Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 432 Baiyu Xianye enters the capital!

Chapter 432 Baiyu Xianye enters the capital!

into the night.

The capital city is Chang'an.

Bai Yuxian's figure slowly appeared under the night sky, looking at Chang'an City below.

Compared to the bustling night in the past, Chang'an City looked particularly quiet tonight. Not only were there few people on the streets, but even the Tianxiang Tower, where singing and dancing and laughter continued in the past, looked particularly deserted tonight.

However, this situation is reasonable. After all, An Lushan suddenly rebelled and the rebellion was unstoppable. The army has reached Weizhou and is approaching Luoyang, the eastern capital. Now Luoyang is the last line of defense for the capital Chang'an. Once Luoyang also falls, then Of course, there is no need to say anything about the capital.

Under such circumstances, the entire capital was inevitably enveloped by the gloom of war. It was already this time, and no one had the time to have fun.

Seeing the peaceful capital at her feet, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but sigh.

Things in the world are like chess, unpredictable.

At the beginning, how many people could have imagined that Chang'an, the capital city full of flowers, would be enveloped in the gloom of war as it is today.

The Tang Dynasty, which was once prosperous and prosperous in the past, has become what it is today in just a few years.

He stood in the sky and watched for a long time, and then sent a message to his father-in-law, Han Su, to contact his father-in-law, Han Su, before Bai Yuxian's figure fell from the sky.

Not long after.

In the courtyard of the Han Mansion, Bai Yuxian and Han Su's son-in-law met each other. They made a pot of tea and sat opposite each other. Everyone else had been dismissed by Han Su.

Han Su was quite happy about Bai Yuxian's arrival, but at the same time he was a little confused.

"Now that the war in Shannan is tense, how can Yuxian have time to come to the capital?"

Although Han Su has long known about Bai Yuxian's thoughts and plans for rebellion, he still knows nothing about Bai Yuxian's specific strength. Not to mention Han Su, in the entire world now, the only one who knows about Bai Yuxian's specific strength is himself. There is no other one.

In addition, when Li Su, the leader of Taiping Taoism, suppressed the capital, he fought alone against Taixuan Zhenren and Wuming Zen Master. Both of them retreated calmly, showing great strength.

What's more, now the armies in Hedong and Hebei of Taiping Road have all withdrawn from Hedong and Hebei and moved to Shannan, all pressing against Bai Yuxian.

Therefore, even Han Su thought that Bai Yuxian's current battle situation in Shannan might be a little tight and not so easy.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuxian suddenly came to the capital at this time.

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he immediately smiled and said.

"Father-in-law, don't worry. From now on, Taiping Dao and Master Li will be our own."

Han Su couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he heard this. He was shocked and looked at Bai Yuxian in shock. He never expected that Bai Yuxian would suddenly say such words.

From now on Taipingdao will become their own!

This is simply something that Han Su never dared to think about before. You need to know how powerful the Taiping Dao is. There are five most powerful people at the level of divine and human powers. It can be said that the power of the Taiping Dao alone is enough to subvert the world. If Taipingdao also became theirs.

Han Su didn't dare to think who else in the world could stop them.

However, this also made Han Su even more shocked and curious about how Bai Yuxian conquered the Taiping Tao, especially the Taiping Tao leader Li Su, after all, such a powerful man with supernatural powers.

"This matter is a long story, and it involves some levels of heavenly and human supernatural powers to be qualified to know the secrets. It is not convenient to inform my father-in-law for the time being. After my father-in-law arrives in Jiannan, my son-in-law will discuss the matter with his father-in-law in detail. For now, my father-in-law only needs to know , from now on, we don’t need to worry about Taiping Dao anymore, we are already our own.”

Bai Yuxian said with a smile.

"I understand."

Han Su nodded immediately after hearing this, and took a deep breath to suppress the shock in his heart.

And compared to the shock of Taiping Dao becoming his own, his joy at this moment is undoubtedly a bit greater. After all, the strength of Taiping Dao lies here. If Taiping Dao also surrenders to Bai Yuxian, with Bai Yuxian's strength and power Coupled with Taiping Dao's current strength and power, he didn't know how to lose.

"Then what are Yuxian's plans next?"

"Wait for the opportunity. On the surface, I will still maintain the current stalemate with Taiping Dao. After An Lushan captures the capital and overthrows Li Tang, I will wipe out the world in the name of quelling the chaos. Then everything will fall into place."

Anyway, Bai Yuxian's current idea is that An Lushan will be blamed for overthrowing Li Tang, and Bai Yuxian will be the one to take the final victory in the world.

He had already thought up this plan many years ago and selected An Lushan as the candidate to take the blame.

After all, the leader of the Anshi Rebellion, if you don’t take the blame, who will take the blame?

