Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 469 Bai Yuxian, Ying Zheng? !

Chapter 469 Bai Yuxian, Ying Zheng? !

Bai Yuxian plans to disclose the truth about the ancient pre-Qin Dynasty and the affairs of the immortals to those under his command who have supernatural powers and above.

Then wait until Daxuan completely dominates the world and reaches its ultimate prestige, then completely discloses the truth about the ancient Qin Dynasty and the immortals to the world.

This matter cannot be rushed, it needs to be done step by step. After all, this matter is too subversive and not everyone can afford it all the time. One bad move may cause turmoil in people's hearts.

But now, as long as you first convince and control the people with supernatural powers and above under your command, then when you have completely unified the world and reached the ultimate prestige, the subsequent disclosure of the truth will naturally be relatively simple. I believe that at that time, with your own With prestige, people all over the world will believe and support you.

"See Your Majesty, Duke Nan of Chu has brought you here."

Half an hour later, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang also came to Bai Yuxian with the severely injured Chu Nan Gong.

Li Bai and other people present couldn't help but fall on Chu Nan Gong instantly. Li Su recognized Chu Nan Gong instantly, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

After all, the "Huangshi Tianshu" and the elixir were given to him by Chu Nan Gong, although Chu Nan Gong was using him.

But having said that, without Chu Nan Gong, Li Su would never be where he is today, as well as Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, and Baili Changfeng.

It can be said that although Chu Nan Gong used him, Li Su, he also made him Li Su.

It is precisely because of this that Li Su couldn't help but have some complicated emotions in his heart when he saw Chu Nan Gong in front of him again.

At this time, Duke Nan of Chu was already dying, and his soul was almost destroyed.

It can be said that Bai Yuxian's sword took most of his life. Although it did not kill him directly, it also left him nearly crippled.

At the same time, Chu Nan Gong also knew that the person who had just taken action was Bai Yuxian.

Chu Nan Gong couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Bai Yuxian.

He really wanted to see what kind of person Bai Yuxian was, and how he could reach the realm of a sage in such a short period of time.

Speaking of which, although Chu Nan Gong was familiar with Bai Yuxian's name for a long time, he had never seen it before in person.

Chu Nan Gong couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Bai Yuxian.

But when he saw Bai Yuxian's face clearly, Chu Nanggong couldn't help but his eyes widened suddenly, and he blurted out!

"Ying Zheng!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not help but look shocked and looked at Chu Nan Gong in astonishment.

Even Bai Yuxian could not help but be stunned and looked at Chu Nan Gong in astonishment.

"What did you call me?"

Ying Zheng!

Who is Ying Zheng? He is the Emperor of Qin. Throughout the ages, no one knows who he is.

But what does Bai Yuxian have to do with Ying Zheng?

Bai Yuxian was confused and startled by Chu Nan Gong's cry.

At this moment, Chu Nan Gong, who was looking at Bai Yuxian, was also full of disbelief.

Because the appearance of Bai Yuxian in front of him was almost exactly the same as that of Ying Zheng a thousand years ago.

Thousands of years ago, at the end of ancient times, Ying Zheng led Qin Fetian, and used the twelve golden men to set up the twelve ancient capitals of the gods and evil formations to confront his immortal formations in heaven. That battle will never be forgotten by Chu Nan Gong.

Because this is the first time in endless years that the human race has really challenged the heavens to these immortals who are high in the Nine Heavens.

In that battle, their Heavenly Court also paid an unprecedented heavy price. In that battle, as many as 30% of the immortals in the Heavenly Court fell, and more than half of them were injured.

Even one of the Four Emperors, whose power and status was second only to the Emperor of Heaven, died, and the other three emperors also suffered varying degrees of trauma.

And the person who caused all this was none other than Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

In the battle between the pre-Qin Dynasty and the Heaven, the strength shown by Emperor Qin Yingzheng was almost terrifying and invincible. Even the four emperors in heaven were no match for him. Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven defeated Qin Emperor Yingzheng in the end. Otherwise, the immortals in heaven would have really defeated him. will be overthrown.

