Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 434 The emperor ran away and the capital was in chaos!

Chapter 434 The emperor ran away and the capital was in chaos!

After all, Luoyang still failed to defend.

When An Lushan led his army to the outside of Luoyang, the eastern capital, An Lushan showed his strength far beyond what he had shown before. He single-handedly defeated Taixuan Zhenren and Wuming Zen Master with great force, and then led his army to capture Luoyang.

And as the news of the fall of the eastern capital Luoyang reached the capital Chang'an, the entire capital Chang'an instantly fell into chaos, from the high-ranking officials to the desperate common people.

Even the emperor Li Longji was completely at a loss at this moment and could no longer maintain his majesty and calmness.

The news of the fall of Luoyang was like a bolt from the blue for the entire capital.

Because everyone knows that once Luoyang falls and cannot be defended, then the capital will certainly not be able to defend it and cannot withstand An Lushan's army.

Li Longji immediately summoned Yang Guozhong to ask for countermeasures.

But what other plans could Yang Guozhong have at this time? When he saw Li Longji, he could only say with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, I think we should escape!"

"Now that Luoyang has been lost, even the Protector of the Country and the Zen Master of the Protector are no match for Anlushan. Who else in the capital can resist Anlushan? I think the only one in the Tang Dynasty who can resist Anlushan is the Jin Dynasty." The Duke of Jin is dead, but the Duke of Jin is far away in Jiannan and is supported by Taiping Road, so he has no time to escape, so we might as well escape and leave the capital temporarily to avoid his attack."

"As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about having no firewood. As long as His Majesty is still there, as long as the Duke of Jin is still there, we in the Tang Dynasty will still have the opportunity to suppress the rebellions such as Anlushan and Taipingdao."

Li Longji was also greatly moved when he heard this.

At this time, he no longer cares about the emperor's face. An Lushan is about to come knocking on his door, and no one in the capital under his command can resist An Lushan. At this time, there is no need for him to escape.

But if they wanted to escape, where would they go?

Li Longji suddenly couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Yang Guozhong immediately suggested again after hearing this.

"In my opinion, your majesty might as well go to Chengdu in Jiannan temporarily. Chengdu is where the Duke of Jin Jiannan's administrative office is located, and the Sichuan-Sichuan sword pavilion is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. As long as your majesty arrives in Chengdu, he can then recall the Duke of Jin to Jiannan. Regarding defense, I believe that having the Duke of Jin in charge can at least ensure His Majesty's safety."

"After Your Majesty is safe, we can proceed with the follow-up efforts to put down the rebellions in Anlushan and Taiping Dao. With the Duke of Jin here, and with the Duke of Jin's civil and military skills, I believe it will not be difficult to put down the rebellion and regain the lost territory in the future. .”

Li Longji was overjoyed when he heard this.

I thought it was right, I can go to Chengdu, and I still have the Jade Immortal. As long as the Jade Immortal is there, I will definitely be safe.

He immediately gave the order.

"What Aiqing said is true. I still have the Jade Immortal, and I can go to Chengdu. If so, Aiqing, please go and pass on my edict immediately, and order all the troops in the capital to prepare immediately and set out to escort me to the capital."


When Yang Guozhong heard this, he immediately handed over his hand and went to make arrangements.

After Yang Guozhong left, Li Longji quickly called Gao Lishi and gave instructions.

"Go, quickly arrange for someone to pack my luggage and prepare to leave Beijing for Chengdu. Also, hurry up and inform the imperial concubine."

Although he was about to flee for his life, Li Longji did not forget Yang Yuhuan at this time. After all, Yang Yuhuan was his heart. He could not care about the other concubines and beauties in the harem, but Yang Yuhuan could not.

More than half an hour later.

As the capital's army was urgently assembled, Li Longji quickly took Yang Yuhuan into the car and left the capital with some of the civil and military ministers of the capital who followed.

The emperor ran away!

Soon as Li Longji led his army to leave, the already panicked capital fell into complete chaos.

Especially in the palace, the maids, eunuchs, nuns, concubines, etc. who were left behind were in chaos.

In Yuhua Palace, Concubine Jade was also left behind by Li Longji.

Because Li Longji was in a hurry to run away, when he left, except for Yang Yuhuan, none of the concubines in the palace took him with him, including Concubine Yu.

However, Concubine Yu was not worried or panicked about this, but was actually a little happy.

Because Li Longji left her behind, she will have nothing to do with Li Longji in the future. She can follow Bai Yuxian to Jiannan without any burden or scruples.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty has escaped and only took Concubine Yang with him. Now the palace is in chaos and everyone is running for their lives. What should we do? Or let's run away too."

At this time, Aunt Hua and the two palace maids ran in and looked at Concubine Jade with panicked expressions.

