Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 5 The electric baton is so easy to use!

Chapter 5 The electric baton is so easy to use!

Hearing what the square-faced man said, Han Ze felt deeply in his heart.

There is no essential difference between the two worlds, except that the former is packaged in the cloak of civilization, while this world is more naked and undisguised.

"By the way, I just walked around the street and didn't even see a beggar. Is Da Cang really so rich?"

"Rich? From your accent, you are also from Dacang. You don't know whether you are rich or not?" The square-faced man heard Han Ze's words and said sarcastically.

A few idle men nearby burst into laughter.

Another red-faced man said with a smile: "I have a kind heart and don't like poor people. Those beggars who have no food to eat and no clothes to wear are all caught by the people in the patrol room and do hard labor."

"...for what?"

"Mining. The jade mine in Beishan and the iron mine in Dongshan are both short of people."

"I get up before dawn every day and work until I can't see my fingers. I'll give him two buns for ten days and a half. I won't get a bloody meal for ten and a half months. As long as I can't die, I'll work to death."

"A strong young man like you can go in for three months and be fucked to pieces. As for those blind beggars who are not in good physical condition, few of them can last more than a month."

Several idle men were chattering away.

Han Ze felt sad for a while after hearing this. No wonder there wasn't a single beggar in sight. There wouldn't be enough beggars for such a high-intensity job.

He wanted to ask, since there is a shortage of people in the mines and there are so many hungry people in Gaoqiu Country outside the city, why don't the government use them?

But then I thought about it, maybe it was because I was worried about causing disputes between the two countries.

After all, the famine in Gaoqiu Country only occurred in some areas, not the destruction of the country.

He had just learned about Gaoqiu Country from passers-by and knew why Liu San hated the people of Gaoqiu Country.

Gaoqiu Country is a country with many mountains, hills, rivers and few plains. Its population area is about one-third that of Dacang Country. Most of the people make a living mainly by hunting and fishing.

In their spare time, Gaoqiu people often went to the border of Dacang to rob people and passing caravans.

When Dacang sent a large army to encircle and suppress them, they hid in the mountains. When the army left, they went down to the mountains and practiced guerrilla warfare again.

Because of this, the people of Dacang hate the people of Gaoqiu very much.

As for the tents set up at the city gate to provide porridge, that was done by the superiors and businessmen and celebrities just to gain fame and reputation, and had nothing to do with ordinary people.

Soon, Han Ze learned another shocking news from a few idle men.

In this world, there are not only martial arts masters who can fly over walls and walls, but also monsters who can kill people invisible.

"Last month, Shopkeeper He of Dade Bank drowned in his bed, and the two concubines next to him also lost their internal organs."

"What's this? I heard that a family of 13 in Majiazhuang suddenly hanged themselves. Do you know what is the weirdest thing? The family members all hung neatly on the big willow tree in the courtyard, and they changed overnight. It became a mummy. Some people say that the big willow tree became a spirit and sucked up the human essence and blood."

"Hey, my cousin went to Yizhuang to watch the night a few days ago, and he also encountered something strange. There were six of them, three of them died suddenly on the spot, and the other two went crazy after they came back. They were confused and lost their minds. I expressed I live in a Taoist temple now and dare not go home."

A few idle men were talking quietly, their faces looking very ugly.

The square-faced man glared fiercely at the red-faced man and the others, "Li Er, shut your crow mouth! In this bright universe, where do the spirits and monsters come from? It's all just spreading rumors."

"Ah, yes, yes, I heard that too..."

The red-faced man smiled and did not dare to talk back.

"Go away!"

The square-faced man stood up with an unhappy expression.

The other four people also stood up, and their lazy aura changed, becoming extremely fierce.

Only then did Han Ze realize that these people were not ordinary idlers.

The square-faced man in the lead turned his face faster than turning the pages of a book. He had a gloomy look on his face, but he turned to Han Ze with a smile and said, "You are quite smart. If you want, you can come work for our Black Evil Gang. I am the deputy of Scorpion Hall." Hall Master Huo Jianzhong. Remember to mention my name when you come over."

After saying that, the square-faced man led several people, turned around and walked quickly towards the alley, and disappeared after a few breaths.

