Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 414 Yang Guozhong wants to clear the Taiping Road!

Chapter 414 Yang Guozhong wants to clear the Taiping Road!


Royal Garden.

"I see your Majesty."

Yang Guozhong, dressed in official uniform and led by his attendants, came to Li Longji.

More than half a year has passed, and Li Longji looks significantly older than last year. His temples are graying, his wrinkles have deepened, and his body has begun to exude a stale air.

After all, Li Longji is now over 60 years old. In addition, his body has been severely drained by his addiction to alcohol and sex over the years. Even if he takes supplements on weekdays, he cannot make up for it at all.

Even Li Longji himself has begun to clearly feel his aging, because he has begun to feel inadequate in sexual intercourse.

In the past, he wanted to play the flute every night, but now, he just wanted to be alone at night.

Even when Yang Yuhuan's two sisters, Yang Yuzhu and Yang Yuzhen, came to his door many times, he wanted to escape because he really couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's my beloved. I came here today to see you for something."

Seeing Yang Guozhong arriving, Li Longji also asked aloud, but his whole tone gave people a feeling of weakness.

"Your Majesty, I came here today to report something important indeed."

Hearing this, Yang Guozhong cupped his hands towards Li Longji again and said.

"Nowadays, there is a force among the people, called Taipingdao. In the name of saving the world and benefiting the people, it has attracted many believers and gathered a large number of people. Now it is known to the outside world as a million believers. Its sphere of influence covers Hedong, Hebei, Henan, Huainan, Jiangnan, Shannan, etc. These Taiping Taoists have appeared in many places, even in our capital. If we continue to allow this situation to develop, it may cause great disaster, so I came here to report this matter to Your Majesty."

Li Longji couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this.

In fact, Li Longji already knew about Taiping Dao. After all, Taiping Dao had existed for so many years and had existed when Li Linfu was still in power.

However, when Li Linfu was in power, he did not suggest anything about Taiping Dao, and Taiping Dao honestly did not cause any big troubles.

So Li Longji didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, he was too busy having fun to care about government affairs.

But now that Yang Guozhong came to him and talked about Taiping Road, he naturally couldn't ignore it.

And what Yang Guozhong said does make sense. If such a large, powerful, and non-governmental organization is not controlled by the court, if it is allowed to develop like this, if something happens one day, there will be big trouble.

After thinking for a while he said.

"Ai Qing's words are reasonable, but I don't know what Ai Qing has to do about this matter."

Naturally, Yang Guozhong had already prepared a plan for this.

"In my opinion, it is better to summon the leader of Taiping Taoism to the capital by order of the imperial court. If he is willing to come to the capital, then when the time comes, he will be captured and controlled after he enters the capital. In this way, to capture the thief, capture the king first, and then The follow-up handling of Taipingdao matters will naturally be a piece of cake.”

"On the other hand, if the leader of Taiping Dao is unwilling to enter the capital, it proves that this person has already had different intentions. He can immediately order the officials from all over the world to clear out Taiping Dao."

After hearing this, Li Longji felt that Yang Guozhong's strategy was good, and nodded immediately.

"In that case, then my dear, just do it."

"I accept the decree!"

When Yang Guozhong heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed with joy.

To be honest, although he has taken the position of Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty since Li Linfu completely abdicated last year, his position is not stable and his prestige is not enough.

Especially after sending troops to Sumo Mohe last year and being defeated, and then later on causing trouble with Anlu Mountain but still unable to get rid of this person, it caused a huge blow to his prestige.

Now he urgently needs to win something to restore his prestige.

In Yang Guozhong's opinion, Taiping Road was his best goal to restore his prestige.

That's why Yang Guozhong came to see Li Longji and proposed to deal with Taiping Road.

At this moment, with Li Longji's agreement, Yang Guozhong was naturally overjoyed.

After getting Li Longji's consent, Yang Guozhong summoned his ministers and issued an edict soon after leaving the palace that day.

In March of the tenth year of Tianbao, Yang Guozhong, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, ordered Li Su, the leader of Taiping Taoism, to come to Beijing to explain Taiping Tao to the emperor and the court.

Half a month later, in April, the news spread throughout the world, immediately causing shock. The eyes of all the major forces in the world fell on Taiping Road and the capital almost instantly, with different thoughts.

Fan Yang and An Lushan looked towards the capital with a sarcastic smile.

"Yang Guozhong, Yang Guozhong, compared with Li Linfu, you are really far behind. If you want to use Taiping Road at this time, you are simply asking for death. Comparing you with Li Linfu is an insult to Li Linfu."

