Chapter 44 Shocking News

The flames blazed up.

The rocks on Han Ze's body were burning.

At the same time, tongues of fire passed through the gaps between the stones and licked Han Ze below.

Logically speaking, Han Ze should feel hot and scalding, but the fact is exactly the opposite.

Not only did he not feel hot, but as the tongue of fire licked the secret medicine on the surface of his body, he actually felt cold, as if he was wearing a layer of ice, which was bone-chilling.

And this is a certain chemical reaction of the secret medicine under the temperature of the flame. Cold is not really cold, it is just a physical sensation.

As time passed, the temperature of the small stones quickly increased with the blazing flames, and was transmitted to Han Ze, making him become even colder.

Han Ze was shivering from the cold and his teeth were chattering.

But compared to the previous medicinal bath, it was nothing.

He tried to calm down and started to use Fumoqi Qi Meridian Internal Skill and Mental Technique.

Feel the energy of heaven and earth and guide the energy of heaven and earth to "open up".

Finally, he succeeded in lighting up the first "star" in the human body, which was a small step in the cultivation of secret martial arts, but a giant step for him personally.

Soon he sensed wisps of energy between heaven and earth, passing through the gaps in the flames, stones, and even the earth behind him, converging towards his body.

He tried to guide it and moved towards Tanzhong point to cover it.

What excites him is that this time, all the energy of heaven and earth did not escape, but some remained, although it was very little, and it disappeared quickly.

"It really works..."

After getting excited, Han Ze continued to maintain a calm mood, enduring the biting cold while guiding the energy of heaven and earth into the Tanzhong point over and over again...

two hours later.

When Han Ze once again guided the energy of heaven and earth into Tanzhong Point, all that energy finally stayed, and finally succeeded in lighting up the first "star" in the human body.


Han Ze felt the energy in Tanzhong Point and was so excited that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Lighting up the first star means that he can store more energy in his acupoints in the future, and it also means more lasting combat effectiveness.

After calming down, he continued to guide the energy of heaven and earth towards the next acupoint, "Yutang Point".

Then it will go all the way up, namely Zigong, Huagai, Xuanji, Tiantu, Lianquan, Chengjiang, all the way to Baihui point.

The names and locations of these acupoints are exactly the same as those in the real world, but the cultivation methods are completely different. There are no internal "meridians" here, only external "tendons".

If you can light up the first star in the human body, the rest will be much easier.

Just an hour later, the Yutang point was successfully opened again.

Then there is the third acupoint...

When the first morning star lit up in the sky, Han Ze ended his first enlightenment practice with excitement.

When he opened the properties panel and took a look, he was overjoyed.

[Host: Han Ze]

【Age: 29/76】

[Realm: Skin (4/100)]

[Exercise: Fu Mo Qi Jing (Beginner 5/100)]

[Skill: Chasing Wind Fist (Entry 6/200)]

【Energy: 0.3/1.1】

At a glance, he saw that the realm proficiency had suddenly increased by 2 points, and the skill proficiency had increased by 4 points. What made him even more excited and surprised was that the upper limit of energy savings had increased by 0.1 points.

That's definitely something to celebrate.

I used to be able to hold on for five minutes, but now I can hold on for five and a half minutes.

And he was surprised to find that his life span had actually increased by one year...

In a happy mood, he couldn't help but grin.

He told the two maids that he needed to practice, then returned to the bedroom and closed the door.


It was already noon of the next day in the real world.

Han Ze put aside the gold bars and tea he brought back, and plugged in the electric baton to charge.

Go into the shower room and take a good bath to wash off all the stains on your body.I picked up my phone and looked at it. As expected, I saw all kinds of phone messages.

He called back one by one, including Zhang Tieshan and Lu Feiyang.

After calling back, he contacted the house-viewing agent from the last time and asked him to help him find a large flat.

After he stated his request, the agent said it was no problem and asked him when he would come over to view the house.
Han Ze had nothing to do anyway, so he drove over with the gold bars.

These gold bars were exchanged by him at an underground bank in Longshan County. Not only did they not have official marks, but the handling fee was also very low, only 0.5%.

This underground bank has a high reputation in Longshan County and will never engage in adulteration. It will even assist the government in cracking down on those on the market who use the name of underground banks to exchange for fake gold.

The house is not far away, in Huahui Homes, a high-end community about 500 meters across from Cuihua Garden.

"Hello Mr. Han, according to your request, I helped you find this room type that meets the requirements. Let me introduce it to you." The agent led Han Ze to the front of a building, swiped the access card and took the elevator upstairs. "This house is 220 square meters and has only two rooms, a master room and a nanny's room."

“The decoration style of the house is modern and simple, but the materials used are very sophisticated. More than 200 million was spent on the decoration alone. The whole house has floor heating, central air conditioning, and an open fitness area, game area, tea drinking area, etc. "

The agent took Han Ze around the house.

Han Ze was very satisfied with the house and asked casually: "What is the current market price of this house?"

The agent smiled and said: "Hello Mr. Han, the average price of Huahui Homes is now 13 square meters, and they are all large units of more than 120 square meters. The listing price of this house is about 2800 million."

"It's so fucking expensive."

Han Ze instantly felt that he was a poor man.

"What about the rent?"

"The house can be rented starting from one year, and the annual rent is 60."

"Okay, just this house."

Seeing that he was satisfied, Han Ze made the decision on the spot.

He likes this feeling of not negotiating the price after taking a fancy to it.

He went back to the agency and signed a contract, and then got the room card and keys on the spot. The agency also handed over the community identity entry and parking space entry to the agency, and also helped him contact the moving company.

As long as you are willing to spend money, there will be people rushing to handle those chores for you. You only need to care about one thing - making money.

Han Ze called a gold buying dealer, and half an hour later he drove over in a Volkswagen Passat.

After checking the identity information, the other party carefully checked the purity of the gold bars with the tools they brought, negotiated the price, paid, shook hands and left.

70 million in hand.

Simple couldn't be simpler.

After returning to the rental house in Cuihua Garden, he collected those private things and handed the rest to a professional moving company. Han Ze ran to the hospital to absorb the negative energy.

He has now opened four important acupoints, namely Tanzhong, Yutang, Zigong and Huagai.

The upper limit of [Energy] has only been increased by 0.1, and practicing the Wind Chasing Fist has changed from 14 to 15 movements.

“There is a long way to go in cultivation!”

Han Ze practiced Chasing the Wind Fist for two hours. His proficiency increased by 3 points, and he was filled with negative energy. He returned to Cuihua Garden when the lanterns first came on.

I took Dong Feifei to have dinner, and then went to the hotel to talk about opening a store while doing it.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two of them left the hotel together.

Dong Feifei returned to the rental house, while Han Ze went to Huahui Homes, a high-end community they had just rented.

I checked my home with a detector purchased online to make sure there were no pinhole cameras or anything like that, and then I checked the doors and windows.

Once everything is locked, go back to the bedroom.

Different world.

Han Ze had been away for less than six hours, and it was only 10 o'clock at noon.

As soon as he came out of the room, the housekeeper Wang Fugui hurried over and said with an ugly face: "Master, Yuan Fang, the young master of the Zhenwei Escort Bureau, she, she is dead."

Han Ze frowned and said, "When did it happen?"

Wang Fugui said with a trembling voice: "Yesterday, yesterday morning."


Han Ze was really surprised now.

If he died yesterday morning, then who was the person who came to look for him in the evening...

(End of this chapter)

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