Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 450 Practice and attack the sword!

Chapter 450 Practice and attack the sword!

To Bai Yuxian's dismay, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang didn't know where the seal was when Emperor Qin sealed the sky and cut off the passage between heaven and earth.

In this way, Bai Yuxian's idea of ​​using this to judge the strength of Emperor Qin back then, especially the gap between himself and Emperor Qin back then, couldn't help but come to nothing.

However, Bai Yuxian did not feel too disappointed. After all, no matter how far the strength gap between himself now and Emperor Qin was, for him, it would never be wrong to continue working hard to improve his cultivation strength.

Afterwards, he had a discussion with Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang for half an hour. After finishing the tea and deciding to start cleaning up the affairs of the immortals left behind by Chu Nangong and others in the human world, Bai Yuxian also stood up and said goodbye to the two of them. Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang continued to stay and began to discuss.

Now that it has been decided to start cleaning up Chu Nan Gong and other immortals left behind in the human world, and since Bai Yuxian has now set foot in the ninth realm of heaven and established himself at the level of ancient sages, there is no need to delay any longer.

But for them, if they want to completely eliminate Chu Nan Gong and other immortals left in the world, the first thing they have to do is to find traces of these immortals.

These immortals have always been good at concealing their identities and secretly adding fuel to the fire. Especially since the rise of Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, who have threatened the strength of the immortals, the immortals have hid deeper one by one.

In fact, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang have not looked for those immortals over the years, but they are like turtles with no idea where they are hiding. They have also calculated using innate arithmetic, but the immortals are obviously also proficient in deduction. The existence of the way of calculation obscures the calculations that Heaven can isolate them from.

The only immortal they have ever found is Chu Nan Gong, and they have dealt with him several times, but Chu Nan Gong is not weaker than the two of them at all, and even if they join forces, they may not be able to defeat Chu Nan Gong.

And even if they fight desperately to capture Chu Nan Gong, the two of them will definitely pay a heavy price. The serious injuries may be minor. Maybe someone will be dragged down by Chu Nan Gong, and don't forget the immortals left in the world. Chu Nan Gong, once they are injured, other hidden immortals will definitely take this opportunity to eliminate them completely.

So even if they found Duke Chu Nan before, they had no choice but to act rashly.

This is probably the main reason why they were able to find Chu Nan Gong, because Chu Nan Gong maintained his own strength and was not afraid of them at all.

But now that Bai Yuxian is here, the situation is completely different.

With the White Jade Immortal here, it is certain that Chu Nan Gong can be captured, and as long as Chu Nan Gong is captured, the trace information of other immortals should be found through Chu Nan Gong, and thus follow the clues.

Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but smile at each other and reached a consensus in an instant.

Take Chu Nan Gong as the breakthrough point.

On the other side, Bai Yuxian, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang did not return to Chengdu after they separated, but went to Nanzhao.

It had been a long time since he had eaten a big grapefruit, and he felt like eating it.

Today, Nanzhao has been completely stabilized under the rule of Concubine Yan. In addition, some of the governance policy ideas provided by Bai Yuxian have achieved good results in Nanzhao, making people's lives increasingly visible. This has also made Concubine Yan now The position of queen in Nanzhao is completely secure, and her popularity is extremely high.


Not long after, Bai Yuxian came to Yan Fei and Huo Ling'er, mother and daughter, in Nanzhao Palace.

At this time, the mother and daughter had already retreated. When they saw the coming Bai Yuxian, they couldn't help showing a look of joy on their faces, and they threw themselves into Bai Yuxian's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

Seeing the two girls, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile on her face, and she hugged the mother and daughter's peach-like ripe and plump bodies from one side to the other.

It has to be said that the mother and daughter are really born beauties. They are both beautiful and fragrant beauties, and they have practiced fire charm. As the cultivation of mother and daughter improves, their charm continues to increase, especially It is the charming aura cultivated by the fire charm technique. Today, the mother and daughter can really bring disaster to the country and the people, and they have to wear a veil to cover their faces when they are outside.

At the same time, after spending nearly two years together, Bai Yuxian has undoubtedly developed feelings for Yan Fei and Huo Ling'er, mother and daughter.

After all, love grows over time.

It's the same whether it's a verb or a noun.

After spending a long time together day and night, the birth of feelings will naturally come naturally.

At the same time, mother and daughter also have the same feelings for Bai Yuxian. If they were only together because of profit and covetousness for Bai Yuxian's body at the beginning, then after spending nearly two years together, mother and daughter truly and completely like her. Shang Bai Yuxian regarded Bai Yuxian as everything in his heart.

Moreover, mother and daughter are very satisfied with their lives today. Not only are they openly the queen and princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, loved by the people and supreme, but they also have Bai Yuxian as their support secretly.

For the current mother and daughter Yan Fei and Huo Ling'er, being with Bai Yuxian now means they are completely satisfied emotionally and in life.

It is also worth mentioning that now both mother and daughter have given birth to children for Bai Yuxian, a son and a daughter.

