Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 423: Great victory, good news comes to Beijing!

Chapter 423: Great victory, good news comes to Beijing!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!."

There was a violent sound of breaking through the air, and arrows rained down from the sky.

At the same time that Gao Shi and Li Siye led the army to charge towards the Taiping Dao army, the arrow formation behind Jiannan Army also fired immediately.

Arrows rained down from the sky towards the Taiping Dao army, and after the arrows fell into the Taiping Dao army's hindfoot, the charging army led by Gao Shi and Li Siye almost immediately reached the Taiping Dao army. This was also the perfect formation. Cover and cooperate.

At this time, there was a huge gap in the numbers of the two armies. The Jiannan Army only had 50,000 troops, of which 20,000 were the former Shannan defenders who had returned. The real Jiannan Army only had 30,000 troops, while the Taiping Dao army had a full 20,000 troops. One hundred and fifty thousand soldiers and horses.

The numerical gap between the two sides is five times.

However, although the Taiping Dao army has a large number of people, it can basically be said to be a group of mobs. In terms of military discipline, there is nothing loose and loose at all. In terms of equipment, more than 90% of the people do not even have decent weapons and armor. In terms of quality, it is even worse. Many people are still like refugees.

With such a group of people, it's okay to let them fight with the wind, but if they really want to fight head-on, they will definitely be vulnerable to a regular army.

At least in front of the Jiannan Army led by Bai Yuxian.


Just under the first wave of arrows from the Jiannan Army, the Taiping Dao army suffered a large number of casualties due to the lack of effective defense, and the army's lineup was instantly in chaos.

Before they could stabilize their position, Gao Shi and Li Siye had already led the cavalry of the Jiannan Army to charge in front of the Taiping Dao army.

Coupled with Gao Shi and Li Siye's current martial arts spiritual aperture realm, they instantly penetrated the Taiping Dao army's camp like two sharp swords.

Behind them, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Jiang Wu, Guan Sheng, Ximen Yan and others who were in the martial arts Xuangang realm also led their armies and followed closely behind.

Almost at the moment of the battle, the Taiping Dao army's camp was torn open by the Jiannan Army.

Although the Taiping Dao army has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, in terms of the overall combat strength and quality of the two armies, they are completely on par with each other.

Although the previous Taiping Dao army was invincible all the way, it was all because Li Ming, the most powerful man with martial arts and magical powers, was leading the team.

Li Ming is invincible, so the Taiping Dao army is naturally invincible.

But now that Li Ming was silent and Li Su was suppressed by Bai Yuxian, the unbearable combat power of the Taiping Dao army was naturally reflected instantly.

Of course, it can also be said that the Jiannan Army under Bai Yuxian's command is too powerful.

The entire land suddenly became filled with dust and there was a sound of fighting.

The Jiannan Army led by Gao Shi and Li Siye fought against the Taiping Dao army, but the situation turned out to be one-sided.

After the Jiannan Army fought with the Taiping Dao army, they always kept the military formation tightly together. Gao Shi and Li Siye, the strongest in front, as well as Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Jiang Wu, Guan Sheng, and Ximen Headed by General Yan, they hugged each other tightly.

On the other hand, the Taiping Dao army was like a piece of scattered sand. Although there were many people, they could not hold them together and could not compete with the Jiannan Army.

In particular, the gap between the morale of the two sides became larger and larger as the battle progressed. The morale of the Jiannan Army became higher and higher as the battle progressed.

Especially the original Shannan Army who followed the Jiannan Army, all of them howled with excitement. This battle really relieved them. Thinking about it before, their Shannan Army was beaten like a lost dog by the Taiping Dao army. , and now the situation is reversed, how unhappy they are.

The morale of the Taiping Road side became more and more disintegrated with the fighting. In the end, they were almost completely beaten and lost all will to fight. They were defeated like a mountain.

When the two armies are fighting, the first thing to look at is their strength, and the second thing to look at is their morale.

Especially morale. If morale is gone, it will be basically impossible to make a comeback.

Li Ming, who was high in the air, couldn't help but change his face again when he saw this scene, and wanted to help the Taiping Dao army, but Bai Yuxian raised his hand and flew away with a sword. Even if Li Su hadn't helped Li Ming, I'm afraid Li Ming would have been killed. The whole person is destined to be hacked to death by Bai Yuxian.

In fact, Bai Yuxian had no murderous intention towards Li Su and Li Ming today.

But Li Ming's actions somewhat broke the rules.

On the battlefield, soldiers face soldiers, and generals face each other.

When the armies of both sides have supernatural powers, neither side is allowed to take action against the other's army before the outcome is decided. This has been a battlefield rule since ancient times.

But just now Li Ming wanted to attack Jiannan Army, which broke the rules, so Bai Yuxian couldn't help but act a little more seriously, and it was also a warning.

Li Ming, who was saved by Li Su and escaped, suddenly understood. When he looked at Bai Yuxian, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. If Li Su hadn't taken action just now, he would have been killed by Bai Yuxian's sword. , Fortunately, Li Su was there to take action, but he was also frightened for a while.

