Feifeng, who congratulated the old lady.

"Old lady, do you still remember Brother Bai Yuxian, the son of General Bai Qingfeng whom we talked about some time ago? But today is the day when the results of the academy examination are released. Brother Xian passed the examination and became a scholar. There is a discussion outside. You He said, isn’t this a happy event? Old lady, your merits are shining brightly, and under your merits, our House of Marquis Wu is full of outstanding people.”

It has to be said that Old Taijun Bai likes Bai Feifeng's success in the inner palace. Her mouth is really powerful, and she can make Old Taijun Bai happy with just a few words.

Originally, Mrs. Bai had forgotten about the existence of Bai Yuxian after the last time, and she didn't take it too seriously. After all, she was just a collateral descendant of the foreign government who had no close relationship at all. Even if Bai Yuxian really won the title of Scholar, After hearing this, Mrs. Bai didn't feel very happy at first. After all, she didn't want to kiss him.

But now that I heard Bai Feifeng's words, I felt happy.

Yes, Bai Yuxian is a scholar in high school. Doesn’t this prove that she, Mrs. Bai, has great merit and good fortune in running her family?

"It turns out that this is the case. There is another true scholar in our Bai family. This is really a happy event."

Mrs. Bai immediately smiled and said.

Seeing Mrs. Bai express her position, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Mi who were present also laughed and agreed.

At the same time, Mrs. Wang also became more active, thinking that Bai Yuxian not only entered the martial arts hall, but also passed the academy examination and became a scholar this time. It seems that he is indeed a talent. In this case, it is worth recruiting, so that he can serve Yusheng in the future. Used.

Bai Yusheng, Han Shiyin, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Yue, Bai Xue, and Bai Lan also couldn't help but show curiosity.

Bai Feifeng's gaze calmly glanced at Bai Yusheng, who was surrounded by stars.

In fact, there is one thing she didn't say, that is, this time Bai Yuxian is not just an ordinary scholar who passed the college examination, but also ranked first in the college examination, became a junior student, and will be eligible to participate in the Hanlin Academy's competition in a month. If you pass the Imperial College Entrance Examination, you will really skyrocket. No one in the entire Marquis Mansion can take advantage of it.

But Bai Feifeng didn't say this, because when Bai Yusheng was a scholar in junior high school, his scores in county, government, and college examinations were only average, and he didn't even get an honors student. In the end, he was just an ordinary scholar.

If I tell you all the specific results of Bai Yuxian's college examination, given Bai Yusheng's pampered temper for so many years, I don't need to think about it, he will be unhappy or even angry. And given the doting of Bai Yusheng by Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang, , once Bai Yusheng gets angry, she may be implicated.

So Bai Feifeng didn't say anything about it.

When she first learned that Bai Yuxian had become a scholar, she wanted to suggest that Bai Yuxian should come in to see Mrs. Bai. However, after learning that Bai Yuxian had not only become a scholar but also a junior student, she immediately stopped. This thought.

As a descendant of a collateral line, being outstanding is a good thing, but if you are too good and overshadow all your direct lineage, that may not be a good thing.

However, when Bai Feifeng thought so, Mrs. Wang on the side changed her mind.

"It seems that this immortal brother is indeed a talented person. In that case, why don't the old lady recruit people? On the one hand, the old lady can encourage him to show his virtue and majesty, and on the other hand, he can also look at me. A new young talent coming out of the family.”

In fact, what Mrs. Wang wanted to do was to recruit Bai Yuxian, and then give her some sweet things to keep for her son Bai Yusheng to use in the future.

After hearing what Mrs. Wang said, Mrs. Bai couldn't help but become interested in seeing Bai Yuxian's appearance, and nodded immediately.

"That's fine too."

"Then I'm going to call someone."

Bai Feifeng spoke immediately, but secretly thought that it would be better to avoid causing trouble later.

Not long after, I arrived outside the courtyard where Bai Yuxian's family lived.

In the yard, Bai Yuxian was talking happily with her mother, sister and her family. Looking at Bai Feifeng who suddenly arrived, Zhen stood up quickly and said.

"I've met the young lady housekeeper."

Zhen has been working in the inner palace all year round, so she naturally knows Bai Feifeng and is more aware of Bai Feifeng's status in the inner palace.It was the first time for Bai Yuxian to see Bai Feifeng, but he had already heard of Bai Feifeng's name, so he stood up and saluted with Xiang Ling.

"I've met the young lady housekeeper."

