Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 456: You are wearing a yellow robe, you are really hurting me!

Chapter 456: You are wearing a yellow robe, you are really hurting me!

After Pingyang was defeated, Li Wang could only take a group of harem queens, concubines and heirs and his civil and military ministers to run to Anxi.

Although when he ran over, he found that half of his civil and military ministers had already run away early, which made the emperor Li Wang very angry. However, being angry at this time was of no use, so he could only continue to run to Anxi with the remaining people.

But what made Li Wang even more unexpected was that on the way to Anxi, civil and military ministers kept breaking away from the army and running away privately. By the time Li Wang found out, the remaining half The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs actually also ran away for a small part.

Seeing this situation, Li Wang almost fainted with anger on the spot. If he ran to Anxi, he would probably become a bachelor.

"Mediocre! Mediocrity! None of these mediocre officials who are greedy for life and afraid of death are unreliable. They are all trash."

Li Wang finally couldn't help but cursed loudly.

But the more he scolded, the more people ran away. Finally, when he led his troops to the North Courtyard, not even a single one of the civil and military ministers accompanying him remained.

The civil and military ministers who escaped from Li Wang all chose to go to Jiannan Chengdu after discussion.

"My lords, for the current plan, I'm afraid we have no choice but to go to Jiannan."

"Li Wang is stupid and immoral. He seizes the throne, kills his father, and assassinates the Supreme Emperor. How can a man who kills his father be worthy of being the emperor?"

"It should be so. In these troubled times, Li Tang's energy has been exhausted. We should comply with the destiny and find another pearl. King Jiannan has both civil and military skills and is unparalleled in the world. He should be the master of enlightenment."


Just like that, a group of former civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty who left Li Wang went directly to Jiannan Chengdu.

And along the way, these civil and military ministers also began to spread the news about Li Wangmaweipo's rebellion to seize power, and the subsequent assassination of Li Longji.

It is foreseeable that if this news spreads, Li Wang's reputation will be completely ruined.

After all, for a person who seizes power and kills his father, even if you are the emperor, you will never think about your reputation. Everyone in the world will scold him to death.

But this is exactly what these civil and military ministers of the Tang Dynasty who left Li Wang and prepared to join Bai Yuxian wanted. After all, if Li Wang's reputation was not bad, then those of them who abandoned Li Wang would be bad. .

Besides, since they want to take refuge in Bai Yuxian and support Bai Yuxian as emperor, they naturally have to create enough reasons for Bai Yuxian to raise an army so that Bai Yuxian's army can be justified, thus showing their own value.

And ruining Li Wang's reputation like this is undoubtedly the best way.

As long as Li Wang's reputation is ruined and the matter of seizing power and killing his father is confirmed, then naturally no one will say anything about Bai Yuxian's revolt.

Besides, what they said was not an injustice to Li Wang, but Li Wang actually did it.

As for why they chose to seek refuge with Bai Yuxian instead of An Lushan.

After all, when Bai Yuxian was in the capital, many of his fellow ministers knew Bai Yuxian, and even had some friendship with many of them, especially Bai Yuxian's father-in-law, Han Su. Many civil and military ministers have close relations with Han Su.

When Li Longji led his troops to flee the capital, Han Su did not follow the army. Everyone with a discerning eye knew that Han Su must have gone to Bai Yuxian in Chengdu.

In this way, when they go to Bai Yuxian, they will all have acquaintances and old acquaintances, which is definitely better than joining An Lushan.

An Lushan was clearly a rebel, but Bai Yuxian was not one now.

And objectively speaking, Bai Yuxian's reputation is much better than An Lushan, and many of them saw Bai Yuxian's behavior when he was in the capital, and they were really convinced of Bai Yuxian.

Therefore, due to many factors, these civil and military ministers of the Tang Dynasty who left Li Wang basically did not hesitate much, and they all chose to join Bai Yuxian in unison.

And he also began to create opportunities for Bai Yuxian to expose Li Wang's seizure of power and patricide along the way.

As the saying goes, heaven and earth all work together.

This is almost the case for Bai Yuxian now.

In these troubled times, Bai Yuxian didn't even need to express his position. There were already a large group of people in the world who wanted to push him to the throne, even the original civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, Bai Yuxian's ability to achieve this step is inseparable from the good reputation he has maintained for a long time. Otherwise, if he was a person with a bad reputation, see if so many people would be willing to push him.

You may not feel anything about reputation when you don't use it. You feel that it doesn't matter whether your reputation is good or bad.

But when you really need it, you will understand the importance of a good reputation.

At this time, in the Jiannan Army camp in Shannan, Bai Yuxian also received Li Wang's order and immediately summoned all his generals.

