Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 172 It hurts so much that I want to chop off my fingers

Chapter 172 It hurts so much that I want to chop off my fingers

"So you've been fighting against doctors all your life, right?"

Song Sixian looked at Zhao Sheng, smiled and said.

I have to say that, except that Zhao Sheng is a little more handsome than him, has a higher professional level, and is more popular with women, his attitude of being stubborn about doctors is still worth learning from him.

"I'll fight to the death, I'm willing."

Zhao Sheng said.

In fact, it is easy to feel a sense of accomplishment in the profession of doctor.

I used to think that being a doctor was hard work. That was because the workload was far beyond ordinary people, it was physically and mentally taxing, and there was also financial pressure that varied in effort and reward.

But now, Zhao Sheng has solved the physical and energy problems. If he has to solve the financial pressure, then this career, at least for Zhao Sheng, is really, really ideal.

Being able to enjoy it, full of a sense of accomplishment in treating diseases and saving lives, being physically and mentally energetic at all times and not afraid of going through hardships, and having no financial pressure, is there anything better than this?

From a physiological point of view, the reason why humans feel pleasure and joy is because [dopamine] is secreted in the body.

When we experience something pleasurable, dopamine levels in the brain increase, which further stimulates our reward center and makes us feel happy and satisfied.

In daily life, there are many ways to increase dopamine, such as aerobic exercise, learning new skills, enjoying food, interacting with friends (male or female), and pursuing intrinsic value.

Among them, the pursuit of intrinsic value can bring a deeper and more lasting sense of happiness and satisfaction.

The sense of accomplishment that doctors feel when they treat illnesses and save lives is a very high-level [dopamine].

The feeling of relief from curing a patient can sometimes last for a long time and keep a person in a happy mood for a long time.

After being "blackmailed" by Song Sixian for a lunch, Zhao Sheng returned to the clinic, ready to take a rest before the afternoon outpatient clinic.

Entering the consulting room, Zhao Sheng saw Song Wei sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and scrolling through her mobile phone.

"Dr. Zhao, there are really people selling that stuff online."

As soon as Zhao Sheng sat down, Song Wei couldn't help but said to Zhao Sheng.

What happened in the morning made Song Wei feel very incredible, so after lunch, she searched for relevant web pages on her mobile phone. This search, my dear, directly opened the door to a new world.

"Why are you so interested in this matter..."

Zhao Sheng asked with some confusion.

"If it were you, the socks you wore, and someone paid for them, you would be interested."

Song Wei said.

"But it's true that it's a little disgusting."

After a pause, Song Wei said again.

From a girl's point of view, no matter what, this matter is a very disgusting thing.

Unless it's for money.

"Some people now, really..."

"You see, the elastic stockings I wear are originally designed to prevent varicose veins. In the eyes of some people, they have become a professional temptation..."

Song Wei said again.

She especially hates that some people now associate certain aspects with nurses. Only those who have been nurses know how painful and tiring this profession is, and the sacrifices far outweigh the rewards.

Just like her, she stands for more than ten hours every day at work. If she doesn't wear these elastic stockings, she will develop serious varicose veins in her lower limbs in a few years.

Varicose veins of the lower limbs are a very difficult disease to treat.

"Just ignore what those people say." Zhao Sheng waved his hand and said.

After resting for a while, it soon arrived at two o'clock.

As soon as the hour arrived, Song Wei, who had been prepared in advance, walked in with an old lady and a middle-aged man.

Zhao Sheng took a look and saw that the old lady was probably in her 60s. She had silver hair, was messy, and had a haggard and painful look on her face. Her eye sockets on both sides were deeply sunken, as if she hadn't slept well for a long time. Looking from a distance, the old lady's face was His head looked like it was covered with a nest of dry weeds.

And this middle-aged man, probably the son of the old lady, came in wearing a very decent suit, with his hair combed sleekly, and his hands in his pockets.

The old lady looked at her son very cautiously, for fear of making him unhappy.

When the old lady came in and sat down, Zhao Sheng hadn't spoken yet. The old lady looked at Zhao Sheng, stood up suddenly, and blurted out, feeling very excited.

"Doctor, help me, please help me pull out this fingernail, I beg you!"

"If it doesn't work, doctor, just chop off this finger with a knife!!"

The old lady's tone was very sincere, with a hoarse tone that had been tortured by a long-term illness.

Zhao Sheng was startled when he suddenly heard this.

She cuts off her fingers whenever she opens or closes her mouth. What's wrong with this old lady?
Besides, he holds a scalpel and can only cut. If he wants to chop, he has to use a kitchen knife!
"Old man, don't be impatient and speak slowly."

Zhao Sheng held the old lady's shoulders and comforted her as she sat down. She was so excited that her blood pressure must have soared. The elderly's blood vessels are more fragile, which is too dangerous.

"Doctor, I hurt!"

The old lady continued to cry.

It is strange to say that the old lady was so excited, but his son stood motionless and indifferent, looking at the old lady with a look of ridicule and impatience.

"Doctor, please leave her alone, she is mentally ill!"

Before Zhao Sheng asked about his condition, the middle-aged man said this in an understatement.

"Ah Hui, Mom didn't lie to you, Mom's fingers really hurt!"

When the old lady heard her son's words, she was already a little emotional, but now tears burst into her eyes, as if she had suffered a great injustice and grievance.

"It hurts!"

"Every time you say it hurts, I have to pull your nails out six times!"

"Coming here from my hometown, you see, dermatology, hand and foot surgery, neurology, all of them, all of them are registered as experts, all the examinations are done, and people say that there is nothing wrong with you, you are Say it hurts."

The middle-aged man said angrily and helplessly.

"You are what the doctor calls a hypochondriac. He asked you to be hospitalized in the third hospital, but you didn't go!"

After a pause, the middle-aged man said again.

"Ah Hui, Mom's head is fine, Mom's fingers really hurt, Mom really didn't lie to you!"

The old lady said in tears.

"Stop talking."

Zhao Sheng took the middle-aged man's arm and told him to stop talking. In the current situation, he should calm down the old lady first, otherwise he would not get good medical treatment and suffer a stroke from high blood pressure!

The middle-aged man also let out a long sigh when he heard Zhao Sheng's words.

This is the seventh time he has brought his old mother to see her fingers.

It is said that there is no filial son who has been sick for a long time. This is why doctors in various hospitals will say that they are not sick. What should I do?

But the old mother would hold her fingers at home every day and say that the pain was unbearable, and she would chop off the painful fingers with a kitchen knife at every turn!
(End of this chapter)

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