Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 416 Li Longji’s anger

Chapter 416 Li Longji’s anger

Li Tang's power has been exhausted!

What a rebellious and outrageous statement.

After hearing Li Su's last words, no one in the entire capital could calm down.

Whether they were high-ranking officials or ordinary people, Li Su's words set off huge waves in their hearts.

To dare to say that a dynasty has run out of energy would definitely be a heinous crime that could kill the nine tribes in any period or dynasty. No one would dare to say it easily.

But today, Li Su not only said it, but also said it directly in front of the entire capital and even the emperor. How bold and unbridled.

But if you think about what Li Su said carefully, it seems to make sense.

Since ancient times, countries have been destroyed because of the stupidity of emperors.

Although Li Longji created the Kaiyuan Dynasty and could be called a wise king in the early stage, since Li Longji indulged in pleasure and extravagance in the late Kaiyuan Dynasty, he has become more and more like a coward.

Moreover, since the fifth year of Tianbao, natural disasters have continued throughout the entire Tang Dynasty for five consecutive years, and people cannot help but guess that this is natural punishment.

Maybe Li Tangjiangshan is really exhausted.


In the palace, as Li Su spoke his last words and left calmly, the emperor Li Longji was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"


Seeing Li Longji vomiting blood, everyone around them turned pale with fear.

Li Longji's face is hard to see at its extreme.

Because Li Su's actions this time were not only contempt for the imperial power and Li Longji slapped him in the face, but also chaos that threatened to cut off the Li family's empire.

Li Longji could already foresee the impact that today's events would have on the entire world.

The discussions are all small.

The most terrifying thing is that it will plant a seed that Li Tang is about to run out of energy in the hearts of people all over the world.

In this way, people all over the world will begin to question their rule of Li Tang.

There are also some ambitious people who may even have rebellious intentions.

This is completely a seed of turmoil that can take root and sprout in the hearts of anyone in the world, and it is also a seed that is enough to end Li Tang's empire.

This person must be removed, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

Thinking of this, Li Longji couldn't help but miss Bai Yuxian's good fortune, and suddenly regretted in his heart that he had removed Bai Yuxian's position as the commander of the Tiance Army and moved Bai Yuxian to Jiannan.

If Bai Yuxian was still in the capital, then perhaps today's situation would not be like this.

Although Bai Yuxian's cultivation level is only the first level of martial arts and magical power, it is a level lower than that of Zhenren Taixuan and Wuming Zen Master.

But judging from Bai Yuxian's combat performance after entering the realm of martial arts and supernatural powers.

Li Longji felt that Bai Yuxian's cultivation level might be lower, but his real combat power might not be weaker than that of Master Taixuan and Wuming Zen Master. After all, Bai Yuxian's achievements were all achieved through hard work.

First, he suppressed Wang Zhongsi, who was at the same level, and then in the Battle of Hexi, he defeated the Hulu and killed two Hulu heavenly beings. In addition, during the Nanzhao incident last year, Bai Yuxian also suppressed the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult in Nanzhao.

These are all real achievements.

The more he thought about it, the more Li Longji regretted why he had insisted on eliminating Bai Yu's position as the commander-in-chief of the Immortal Tiance Army.

It can only be said that people's hearts are fickle.

When Li Longji initially reduced Bai Yuxian's position as the commander-in-chief of Tiance Army, he was worried that Bai Yuxian would be too powerful and powerful. At the same time, after having Master Taixuan and Wuming Zen Master, he subconsciously felt that he might not be so necessary for Bai Yuxian.

But now with the appearance of Li Su, he found that Taixuan Zhenren and Wuming Zen Master seemed to be useless, Li Longji suddenly couldn't help but think of Bai Yuxian's goodness.

at this time.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Yang is asking for an audience outside the palace."

Li Longji's already bad mood suddenly became even worse when he heard this.

After all, the plan to clear Taiping Road was proposed by Yang Guozhong. As a result, things have developed to this situation. If Yang Guozhong doesn't take the blame, who will take the blame. It just so happened that he wanted to hear what Yang Guozhong had to say to explain to him. If he was dissatisfied, he would be the first to deal with Yang Guozhong.

Thinking of this, Li Longji immediately spoke.

"Bring him here."


Not long after, Yang Guozhong came to Li Longji in an anxious mood. Seeing Li Longji's gloomy face, he knew that he was in trouble this time. If he didn't handle it well, he might not be able to save his life.

