Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 430 Wang Zhongsi is blocked!

Chapter 430 Wang Zhongsi is blocked!

An Lushan rebelled.

This is definitely a shocking earthquake.

When the news reached the capital, the entire capital exploded almost instantly.

Because almost no one in the entire capital thought that An Lushan would rebel, not even the emperor Li Longji. After all, he had just awarded An Lushan a reward.

As a result, he never expected that An Lushan would directly rebel against Li Tang while he was only receiving awards and rewards on the front foot.

Although they chanted the slogan, "Worry about the country's danger, clear the emperor's side, and kill the traitor Yang Guozhong," no sensible person knows that this is a rebellion. Many rebellions started with the slogan of "clearing the emperor's side."

Moreover, the sudden withdrawal of troops from the Taiping Road in Hedong and Hebei provinces would not be believed to have anything to do with An Lushan's rebellion.

Apparently both sides have reached some kind of agreement.

"Rebellious ministers and traitors! Rebellious ministers and traitors!"

Li Longji's face was livid with anger, and everything around him was almost smashed. He never thought that An Lushan would rebel, and at this juncture.

An Lushan's rebellion at this moment was a heavy blow to the Tang Dynasty. The original momentum of Taiping Road was finally suppressed and the war situation was under control. But now that An Lushan has rebelled, the original situation of the Tang Dynasty has disappeared in an instant.

It can be foreseen that Wang Xuan and Baili Changfeng will withdraw their troops to support Shannan. This will inevitably double the pressure on Bai Yuxian, who was originally fighting one against two, and will have to single-handedly fight against Taiping Dao leader Li Su and Taiping Dao god general Li Ming. , Earth God General Wang Xuan, and Huang God General Baili Changfeng are the four heavenly beings. This shows how great the pressure on Bai Yuxian will be when the time comes.

And not only Bai Yuxian's side, but also his capital side will face the threat of An Lushan next.

Next, whether Shannan Baiyuxian's side or the capital's side fails to resist, it will be a danger of overthrowing for Datang.

It can be said that An Lushan's sudden rebellion simply pushed the entire Tang Dynasty to the edge of the cliff.

Even now, the entire capital is in panic.

Li Longji himself couldn't sit still, knowing that being angry now would not help, so he quickly summoned Yang Guozhong and Han Su to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, Yang Guozhong was also sweating profusely, because he knew that he definitely had an important responsibility for An Lushan's rebellion. After all, he and An Lushan had been at odds with each other since last year, and now the slogan of An Lushan's rebellion They were all under the slogan of killing this traitorous official like him.

Under such circumstances, how could Yang Guozhong not be afraid.

Fortunately, Li Longji was already impatient at this time and had no intention of pursuing this with Yang Guozhong. He looked directly at the two of them and asked.

"An Lushan is a rebellious minister and a wolf with ambition. Now his sudden rebellion has ruined the good situation of our court. Moreover, according to the information, An Lushan's army has been approaching Weizhou. If Weizhou falls, Anlu Mountain will directly threaten the Eastern Capital. Luoyang, I wonder if the two dear friends have good plans to deal with this."

Yang Guozhong was sweating profusely and said quickly after hearing this.

"Although An Lushan is ambitious, his strength should not be underestimated. He has reached the realm of martial arts and magical powers. Now, the only generals in my court who can fight against him are Duke Jin, General Pei and General Wang. But Duke Jin Both General Wang and General Pei are confronting the Taiping Dao army and cannot escape. Only General Wang has a flaw, and he is also the closest. For this plan, General Wang should be dispatched to lead his army to block Anlu Mountain."

"As long as General Wang can block Anlu Mountain, and the Duke of Jin on the south side of the mountain can block Taiping Road, then the crisis for our court will be resolved."

Yang Guozhong immediately offered suggestions actively.

"But just in case, I think that your Majesty still needs to discuss with the Protector of the Country and the Zen Master of the Country. If necessary, I am afraid that the Lord Protector and the Zen Master of the Country will need to take action. Depending on the situation, it will be necessary to support General Wang. He is still the Duke of Jin."

"I second the proposal."

Han Su followed suit after hearing this, with a look of fear on his face just like Yang Guozhong's.

But deep down in his heart, Han Su was as stable as a mountain at this moment.

After all, others may not be aware of Bai Yuxian's situation and thoughts, but Han Su, the father-in-law, naturally knows it already.

But this time An Lushan rebelled against Han Su and he really didn't expect it.

Good guy, most of the powerful people with supernatural powers in the world now want to rebel against Li Tang. In this situation, he doesn't know how Li Tang can survive.

But this is a good thing for them.

After all, if Li Tang doesn't fall, how can Bai Yuxian raise an army?

"Okay, then I will immediately send an order to Wang Zhongsi to lead his troops to attack Anlu Mountain. We must not let Anlu Mountain endanger the Eastern Capital."


Wang Zhongsi was still very loyal to the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, as a well-known general who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he is also extremely keen on controlling the battle situation.

