Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 473: One battle determines the outcome!

Chapter 473: One battle will determine the outcome!

three days later.

Under the leadership of Bai Yuxian, Daxuan's 200,000-strong army also accompanied Bai Yuxian in his personal expedition.

The army is led by Bai Yuxian as the commander-in-chief, Li Bai as the deputy commander-in-chief, and the seven heavenly gods Pei Min, Wang Zhongsi, Gao Xianzhi, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, and Baili Changfeng are generals. The others are Guo Ziyi, Gao Shi, Li Siye, and Feng Changqing. , Tian Hao, Chen Xuanli, Wu Siwen, Li Shengkai, Gao Sheng, Ge Shuhan and many other generals.

And during this expedition, the entire power of the Daxuan Ming was basically unleashed. At a glance, people knew that Bai Yuxian was obviously rushing to have a showdown with An Lushan.

If they win, then of course, without further ado, they will most likely be able to dominate the world directly.

But if the battle is defeated, the consequences needless to say, it is likely to be a disaster.

Therefore, facing this battle, the entire Daxuan could not help but become nervous. Only Li Bai, Pei Min, Wang Zhongsi, Gao Xianzhi, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, Baili Changfeng and others had no trouble in their hearts.

Because they know best in their hearts that the outcome of this battle has been determined from the beginning, and now it is more of just a formality.

However, Li Bai and others knew Bai Yuxian's specific strength and had already known the outcome of this battle, but others in the world did not know, especially other people from Daxuan, and countless people were also nervous.

The whole world was in a turmoil in an instant, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on this battle.

So half a month later.

At the border between Shannan and Guannai, the Daxuan army led by Bai Yuxian and the Dayan army led by An Lushan finally met.

In front of the two armies, the figures of Bai Yuxian and An Lushan also appeared.

Bai Yuxian looked at An Lushan. It was his first time to meet An Lushan.

An Lushan is tall, with a strong back and strong waist, a very rough face, and a beard. The overall appearance is full of barbarian characteristics, and his momentum is even more impressive. He feels like a lion who is not angry and has no power. .

And An Lushan's strength is not weak, and he has reached the third level of martial arts and supernatural powers.

"An Lushan."

Bai Yuxian's eyes looked towards Anlu Mountain. At the same time, behind Anlu Mountain there were five masters of heavenly and human supernatural powers, who were the five immortals of the Five Immortals Sect.

But it can be seen at a glance that this Five Immortals Bai Yuxian is definitely not a human being.

"Bai Yuxian."

An Lushan also looked at Bai Yuxian. This was the first time he saw Bai Yuxian.

And to be honest, when he saw Bai Yuxian for the first time, he couldn't help but be amazed by Bai Yuxian's appearance and temperament.

Bai Yuxian has always been known as the banished immortal.

Even when Bai Yuxian first rose to fame, Emperor Li Longji once praised Bai Yuxian for her talent and beauty as she came into the world like a poem and as beautiful as a banished immortal coming to earth.

But An Lushan didn't expect that Bai Yuxian's face and temperament could be so outstanding.

No wonder he can be called an immortal by the world.

To be honest, looking at Bai Yuxian's handsome face and temperament, An Lushan couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Throughout life, money, power, beauty, strength, etc. can all be obtained through personal efforts, but appearance and temperament are truly innate and cannot be envied.

An Lushan suppressed the feelings of envy and jealousy in his heart and spoke loudly.

"I have heard for a long time that the White Jade Immortal is a relegated immortal in this world. When I saw him today, he truly lived up to his reputation. I was amazed."

"But you, An Lushan, have disappointed me a little."

Bai Yuxian also spoke, looked at An Lushan and said calmly.

"I originally thought you, An Lushan, were also a heroic lord. But when I saw you today, you turned out to be nothing more than that. You actually colluded with demons and fought for the world with you. It really brought down my face."


After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, both the Daxuan officers and soldiers on Bai Yuxian's side and the Dayan officers and soldiers on Anlushan's side couldn't help but change their expressions, and then they all looked at the five men who were following Anlushan. Immortal Cult Five Immortals.

