Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 442 Before Bai Yuxian spoke, his subordinates already wanted to support the rebellion!

Chapter 442 Before Bai Yuxian spoke, his subordinates already wanted to support the rebellion!


If Li Wang really seizes power and successfully ascends the throne, how will Bai Yuxian deal with himself, and how should they deal with themselves.

In fact, most of the people present had thought of this just now, but they just didn't say it out loud.

But now that Bai Qingzhi said these words, this issue was suddenly put in a place where everyone must discuss and face it.

Judging from the current situation.

If Prince Li Wang really seizes power and successfully ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, then it is obviously impossible to coexist with Bai Yuxian. Even if Li Wang does not dare to take action against Bai Yuxian in the short term, he will definitely do so in the future. At that time, Bai Yuxian will How to choose.

And how should they, who are now following Bai Yuxian, deal with being caught in the middle? Will Prince Li Wang eliminate them along with Bai Yuxian?

The hall became eerily quiet for a moment.

When Bai Qingzhi saw this, he immediately spoke again.

"As the saying goes, those who are capable in the world will live there. Since ancient times, dynasties have risen and fallen, and this has always been the case. It coincides with the current chaos in the world, the falling of the crape myrtle star, and the prince Li Wang is destined to be at odds with the emperor. I think the emperor is not as good as him."

"shut up!"

However, before Bai Qing could finish what he said, Bai Yuxian immediately scolded him and looked at Bai Qingzhi with a cold and stern expression.

"Since I entered the official position, I have been appreciated and promoted by Your Majesty. You will not despise me because of my humble background. Without Your Majesty, I, Bai Yuxian, would not be here today. As long as Your Majesty is still alive, none of you will be able to give birth to me." These are rebellious thoughts.”

"Since there are no outsiders here today, I can pretend that I haven't heard anything, but if I say such treacherous words in the future, don't blame me for losing my life."

At the end of the speech, Bai Yuxian's tone became a bit cold and dangerous.

Most of the civil and military personnel present were silent for a moment and did not dare to speak out.

But when Bai Qingzhi heard Bai Yuxian's words, not only did he not feel nervous or scared, but he was also very excited.

I figured it out.

The emperor cannot have such treasonous thoughts while he is still on the throne, but if the emperor dies, it is completely fine.

Except for Li Linfu, Feng Changqing and other very few people who had known Bai Yuxian's thoughts for a long time, everyone present had different thoughts.

Although Bai Qingzhi's last words were stopped in time by Bai Yuxian.

But everyone knew what Bai Qingzhi meant, which was to let Bai Yuxian directly raise troops to fight for the world.

I have to say that this proposal is also very tempting.

Even many civil and military officials present felt that Bai Qingzhi's words were like the devil's seductive voice, which made them all feel excited.

Because with his current power and military strength in Jiannan and the strength of Bai Yuxian himself, if he really wanted to compete for the world, there would be a chance, and this chance is not small.

And if Bai Yuxian himself wants to compete for the world, he will definitely be a good leader.

The most important thing is that if they really succeed in fighting for the world, they will have the power of the dragon. Will there be fewer promotions and titles by then?

As long as they successfully compete for the world and establish a new dynasty, those who are now following Bai Yuxian will become the new top dignitaries in the world.

Normally, they might not have such thoughts.

But now the world is in chaos.

This can be said to be the right time.

And their Jiannan is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is backed by the natural dangers of Sichuan and Sichuan. It can be said that the location is advantageous.

In addition, Bai Yuxian, the envoy, is one of the best in the world in terms of both civil and military strength. His subordinates, the Jiannan Army and the Tiance Army, are both tiger and wolf warriors. In addition, Bai Yuxian's personal prestige and reputation have always been world-renowned, especially in Jiannan, where he is almost What the people want.

Calculating this, if they really want to support Bai Yuxian and raise an army, it can be said that the right time, place, people and people are all ready.


What should I do? Those subordinates all want to support Bai Yuxian in rebellion.

Then the meeting dispersed.

Except for Li Linfu, Feng Changqing and other very few people who knew Bai Yuxian's thoughts and plans, the other civil and military officials in Jiannan all had different ideas and began to gather together in twos and threes.

Not long after, Wang Wei, Han Yu, and Liu Yu were the first to gather together.

Because the three of them all came to Jiannan with Bai Yuxian from Chang'an, and they are similar in age and have worked together as civil servants since they came to Jiannan, so the three of them have already become close friends in private.

At this moment, the three of them gathered together and began to discuss the matters from the previous meeting.

"Brother Wang and Brother Liu, what do you think of General Bai's proposal in the main hall earlier?" Han Yu was the first to speak and looked at Wang Wei and Liu Yu and asked.

"In these troubled times, when there are capable people in the world, I will make you a wise ruler with both civil and military skills, moral integrity and talent, and care for the people. If you raise an army, I will support you to the death." Liu Yu expressed his position without hesitation. road.

"Brother Liu is right."