Almost as soon as he learned the news of An Lushan's rebellion, he realized that An Lushan's intention must be to take the capital directly.

Therefore, there was no need for an order from the court to arrive. Wang Zhongsi had already led the army to Weizhou and planned to stop Anlu Mountain in Weizhou.

However, just as Wang Zhongsi led his army to Weizhou, he had not yet reached Weizhou to see An Lushan's army.

"Buzz—!" Suddenly, a mighty and terrifying aura like the power of heaven appeared between the heaven and the earth, sweeping across the sky and the earth like an overwhelming force.

Immediately afterwards, two figures appeared from the sky, blocking the front of the army led by Wang Zhongsi.

The figures are two old men who look to be in their fifties or sixties. One of them is wearing a gray Taoist robe, and the other is wearing a yellow Taoist robe. They have a thin figure and an outstanding temperament, giving people a sense of immortality. But other than that, their eyebrows are It gives people an indescribable and strange feeling.

The two men appeared, stood in front of the army and looked at Wang Zhongsi with a smile from afar.

"General Wang, please stay."

"Who are you and why are you blocking the road?"

Wang Zhongsi's expression changed instantly, he looked at the two people who appeared in front of him and said.

The old man in yellow robe smiled and answered.

"We are here to persuade General Wang to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side."

"Now that the emperor is immoral, he has indulged in drinking and enjoying life for many years instead of doing government affairs. He has allowed traitors like Yang Guozhong to do more harm than good, causing the people of the world to live in dire straits and complain."

"And since the fifth year of Tianbao, there have been constant natural disasters under the Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that God is dissatisfied with the Tang Dynasty, so it has sent down punishment. This is God's will. It proves that Li Tang's energy has been exhausted. Now An Shijun has launched an army to attack the Tang Dynasty. It should be Complying with the destiny is like King Wu defeating Zhou."

"Under such circumstances, why doesn't General Wang comply with the destiny, abandon the darkness and surrender to the light, and join us in serving Lord An to create a new dynasty and build a new heaven together?"

"Otherwise, it would be a pity if General Wang, a great man of his generation, dies like this."

When Wang Zhongsi heard this, his eyes instantly turned cold.

There is no doubt that although the two old men in front of him appeared out of nowhere, they must be from An Lushan and came specifically to stop him and persuade him to surrender.

But don't even think about asking Wang Zhongsi to surrender to An Lushan.

Not to mention that Wang Zhongsi never thought of rebelling against the Tang Dynasty.

Even if he wanted to rebel against the Tang Dynasty, it was absolutely impossible for him to join An Lushan.

What kind of thing is An Lushan? When he was the first general of the Tang Dynasty, An Lushan was his younger brother in front of him. Now it is impossible for him to surrender to An Lushan, even if he dies.

In the current world, there is only one person that Wang Zhongsi admires, and that is Bai Yuxian.

"Kill the traitors and traitors!"

After listening to the words of the old man in yellow, Wang Zhongsi was too lazy to say anything and just gave a cold shout before taking action.


With a loud noise that shook the sky, a war broke out.

Wang Zhongsi fought one against two, and then quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Because the strength of the old man in yellow and the old man in gray is not weaker than him at all. They are both strong men at the level of divine power. Although they do not surpass Wang Zhongsi in terms of realm, they are both at the first level of divine power, but Wang Zhongsi is one against two. , the situation is naturally conceivable.

There is no one in the world who can cultivate to the level of divine and human supernatural powers. Except for Bai Yuxian, who is one of the few monsters in ancient and modern times, if you want to leapfrog the realm of heaven and human supernatural powers or fight with an enemy, Many, basically impossible.

"Li Tang's strength has been exhausted. General Wang is an outstanding figure, why should he be buried with Li Tang?"

The old man in yellow continued to speak, as if he was still thinking of persuading Wang Zhongsi to surrender.

However, Wang Zhongsi ignored it at all.

Even if Wang Zhong wants to surrender, it is absolutely impossible for him to surrender to An Lushan.

To put it bluntly, in Wang Zhongsi's heart, he looked down upon An Lushan at all.

Half an hour later, the battle came to an end. Wang Zhongsi was wounded and retreated with his troops. In the end, he failed to defeat one against two.

The old man in yellow and the old man in gray had no intention of continuing to pursue Wang Zhongsi and kill him completely.

Because although Wang Zhongsi was defeated by them, in one-on-one, Wang Zhongsi was not necessarily weaker than any of them. If Wang Zhongsi really wanted to kill Wang Zhongsi and forced Wang Zhongsi to fight, although he could succeed, the two of them would probably have to pay a lot of effort. The price may even be Wang Zhongsi's desperate effort to support him.

Their purpose was just to stop Wang Zhongsi rather than kill him.

There was no need to risk his own life and forcefully kill Wang Zhongsi.

Therefore, the two of them did not take action again after repelling Wang Zhongsi.

(End of this chapter)

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