Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 471: Defeating the Immortals!

Chapter 471: Defeating the Immortals!


Above the boundless sea.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, a fairy island with steaming clouds, thousands of divine lights, and swarms of cranes looms above the sea and sky.

It is Penglai Fairy Island.

On the Immortal Island, several immortals gathered on the suspended pavilion to laugh, drink and talk.

Groups of fairies around them brought fine wines, delicacies, and seasonal fruits and wines to the fairies from time to time.

Of course, these fairies are not real fairies. They are just the flowers, grass and mountain spirits on Penglai Island who were enlightened by the fairies, thus forming these teams of fairies.

"I traveled across the sea in the morning and in the sky at dusk, the sun and the moon share my life. In the war at the end of ancient times, although we were forced to stay in the human world, there is also a freedom and freedom in this world that cannot be compared with the heaven. Looking at it now, it is not It’s a beautiful thing.”

"Isn't it wonderful to live such a free and carefree life now?"

An immortal drank and laughed.

Although the Pre-Qin Dynasty conquered the heavens at the end of ancient times, the passage between the heaven and the human world was cut off by Emperor Qin, so that the immortals left behind in the human world could not return to the heaven.

But now that thousands of years have passed, they feel that the human world seems not bad. After all, in the human world, you can play in the world of mortals and be free and at ease, unlike the heaven above where there are constraints of heavenly rules.

"What the Immortal Lord said is true. Although the heaven is good, there are also freedoms in the human world."

Several other immortals also laughed and agreed upon hearing this.

For them, they are truly free and carefree in this world. This is the real life of immortals.

Great freedom.

Great freedom.

"It's a pity that a moment of negligence allowed the two human masters, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, to grow up, leaving two big troubles behind."

At this time, another immortal spoke, looking quite regretful.

If they had paid more attention to the masters of the human race back then, they might have been able to nip Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang in time before they became a serious problem.

The result is that Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang grew up because of their negligence, which became a big trouble for them. As a result, they are now immortals who dare not go out at will and can only temporarily hide on Penglai Immortal Island.

"It doesn't matter. There is no longer any material for immortality in the human world. No matter how powerful Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang are, their lifespans are limited, while the lifespans of us immortals are endless."

"If we wait for him for another hundred years at most, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang will inevitably run out of life and die, and our danger will be easily eliminated."


Upon hearing this, all the immortals nodded in unison.

Immediately, smiles appeared on the faces of all the immortals again, and they all raised their glasses and drank happily.

But just then.

Everyone suddenly felt that the world seemed to darken suddenly, as if the sunlight was blocked by something, followed by a buzzing sound.


In the vast sea of ​​clouds, the entire Penglai Immortal Island suddenly sank a large distance visible to the naked eye.

The immortals on the island also felt an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly coming from above their heads.

The moment he raised his head to look at the sky, he suddenly saw a giant hand covering the sky and sun appearing above his head.

This giant hand is so huge that it almost covers the sky for hundreds of miles. The entire Penglai Island is like a small mound in front of this huge giant hand. It seems that the giant hand is going to cover the entire Penglai Island. Crush it into pieces.


The immortals on Penglai Island instantly rose into the sky, all attacking the giant hand that covered the sky, trying to block it.

After all, Penglai Island is their base camp. If this giant hand is not blocked, the entire Penglai Island will be shattered under this palm.

But unfortunately, the power of this palm was simply not something they could resist.

As the huge palm pressed down, the immortals who had originally rushed into the sky one by one also fell down like dumplings in an instant, unable to resist this giant palm.

The giant palm pressed down, and although Penglai Island was not broken into pieces in the end, all the immortals on the island were seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Bai Yuxian, Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and others also appeared from the void, looking at Penglai Island in sight.

And the person who just took action was naturally none other than Bai Yuxian.

With one palm, the immortals on the island were severely injured. Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang, Baiyue, Li Bai and other gods also took action, and they all went towards Penglai Island. "Don't destroy the island."

Bai Yuxian sent a message to everyone to remind everyone.

This Penglai Island is indeed a good place. It has been managed by immortals for thousands of years. It is definitely a rare holy land in the world.