Li Su, who saved Li Ming, knew it well, and seeing that his Taiping Dao army below had been completely defeated, and Bai Yuxian couldn't take it, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing the fight and said.

"In today's battle, Li learned a lesson. His swordsmanship is unparalleled, and his subordinates are also invincible. Li admires him. We will meet again someday."

After saying that, he waved his hand.

A violent storm suddenly rose between the sky and the earth, rolling up dust and covering the sky. The Jiannan Army, which was chasing the Taiping Dao army in pursuit of victory, could not help but be hindered.

Under such circumstances, Gao Shi and Li Siye, who were leading the troops, did not dare to pursue rashly anymore and immediately ordered the entire army to shrink.

By the time the strong wind dissipated, the defeated Taiping Dao army had fled far away.

At the same time, Li Su, who was fighting Bai Yuxian in the sky, had also disappeared with Li Ming. Bai Yuxian, who was high in the air, did not take action again, because he deliberately allowed Li Su and the Taiping Dao army to leave and retreat, and Li Su's spell just now only covered the retreat of the Taiping Dao army and did not hurt the Jiannan Army, so Bai Yuxian also Did not take action again.

In the end, this battle came to an end, with the Taiping Dao army completely defeated and retreating. It was undoubtedly a great victory for the Jiannan Army.

"Your Majesty!"

As the battle ended, Bai Yuxian's figure also descended from the sky. The Jiannan Army saluted and shouted loudly, and their faces were filled with the excitement of victory after the war and the almost worship of Bai Yuxian.

Even the Shannan Army who were originally included in the Jiannan Army looked at Bai Yuxian with a burning gaze.

Bai Yuxian nodded slightly when he heard this, then looked at Gao Shi and Li Siye and gave instructions.

"The army camped on the spot for repairs, cleaned the battlefield and counted the casualties and battle results. In addition, a team of trusted cavalry was sent to ascertain the retreat of the Taiping Dao army."


The army immediately began to camp in place to clean the battlefield and clean up the results of the battle.

A few hours later, the battlefield was cleaned up, and the results of this battle were also cleared up.

In this battle, the Jiannan Army suffered a total of more than 3,000 casualties, and most of these casualties were the returned Shannan Army. The Jiannan Army itself suffered fewer casualties.

As for the Taiping Dao army, the Jiannan Army directly killed more than 50,000 enemies in this battle and took very few prisoners, less than a thousand. After all, the Taiping Dao army was able to escape under the cover of Li Su's magic and was captured. There are only a very small number who did not escape.

We suffered more than 3,000 casualties in exchange for more than 50,000 enemy kills. There is no doubt that this is a great victory.

After the statistics of the battle results were completed, Bai Yuxian also recruited all his generals to the coach's camp. At this time, everyone was also happy.

Bai Yuxian was also quite happy in his heart, because with this battle, he would be able to deal with Li Longji in the imperial court. Although he failed to capture Li Su, who was Li Su? It is not easy to defeat the most powerful person in the world who cannot be defeated even if they join forces, not to mention that there is Li Ming beside Li Su. Although Li Ming is relatively weak, he is still the most powerful person at the level of gods, humans and supernatural powers. no.

Bai Yuxian believed that even Li Longji would not be able to find fault with such a result.

Moreover, with this battle report, I begged Li Longji to keep Baizheng and others alive, and Li Longji would not be unhappy anymore.

He immediately gave the order.

"Come here, please rush this battle report to the capital immediately."


Huai'an is much closer to the capital than Jiannan. If you rush thousands of miles away, you can enter the capital without a ten-day battle report. If you hurry up, you can even arrive in seven or eight days.

Seven days later.


"Tap tap tap—!"

A violent sound of horse hooves suddenly came galloping from the direction of the city gate.

I followed the sound, but before I saw anyone, I heard someone shouting from a distance.

"The great victory in Huai'an, the Jiannan Army defeated the Taiping Dao rebels and killed 50,000 enemies. The Duke of Jin defeated the Taiping Dao god general Li Ming and drove away the Taiping Dao leader Li Su."

"The great victory in Huai'an, the Jiannan Army defeated the Taiping Dao rebels, and there was no hope of defeating the enemy. The Duke of Jin defeated the Taiping Dao god general Li Ming, and defeated the Taiping Dao leader Li Su."

Excited shouts soon spread throughout the streets of Chang'an City.

A figure of Qingqi also appeared quickly, galloping from the direction of the city gate.

Surprisingly, it was the Huai'an Jiannan Army's battle report that reached the capital.

"Great victory in Huai'an."


"The Duke of Jin is truly the pillar of my Tang Dynasty."


Hearing the news of the great victory, the whole street was instantly excited.

After all, compared to the chaos of war, people in the capital definitely prefer the current stability. However, during this period of time, Taiping Dao has become so powerful that it has the potential to sweep the world, so no one can help but worry.

But now that they heard the news about Huai'an's great victory and even the leader of Taiping Dao being defeated by Bai Yuxian, everyone in the capital was unhappy.

Not long after, the battle report came to the palace, and Li Longji couldn't help but get excited.

Long Yan was delighted.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my Jade Immortal. With the Jade Immortal here, I have nothing to worry about!"

(End of this chapter)

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