The son was born to Concubine Yan, and now he was naturally established as the crown prince of Nanzhao. The daughter was born to Huo Ling'er, and now she was also established as the princess of Nanzhao.

After arriving at Nanzhao Yanfei and Huo Ling'er's mother and daughter, Bai Yuxian did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he stayed in Nanzhao for three days to accompany the mother and daughter, and at the same time take a look at his own children.

Mother and daughter Yan Fei and Huo Ling'er also knew about Bai Yuxian's preferences and knew that Bai Yuxian liked to eat big grapefruits.

So for three days, mother and daughter fed him big grapefruits every day.

Of course, during the three days in Nanzhao, Bai Yuxian did not only eat big grapefruits. In addition to eating big grapefruit, I have not fallen behind in my daily practice. I practice kendo diligently every day.

【Ding! One effort, one reward. If you practice swordsmanship diligently, your swordsmanship will be improved by +20W;]

【Ding! A hard work, a reward, as you practice diligently, your swordsmanship will be improved by +20W;]


Because the life energy cultivated by [Health Master] continuously nourishes and improves his qualifications, now a few years have passed, Bai Yuxian's swordsmanship talent has doubled, and with the blessing of [Sword Immortal]'s fate, swordsmanship The speed of practice has changed from the original improvement of 10W kendo practice value each time to the improvement of 20W practice value each time.

Originally, Bai Yuxian could get 1000W swordsmanship value by practicing swordsmanship for one hour, but now he could get 2000W swordsmanship value by practicing swordsmanship for one hour.

If you practice swordsmanship for ten hours a day, you can gain 2 million cultivation points.

That’s 20 billion in ten days.

One hundred days is 200 billion!

It has to be said that Bai Yuxian's current swordsmanship talent and the speed of his swordsmanship training are simply terrifying. For him, he can directly practice the Dzogchen Perfection in one day, which is the top swordsmanship level in the world, just like the original "Jiyi Sword Code". The [Extreme Accomplishment of Swordsmanship] in the book allows the current White Jade Immortal to practice directly to the Great Perfection without even needing a day.

This kind of swordsmanship talent and swordsmanship training speed are so amazing.

At the same time, this is also the main reason why Bai Yuxian chose to practice swordsmanship instead of martial arts after breaking through to the ninth realm of heaven.

It's because Bai Yuxian is confident in his current swordsmanship talent.

Bai Yuxian is confident that with his current swordsmanship talent and swordsmanship training speed, if he practices swordsmanship with all his strength, it may not be too difficult to enter the legendary swordsmanship realm.

At the same time, while practicing swordsmanship, Bai Yuxian also began to create his own swordsmanship, hoping to integrate [Human World] and [Jiyi Swordsmanship], hoping to create his own swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

[In the Human World] is the most powerful supernatural power created by the sage Zhuangzi in the past. It is also extremely powerful. Once it is used after cultivating to the state of Dzogchen, it can increase the monk's control of the power of heaven and earth a hundred times, thus bursting out a hundred times his normal attack. Powerful.

The power of [Jiyi Sword Way] is much lower than [Human World]. Even after practicing to the Great Perfection, it can only increase the monk's sword attack more than ten times. However, [Jiyi Sword Way] can be fused with sword intention to obtain sword intention. increase.

If the current White Jade Immortal uses his sword intention of the Great Perfection realm to perform [Extreme Sword Art], the power will far exceed [the human world].

However, the power of [Jiyi Kendo] and Sword Intent are both powers of the sword, which are different from the power that explodes in [the human world].

[In the human world] The power erupted from supernatural powers comes from the power that erupts from the improvement of control over the power of the entire world in an instant.

Under such circumstances, the power of [Human World], [Jiyi Kendo], and Sword Intent have the basis for mutual integration and superimposition.

If we can fuse [Human World] and [Jiyi Kendo] together, we can combine the power of the sword with [Jiyu Kendo] and the power of heaven and earth in [Human World].

If these powers are all integrated and superimposed together, what kind of power can be unleashed.

Bai Yuxian was looking forward to it.

In fact, he had this idea as early as when he first mastered Sword Intent, [Human World], and [Ji Sword Way]. However, his cultivation level was still a bit low at that time, so he did not take action.

But now, Bai Yuxian feels that it is time.

It just so happens that he now has to attack the realm of swordsmanship with all his strength.

In this way, if I can really successfully integrate [Jiyi Kendo] and [Human World], then I may be able to take this opportunity to completely open the door to the realm of Kendo.

Thus completely stepping out of his own way of swordsmanship.

More than half a month passed without realizing it.

At this time, the Jiannan Army and Tiance Army led by Gao Shi, Li Siye and Feng Changqing also arrived at the Shannan border and central Guizhou respectively.

On the Shannan border, at the same time that Gao Shi and Li Siye arrived with their troops, Bai Yuxian also appeared, pretending to be about to attack Shannan.

At this time, Li Su also appeared with the Taiping Dao army, appearing to resist.

In this way, Bai Yuxian and Li Su led the Jiannan Army and the Taiping Dao Army to face off again.

The situation in the world suddenly became turbulent.

(End of this chapter)

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