An Lushan's expression also changed instantly.

The identity of the Five Immortals may not be known to others, but how could he not know it? Moreover, he also knew that the identity of the Five Immortals must not be exposed, otherwise it would be a devastating blow to his reputation.

"Don't talk nonsense. Su Wenqian Baiyu Immortal has unparalleled sword skills. Today I want to learn from you."


As he spoke, An Lushan flew directly into the sky, and the powerful aura of the third level of his martial arts power also burst out, and his eyes were fixed on the White Jade Immortal.

"Bai Yuxian, do you dare to fight with me?"

"You are not qualified to be my opponent." Looking at Anlu Mountain Baiyuxian flying high into the sky, he just smiled slightly, and then with a thought, the Gentleman's Sword penetrated the void from a distance.

"Why bother to kill you?"


The gentleman's sword cut through the sky and struck in front of Anlu Mountain in an instant.

An Lushan's face also changed drastically in an instant. He felt an unprecedented terrifying aura of death coming towards his face. He couldn't even dodge. He could only immediately take out the decree given by Duke Nan of Chu and throw it at the Gentleman's Sword. , shouted loudly.

"God help me!"

The result is the next moment.


With a flash of sword light, the decree thrown by An Lushan was not blocked even for an instant, and was directly penetrated by the Junzi Sword, taking An Lushan with it.

An Lushan's body froze in the sky for an instant, and the expression on his face and eyes were frozen. The next moment, he turned into fly ash and exploded in the sky.

Both body and soul were destroyed on the spot.

And all this happened in the blink of an eye, leaving almost no one present able to react.

Especially the Dayan side under An Lushan.

Originally, they were full of confidence in this expedition. After all, Anlu Mountain received help from the Immortal and received the decree given by the Immortal.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yusheng didn't even make a move in the first fight. He killed An Lushan with just one strike from his sword.

The entire Dayan was stunned for a moment.

However, Dayan was in a daze, but Daxuan was not.

After a brief silence, Li Bai, as the deputy commander, immediately led his troops to take action.



"Boom boom boom!"

Instantly, the loud shouts of killing and the sound of horse hooves sounded from Daxuan's side.

Li Bai took the lead and rushed towards the Five Immortals of the Five Immortals Sect. These were also the remaining five masters of celestial and magical powers on the Dayan side except An Lushan.

Fox, yellow, white, willow, gray.

The ancestor of the Five Immortals outside the Pass.

Seeing Li Bai and Daxuan's army charging towards them, the five immortals of the Five Immortals Sect were instantly frightened to death, and then turned around and ran away, but unfortunately everything was in vain.

Li Bai, Pei Min, Wang Zhongsi, Gao Xianzhi, Li Ming, Wang Xuan, Zhou Wu, and Baili Changfeng each have the strength of the realm of heavenly and human supernatural powers. Among them, the strongest Li Bai has reached the level of martial arts and supernatural powers. In the second realm, coupled with his swordsmanship, his combat power will not be weaker than that of the masters in the third realm of ordinary celestial beings and supernatural powers.

The strength of the five immortals of the Five Immortals Sect is only at the first level of divine power.

Under such circumstances, there is no need for Bai Yuxian to take action at all, Li Bai and others can easily solve it.

After a few hours, this battle came to an end.

The Five Immortals of the Five Immortals Sect were killed on the spot by Li Bai, Pei Min and others. After being killed, the true bodies of the Five Immortals also appeared.

Fox, yellow skin, hedgehog, snake, mouse.

It just corresponds to the five immortals outside the pass.

The remaining Yan army was also defeated.

No one in the 300,000-strong army escaped. Except for the tens of thousands who were killed, the remaining 200,000-odd people all surrendered and were captured.

An Lushan's eldest son An Qingxu, Shi Siming, Li Huairen and other close generals were all killed on the spot.

At this point, this battle is completely over.

At the same time this also represents.

The world has been decided!

(End of this chapter)

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