American exorcist god.

Chapter 102 I will call you once, do you dare to agree?

Chapter 102 I call you, do you dare to agree?
A group of children were clearing the living room, and Xu Yi asked Luo Lin for some details.

The room was small. Xu Yi originally planned to take Caroline to an open space outside and perform an exorcism, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Caroline was cursed and would likely die violently if she forced her way out of the house.

Because of this, Rowling did not take her to church.

"Have you heard of the Salem Witch Hunt?" Rowling asked in a low voice.

Xu Yi nodded. Of course he knew about the famous Salem witch hunting incident in history.

To put it simply, because of two evil girls, a large number of innocent witches were arrested and subjected to brutal torture and interrogation.

"The evil spirit wandering in the house is the reincarnation of a witch in the Salem witch hunt. The wrongly accused witch suffered inhuman treatment. After being released from prison, her 7-day-old flesh and bones were placed next to the fireplace. A sacrifice to Satan," Rowling said.

No wonder the other party gave up on them and went after Caroline's daughters, Xu Yi suddenly realized.

Witches sacrificed their own flesh and blood to gain the attention of Satan.

Evil spirits can possess similar effects by possessing other mothers and then killing their children.

Xu Yi had already made plans before coming, but now after listening to Luo Lin's story, he suddenly had new ideas.

Everything was ready and the sky was completely dark.

Almost everything in the living room has been emptied, and the spotlights on the ceiling illuminate the "magic circle" on the wooden floor, with weird symbols forming a circle.

Caroline was tied to a stool, which was located in the center of the circle. Caroline remained unconscious.

"Let's start!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and took the music box handed over by Luo Lin.

Rowling has searched the whole house. If there is any item that may be the residence of evil spirits, it can only be the music box in front of her.

The clockwork of the music box was wound up, and the lonely "ding dong" music sounded. Caroline, who had been in a coma, suddenly opened her eyes, with a ferocious face and a split-mouthed smile, but it looked more like some kind of carnivorous beast opening its bloody mouth. .

She looked around at everyone and made a frightening voice, "You are all going to die!"

Xu Yi was too lazy to listen to what the other party was saying, so he threw the music box into the iron bucket next to him and poured gasoline on it.

The stored blood ectoplasm was almost exhausted, but fortunately it was enough to light a fire.

The gasoline was ignited, and the flames burned in the iron barrels and burned the plastic music boxes.

Because of the instinct of the lodging, when it is about to be destroyed, the lodging will forcefully pull out the evil spirits. Xu Yi has used this method before to expel the evil spirits from Lisa's body.

Logically speaking, the evil spirits should panic when they discover that their lodgings have been destroyed.

But no, Caroline, who was possessed by the evil spirit, let out a sharp laugh and kept staring at Xu Yi with a mocking smile in her eyes.

"Don't let me leave! I'm going to torture her to death!" Caroline had a scary smile on her face.

"Is it really a lie?" There was no disappointment in Xu Yi's eyes, and he had obviously expected this result.

The music box is only an infestation of evil spirits' resentment, not a lodging object.

Regarding this, not only Xu Yi, but also the Warrens had already speculated, otherwise they would have started the exorcism ritual long ago.

"Children, the rest is up to you. I need to use your strength to save your mother!" Xu Yi turned to look beside him. Caroline's children were standing by the wall, looking nervous.

In the end, it was the eldest daughter who took the lead to muster up the courage, picked up the sterilized needle on the coffee table, and walked to the burning iron barrel.

She pricked her fingertip with a needle and dripped blood on the music box.

Caroline, who was possessed by the evil spirit, suddenly let out an angry roar and stared at "her" eldest daughter with a hungry look on her face, wanting to swallow her whole body.

As the evil spirit's resentment infection, the music box can be seen as an extension of the evil spirit's limbs. If blood drips on it, the evil spirit can feel it.To the evil spirit, if the soul of Caroline's daughter was sacrificed to Satan, it was a delicious meal, then the blood of the other party was the dessert.

The evil spirits are already hungry. Now facing the blood, how can they not be stimulated to madness?
But this was just the beginning. After seeing their sister's actions, Caroline's other children took the courage to drop blood on the music box.

Caroline has five children. As the blood of each child drips in, the evil spirit becomes more and more crazy, and the possessed Caroline struggles crazily.

The evil spirit's body suddenly rose into the sky, then fell heavily, trying to use its own weight to crush the stool and break free from the rope.

But it is a pity that Xu Yi was well prepared. Before the exorcism, he had already replaced the stool with a sturdy steel back chair, and the rope was also made of a steel wire rope that was difficult to break.

Not to mention just humans who are possessed by demons, even an elephant has difficulty breaking free.

Caroline's pupils were bloodshot and she stared at Xu Yi with hatred in her eyes.

Xu Yi and Luo Lin's bodies suddenly tensed up.

They are all psychics and can see things that ordinary people cannot see. An illusory woman's head appears in the back of Caroline's head.

Xu Yi quietly picked up the Bible and Ed handed it to him.

The evil spirit finally couldn't stand the temptation of the children's blood. Its neck suddenly stretched out like a snake, trying to bite those children.

The other party has not completely lost his mind, but part of his soul has left Caroline's body.

Xu Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

His worst fear didn't happen. If the evil spirit remained unmoved and stayed in Caroline's body, it would be too difficult.

Although only the head left, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the anthill. The head left was the flaw, and he had a way to deal with the opponent.

To be precise, it should be Ed's plan that he had thought of in advance.

Xu Yi slowly opened the Bible. There was a page folded in the middle of the Bible. He suddenly turned to that page. There was only one person's name on it.

"Basiba!" Xu Yi yelled out the name angrily.

The evil spirit's head suddenly paused, and a strong pulling force acted on the evil spirit. The evil spirit realized something and struggled desperately.

It's a pity that Xu Yi didn't give the opponent a chance to struggle at all. He took out the alchemy revolver Messiah and aimed at the evil spirit's head in the void.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this shot was in the air, but Rowling could see clearly that the bullet penetrated the evil spirit's head.

The evil spirit let out a scream, losing its only chance to resist, and its soul was pulled out.

Caroline's body suddenly trembled on the stool, and then she passed out.

Xu Yi closed the Bible, and the other person's real name was written on it.

Normally, true names only work for demons.

It's a pity that the other party believes in Satan. Satan is the evil god and the king of demons. The evil spirits are contaminated with Satan's breath, and chanting the true name is equally effective.

Besides, the Bible that Ed gave him was not an ordinary thing.

The Bible in his hand has special blessings, and chanting the true name on it can draw out evil spirits.

"Why does it feel a bit like the purple gourd in Journey to the West?" Xu Yi complained secretly. He should probably shout at the devil, "Bashiba, I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Xu Yi put the Bible aside. This Bible is a one-time consumable and has no exorcism effect, but it is no longer needed now.

(End of this chapter)

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