Han Su couldn't help but nodded again when he heard this. Bai Yuxian's thoughts coincided with his.

After all, Bai Yuxian is a minister of Li Tang, and has always been highly valued by the emperor Li Longji. If Bai Yuxian directly raises troops to rebel against Li Tang, it will definitely be a huge blow to Bai Yuxian's reputation, but if someone else overthrows Li Tang, That's naturally simple.

"But now An Lushan's army is approaching Luoyang. Once Luoyang falls, the capital will probably be the one behind it. My father-in-law should be ready to evacuate."

"I have asked the Bafang Chamber of Commerce to prepare for this matter. Once Luoyang falls, the emperor and the dignitaries in the capital will inevitably flee. At that time, my father-in-law will not need to wait anymore. He will take his mother-in-law and the others directly to the Bafang Chamber of Commerce to evacuate the capital, and go directly to Jian South." Bai Yuxian said again.

In the current situation, if Luoyang fell, there would be no need for his father-in-law to continue fleeing with Li Longji, and he would just go to Jiannan to help him.

And if you continue to flee with Li Longji, you may be in danger.

After all, there are lessons to be learned from the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion in parallel time and space in later generations.

What if the Sixth Army didn't respond? They died in front of them.

Maweipo mutiny.

Even Li Longji's most beloved concubine Yang Yuhuan was forced to death, not to mention Yang Guozhong. Who knows whether his father-in-law will be implicated at that time.

In fact, the Maweipo Mutiny in parallel time and space in later generations was also the rebellion of Prince Li Heng to seize power. After the Maweipo Mutiny, all political and military power was in the hands of Prince Li Heng, and not long after, Li Longji was forced to abdicate the throne to Li Heng.

Although the prince Li Heng of this time and space is already dead.

But don't forget that there is also a prince Li Wang, and he is also a prince who is hostile to himself.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, once Luoyang fell and Li Longji fled, Bai Yuxian felt that it would be better to take his father-in-law and his family directly to Jiannan, not to mention that there was no need to continue to follow Li Longji to escape and take risks.

In addition, there are the beautiful mother-in-law Yu Fei and three sisters, Yang Yuhuan and Yang Yuqing.

Han Su naturally had no objection to Bai Yuxian's arrangement. He could take his family directly to Jiannan to ensure safety, so he naturally didn't want to take any more risks.

With the matter settled, Weng and his son-in-law drank tea and chatted for most of an hour before Bai Yuxian got up and left.

As for the whole process, except for Bai Yuxian and Han Su's son-in-law, no one in the entire capital or even the Han Mansion knew about it. Tonight, Bai Yuxian came to the capital to meet with Han Su.

After leaving his father-in-law's place.

Bai Yuxian quietly entered the palace again.

At this moment, the palace was already shrouded in sorrow and panic.

Bai Yuxian came to the beautiful mother-in-law Yufei in Yuhua Palace.

It was already late at night, and the Yuhua Palace was already quiet. Concubine Yu was sleeping on the bed in a silk nightgown wrapping her mature and plump figure, but she did not fall asleep.

Because now An Lushan has rebelled, and the army is approaching Luoyang, the eastern capital, and the capital seems to be crumbling. Under this situation, not only everyone else in the capital is panicked and uneasy, but she is also the same, and she has not slept well these past few nights. .

Even the night before yesterday, she dreamed that the rebels had invaded the capital and the palace. She was forced to commit suicide because she did not want to be humiliated.

Thinking of that dream, Concubine Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in her heart, especially when she was alone in the dead of night.

If the capital really fell and the rebels attacked, she, a weak woman, would have no choice but to commit suicide if she didn't want to be humiliated.

Although there is still a good son-in-law Bai Yuxian, Bai Yuxian is also being held back by Taiping Road in Shannan and the situation of the battle is unclear.

Under such circumstances, Concubine Jade didn't know what to do.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a pair of familiar and warm arms reaching out from behind to hug him.

Concubine Yu suddenly looked happy.

"Jade Immortal!"

She almost didn't need to look, just relying on the familiar body feeling, she knew who was coming.

Turning his head, he saw Bai Yuxian's familiar smiling face, as handsome as a banished immortal.

Bai Yuxian smiled tenderly at her beautiful mother-in-law. Sensing the fear and worry in her heart, she immediately spoke to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything, don't worry. When Luoyang falls and the capital is in chaos, I will take you directly from the capital to Jiannan. By then we can be together openly and don't have to worry about anything else."


Hearing Bai Yuxian's gentle and caring words, Concubine Yu's originally uneasy heart suddenly calmed down, and at the same time she felt warm, as if she had found a home to rely on.

The mature and plump body couldn't help but turn around and take the initiative to wrap around Bai Yuxian.

The long, slender, snow-white legs clamped around Bai Yuxian's waist.

"Human Me"

(End of this chapter)

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