Chapter 4


The strong feeling of weightlessness made Han Ze sit down on the ground.

When I got up and took a look, I saw a dark courtyard in front of me, shaded by trees and dark.

The lanterns under the eaves of the corridor in front have been extinguished. Under the dim moonlight outside the arch, long shadows are drawn out, twisting and swaying with the draft.

He immediately realized that he was still inside Zhenwei Escort Agency, instead of appearing in the wilderness like yesterday.

The rain had stopped by this time, and there was a rustle in the courtyard.

"Sure enough, it's just as I guessed, he's still in the escort agency!"

Han Ze was secretly grateful for his decisiveness.

But then he discovered that all the food, water, medicine, etc. he had bought were gone, and there were only a few items left in the bag.

He quickly lifted up his cotton-padded jacket and took a look. The equipment on his waist was still there.

At this moment, a voice came from a distance asking, "Who is it? Who is there?"

Han Ze was startled and hurriedly hid the bag among the flowers behind him while arranging his clothes.

Following the sound of hurried footsteps, two night watchmen from the Escort Bureau quickly ran over with lanterns. When they saw Han Ze, they shouted, "Who are you?"

Han Ze explained his identity, "I went out to the latrine and got lost."

The two night watchmen had obviously heard of him, and their guarded expressions relaxed.

One of the horse-faced men pointed in the direction of the toilet and said fiercely: "There. Don't run around, you know? Especially don't go through this door."

Another night watchman looked at Han Ze with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Yeah. I know."

Han Ze quickly responded, turned around and walked towards the latrine.

I was secretly surprised that the cruelty of these two people was definitely not pretending, but the kind of cruelty that regarded human life as nothing.

The two night watchmen watched him enter the toilet, then turned and left.

After Han Ze came out of the hut, he turned around and entered the side room.

He sat behind the door and waited quietly.

About half an hour later, the sky outside the window turned white.

The courtyard outside was silent.

Han Ze opened the door carefully, went to the archway at the entrance of the garden, took out the bag hidden among the flowers, and then ran all the way back to the wing.

He closed the door, listened for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no one was coming.

Then he carefully took the bag to the bedside and stuffed it under the moldy bedding.

Then he lay down on the bed and summoned the emblem imprint.

He wants to try if he can go back in time at any time?
However, what he didn't expect was that the familiar warm feeling did not come from his chest this time, but instead the attribute panel appeared.

He sat up and unbuttoned his coat, took out his electric baton, turned on the flashlight he brought and shined it on his chest. The badge imprint on it was not visible.

"How could it not be?" Han Ze felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his heart pounding.

And he found that he had forgotten the most important thing he had not brought - money.

This is my second time traveling, so I don’t have enough experience.

The main reason is that time is too tight and I don’t have time to plan properly.

As for the first time, it was a complete accident.

"No, no, no... don't be nervous, there must be something unclear."

Han Ze forced himself to calm down, and then carefully recounted what happened after the first time he traveled through the world from beginning to end.

"Is there any restriction on time travel? For example, it needs to save energy, or there is a time limit, and you can only travel once per unit time?"

"Damn it, there's not even an instruction manual, you want to kill people." Han Ze felt anxious in his heart.

But now there is no choice but to wait.

He stood up and opened the quilt and covered it with the plastic bag to cover up the clattering sound made by the plastic bag.

Use the flashlight attached to the electric baton to check the remaining items.

A large box of compressed biscuits, a box of chocolates, two Snickers bars, 3 bottles of 330ml mineral water, a box of amoxicillin, and nothing else.

"There should be weight restrictions on the items you can carry when crossing."

He estimated that all his belongings, including the rags on his body, were no more than 5 kilograms.

Then he thought of another thing. He couldn't carry too many things out during the day. That Liu San and the tall and thin manager Wu all saw him entering the Zhenwei Escort Agency empty-handed.

If he went out with a bag of things, he would definitely be suspected of stealing something from the escort agency, and that would be the end of it.

Han Ze thought for a while, stuffed the mineral water under the cobweb-covered bed, opened the compressed biscuits, put a dozen small bags on himself, and stuffed the rest under the bed.For the rest of the chocolates, the boxes were opened and the chocolates were put into pockets, as well as Snickers bars and amoxicillin.

The cotton-padded jacket on his body is very fat, and there are lined pockets inside. There is nothing unusual about it from the outside.

After it was done, it was already bright outside. He could hear the conversations of people on the street outside the courtyard wall, and there were also voices outside the courtyard.

Han Ze touched the electric baton on his lower back, took another deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

There were several people in the yard, holding urinals in their hands and walking toward the toilet, talking as they walked.

