Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 459 Harem Arrangements

Chapter 459 Harem Arrangements

"Welcome to your majesty, long live your majesty!"

"Welcome to your majesty, long live your majesty!"

"Welcome to your majesty. Long live your majesty. Long live your majesty."

Entering the city of Chengdu, there were waves of loud shouts on both sides of the street.

When Bai Yuxian heard the sound, he looked forward and saw that both sides of the streets in the city were already densely packed with people. When they saw him, they all shouted long live.

"This is all arranged by you."

Seeing this, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but ask the officials on the left and right sides of the carriage.

Wang Wenru reported back: "Your Majesty, this is because the people love your Majesty. They learned that your Majesty has returned and came here to welcome him."

Bai Yuxian nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "The life of the people is not easy, and their daily life is hard and busy. From now on, we should try our best to trouble the people as little as possible. If the people are willing to organize themselves, that's it. Others cannot be forced to organize the people."


When the officials heard this, they should have written this down and spoke again.

"Your Majesty is benevolent, sage, and considerate of the people. He is truly a blessing to the people."

This is flattery.

Bai Yuxian smiled and said nothing more. The procession passed through the streets of Chengdu. Bai Yuxian returned home directly to the door of Jiedushi's residence and spoke.

"The army has been working hard all the way, so let's repair it for the time being. The specific matters will be discussed in the morning meeting tomorrow. You will also inform them. There will be a morning meeting tomorrow in the main hall to discuss the details of the founding of the country. If there is nothing else, please disperse. "

"I obey your Majesty's orders."

The civil and military personnel and the mighty team behind them dispersed.

Bai Yuxian then got off the car and walked into the Jiedushi's mansion. At this time, his mother Zhen and his wife Li Mi, Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, Li Shishi and other daughters had also come out with everyone in the mansion. Seeing Bai Yuxian immediately bowed and saluted.

"See your majesty and welcome your return!"

"My child has met his mother." Bai Yuxian also bowed to his mother, Zhen, and then looked at the crowd and said, "No need to be more polite, please get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone stood up and looked at Bai Yuxian with excitement and joy.

"My son will be your majesty."

Mrs. Zhen couldn't help but be filled with emotion. She looked at Bai Yuxian with excitement and pride in her eyes. She had never dreamed in the past that one day Bai Yuxian would reach such a high level and actually want to ascend the throne and become the emperor. With the support of the entire Jiannan people.

"Mother, let's go to the inner palace and sit down to talk."

Bai Yuxian said with a smile.

"Good good."

Mrs. Zhen nodded again, and then the group returned to the inner garden and sat down. Bai Yuxian also told her family about the Shannan Mutiny, her being inscribed with a yellow robe, and Li Longji's life and death.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel filled with emotion. They didn't expect that the development of things would be so twists and turns.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuxian had not expressed his intention to proclaim himself emperor, but the generals under his command had already put on the dragon robes for Bai Yuxian, making it clear that they had already made plans to support Bai Yuxian.

And judging from the reaction of officials from Chengdu Prefecture and even the entire Jiannan after the news that Bai Yuxian was wearing a yellow robe and revolted and became independent, it was probably not just Bai Yuxian's generals who wanted to support Bai Yuxian's independence, but also the generals under Bai Yuxian. The entire Jiannan people have basically made plans to support Bai Yuxian.

"My husband is both civil and military, unparalleled in the world. Both his civil and martial arts are convincing. In the past few years, Jiannan has managed the entire Jiannan in an orderly manner, and the people live in peace. Now it happens that the world is in chaos. Under such circumstances, all the soldiers and swords It is expected that people from all over the South want to have a husband."

Li Mi smiled when she heard this.

"Husband, there is no need to feel too much psychological pressure. I know that my husband is loyal to the emperor and the Tang Dynasty, and I feel apologetic, but I, Li Tang, have run out of energy. This cannot be changed by my husband. Li Wang killed his father to seize power. This is so stupid and senseless. What qualifications does a person have to be the emperor? Now that my husband is independent, he should avenge his brother. Moreover, he is also his son-in-law. When he was alive, the emperor always trusted his husband and believed that he has a spirit in heaven. , and will definitely be happy.”

"In this world, instead of taking advantage of those rebellious officials and traitors in Anlu Mountain, it is better to leave it in the hands of your husband. As the son-in-law of the emperor's brother, your husband should also inherit the emperor's legacy."

Li Mingyue who was nearby also nodded after hearing this.

"My aunt is right. Husband, please don't feel any psychological pressure. You are my father's son-in-law. In these troubled times, it is better for you to raise an army to conquer the world than to take advantage of outsiders. I believe that my father will be happy if he knows the truth."

Bai Yuxian also nodded when he heard this, looked at the two women and smiled softly.

"With your words, I feel completely relieved."

"This time I stand on my own, I want to make you Mi'er the queen, Mingyue you the imperial concubine, Shiyin, Xiangling, Yiren, and Shengnan the four of you, Hui, Shu, Xian, and De, Shishi, Hongxiu, and Wenjun. , Sister Qian'er, you and the others are the imperial concubines, what do you think?"