To be honest, An Lushan still admired Li Linfu's ability and methods. Even before he received the immortal's teaching, he did not dare to resist Li Linfu at all. But now that Li Linfu abdicated and Yang Guozhong came to power, comparing the two, he I clearly felt the gap between Yang Guozhong and Li Linfu. What Yang Guozhong relies on now is his sister Yang Yuhuan and his close relationship with Bai Yuxian, the Duke of Jin.

Yang Yuhuan is indeed favored.

Bai Yuxian is indeed powerful and has not lost a single match since his debut.

But to say that these two people can run rampant, An Lushan can only say that Yang Guozhong is too stupid. Yang Guozhong has no idea how deep the water in this world is.

Although Yang Yuhuan is favored, she is nothing more than a weak woman. All rights come from Li Longji's favor.

Although Bai Yuxian is powerful, he is not invincible. Although he has not been defeated so far, it does not mean that no one can defeat him.

At least in An Lushan's view, if he, who has now entered the third realm of martial arts and supernatural powers, takes action, Bai Yuxian may not be his opponent.

Bai Yuxian may be a monster, but he is the destined emperor who received the teachings from the immortals. Later, he encountered an elixir by chance, which led to his breakthrough to the realm of martial arts and magical powers. After that, he made great progress and has reached the third realm of martial arts and magical powers. Otherwise, he would How to subdue the five immortals of the Five Immortals Sect.

"The world will eventually be in chaos."

In Shuofang, Wang Zhongsi looked in the direction of the capital with a complicated expression.

In the past, when he still believed in Prince Li Heng, he felt that Li Linfu was a traitor and the source of trouble in the world.

But since Li Linfu abdicated last year and Yang Guozhong officially took over, Wang Zhongsi finally understood what was the real traitor and source of trouble in the world.

Yang Guozhong is just a person who only flatters but has no ability, and is also arbitrary and authoritarian.

Although Li Linfu is authoritarian, he is really capable. At least under his rule, there are rarely any major turmoils in the world. Even though there have been constant natural disasters in the past few years, the situation can still be controlled under Li Linfu's rule. As a result, Yang Guo Chuichi takes office.

Good guy, there is immediate public dissatisfaction.

I really belong to you, Yang Guozhong!

This time Yang Guozhong wants to take action against Taiping Road, which in Wang Zhongsi's opinion is seeking death. The public resentment that has been suppressed for a long time in the whole world may completely explode. Once it breaks out, the world will be in chaos.

Wang Zhongsi undoubtedly had feelings for the Tang Dynasty, so his mood was very complicated at the moment, because he knew that Yang Guozhong was seeking death or even harming the entire Tang Dynasty.

But he has no idea of ​​stopping it. One is that he probably doesn't have the ability to stop it now.

After another incident involving Prince Li Heng, Wang Zhongsi's feelings for Li Tang also cooled down a lot.

He could continue to remain loyal to Li Tang, but it was no longer worth risking everything and even his own life.


Pei's home in Yangzhou.

After learning the news, Pei Min immediately summoned the core members of the Qi Pei family.

At the same time, in the Jiannan Chengdu Mansion, Bai Yuxian and Li Linfu's son-in-law were sitting playing chess.

"Yang Guozhong is a man who is good at understanding people's hearts and flattering others, but if he really wants to govern the world and talk about political wisdom, he will never be on the stage."

Li Linfu said with a smile that he had worked with Yang Guozhong for many years when he was in the capital. He had already seen through Yang Guozhong's level. In terms of understanding people's hearts and flattering horses, Yang Guozhong was indeed strong. I'm afraid he was not weaker than anyone, but when it came to political ability, he was really good. It's not enough to see.

"Today's Tang Dynasty is already a powder keg. A single spark may detonate the entire Tang Dynasty, let alone the Taiping Dao. This time Yang Guozhong wants to disturb the Taiping Dao and seek his own death."

"His Majesty is old after all, and he can actually agree to this matter."

Li Linfu still admired Li Longji who was a wise man in the past. However, since the founding of the Kaiyuan era of indulgence in drinking and pleasure, Li Longji's political ability has declined almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"However, Yang Guozhong's move is a good thing for Jade Immortal. Now Bai Yuxian has everything ready, all he needs is the east wind."

Finally, Li Linfu looked at Bai Yuxian and smiled.

If the world becomes chaotic this time, Bai Yuxian will undoubtedly be happy to see it.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

"Then I hope that Prime Minister Yang's wind can be completely blown."

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

At this time, another shocking news came from Huainan.

Li Su, the leader of Taiping Taoism, agreed to come to Beijing for an audience, and said that he had a volume of "Taiping Policy" that he wanted to present to the emperor. If the emperor adopted it, he could create eternal peace.

(End of this chapter)

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