When passing by Han Ze, he glanced at him.

Just when Han Ze was considering whether to stay at Zhenwei Escort Agency or leave, the manager Wu from last night came to the backyard.

I happened to see Han Ze standing in a daze at the door, and walked over and said, "Why haven't you left yet? We don't have idle people here. You should leave quickly, otherwise we will ask you for travel expenses."

Well, don't worry about it now.

Han Ze nodded and said: "Okay! Manager Wu, please help me say thank you to Master Yuan and Master Liu for their life-saving grace."

"Being here is my greatest gratitude to them. Let's go quickly." Manager Wu waved his hand impatiently, as if dismissing a beggar.

Han Ze left Zhenwei Escort Agency through the side door.

As soon as his front legs came out, the small door of his back legs was bolted from the inside, as if he was afraid that he would stay there.


Han Ze walked slowly along the road behind Zhenwei Escort Agency.

It was dark last night and he couldn't see clearly. Now during the day, he realized that Longshan County was much richer than he thought.

Various green brick and tile houses line up along both sides of the road, surrounded by green trees and rippling small lakes.

There are also many wealthy families whose thresholds are half as high as a person, and their vermilion gates are almost as tall as the palace gates.

Han Ze just took one more look, and the guard who looked after the home scolded him with disgust: "Go quickly, don't hang around here..."

After passing through this "rich area", we soon reached the center of the city.

It is very prosperous here, the streets are neat and clean, and there are restaurants, inns, pawn shops, tea shops, antique shops, incense shops, grocery stores, blacksmith shops, etc., all available.

There is also a barber shop, which in addition to combing and trimming hair and beards, also includes ear cleaning.

Men here have more short hair than long hair, but they generally prefer to wear mustaches.

There are also various vendors on the roadside, and the sounds of selling are coming and going.

The pedestrians on the road also have their own characteristics. In addition to ordinary civilians, there are also many gangsters carrying guns and knives, riding tall horses through the street.

There are also monks, Taoist priests, nuns and mysterious cosplayers covered in black hoods. They are all in a hurry, with cold faces and murderous intent.

Han Ze saw it and quickly stayed away.

What surprised him was that there were so many people dying of hunger outside the city, and even the tragedy of Yi Zi cannibalism happening all the time, but inside the city people were living and working in peace and contentment, without being affected at all, and not even a single beggar was seen on the road.

Han Ze wandered around to understand the rules of social operation here.

Dacang State has a vast territory, with 22 counties and 72 prefectures under its jurisdiction. The total population is said to be as high as more than 2000 million. In a border area like Longshan County, one county has a population of more than 10.

The cultural background is about 1000-1000% similar to that of the Ming and Song dynasties of China. The common currency is silver. One tael of silver is equal to [-] wen. According to the price conversion, it is roughly equivalent to [-] yuan on earth.

In addition, he discovered that the tire-like thing he saw yesterday was actually real.

People who ask passers-by will know that these are rubber tires imported from Southeast Asian countries. They are very expensive. A solid tire costs as much as 10 taels of silver, or 10000 yuan. Ordinary people cannot afford it.

"Rubber products have actually appeared. It seems that the technological level of this world is not as backward as I thought. I just don't know where it has developed?"

I happened to see a very high-end jewelry store. Han Ze wanted to go in and have a look, get to know the prices, and see if there was any opportunity to buy or resell?
For example, get some glass beads, artificial agate, jade, etc. to sell.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the door, the waiter who greeted the customers actually waved a feather duster and swept towards him, saying sarcastically: "Go, go, where did the pickled things come from? This is a place where you can enter?"

Han Ze calmly took a step back, avoiding the feather duster.

When he retreated to the bottom of the steps, the waiter curled his lips in disdain and turned around to enter the store.

The expression on his face vividly interprets the words "dog eyes look down upon others".

In the alley next to it, four or five idle men leaning against the wall burst out laughing at this scene.

"That's where rich people come in. You're a poor guy and you run in there. I don't think I'll beat you."

"You just came from the country, right? This is a county town, so you must show your skills. Otherwise, I will beat you and scold you at the least, and put you in jail at the worst~!"

"Yes, I just came from the country and I don't understand anything." Han Ze didn't pay attention to the banter of a few people. He came over and admitted honestly and asked: "Are some brothers beating people casually and the patrol will not care?"

Hearing Han Ze's words, several idle men were even more happy.

One of the square-faced men said with a smile: "Boy, you have to know that those who patrol are officials, and they are arresting ordinary people like you who have no money and no power."

"This jewelry store is a key protection target of the patrol. If you spit at the door, the patrol will lick it clean for you."

(End of this chapter)

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