Then Bai Yuxian looked at the girls again and said.

Now that he has decided to proclaim himself emperor, it is natural that the harem should also consider enfeoffment.

The concubines in the harem can be roughly divided into four levels from top to bottom from concubine to above.

The queen, the imperial concubine, the fourth concubine Hui Shuxiande, and the remaining imperial concubines. Among the girls, Bai Yuxian plans to make Li Mi the queen, because Li Mi is basically the eldest daughter of the family at home, and the other girls listen to Li Mi on everything. The rest, whether it is personality or other aspects, Li Mi is also the most suitable queen.

The imperial concubine would give Li Mingyue the title, because Li Mingyue is Li Longji's daughter and has a distinguished status, and Bai Yuxian is now raising troops to promote the title to inherit Li Longji's career as his son-in-law, so Li Mingyue, who is Li Longji's daughter, must be given a higher title. , if Li Mi is the queen, then the imperial concubine must be Li Mingyue's.

The fourth concubine of Huishu Xiande is Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Liu Yiren and Pei Shengnan.

The remaining girls will be named ordinary imperial concubines.

Mother Zhen is naturally the Queen Mother.

"Well, we all listen to our husbands."

Naturally, the girls had no objections to Bai Yuxian's arrangement, because Bai Yuxian's arrangement was indeed quite reasonable.

However, compared to the arrangements for the girls, what Bai Yuxian is most troubled about at the moment is the arrangements for the two beautiful mother-in-law Yu Fei, Qin Shi and Yang Yuhuan.

Especially Concubine Yu and Mrs. Qin, after all, they were his mother-in-law.

Moreover, none of the girls know about this yet, especially Liu Yi and Li Mingyue. Would they be angry if they knew about it.

After thinking about it, Bai Yuxian felt that it was better to discuss this matter with Li Mi.

After all, Li Mi is the queen he chose. Li Mi will be responsible for all the problems in the harem in the future, so Li Mi must be responsible for this matter.

Half an hour later.

Bai Yuxian took Li Mi to Wangshu Pavilion alone.

"Husband, is there anything you need to discuss with Mi'er?"

Having been with Bai Yuxian for so many years, Li Mi already knew Bai Yuxian's character very well. Looking at Bai Yuxian's hesitant expression, she knew that Bai Yuxian must have something wrong when he came to her alone.

"There are indeed some things that I need to discuss with you, Mi'er, and I want to ask Mi'er what you mean."

Bai Yuxian was quite embarrassed and said after hearing this.

"This is the first time I've seen my husband look like this. I don't know what's going on."

Seeing Bai Yuxian's somewhat embarrassed look, Li Mi couldn't help but smile with interest. It was rare to see Bai Yuxian look like this, and she couldn't help but feel funny in her heart.

As for what Bai Yuxian was going to say, which would make Bai Yuxian face something embarrassing for her, Li Mi knew that it must be related to women.

After all, she knew Bai Yuxian's weakness.

"Could it be that my husband has another woman outside? If so, why should he be like this? Mi'er and the sisters are not narrow-minded and jealous people. My husband only needs to explain the situation and bring her back."

Li Mi smiled again.

Bai Yuxian's face became even more embarrassed when he heard this.

Women are indeed women, but this identity is a bit special.

In the end, Bai Yuxian had no choice but to tell the story of the four sisters Yang Yuhuan, the beautiful mother-in-law Yufei, the beautiful mother-in-law Qin Shi, and the seven daughters of Qin Yuniang.

Li Mi was stunned after hearing this, and looked at Bai Yuxian in shock. She never expected that the four sisters Yang Yuhuan, Yu Fei, and Qin had already come together with Bai Yuxian.

"No wonder!"

Suddenly, she understood something again.

No wonder Yang Yuhuan often called Bai Yuxian to the palace to study painting when he was in the capital, and he always helped Bai Yuxian to speak for him.

And the Qin family, no wonder they moved out after taking over the Liu family's business.

"My husband is really a romantic man."

Even Li Mi, who had always been generous, couldn't help but feel resentful. She looked at Bai Yuxian with her beautiful eyes. In fact, the identities of the four Yang Yuhuan sisters, Yufei and Qin were too special, and Qin Yuniang was fine.

"I'm also passive."

Facing Li Mi's resentful gaze, Bai Yuxian helplessly spread his hands.

What can he do? He is also passive, but he has never taken the initiative.

Yang Yuhuan used his status as the imperial concubine to suppress him, as well as his beautiful mother-in-law, Concubine Yu, and the Qin family, but he was also passive in all of them.

Li Mi's resentful eyes suddenly turned complicated after hearing this.

Li Mi really believed Bai Yuxian said that he was passive, because she knew Bai Yuxian's charm, and there was probably no woman in the world who wouldn't be greedy after seeing Bai Yuxian.

But Li Mi didn't expect that Concubine Yu and Mrs. Qin would take the initiative to recommend Bai Yuxian. You must know that they are Bai Yuxian's mother-in-law.

But then she thought about it, and Li Mi suddenly thought that she and Li Mingyue were still aunts and nieces, and their relationship didn't seem to be very good.

(End of this chapter)

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