Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 48 New destiny, [Sauker] [2]

Chapter 48 New destiny, [Sauker] [[-]]

In the Accommodation No. [-] on the fifth floor, watching Liu Hongxiu dance and leave the stage, Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen returned to their seats and continued drinking and eating.

"It's a pity that the red-sleeved girl only has one dance tonight."

Wang Yanlin looked quite regretful, because watching beautiful women dance is indeed a pleasing thing. In the past, Liu Hongxiu usually danced two dances, sometimes even three.

But tonight, for some reason, Liu Hongxiu only danced one dance and ended in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, the beauty is not here, I will still have wine." Song Xiuwen waved his hand freely, picked up the wine jug he was sitting on, and filled a glass for each of the three of them.

"As the saying goes, a thousand cups are too little to drink with a close friend. Today is a rare occasion to gather here with Brother Wang and Brother Bai. Come, have a drink."

"Haha, what Brother Song said is true. There are no beauties. I'll have some wine later. Come on."


The three of them laughed loudly and started drinking again.

Soon after three rounds of wine and five dishes, the atmosphere and relationship between the three people in the Accord became closer and closer.

The three great men of men have been together through windows, whoring together, and carrying guns together.

The three of Bai Yuxian can now be said to be two of the three irons, so there is no need to elaborate on their relationship.

"By the way, I wonder if Brother Wang and Brother Song know anyone in Jingya." At this time, Bai Yuxian said.

"Brother Bai, I need help with something. If anything happens, Brother Bai just says it's okay. I'm a classmate and a good friend. Brother Song and I will definitely help. It just so happens that my third uncle is an official in Jingya."

Wang Yanlin immediately answered, and immediately realized that Bai Yuxian must be in need of help.

"Yes, we are three classmates and friends. Brother Bai, if anything happens, just ask. Brother Wang and I will do our best to help if we can." Song Xiuwen also immediately answered.

"I do have something I want to ask Brother Wang and Brother Song for help. This matter is related to my status in the Bai family. I think Brother Wang and Brother Song already know that I am only a descendant of the Bai family."

"Before the college examination, I offended some people in the clan. During the college examination, I encountered a few people blocking the road. Although those people pretended to be robbing, I don't think they would. It's so simple. I'm afraid some people in the clan who have a grudge against me are worried that I will pass the academy examination and don't want me to take the academy examination and gain fame."

"So if Brother Wang and Brother Song know anyone in Jingya, I would like to ask Brother Wang and Brother Song to help me introduce them and help me catch those people at that time to investigate."

Bai Yuxian didn't hide too much and spoke truthfully.

He could always remember the incident when he was blocked on the road when he was taking the college examination. This matter was definitely not simple, and there must be someone behind it.

He had been unable to raise the issue before because his identity and strength were not enough to completely kill the people behind him at once, and he didn't have many connections and didn't know who to ask for help.

But he has now entered the Imperial College and became a student of the Imperial College. With this status, as long as the mastermind behind this matter is investigated, then whether it is Bai Wentao or Bai Yu, he is confident that he will completely kill each other.

Dare to send people to attack the Imperial College students, as long as the investigation proves conclusive evidence, then even the current head of the Bai family, Bai Zheng, will never be able to handle it.

Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen couldn't help but have a look of surprise in their eyes when they heard this. They didn't expect Bai Yuxian to have experienced such a crisis before.

But he was relieved immediately. In the big Hou family, this kind of internal fighting between big families was never new, especially since Bai Yuxian was just a collateral descendant before.

But Bai Yuxian's ability to successfully come out now has undoubtedly proved Bai Yuxian's ability.

"It turns out that this is a trivial matter. Brother Bai, don't worry. Just leave this matter to me. Brother Bai will just tell me the appearance and characteristics of those people later."

Wang Yanlin immediately spoke again.

"Then thank you, Brother Wang."

Bai Yuxian immediately held up his hands and thanked him.

Later, through conversation, Bai Yuxian also thoroughly understood the specific situation of the Wang family where Wang Yanlin lived.

Wang Yanlin's father is now the Minister of Household Affairs of the Tang Dynasty and the head of the Wang family. Wang Yanlin is the legitimate son of the Wang family. At the same time, Wang Yanlin also has an eldest brother who is the captain of the Dragon and Tiger Army of the Forbidden Army. In addition, Wang Yanlin also has a third uncle who is an official in Beijing.
The power of the Song family where Song Xiuwen belongs is also comparable to that of the Wang family. Although it is not as powerful as the top princes and dignitaries in Chang'an City, it is still quite powerful.

