Chapter 43

Yuan Fang started talking to herself.

"About a year ago, my father accidentally obtained a secret book, and the news leaked out somehow."

"In less than half a month, my father died unexpectedly, and my mother also committed suicide by throwing herself into a well one night."

Speaking of her mother, Yuan Fang's eyes were full of sadness, but she said without any pause: "After my eldest brother took over the escort agency, he tried his best to find the murderer."

"After more than half a year of unremitting efforts, I finally found some clues. Seeing that I was only one step away from the truth being revealed, I never thought that he would encounter an accident again. When he was taking out the dart, his muscles were injured, resulting in paralysis of his lower body and unable to move."

"After that, I took over the escort agency. My brother was worried that I would have an accident, so he didn't tell me the information he investigated. He just didn't expect..."

Speaking of her eldest brother, Yuan Fang couldn't help but her eyes were red, and her hands on her knees were shaking slightly, showing how sad she felt at the moment.

Han Ze had a look of sympathy on his face, but in fact he didn't care at all.

Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

What's more, Zhang Tieshan's words still ring in my ears: Don't be curious about other people's secrets, it will only kill you.

He went to Zhenwei Escort Agency before just to confirm whether there was really something weird in this world.That’s all.

Yuan Fang quickly calmed down, "I have made some discoveries while sorting out my eldest brother's belongings these days. Next, I will follow in the footsteps of my father and eldest brother and continue to investigate."

After a pause, Yuan Fang looked at Han Ze and spoke of the real purpose of this trip, "I came to see you today because I want to ask you a favor. My eldest brother has a child who is now at No. 103 Wujia Lane Street, Dongcheng. If something happens to me, I hope you can take care of him for me."

"This is..."

Han Ze hesitated.

As Yuan Fang said, this is indeed a small matter, but he really doesn't want to get involved in the Yuan family's affairs.

Yuan Fang suddenly smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to, I can understand."

After saying that, he continued: "In that case, let's say goodbye."

For some reason, Yuan Fang felt better when she wasn't smiling. This smile made Han Ze feel a little creepy, and even the temperature in the car seemed to have dropped a bit.


He wanted to say something, but his hand subconsciously opened the curtain.

Turning around, he saw Yuan Fang looking at him with a smile on his face in the car.

He stepped out of the car.

Letting go of his hand, the carriage clattered forward along the bluestone road beside the river.

Han Ze struggled and hesitated for a few seconds, and finally shouted to the carriage: "Don't worry, I will take good care of him for you."

The carriage paused, then continued forward.

Then, a long and deep singing sound came from the carriage.

The melody is sad, giving people a feeling of melancholy and solemnity, making people feel ecstatic.

Han Ze quickly adjusted his mood, turned around and walked back.

Only then did he realize that the sky had turned dark at some point.

The fallen leaves rustled down.


Back in the courtyard, Wang Fugui has returned.

"Master, everyone has been arranged."

"Oh, I see."

When Han Ze came to the side room, the maid had prepared a medicinal bath, which was made according to the formula of Xuan-level secret medicine.

The water temperature is kept at a level that is hot to the touch as required.

Han Ze took off his clothes and slowly stood in the large wooden barrel. The hot liquid stimulated his skin and made a sucking sound from his mouth.


The hands are more resistant to high temperatures than other parts of the body. Even the hands feel hot. You can imagine what other parts feel like.

The two maids nearby were frightened, and Mudan quickly asked: "Master, is it too hot?"

Yue Ji said with a distressed look on her face: "How about adding some cold water? But be sure not to burn the young master."

Han Ze resisted the urge to jump out of the bucket, waved his hands and said: "No, no, no, it's okay... Only through hardship can you practice martial arts. I can't stand the temperature, so I'll just have fun with you at home." .”

The two maids automatically ignored the first half of the sentence, and the only thing left in their minds was that the young master wanted to have a child with them.For a moment, I was filled with shame and joy, and I wished I could drag the young master to the bedroom right now.