The first step immediately without thinking was to confess to Li Longji.

"The guilty minister, Yang Guozhong, did not do his job well. I did not expect that the leader of Taiping Dao would be so powerful. Your Majesty was frightened. His crime deserves to be punished by death. Please punish him."

After speaking, Yang Guozhong knelt down and kowtowed to Li Longji with a puff.

"You really deserve to die!"

Li Longji said in a bad tone, but seeing Yang Guozhong sincerely confessing his crime, his anger towards Yang Guozhong disappeared a lot.

Although he was still dissatisfied with Yang Guozhong in his heart, the chill was reduced, and he knew that at this point, even if he killed Yang Guozhong directly, it would have no effect. Instead of letting Yang Guozhong make up for it and handle the matter, he immediately asked.

"However, I will settle your sins with you later. Nian Zaiyou also made an unintentional mistake in estimating Li Su's strength. Now I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes and handle this matter well. I hope you will not let me do it again." disappointment."

When Yang Guozhong heard this, he immediately felt relieved. He knew that he had passed this test for the time being, and he quickly kowtowed to express his thanks and assurance.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will live up to His Majesty's expectations and handle this matter well."

Li Longji nodded, quite satisfied with Yang Guozhong's attitude, but his heart sank when he thought of the strength Li Su had just shown, and he said.

"Does Prime Minister Yang have a plan?"

You used to call me Aiqing, but now you call me Yang Xiang directly. This has changed too quickly. As expected, the most ruthless emperor's family.

Yang Guozhong said sincerely, but he immediately said what he had already thought of in his heart.

"Although the leader of the Taiping Taoism is powerful, even today the Protector of the Country and the Zen Master of the Protector have not been able to capture him, but we, the Tang Dynasty, still guard the Duke of Jin in Jiannan. Since the Duke of Jin set foot on the martial arts supernatural power, First, he defeated General Wang, who was also a martial artist. Then he single-handedly led the Tiance army to penetrate the Hulu and beheaded two Hulu celestial beings. Last year, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult of Nanzhao was also killed by the Duke of Jin. Attack and defeat.”

"Although the Duke of Jin is young, he is unparalleled in both civil and military skills. If the Duke of Jin takes action, he may not be able to capture the Taiping Taoist leader. Besides, even if the Duke of Jin cannot do it alone, there are still the Protector of the Country and the Zen Master of the Protector. When the time comes when the Duke of Jin, Zhenren Huguo, and Zen Master Huguo join forces, they won’t be able to defeat just a Taiping Dao leader, so your Majesty doesn’t need to worry.”

After hearing what Yang Guozhong said, Li Longji suddenly felt a little better.

I thought well.

I still have Yuxian. Even if Taixuan Zhenren and Wuming Zen Master join forces, they still can't defeat Li Su, but together with Bai Yuxian, who has never been defeated after setting foot in the realm of divine powers, I don't believe that these three people can't defeat Li Su together by then. Li Su.

If it really doesn't work, there is still Wang Zhongsi who can be used. Although he no longer trusts Wang Zhongsi in his heart, Li Longji will definitely not mind if he is needed.

Four against one!

The advantage is still with me.

The more he thought about it, the better Li Longji felt.

Yang Guozhong observed Li Longji's expression and immediately continued to speak.

"Although I made some mistakes this time and failed to predict the Taiping Dao leader's strength, today's experience is enough to prove how ambitious this person is."

"I believe that Li Su and Taiping Dao must be eradicated immediately, otherwise they will cause endless trouble to our country, the Tang Dynasty."

Li Longji nodded again.

After what happened today, Li Su and Taiping Dao will be eliminated immediately no matter what, especially Li Su. If this person is not eliminated, Li Longji will be so angry that he dares to call him a fool.

Just looking for death.

"According to my decree, the Taiping Dao monsters are deceiving the public, gathering people to cause trouble, and bringing disaster to the world. A few days ago, all efforts were made to arrest Taiping Dao leader Li Su and Taiping Dao personnel. If there is resistance, they will be killed."

"The minister obeys the order."

Soon, Li Longji's edict was issued. It spread in the capital at first, and then spread like a hurricane to all parts of the world. At the same time, Li Su threatened the capital and fought against the two masters Taixuan and Wuming Zen Master one against two. It is a matter of the great deity retreating calmly.

Of course, this also includes Li Su saying that Li Longji is a foolish king and asserting that Li Tang will be exhausted.

Once the news spread, the whole world was shocked and in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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