Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 418 The restless Bai Lian and Bai He brothers!

Chapter 418 The restless Bai Lian and Bai He brothers!



In the mansion of Marquis Wu.

Brothers Bai Lian and Bai He gathered together in private, looking flustered.

Ever since the emperor issued an order to thoroughly investigate whether anyone had colluded with Taiping Dao, the two brothers had been completely panicked and couldn't sit still.

Because over the years, the two brothers have been using the power of the Wuhou Mansion to secretly collude with Taiping Dao to do business with each other, and the business they do is still illegal.

The two brothers have been doing business in copper, iron, salt, mining and other businesses that are prohibited by the imperial court over the years.

It's not like the two brothers didn't know that these businesses were illegal under imperial orders, and they didn't know that secretly doing business with Taiping Dao could lead to thunderstorms.

But Taipingdao gave too much.

Facing high profits, and thinking that with the blessing and protection of the Wuhou Mansion, and the now prosperous Bai Yuxian, they also belong to their descendants of the Bai family, and they can use Bai Yuxian's tiger skin to make a coat.

So the two brothers finally couldn't bear the temptation and secretly colluded with Taipingdao to get together.

Especially since there has been nothing going on for many years, and the two brothers have made a lot of money because they secretly colluded with Taiping Dao to do business, so the greed in their hearts is getting bigger and bigger, and the business with Taiping Dao has also been increasing over the years. The bigger it gets, the deeper the collusion becomes.

By now, it was almost impossible for the two brothers to escape.

It happened that at this time, Taipingdao Baolei directly launched an army to rebel, and the emperor was furious because of this and wanted to thoroughly investigate those who colluded with Taipingdao.

If the two brothers' collusion with Taiping Dao over the years was found out, they would definitely be in trouble.

Therefore, the two brothers were extremely panicked at this moment.

"Second brother, what should we do now? Taiping Dao has rebelled, and the matter is so big. Your Majesty has ordered that those who collude with Taiping Dao should be strictly investigated. If found out, they will be beheaded."

Bai He looked at Bai Lian in panic.

Bai Lian was also in a panic mood now, but fortunately he was still somewhat calm and spoke after hearing the words.

"The top priority is that we must first not panic and pretend that nothing is wrong. There are also traces of our secret interactions with Taiping Dao over the years. We must quickly remove as many as we can. As long as the court does not find out, we will not Something happened."

"If you really can't hide it, then"

"So what?!"

Bai He looked at his second brother expectantly.

"Then we can only tell our mother about this matter. The two of us brothers are doing this for the sake of the entire Wuhou Mansion. I believe that my mother will also understand us. When the time comes, as a mother, we can ask Bai Yuxian to intercede and let Bai Yuxian help us. Please plead with the court, I believe that with Bai Yuxian's current status, we can be protected, and we are also Bai Yuxian's father-in-law."

Bai Lian said.

Bai He's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, and nodded in agreement.

"Second brother is right. Bai Yuxian is now the Duke of Jin. He holds a high position and is trusted and respected by the emperor. If mother can ask for his help, he can definitely keep us safe."

"Then do this. Pretend that you haven't done anything first, try to clear away all traces of contact with Taiping Road, and see if the court can find out. If not, it's best, but if it is, then we'll go there right away. Ask your mother for help.”

The two brothers completed their discussion in this way.

At the same time in the prime minister's house, Yang Guozhong looked at the information reported by his subordinates.

The information is exactly the information about the people or forces who have secretly colluded with Taiping Dao over the years that Yang Guozhong arranged for people to investigate after receiving orders from Li Longji.

At this moment, the content of the message clearly had the three characters "Wuhou Mansion" written on it.

Bai Lian and Bai He thought that the two brothers had secretly colluded with Taiping Dao over the years, but what the two brothers didn't know was that the things they had done had been exposed to many people a long time ago. In sight, it's just that the emperor did not order to pursue this matter. There was no thunderstorm in Taiping Road, so no one caused it.

But now there is a thunderstorm on Taiping Road, and the emperor wants to thoroughly investigate the people who colluded with Taiping Road. Naturally, the Wuhou Mansion and the brothers Bai Lian and Bai He were exposed immediately.

But looking at Wuhou Mansion, Yang Guozhong fell into deep thought.

To be honest, it was just a Wuhou Mansion, but he had not noticed it for a long time. It was a declining house that had completely declined and could not even find a decent successor. However, Wuhou Mansion and Bai Yuxian are inextricably linked, which Yang Guozhong has to pay attention to.

He may not care about Wuhou Mansion, but he cannot care about Bai Yuxian. After all, he and Bai Yuxian are allies, and his position as prime minister cannot be achieved without Bai Yuxian's support.

