Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 171 Have a Dream

Chapter 171 Have a Dream
After seeing this young man, Zhao Sheng looked at the time and saw that it was just lunch time.

As soon as it was time to eat, Zhao Sheng thought of the meal he had with Mo Bingbing last night.

It would be great if we could eat together every day.

Zhao Sheng couldn't help but think beautifully.

However, I think so. From now on, this possibility is unlikely, let alone Zhao Sheng's work. Although Mo Bingbing has switched from reporter to host, the host is not free to eat together every day.

Just when Zhao Sheng got up to eat, a "ding" prompt suddenly appeared on the computer.

Zhao Sheng took a look and saw that it was an email.

I clicked on it and saw that it was an email reply to Zhao Sheng. The email said that the paper that Zhao Sheng had previously submitted [The Application Value of Death Prediction Model in Patients with Complex Trauma] had been published.

The journal that Zhao Sheng contributed to before is considered one of the top journals in the medical industry. Under normal circumstances, it only publishes papers that have breakthrough results, or that are very groundbreaking and can create a new field.

Zhao Sheng's paper links medical treatment with the hottest artificial intelligence AI, and the various computer algorithms mentioned by Zhao Sheng in the paper are also very professional, which makes the whole paper feel like A plan.

Anyone with a little knowledge will immediately think of these clinically relevant algorithms that can accurately evaluate the human body after reading Zhao Sheng's paper. In addition to being used clinically, they can also be used in smart bracelets.

After all, Zhao Sheng has made it very clear in his paper. It can be said that as long as there is investment and relevant teams, such a personal device that can accurately assess the state of the human body and be used on smart bracelets can be developed in minutes. Health Manager.

The concept of personal health butler has actually been proposed a long time ago, but so far, although some bracelets have such software, it is only limited to very simple functions such as measuring blood pressure and heart rate, and does not provide early warning of deeper diseases. , the effect is very limited.

This is mainly because no one has developed corresponding computer algorithms for this before, but Zhao Sheng is different. After awakening, his comprehensive ability has improved by leaps and bounds. It can be said that he has developed corresponding algorithms across industries.

Although it is just a framework, in the future, as long as the content is filled into the framework, the software can be launched quickly.

Now that the paper has been published publicly, and it is still in a heavyweight journal, it depends on whether there will be a Bole next.

The paper was posted, and Zhao Sheng was in a really good mood. He quickly took out his mobile phone, took a photo, and sent it to Moments.

[The first essay of autumn, it goes better with milk tea. 】

Maybe it’s because during the lunch break, people in this circle of friends responded quickly.

[Cooked duck: It’s okay to do big things in silence, Lao Zhao! 】

This one belongs to Song Sixian.

[The sky is high and the clouds are dark: Keep working hard and don’t slack off! 】

This piece belongs to teacher Yu Zhongbo.

[The pepper-eater: Awesome! 】

This one is ice cold.

Unexpectedly, I, Zhao Sheng, have pretty good connections.

As soon as I sent it to Moments, there were already replies.

After a few more minutes, when he saw that several doctors and nurses in the department had liked it, Zhao Sheng put away his phone with satisfaction and prepared to go to the canteen to eat.

As soon as I entered the small canteen, a person walked towards me.

As soon as this man came over, he patted Zhao Sheng on the shoulder and said cheerfully:

"Old Zhao, I'm in for a treat!"

Zhao Sheng took a look and saw that it was Song Sixian. He was a good guy. He just returned to his circle of friends and now he met him. How efficient is this?

"It's a joke, tell me what you want to eat!"

Zhao Sheng was also in a good mood and said with a smile.

After a while, Song Sixian ordered a few hard dishes, and the two of them found a seat by the window and sat down.

"Old Zhao, ok, you can figure out something as difficult as an algorithm." Song Sixian took a bite of the braised pork elbow and looked at Zhao Sheng and said.

It seems to be a tradition that doctors are versatile.

Especially after doctors changed careers, some were engaged in literature, music, and even some were selling pork.

But those who work on computer algorithms like Zhao Sheng are the only ones who can do it.

This is not just a cross-border, it is simply a crossing of the Pacific Ocean.

"Without him, only hands are familiar."

Zhao Sheng smiled and said.

"Okay, you, algorithms are something you can't just do with your hands."

Song Sixian rolled his eyes at Zhao Sheng and said.

"Have you ever thought about what happens next?"

After a pause, Song Sixian said again.

"It was only published today, so it's still early."

Zhao Sheng said.

"This paper is just for developing software. I won't talk about the hospital version. This is a very professional software to assist doctors in diagnosis."

"This mass version is the most promising. I saw an article a few days ago that the penetration rate of smart bracelets in my country has reached 68%."

"If you really come up with a useful home health assistant, even if it only occupies a part of the market for these smart bracelets, it will be enough to make you rich and free."

Song Sixian looked at Zhao Sheng with some envy and said.

The concept of health assistant is not new. Someone has mentioned it before. The most difficult part is to implement the concept into practice.

This is very difficult. This kind of health assistant conducts in-depth monitoring of human physiological indicators, and then performs diagnosis and early warning. This requires being very proficient in both medicine and computers.

This person who understands medicine does not understand computers. It is impossible for someone who understands computers to understand medicine.

God knows how Zhao Sheng learned and mastered so much computer knowledge while being proficient in medicine.

"If you really have freedom of wealth, wouldn't it be better to be a doctor?"

Zhao Sheng thought for a while and said.

"You are such a person..."

"When people are rich, they only think about young models and stars in villas, yacht clubs, and why in your case, being rich becomes a prerequisite for becoming a doctor."

Song Sixian smiled and said after hearing this.

"That's right. Once you have money, you don't have to worry about salary, bonuses, performance, etc. When the time comes, I will also drive a Mercedes to work. You say it's cool."

Zhao Sheng said with excitement.

"You have such a brain...haven't you ever thought that if you have money, you don't need to be a doctor?"

Song Sixian couldn't help but remind Zhao Sheng.

"Are you kidding me? What am I going to do if I'm not a doctor? I've read more than 20 years of books in vain."

Zhao Sheng waved his hand and said.

In his heart, let alone financial freedom, even if one day he becomes the richest man in the world, he will just become a doctor in another way.

Think about it, open a hospital of your own, be the director yourself, and then find the best doctors in the world and buy the best equipment. This is simply a doctor's ultimate dream!
(End of this chapter)

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