Bai Feifeng also looked at Bai Yuxian. It was also the first time she saw Bai Yuxian. The first time she saw Bai Yuxian, her eyes lit up and her heart was shocked. She secretly sighed at such a graceful and graceful young man named Lang. , I am afraid that even the legendary Pan An and Song Yu are nothing more than this.

Although Bai Yuxian's clothes were ordinary, it was still difficult to hide how outstanding Bai Yuxian was. The eyes of the two maids following Bai Feifeng almost turned into little stars when they saw Bai Yuxian.

"Oh, I've heard that Brother Xian is famous for a long time. Not only is he good at both civil and military skills, he is also a beautiful young man. He is one of the few young talents in the world. When I see him today, he is indeed well-deserved. Brother Xian, let's not call him the young housekeeper. They are all members of his own family. After all, Come on, Brother Xian and Brother Yu are brothers of the same race, Brother Xian can just call me sister-in-law."

Bai Feifeng smiled enthusiastically and said that Brother Yu he was talking about was Bai Yu, and Bai Feifeng was also Bai Yu's wife.

Bai Yuxian just smiled when he heard this. Even though Bai Feifeng was so enthusiastic and easy to talk to now, he just listened to what he said on the surface. If he really took it seriously, he would be a fool. On the surface, he was still polite.

"The etiquette cannot be revoked. I wonder what the housekeeper's young lady has given her when she comes."

"Brother Xian has really gained face for my Bai family this time. The old lady heard that Brother Xian was selected as a scholar in this academy examination. My Bai family has a young talent like Brother Xian, so she specially asked me to invite him. Brother Xian went to the inner palace, and the old lady said that she wanted to take a good look at the new young talent from my Bai family."

The look in Zhen's eyes changed slightly when she heard this.

If possible, she does not want Bai Yuxian to go to the inner palace, especially to see Mrs. Bai, because these people may be offended if they are not careful. If Bai Yuxian really goes to the inner palace, he must be careful.

Bai Yuxian also knew this in his heart, but now that Bai Feifeng was here, it was naturally impossible for him to refuse, so he immediately smiled.

"The old lady loves you so much. It's rude of Jade Immortal. You should go to see the old lady as early as possible."

"Brother Xian is indeed a young talent of my Bai family. He is not only good at both civil and military skills, but also has general knowledge. He will definitely have great potential in the future. Aunt Zhen will be blessed in the future."

Bai Feifeng praised him again.

"The young lady housekeeper is overly praised." Mrs. Zhen said with a smile.

"Mother, the child will go to the inner palace with the young mistress of the housekeeper to meet the old lady." Bai Yuxian said to his mother Zhen.

"As it should be." Zhen also nodded calmly.

Just like that, Bai Yuxian tidied up her clothes and followed Bai Feifeng out of the courtyard and towards the inner palace.

Along the way, Bai Feifeng introduced all the family members of the inner palace to Bai Yuxian, from the old lady Bai at the top to the young masters and ladies of the inner palace such as Bai Yusheng, Han Shiyin, Bai Qian, and Bai Qian at the bottom, and vaguely reminded him that he would have to Watch your words, etc.

In fact, Bai Feifeng did not want to help Bai Yuxian. She was mainly worried that if Bai Yuxian waited in the inner palace and did not understand the rules and made Mrs. Bai unhappy, she herself might also be implicated.

Of course, she is also willing to give a white jade fairy as a favor.

After all, today's Bai Yuxian is a potential stock no matter how you look at it. As long as Bai Yuxian can pass the Imperial College Entrance Examination one month later, he will jump directly into the dragon gate. And judging from Bai Yuxian's first place in the college examination this time, he will definitely be the best. Very promising.

Bai Yuxian also thanked Bai Feifeng politely.

Not long after, he followed Bai Feifeng through the Moon Gate and arrived at the garden where Mrs. Bai and other female family members of the inner palace were.

"Old lady, Brother Xian is here."

"Yuxian has met the old lady, the three ladies, Master Yusheng, Miss Shiyin, and all the ladies."

Bai Yuxian then bowed his hands and bowed, appearing humble and polite, yet neither humble nor arrogant, gentle and elegant.

The eyes of Mrs. Bai and others immediately fell on Bai Yuxian. The moment they saw Bai Yuxian's specific appearance and demeanor, everyone's eyes lit up, especially Han Shiyin, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Yue, and Bai Xue. , Bailan et al.

As the saying goes, men love appearance, and daughters love beauty.

Men like beautiful women, but women also like handsome men.

There is no one in the world who is not a member of the Appearance Association.

In terms of appearance, Bai Yuxian can definitely be said to be the reincarnation of Pan An and Song Yu, and the other figures and temperaments are also one-of-a-kind.

(End of this chapter)

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