And even if Emperor Qin Yingzheng was defeated in the end, he still powerfully cut off and sealed the passage between the heaven and the human world, making it impossible for the immortals in the heaven to go down to the world, and it has not been opened to this day.

Therefore, Duke Nan of Chu will never forget the battle between the Pre-Qin Dynasty and the Heaven a thousand years ago.

As for Ying Zheng, he will never forget it.

Even if he hadn't been hiding in the world and not taking action, he might have died in the war that year.

But Chu Nan Gong never expected that after a thousand years, he would actually see Ying Zheng again. The Bai Yuxian in front of him looks almost exactly like Ying Zheng from a thousand years ago.

"No, you are not Ying Zheng!"

But soon, Chu Nan Gong noticed something different again. Although the Bai Yuxian in front of him looked similar to Ying Zheng back then, his temperament was completely different.

The white jade fairy in front of you gives people the impression at first glance that he is as gentle as jade and as pure as a fairy.

However, Ying Zheng at that time gave people the impression of supreme imperial majesty and domineering power at first glance, making people almost want to kneel down and worship him after just one glance.

In terms of temperament, they are completely two.

But if it is not the same person, how can it be so similar.

Or there is some connection between the two. For example, Bai Yuxian is the reincarnation of Ying Zheng. This can also explain why Bai Yuxian's strength has reached this level so quickly.

Thoughts flashed through Chu Nan Gong's mind, but he couldn't calm down.

"Is your name Ying Zheng?"

At this time, Bai Yuxian also spoke and looked at Chu Nan Gong. At this moment, he was also very surprised and confused.

How could Duke Nan of Chu suddenly call him Ying Zheng?

Also surprised and suspicious were Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang, Baiyue, Li Bai, Pei Min, Gao Xianzhi, Wang Zhongsi, Li Su, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, and Baili Changfeng.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Chu Nan Gong.

"Tell me, what is the specific reason? Why did you call Emperor Zheng Qin by his name?"

Bai Yuxian looked at Chu Nan Gong and asked directly.

"You look a lot like him."

Chu Nanggong took a breath and slowly explained the reason.

"In other words, I look very similar to Emperor Qin from a thousand years ago."

After hearing Chu Nan Gong's words, Bai Yuxian immediately understood the reason.

"Yes, if it weren't for the difference in temperament, he would be exactly the same person."

Duke Nan of Chu nodded slightly.

After hearing this, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but ponder slightly.

My appearance is exactly the same as that of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng a thousand years ago. Is this a coincidence or is there another reason?

If it is a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence. If it is just a similarity, it can still be said. For example, the two sisters Bai Qian and Bai Qian, his current wife, look almost seventy percent similar.

But according to Chu Nan Gong, his appearance is almost exactly the same as Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

This is a little too much.

Could it be that my existence is really related to the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng back then? For example, I am the reincarnation of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng or something, but I can clearly remember the memories of my previous life. I was a descendant of parallel time and space in my previous life. .

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but be suspicious.

Also having this thought were Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and others present.

However, after Wei Wei thought for a while and couldn't figure out the result, Bai Yuxian didn't delve into it further.

After all, no matter whether I have anything to do with Qin Emperor Ying Zheng or not, I believe that as my cultivation improves, all the mysteries will eventually be solved.

"Then tell me now, how many immortals do you have left in the human world, and where are they?"

Then Bai Yuxian asked again.

Faced with Bai Yuxian's inquiry, Chu Nan Gong did not hide anything.

Because Chu Nan Gong knew very well that once they were at their level, once they fell into the hands of the enemy, harsh words would have no effect at all. It was better to cooperate honestly and at least suffer less.


Finally, Duke Nan of Chu revealed the base camp where they, the immortals left behind in the human world, were located.

Located on Penglai Island overseas.

(End of this chapter)

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