Han Yu nodded again when he heard this, and he also fully agreed with Liu Yu's words.

After all, Bai Yuxian is still their brother-in-law, and now that there is such a great opportunity, the two of them are naturally willing to support Bai Yuxian in raising an army to fight for the world. The two people quickly reached an agreement, and then looked at Wang Wei who did not speak.

"I wonder what Brother Wang thinks about this matter?"

"The emperor is kind to the envoy. As long as the emperor is still alive, the envoy should not raise troops, otherwise he will be criticized by others. This will have a huge impact on the envoy's reputation. However, if the emperor passes away next, then the envoy will If you raise an army, you don’t need to worry too much.”

Wang Wei's eyes flashed.

"And at present, the emperor is not in a hurry to raise troops. It is better to wait and see what happens, especially between Anlu Mountain in the north and the imperial court. Now that Anlu Mountain has proclaimed himself emperor and established the Yan Dynasty, if he wants to unify the world, what will happen next? The first step must be to completely overthrow Li Tang and regain the north. Otherwise, the south, whether it is our Jiannan or Taiping Road, will not be so easy for Anlu Mountain to deal with. Only the imperial court can solve it best and it is the same as Anlu Mountain. All in the north.”

"So we might as well continue to wait and see what happens, especially when An Lushan completely overthrows the imperial court. At that time, if the emperor raises another army, no one in the world will say anything, and even then the emperor can still be justified. In the name of the imperial court suppressing the rebellion.”

"At that time, as long as you can pacify the Taiping Sect and Anlu Mountain, the position of Son of Heaven will naturally come naturally."

After listening to Wang Wei's long speech, Han Yu and Liu Yu couldn't help but look at each other.

I thought about you, Wang Wei. I was originally worried that you would support Li Tang, but I didn't expect that you, a thick-browed guy with big eyes, had already thought of a plan for rebellion.

And on the other side at the same time.

Wang Wenru, Li Daosheng, and Mo Wenyuan also gathered together after the meeting in the main hall.

The three of them are now also the civil servant representatives of the original Jiannan officials. At the same time, they can basically represent the attitude of the original Jiannan civil servants.

"What do you two brothers think of the previous matter in the main hall?" Wang Wenru was the first to speak.

"In my opinion, General Bai's words are not unreasonable. If Prince Li Wang really wants to ascend the throne, it will be difficult for him to tolerate you. How will you deal with yourself then, and how will we deal with ourselves? Moreover, the world is in chaos now, so it is appropriate for you to do so. In troubled times, this is a time of great strife. The emperor is both civil and military, unparalleled in the world. I, Jiannan, have countless ministers and military generals, and the people support me with one heart. It can be said that the time, place and people are favorable. In such a situation, why not fight for it? "

Li Daosheng took a sip of tea and said with deep eyes.

"Since ancient times, the most capable people in the world have lived there. He, Li Tang, has been able to get the divine weapon of the world. Why can't you get it? Moreover, I think what General Bai said today is probably what most people in Jiannan think today."

"However, judging from the attitude of the envoy in the palace today, as long as the emperor is still alive, I am afraid that the envoy will not raise an army." Mo Wenyuan said.

"Then let's wait until the emperor is no longer alive."

Li Daosheng said firmly.

Anyway, Li Longji is already old and after such a series of blows this time, I believe he won't live long.

"It seems that Brother Li has already made a decision in his heart."

At this time, Wang Wenru, who was the first to ask, smiled again.

Li Daosheng also smiled when he heard this and looked at Wang Wenru and Mo Wenyuan.

"Don't you think Brother Wang and Brother Mo also have this intention in mind?"


The three of them immediately looked at each other and laughed. The three of them were determined to do this Conglong Kung Fu.

A similar scene also happened to other civil and military officials in Jiannan.

For example, the leading generals of Jiannan were Tian Hao, Jiang Wu, Guan Sheng, Zhou Quan, Zhao Wuzhou, Ximen Yan, Dongfang Shuo and others.

There are also Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu and other descendants of the Bai family.

Almost all the officials in Jiannan felt as if they had opened Pandora's box after Bai Qingzhi's words in the main hall.

Everyone's emotions and thoughts couldn't help but rise and fall.

The temptation is really too great.

Once they really succeed in raising an army to fight for the world, then these people today will definitely follow a wave of promotion.

The key is that their current situation in Jiannan really has the qualifications and ability to compete for the world, and the conditions are extremely excellent.

Under such circumstances, how could all the civil and military officials in Jiannan endure it?


Must rebel.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

What's more, this is such a huge wealth and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you don't fight now, you will fight later.

At this moment, the situation among the officials in Jiannan can be said that although Bai Yuxian has not expressed his position yet, the officials below have already begun to support Bai Yuxian in rebellion.

You might as well prepare all the dragon robes first, so that if Bai Yuxian is still hesitant to fight, he can just put the dragon robe on Bai Yuxian.

It's getting cold, please put on some clothes!

(End of this chapter)

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