Han Ze didn't know that the two little maids were in love. As his ankles got used to it, he gritted his teeth and slowly inserted his calves into the medicine bucket that was half a person's height.

Just like this, I slowly adapted until my whole body was buried in the water, with only my nose exposed.


Han Ze gasped continuously.

In addition to being hot, this medicinal bath also seemed to have a spicy feeling, as if countless needles were constantly pricking his body. In less than ten seconds, hot sweat was rolling on his head.

The two little maids felt distressed and kept wiping his sweat with towels nearby.

Han Ze gritted his teeth and persisted.

The heat was second, but the key was the pinprick-like pain, which made him miserable.

He kept saying to himself in his mind: "If you can't bear this little hardship, why are you still practicing secret martial arts? Exchange all the money and go back to the real world."

"Think about how you had nothing before, no house, no car, no savings, no girlfriend. Now you have changed everything by relying on another world. Don't you want to keep it all?"

"And if you want to keep all this, you should bear all the pain now, unless you want to die..."


An hour later, Han Ze walked out of the medicine bucket with the support of two maids.

He was almost exhausted, and his hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably.

He saw that his neck was all red from the stimulation of hot water and liquid medicine, and when he touched it, there was still an astonishing amount of heat left.

"Master, be careful. Does it hurt?"

The two little maids were so distressed that their tears fell down.

"I'm fine, don't cry." Han Ze endured the soreness on his skin that felt like needles and ants gnawing at him, and said, "Give me some ointment."

"Okay, young master, please bear with me."

Mudan took a white porcelain bottle of about 500 ml from the cabinet, opened it, dug out some paste-like gray-white dense ointment, and applied it on Han Ze's chest.

These secret ointments are the special secret medicines for resuscitation in the "Fu Mo Qi Jing".

Although Fu Mo Qi Jing is a yellow-level middle-grade internal strength and mind method, the secret medicine used to open the mind is not a rare thing. It can be purchased in many pharmacies and is not expensive. An ordinary jar only costs 1 tael of silver, which is expensive. The price is only 5 taels of silver per jar.

Otherwise, those ordinary warriors would not need to practice at all.

Of course, considering the length of time for resuscitation, which can be as fast as three to five days, or as slow as more than ten days and a month, it actually costs a lot of money.

This is also the reason why ordinary warriors are poor.

Practicing secret martial arts in this world is much more expensive than practicing martial arts in the real world.

Two little maids, one dug out the secret ointment, and the other used a special wooden scraper to scrape Han Ze's body continuously, and spread the secret ointment evenly on his body.

It took about half an hour to finally finish applying the secret ointment. Except for his hair, eyes, and nose, the secret ointment was applied to all other places, including his Kunkun.

Han Ze's whole body felt as cold as if he were inside a mummy, and even the pain caused by soaking in the medicinal bath had subsided a lot.

Han Ze came to the garden, and Wang Fugui asked someone to dig a large shallow pit according to his requirements, and transported small stones specially used for cultivation from the north of the city.

Ordinary warriors need these things to practice, so they are also sold in the market.

In addition, practicing cultivation requires you to register with the government in advance. Otherwise, if you light a fire in the yard in the middle of the night, the Yamen will definitely come to your door.

It is said that for skills above the Huang level, there is no need to use the earthen method of digging a pit and roasting with fire to gain enlightenment.

But more money is needed...

Han Ze was lying in the pit, surrounded by peonies, roses, camellias and azaleas. The four maids first mounded the soil on both sides of his body, and then placed small stones on his body.

Soon, only his eyes and nostrils were left exposed.

Two to three centimeters thick stones were laid on his body, weighing more than 100 kilograms in total. Han Ze was almost out of breath from the pressure. If he hadn't been practicing boxing in recent days and his physical fitness had become much stronger, he wouldn't have been able to bear it.

Camellia and Dujuan brought more wood and stacked them in order on Han Ze.

At the same time, several buckets of water were brought. As long as Han Ze shouted, they would immediately put out the fire.

Finally, Han Ze said with anxiety: "Light the fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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