Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 439 An Lushan proclaims himself emperor and the Five Immortals Sect!

Chapter 439 An Lushan proclaims himself emperor and joins the Five Immortals Sect!

Feng Changqing ignored Prince Li Wang and others and directly led the Tiance army behind him to turn around and head towards Jiannan Chengdu.

The original Tiance Army was basically drained by Feng Changqing after this.

There were a total of 50,000 Tiance troops, and a full 40,000 Tiance troops chose to follow Feng Changqing. Only about 10,000 Tiance troops remained and continued to follow Prince Li Wang, and the rest The 10,000 Tiance Army are basically the personnel he placed or recruited into the Tiance Army after Prince Li Wang took over as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army.

From this, it can be seen that the original officers and soldiers of the Tiance Army such as Feng Changqing never truly believed in and respected the Crown Prince Li Wang from the beginning to the end, and some of them were still just Bai Yuxian instead of the Crown Prince Li Wang.

Even many of the people Li Wang originally recruited after taking over the Tiance Army have now followed Feng Changqing, because when Bai Yuxian resigned as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, Bai Yuxian transferred 10,000 soldiers from the Tiance Army. When Ma headed to Jiannan, the number of Tiance troops remaining was less than 40,000.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Prince Li Wang, who has just seized power from Li Longji through the Maweipo Incident.

The departure of Feng Changqing and other 40,000 Tiance troops was not only a loss of strength for Prince Li Wang, but also a fatal blow to his prestige.

After all, he had just gained power through the Maweipo Incident, but as a result, his Tiance Army mutinied and fled under the leadership of Feng Changqing.

One can imagine what a blow this would have to Prince Li Wang's prestige.

This is especially fatal at this juncture when Li Wang has just won power but has not yet completely stabilized it.

Looking at the back of Feng Changqing leading his army away, if possible, Li Wang at this moment even wished to cut Feng Changqing into pieces.

But alas, he can't.

Not to mention that Feng Changqing's own personal strength is one of the top strong men on the field, and the 40,000 Celestial Army behind Feng Changqing are all invincible warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. They are basically all defeated. Bai Yuxian brought it out with one hand.

Although he still has 10,000 Tiance troops under his command, and together with the Longwu Army, Yulin Army, and Yulin Army, there are more than 100,000.

But if there was to be a fight, Li Wang was really not sure that he would be able to defeat the 40,000 Tiance army led by Feng Changqing.

Besides, if he really wanted to fight, Chen Xuanli, Wu Siwen, and Li Shengkai, as well as the Longwu Army, Yulin Army, and Yulin Army under their command, might not listen to him.

Feng Changqing didn't give him any loopholes at all. When he led the Tiance army to retreat, they maintained a defensive formation, obviously to guard against him.

If he really wants to give the order to take action, Feng Changqing will probably lead the Tiance army to counterattack immediately. If he is defeated by Feng Changqing's 40,000 troops then, it will be really fun.

So in the end, even though he was filled with hatred, Li Wang still suppressed the hatred in his heart and allowed Feng Changqing to lead the army to leave.

And Li Wang knew that Feng Changqing was not the biggest problem for him now.

For him, the biggest problem now is how to appease the remaining army and make them willing to continue to follow him convincedly.

Especially Chen Xuanli, Wu Siwen, and Li Shengkai.

These three people are his top priorities in the future. He must appease these three people and be willing to continue to support and follow him, otherwise he will really be doomed.

There is even Bai Yuxian, who is also trying to find ways to comfort or even coax her.

Because no matter how jealous and hostile he was towards Bai Yuxian in his heart, Li Wang had to face the current reality.

That is the current situation. Whether it is An Lushan or Taiping Dao, he is definitely not able to solve it by himself. Even the entire court cannot find anyone who can solve it, only Bai Yuxian.

The current situation in the world.

Whether it was Taiping Dao or Anlu Mountain, apart from Bai Yuxian, no one in the Tang Dynasty could find anyone who could solve the problem.

So no matter how he feels about Bai Yuxian in his heart, on the surface, Li Wang must comfort and coax Bai Yuxian to continue working for him to pacify Taiping Dao and Anlu Mountain. Otherwise, if Bai Yuxian does not respect him, Then he, Li Wang, is definitely doomed.


This is the most intuitive feeling in Li Wang's heart at this moment.

But even if he feels aggrieved, he must bear it honestly now, after all, the situation is stronger than the person.