Even to be honest, today's Bai family of Wuhou Mansion, except for the name of an empty Houmen mansion, may not be as powerful as the Wang family and the Song family.

Bai Yuxian's matter is completely trivial to Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen.

Compared to getting Bai Yuxian's favor and deepening their relationship with Bai Yuxian, the two of them are naturally willing to do this small favor.

After all, although Bai Yuxian came from a low background and was only a descendant of the Bai family, the fact that Bai Yuxian can still be admitted to the Imperial College like them and is No. 1 has proven Bai Yuxian's talent and ability. Maybe Bai Yuxian now has little ability. But it will be difficult to estimate in the future.

It's definitely worth it to gain Bai Yuxian's favor by doing this favor.As for whether they would offend the Bai family, Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen didn't care at all.

Although the Bai family now has the title of Wuhou Mansion, which sounds bluffing, everyone who knows the situation knows that the current Wuhou Mansion and the Bai family have long been declining. If we really want to talk about power and influence in the court, the Wang family and Song Dynasty The family is now neither higher nor lower than the Bai family, not to mention that both of them are now students of the Imperial College, so naturally they are even less likely to be afraid of the Bai family.

What's more, the best and most promising people in the Bai family are now with the two of them.

Not to mention Bai Yuxian himself, as long as Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen are willing to help, it would be the best thing.

As for owing favors.

Bai Yuxian was never afraid of owing favors. He was only afraid that his favors would be worthless and would be looked down upon by others and no one would want them.

It's not scary to owe a favor, but it's really scary if the favor is worthless and no one wants it.

Then the three of them drank together until midnight.

After both Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen were staggering drunk, the three of them left Tianxiang Tower.

Then each other went back to their respective homes.

At this time, Bai Yuxian discovered that the progress of his Sao Ke fate had actually reached [10/100].

These progresses were provided by Liu Hongxiu alone.

That is to say, he has not yet achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and cannot approach women. Otherwise, there are so many girls in Tianxiang Tower. Bai Yuxian is confident that he can complete or even exceed the progress of [騒客] in Tianxiang Tower tonight.

Forget it, I don’t think about this destiny for the time being. I’ll wait until my cultivation reaches a breakthrough in martial arts before I can meet the ladies.

At the same time in Tianxiang Tower, Liu Hongxiu also obtained information about Bai Yuxian's identity.

I was extremely happy to learn Bai Yuxian's name, especially when I found out that Bai Yuxian was also a supervisor of the Imperial College.

After all, he was a student of the Imperial College. Even if he was just a student now, his future was destined to be bright.

You are young and promising, talented and have a bright future. Especially those who are still in good shape.

Thinking of Bai Yuxian's figure, especially that handsome, almost flawless face, Liu Hongxiu couldn't help but feel her heart accelerating, and her thoughts almost showed on her face.

"Sister, have you fallen in love with the white jade fairy?" Xiaoyu, who was standing by, couldn't help but said when she saw her sister's appearance.

Liu Hongxiu blushed when she heard this, but she didn't say anything to refute.

Xiaoyu understood immediately, but she had not seen Bai Yuxian yet. She had just heard the news from other people, but she couldn't help but said happily when she thought about the information she had learned about Bai Yuxian.

"However, the White Jade Immortal Young Master is indeed young, promising and talented. He was admitted to the Imperial College at a young age and will definitely have a bright future in the future. Moreover, I heard that the White Jade Immortal Young Master is well-equipped with both civil and military skills. If my sister really If we can get together with this White Jade Immortal, it will definitely be a good choice."

Liu Hongxiu thought so too.

As for whether Bai Jade Immortal's character will be bad.

Thinking of Bai Yu's face, Liu Hongxiu felt that Bai Yuxian's character was definitely not bad.

"Sister, when the White Jade Immortal Master comes again next time, we will find a way to find a chance to meet him."

Seeing Liu Hongxiu's acquiescence, Xiaoyu immediately suggested again.

Liu Hongxiu nodded immediately, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel entangled in her heart.

I thought that I should be more proactive or more reserved when the time comes.

If you take the initiative, what should you do if you are misunderstood and think that you are that kind of casual woman?

But if you are reserved, what should you do if Mr. Bai Yuxian is not that proactive character?

Forget it, it depends on the situation then.

Then, Liu Hongxiu began to look forward to Bai Yuxian's arrival again.

Then start waiting with expectation every day.

The result is this.

(End of this chapter)

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