Therefore, Bai Yuxian plans to confiscate Penglai Island after cleaning up the immortals. From now on, he can regard Penglai Island as his second home. If he has nothing to do, he can come here to travel and stay, especially if he brings Li Mi and other wives here, this is no better than in the previous life. What sea view villa is good?

"Human Race!"

Seeing the appearance of Bai Yuxian and others, the expressions of the immortals on Penglai Island suddenly changed, and they suddenly understood the reason.

But it was too late.

The power of the immortals on Penglai Island is not small. There are fifty or sixty immortals, and among them there are two immortals in the eighth realm of heaven.

However, with Bai Yuxian, a figure in the ninth realm of heavenly beings, sitting in charge, the ending naturally goes without saying.

After a few hours, the battle came to an end.

All the immortals on Penglai Island were suppressed.

However, although all the immortals on Penglai Island were suppressed, the immortals left in the world were not completely eliminated, because according to the interrogation, there were still six immortals who were not on Penglai Island.

After learning the news, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang immediately left Penglai Island to hunt down the remaining six immortals.

And Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang didn't take too long.

In just three days, the remaining six immortals were found by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang through innate arithmetic deduction, and their bodies were brought back to Penglai Island.

In this way, since the end of the ancient pre-Qin Dynasty, all the immortals left in the world have been completely eliminated by Bai Yuxian and others.

After all the immortals were dealt with, Bai Yuxian, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang together extracted all the immortality substances from the immortals' bodies and refined them into immortality elixirs.

In the end, 300 elixirs were refined, each of which could extend a person's life by almost a hundred years.

After the elixir was prepared, Bai Yuxian first gave two pills to each of the gods present. Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang each received ten pills. The rest of the elixirs were all collected by Bai Yuxian and planned to It is used to give to other people under Daxuan's command who break through to the realm of heaven and human supernatural powers in the future. However, those who subsequently break through to the realm of heaven and human supernatural powers can only get one immortality pill. After all, they have no contribution.

But this time, two pills were given to each of the celestial beings present because of their efforts.

After slaying the immortals and getting the elixir of immortality, everyone present was smiling, especially the many masters of celestial and magical powers who were already approaching the end of their lifespan. With this elixir, they can extend their lifespan. Can live for at least another two hundred years.

And within these two hundred years, as long as they develop Daxuan and succeed in conquering the sky, they will no longer have to worry about lifespan and can live forever.

Such a situation makes everyone unhappy.

At the same time, after this battle, everyone was completely convinced of Bai Yuxian.

"Now that the immortals left in the world have been wiped out, we only need to solve Anlu Mountain to completely dominate the world and continue to develop. I plan to accumulate power in preparation for conquering the sky, but before that, these immortals have been conquered for thousands of years. Some of our minions still need to be eliminated, and these will cause trouble for you all in the future."

At this time Bai Yuxian also spoke.

Although the immortals already know it, the minions under the immortals, such as the Dragon King who was killed by Bai Yuxian, must also be eliminated to prevent these things from causing damage again.

"We respectfully obey His Majesty's orders."

Everyone also spoke after hearing this, and naturally had no objections to Bai Yuxian's arrangement.

And now that all the immortals have been completely eliminated by them, the remaining minions left by the immortals will naturally not be a problem.

"In addition, Penglai Island has been managed by immortals for many years. It can be regarded as a rare holy land in the human world. I want to split it into two. I will keep one island for myself, and the other island will be our base camp for the supernatural powers of gods and humans in the future. Things on the island It is temporarily managed by Daozhang Li and Daozhang Yuan. From now on, whenever someone from our Daxuan breaks through to the realm of divine powers, they will also be eligible to enter the island."

Bai Yuxian spoke again.

Penglai Island is composed of two islands as a whole. Bai Yuxian plans to completely divide these two islands into two, and one of them will be used as his second home.

The other island will serve as the base camp for the subordinates who have divine powers and above in the future.

Everyone couldn't help but look happy when they heard this.

After thousands of years of management by immortals, Penglai Island is indeed a rare holy land in the world.

Moreover, being located on this endless sea, far away from the world, is also suitable for masters like them, who are masters of the supernatural level of gods and humans, to be able to separate themselves from the common world.

In this way, it would be best for Bai Yuxian to separate an island as a base camp for people like them who have supernatural powers and above.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder immediately.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

(End of this chapter)

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