At the same time, in the carriage where Li Longji was sitting, he heard the movement outside and looked at the direction in which the Tiance Army led by Feng Changqing was leaving. Li Longji, who looked old and haggard and seemed to have run out of energy, had a look in his eyes. There was a flash of light.

Since the Maweipo Incident, although he is still the emperor in name, in fact all his power has been taken away by Prince Li Wang.

Even Li Longji himself has been placed under house arrest.

Li Longji himself was depressed because of this, especially when he thought of the dead Yang Yuhuan, he felt even more sad.

But this does not mean that he is willing to accept this result.

He would never want his power as emperor to be taken away from him like this. He couldn't accept the life of being under house arrest now.

Especially Prince Li Wang.

At this moment, Li Longji was even more angry. He would rather have the throne taken away by someone else than give Li Wang an advantage.

Because what Li Wang did made him so angry and chilling, he just wanted to seize power, but he actually forced his most beloved woman to death, and even now has him under house arrest.

This is my good son.

What a great filial son.

To be honest, Li Longji was very satisfied with Li Wang's performance after becoming the crown prince, and was ready to pass the throne to Li Wang in the future.

But this time the Maweipo Incident completely turned his satisfaction towards Li Wang into resentment.

What happened just now with the sealing of Changqing and Tiance Army also gave Li Longji a wake-up call, rekindling hope in his despairing heart.

He also has Bai Yuxian. As long as he can contact Bai Yuxian and ask Bai Yuxian to obey the order to eradicate Prince Li Wang, then he can regain power and eliminate everything.

Contact Bai Yuxian.

Li Longji made an instant decision in his mind.

At this time, Bai Yuxian had already been ordered to withdraw his troops from Shannan and return to Jiannan.

Because when Li Longji led his army to escape Chang'an, he had already ordered Bai Yuxian's squadron to return to Jiannan to defend.

Now that Li Longji's imperial edict has been transmitted to Shannan, in this case Bai Yuxian will naturally act according to the edict and directly lead the Jiannan army to withdraw from Shannan and withdraw to Jiannan.

After Bai Yuxian withdrew his troops, under Li Su's order, Taiping Dao quickly occupied the entire Shannan area.

However, after occupying Shannan, Taiping Dao also stopped its pace of expansion. At the same time, Zhou Wu, the mysterious Taiping Dao general who went to Jiangnan, was also recalled by Li Su. In this way, Taiping Dao presented an external image of occupying Henan, Huainan, and Shannan. There were signs of stopping behind the ground.

No one in the outside world doubted this. It was just that after Taipingdao was blocked in front of Bai Yuxian, although it was not defeated by Bai Yuxian, it did not dare to expand rashly and began to make every effort to consolidate and digest the occupied Henan, Huainan, and Shannan.

At this time, time has also crossed the new year mark, from the tenth year of Tianbao to the eleventh year of Tianbao.

And at this time, news that shocked the world spread from the capital.

An Lushan founded the country!

At the beginning of the eleventh year of Tianbao, An Lushan founded the country in Chang'an, the capital.

The country's name was Dayan. He was the Emperor of Dayan, and his son An Qingxu was the Prince of Dayan. He entrusted all the civil and military ministers under his command, such as An Lushan's generals Shi Siming and Li Guiren, who were all granted the title of Duke.

In addition, Anlushan also pardoned the Five Immortals Sect and made it the national religion of Dayan.

As soon as the news came out, the world was in an uproar.

Although everyone in the world knew that An Lushan was a rebel, even though he had previously used the slogan of "clear the emperor's side and kill the traitor Yang Guozhong".

But he never expected that An Lushan would proclaim himself an emperor and establish a country so quickly.

You must know that rebellion is rebellion, but proclaiming an emperor and establishing a country is completely different.

Moreover, when proclaiming an empire and establishing a country, it is often necessary to consider various issues such as the stability of the people's hearts and minds.

As a result, An Lushan had just occupied the capital of the Tang Dynasty and directly proclaimed himself the emperor and founded the country.

This seems too eager.

At the same time, the Five Immortals Sect could not help but appear in the sight of everyone in the world, causing people to talk about it.

Being able to be established as the national religion of Yan by An Lushan shows that this Five Immortals Sect must be extraordinary.

Recall that when Wang Zhongsi went to Weizhou to stop Anlu Mountain, he was blocked and injured by a mysterious powerful man with supernatural powers on the way.

You don’t need to think too much to know that it is probably related to the Five Immortals Sect.

The Five Immortals Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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