Concubine Yu looked at Aunt Hua and the two maids in front of her.

Now the palace has been in chaos since Li Longji escaped. Most of the palace maids, nuns, and eunuchs no longer care about the concubines and concubines, and they all started robbing things and leaving the palace to escape. At this time, Aunt Hua and the three of them were still there. Not running away thinking about her is considered loyal.

He immediately looked at the three of them and said. "You three have not abandoned me at this time, which is considered loyal. If so, then you can go to Jiannan with me."

As he finished speaking, Bai Yuxian's figure slowly appeared from behind Concubine Yu.

Bai Yuxian also looked at the three of them. At this time, the three of them had not abandoned Concubine Yu, so they were indeed considered loyal.

"Prince-in-law! Prince-in-law!"

When Hua and the other three saw the sudden appearance of Bai Yuxian, they couldn't help but their eyes widened in shock.

Immediately, it became clear that Bai Yuxian was obviously here to save Concubine Yu, and they were still thinking about Concubine Yu before they left. Obviously, this loyalty also moved Concubine Yu, so they can follow Concubine Yu to take advantage of it. Bai Yuxian arranged to escape from the capital together.

After understanding this, the three of them were immediately overjoyed and quickly looked at Bai Yuxian and bowed to him.

"See Prince Consort."

"No need to be polite. You haven't left at this moment, so you are considered loyal. In this case, you can follow us to Jiannan. After arriving in Jiannan, remember to continue to work well and serve loyally. If you are the capital and have family If so, I will give you an hour to contact you after we leave the palace, and you can take him with you to Jiannan."

Bai Yuxian smiled and said.

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard this and thanked them again and again.

At the same time, I was extremely glad that I had not abandoned Yufei because of my feelings and the goodness of Yufei in these years. Otherwise, they would not have had this chance to survive.

The three of them felt that this might be the so-called so-called good deeds.

"Also, remember to keep your mouth shut about my matters today."

Finally, Bai Yuxian warned again.

"Don't worry, Prince Consort, even if the slaves die, they will never see Prince Consort today."

The three people immediately promised after hearing this. Although they were extremely confused and curious about how Bai Yuxian could appear here, they also knew that this was not something they should know.

After a while, after Concubine Yu and the three of them had packed their important luggage, Bai Yuxian directly cast a spell and took the four of them out of the palace quietly.

When they arrived outside the palace, a group of people, horses and carriages were already waiting.

Bai Yuxian explained to Concubine Yu again.

"I still need to stay in the capital for a while. You go to Jiannan with the carriage first. I have arranged everything there. There is no need to worry. If there is an emergency, remember to crush the jade I gave you. Jane, I can come over at any time."


Concubine Yu nodded obediently.

After waiting like this for nearly half an hour, after the three of them called their family members, Concubine Yu immediately got on the carriage and left the palace.

The team is composed of personnel from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce arranged by Bai Yuxian. There are more than thirty guards in total. Their strength is at least at the beginning of martial arts and has entered the realm of martial arts energy and blood. The leader is three warriors who have reached the advanced level of martial arts. Such strength is normal. It's enough to ensure a safe journey.

And if there is danger, Concubine Jade also has the jade slip given by Bai Yuxian and the mark of the soul left behind, which is enough to rush to her immediately.

In this way, Bai Yuxian first arranged to send away the beautiful mother-in-law and the concubine.

In addition, there was also the father-in-law Han Su's family. At this time, the team already arranged by Bai Yuxian of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce had left Beijing and headed straight to Jiannan.

When Li Longji led his troops to flee the capital, many dignitaries and civil and military ministers of the capital chose to go with Li Longji, but there were also many who did not go with Li Longji or even fled before Li Longji.

In such a chaotic situation, no one would suspect anything if Han Su did not go with Li Longji.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian also arranged for people from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce to receive inquiries from his friends Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Du Fu, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen.

At this time, the five people were also preparing to leave the capital with their families to catch up with the emperor's team, and then they saw people from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce coming to the door.

"You are the people sent by Brother Bai."

"Exactly, we are from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce. As early as a few days ago, we received a secret letter from the Duke saying that Luoyang might not be able to be defended, and the capital would be in chaos. We were told that if there was a chaos in the capital, we must find five adults. Ask the five adults if they are willing to go to Jiannan."

The people from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce only directly stated their reasons for coming.

"Brother Bai is far away on the front line and facing a huge enemy, but he still thinks about our safety in his heart. It's true."

After hearing this, the five people couldn't help but feel moved in their hearts. Without any hesitation, they immediately agreed and directly formed a team with their families to follow the Bafang Chamber of Commerce's team out of the city towards Jiannan.

(End of this chapter)

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