Although he knew from the investigation that Bai Yuxian and Wuhou Mansion were not very close, it was probably just because of the superficial courtesy of the same clan relationship, but even if there was a superficial relationship, Bai Yuxian would definitely need to consider it if Wuhou Mansion was to be attacked.

"Prime Minister, this is the matter."

The subordinate who reported it also knew that the difficulty in this matter was not in Wuhou Mansion, but in Bai Yuxian, so he came to Yang Guozhong as soon as he got the news and wanted Yang Guozhong to make up his mind.

Yang Guozhong thought for a moment after hearing this.

"Don't make any noise about this matter for now, and continue to investigate further to see who else is involved in this matter."

However, although he said this, it was just an excuse. The real purpose was to take advantage of this period to tell Han Su and Bai Yuxian about the matter, and then see what they thought, especially Bai Yuxian.


half a month later.

Time enters August of the tenth year of Tianbao.

At this time, in Jiannan, an edict from the capital court also came, ordering Bai Yuxian to send troops to support Shannan, meet the Taiping Dao army led by the Taiping Dao god general Li Ming, and destroy Taiping Dao.

Almost at the same time that Bai Yuxian received the imperial edict, a secret message from the capital Yang Guozhong also came.

"Your Majesty, the secret message from the capital."

Bai Yuxian took the secret letter and opened it. It was the two brothers Bai Lian and Bai He of Wuhou Mansion who had been secretly colluding with Taiping Dao for many years, and had also sold copper, iron, salt, minerals and other materials to Taiping Dao. The amount of these things sold is huge.

To be honest, what brothers Bai Lian and Bai He have done, including selling copper, iron, salt, minerals and other substances, is enough to cut off their heads, not to mention colluding with the Taiping Dao who are currently rebelling. Under normal circumstances, These crimes are enough to directly punish the Nine Clans.

Of course, laws are made by people and will naturally vary from person to person. Especially in the face of rights, the law will give in or even remain silent.

Like this time about the Wuhou Mansion, Yang Guozhong did not deal with the Wuhou Mansion immediately but contacted Bai Yuxian. This is a manifestation of power.

There has never been a true emperor in the world who was guilty of the same crime as the common people.

Just listen to the slogan. If you really want to believe it, whoever believes it is a fool.

This is the reason why people have to climb up, because only by standing high can you enjoy rights and avoid injustice.

Bai Yuxian wrote a reply directly after reading the secret letter from Yang Guozhong.

Because he had known about the collusion between Bai Lian, Bai He and Taiping Dao a few years ago and had anticipated the outcome, so he had already prepared a plan in his mind to deal with it.

First of all, brothers Bai Lian and Bai He must die. Bai Yuxian will never plead for mercy. After all, let alone the fact that the two are the main culprits in this matter, and when his father passed away, their family property was lost to Bai Lian and Bai He. The He brothers spied on and occupied the most, and Bai Yuxian even remembered this.

If the rest of the Bai family is left, one life can be saved, and this will also satisfy his Bai Yuxian's kinship and make people not say anything about him.

This is what Bai Yuxian must do. Otherwise, if he ignores the Wuhou Mansion and has no regard for the feelings of the same clan, what will the descendants of the Bai family who are now supporting and following him think? Will they worry about his treatment of them in the future? Those people don't care about the feelings of the same clan at all, so who will be willing to follow and support him sincerely?

Therefore, even if he has no feelings for Wuhou Mansion in his heart, in addition to Bai Lian and Bai He, Bai Yuxian, the other Mrs. Bai and others in Wuhou Mansion still have to protect them, and they must do enough superficial work.

Of course, even if he protects Old Taijun Bai and others, he will only save one life at most, and forget about the rest.

And the identity of the Marquis of Wuhou Mansion will definitely be lost.

And if the identity of the Houmen of Wuhou Mansion is gone, then even if Old Taijun Bai and others are saved by Bai Yuxian, they will probably not feel much better than if they are dead. Especially Old Taijun Bai, who has always been the leader of Wuhou The status of the Hou Men in the mansion is more important than her own life. If the status of the Hou Men is gone, she may not be able to survive due to her old age.

After writing the reply to Yang Guozhong, Bai Yuxian also returned home and told his family about the matter, especially his five wives Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, and Bai Lan.

After listening to Bai Yuxian's words, the five girls couldn't help but become anxious and worried.

"How could the second and third uncles be so confused and actually collude with Taiping Dao!"

Han Shiyin couldn't help but hate the fact that iron cannot become steel.

(End of this chapter)

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