"Pingyang was defeated. The emperor has led the court to flee to Anxi. He ordered me to immediately lead his troops to rescue and fight against the Yan army. What do the generals think?"

Bai Yuxian looked at the generals in front of him and said. "No, Your Majesty, the war is getting serious and Taiping Road is confronting our army. If our army rashly leaves to go to the north to rescue, then who in the south can resist Taiping Road. By then, Jiangnan, central Guizhou and even our Jiannan area will be in danger. All are in danger of peace."

"There is Anlu Mountain in the north, but there is also Taiping Road in the south. Although the prince is unparalleled in this world, he is also incapable of doing anything else. Moreover, if I go to protect the emperor, I, Jiannan, will be in danger. Please think twice, prince."

Bai Ziyu was the first to stand up and speak.

"What General Bai said is reasonable. It is absolutely forbidden to support the Emperor. Your Majesty needs to be cautious."

Gao Shi, Li Siye, Bai Qingzhi, Jiang Wu, Guan Sheng, Ximen Yan and other generals immediately stood up and expressed objections.

"But this is the order of the Emperor. As a minister of the Tang Dynasty, how can I be disrespectful? Moreover, I, Bai Yuxian, am today because of the single-handed promotion of the Supreme Emperor. Without the Supreme Emperor, it would be difficult for me, Bai Yuxian, to be where I am today."

Bai Yuxian sighed.

"We all know that Your Majesty values ​​love and justice, but I recently heard a piece of news. I wonder if Your Majesty has heard of it." Bai Ziyu said again.

"What's the news?" Bai Yuxian looked at Bai Ziyu.

"Recently, I heard that there was news from outside that the Supreme Emperor passed away. It was not a simple death of illness, but that the Emperor Li Wang murdered him. It was because he was worried about the relationship between the Emperor and the prince, and worried that the prince supported the Emperor, so the Emperor killed the Emperor. Moreover, I heard that this news was said by civil and military officials from the court who came from Lingwu, and it was not just one or two people who said this, but all the officials who came from Lingwu said so, so I guess it cannot be false."

"In this case, why does the prince need to accept Li Wang as the emperor again?"

"The Supreme Emperor has great trust in the prince and has the kindness to meet him, but he is not Li Wang. Moreover, Li Wang actually killed the Supreme Emperor. How can a man who killed his father have the qualifications to be the emperor?"

"So the general has the courage to say something to the prince."

Having said this, Bai Ziyu solemnly knelt down on one knee and bowed to Bai Yuxian.

"Now that the world is in chaos, Li Tang's energy has been exhausted. It is the opportunity for heroes to vie for supremacy and for dragons and snakes to rise up. The prince is both civil and military. At that time, he was the best in the world in terms of writing, governance, and martial arts. I, Jiannan, have many generals. , there are countless capable ministers, and the people are united in their love for the prince. In such a situation, why doesn’t the prince follow the destiny and take advantage of the situation to raise troops to clear the world and build a foundation for eternity?"

Brush it.

As Bai Ziyu finished speaking, all the generals present saluted and knelt down in front of Bai Yuxian, and shouted in unison.

"Please, Your Majesty, raise an army!"

At this time, outside, the entire Jiannan Army had already gathered outside the camp. Hearing the voices inside, all the Jiannan Army officers knelt down and worshiped.

"Please, Your Majesty, raise an army!"

There was a crash.

All the troops bowed.

Yu Chaoen, who was present, also bowed to him.

"As the saying goes, the most virtuous people in the world live here. When Xiaguan came to Jiannan, the Supreme Emperor passed down an order to summon the prince to Lingwu for an audience. As a result, the Supreme Emperor died of illness as soon as he came to Lingwu. This was obviously caused by Li Wang. How can a man who seizes power and kills his father have the right to be the emperor?"

"Now all the soldiers are united and the subordinates are willing to ask the prince to raise troops, obey the destiny, and rebuild the world!"

After Yu Chaoen finished speaking, a figure suddenly flashed behind Bai Yuxian, and then a golden dragon robe with a lifelike five-clawed golden dragon on it was draped directly on Bai Yuxian's body.

It's Li Siye.

Li Siye put the dragon robe on Bai Yuxian and immediately knelt down and worshiped.

"See your majesty, long live your majesty!"

Everyone present knelt down and chanted in unison.

"See your majesty, long live your majesty!"

The crowd shouted long live your Majesty, the sound shook the sky.

When Bai Yuxian saw this scene, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He never expected that everyone would give him a yellow robe. The experience of Lao Zhao in later generations also gave him a taste of it, and he couldn't help but say.

"You have hurt me!"

(End of this chapter)

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