Han Ze couldn't help but feel very nervous at this time.

Although he is not a firm atheist, he does not believe in the theory of mysterious gods.

But today is different from the past. Even time travel has happened. What else is impossible in this world?


After learning the lesson from the jewelry store, Han Ze no longer dared to go into those glamorous shops, but instead went to places where ordinary people could enter and exit casually.

Tea shops, inns, restaurants.

The waiter in the restaurant also watched people order dishes. The waiter in the restaurant had "fiery eyes". Seeing Han Ze wearing rags, his eyes almost squinted to the top of his head. He asked him in a weird way what he wanted to eat.
Han Ze finally realized what it means to rely on clothes and a horse to rely on its saddle?He was dressed in rags and was disliked wherever he went.

During this period, he asked passers-by about the Jianghu people and strange things. He was basically vague about the former and kept secret about the latter.

One guy even turned around and walked towards the policeman, apparently intending to report him and expose him for his monstrous words.

Han Ze knew something was wrong. He was unfamiliar with the place and lacked training. Once he was targeted by the patrol, he would be dead and would not be able to escape.

He doesn't want to gamble.

Gritting his teeth, he took out a 2000-yuan high-voltage electric baton and ran towards the suspected informer.

After catching up, he stabbed the opponent hard in the back.

With the sound of electric shocks, the suspected informer fell straight to the ground without saying a word.

"Hey, what are you doing..." The patrolman saw what was going on here, but thought it was a fight, so he scolded him, holding a trident, water and fire stick, and walked slowly towards this side.

After Han Ze took back the electric baton, he turned around and ran away. As he ran, he thought to himself: "This electric baton is so useful..."

Next, he visited most of Longshan County, and his feet were sore from walking.

But he didn't dare to make random inquiries anymore, and he didn't dare to rest casually in the city like those "idle men" before, for fear that he would be arrested as a blind wanderer by the patrol.

It was not until three or four o'clock in the afternoon that he could no longer walk. He came to a nearby residential area and found a slightly secluded woodshed to rest.

The man was lying in the firewood pile in the woodshed, covered with straw to hide his eyes and ears.

I ate two pieces of chocolate and a Snickers bar to replenish my energy. As for the compressed biscuits, they were too dry to choke on because there was no water.

After eating, he called out the badge imprint out of habit, but there was no reaction in his chest.

Then I opened the attribute panel and took a look. Nothing else had changed, but the energy points had accumulated to 0.3.

With a feeling of anxiety and loss, I closed my eyes and rested.

He didn't sleep for a few hours last night, and he fell asleep soon after lying down.

When he opened his eyes shivering, it was already dark outside.

The cold wind blew in from the cracks in the mud behind him and hit the back of his neck, making him shiver with cold.

"It wasn't that cold last night. I didn't expect the temperature to drop so much today after a rain."

Han Ze then thought of the badge mark and quickly called out in his heart.

What excited him was that he finally felt that familiar warm feeling in his chest.

"As expected, there is a time limit, so it will be much easier to handle now."

He cautiously came out of the woodshed and walked toward the east of Longshan County along the road during the day.

During the day, he saw a bridge hole on the road, which could be used as a good shelter. However, there were patrols wandering around there at that time, so he did not dare to go down.

We arrived at the bridge tunnel without any danger. After going down, there was indeed a narrow natural passage behind the bridge pier. There were some withered grass and straw mats in it. At a glance, we knew that there must have been homeless people or beggars resting here.

It’s just that the owner is most likely to be dragged into mining, and no one has lived here for a long time.

Han Ze took off all his cotton-padded jacket and pants, leaving him completely naked.

Then he stuffed his clothes and equipment into a large tuft of grass behind the bridge pier and covered them up.

Then he brought the old straw mat over, lay down on it, and silently recited in his heart: time travel!
The familiar weightlessness came.

next second.

People disappeared.


Zhonghai Rental House.

In the originally empty room, a naked Han Ze appeared on the floor out of thin air.

Han Ze looked at the familiar scene and immediately jumped up from the ground.

Excited and laughed.

"I, Hu Hansan, are back!"

(End of this chapter)

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