American exorcist god.

Chapter 103 The Curse of Evil

Chapter 103 The Curse of Evil
Xu Yi took out a painting book, which showed a hideous-looking witch, the target of this exorcism, the evil spirit Basheba.

He casually picked up a fruit knife and pierced the picture book.

The evil spirit that was pulled into the air let out a scream, its body suddenly paused, and then it was nailed to the floor, in the center of the undead spell formation.

Rowling took this opportunity and together with the children, swarmed up and carried the stool away to keep Caroline away from the evil spirit.

He had already prepared the portrait of the evil spirit Basheba, but he couldn't use it before.

Because once the judgment is used, it will imprison the evil spirit in Caroline's body, which is counterproductive.

The evil spirit Basheba was unable to move and was a ready target, but Xu Yi did not continue shooting and took out a ball of "red thread" from his pocket.

The red line was long and thin, exuding a faint smell of blood.

The thin thread was originally white, but turned red because it was soaked in blood. That was Xu Yi's blood.

These red lines are the "soul-binding lines".

"Soul-binding thread" is a passive ability given by the soul jade entry. When the demon used the soul jade ability to devour Janice, it didn't use any red thread at all.

There was nothing that could be done about it. If Xu Yi was like a demon, spitting out a lot of blood, he might have died due to excessive blood loss before he could capture the soul.

He could only use a stupid method to stain the white line with blood.

"It would be great if there was an entry for super-accelerated regeneration!" Xu Yi sighed.

The ectoplasm needs blood, and the soul-binding thread also needs blood. The day before yesterday, I also lost a lot of blood in order to contract the Annabell doll, which has led to severe anemia recently.

If you can have a super-accelerated regeneration entry, you don't have to be stingy with the use of blood, and even the sequelae of blood ectoplasm can be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, demons with super-accelerated regeneration abilities are difficult to deal with and difficult to find.

"I curse you..."

The evil spirit Basheba wanted to launch a curse, and Xu Yi threw out the red thread in his hand.

The red threads spread out in the air. Under the control of invisible forces, they rushed towards the evil spirit and bound the evil spirit in an instant.

Of course Xu Yi cannot control objects out of thin air, and the soul jade entry does not have this function. Of course, the one who controls the soul-binding thread can only be the Annabell doll.

Only through personal experience can you feel how good the Annabell doll is. Every ability is so practical.

Needless to say, the "evil control" ability is a snake oil-like ability with extremely wide uses.

The "evil god's body" gives the Annabelle doll a strong defense. When in danger, the Annabelle doll can be used to block the gun.

"Annabelle's Toy Box" is even more magical, it can be both a storage space and a supernatural shelter.

The evil spirit Basheba felt something was wrong and struggled desperately. Xu Yi tightened the soul-binding thread in his hand.

This was his first time using the ability to capture his soul. He had little experience and didn't even know how to operate next.

But his hand held the soul-binding thread, and his soul resonated with the blood on the thread. He suddenly knew what to do next.

"The entry of Soul Jade is not as simple as capturing and compressing the soul. From the moment he loaded this entry, his soul was transformed!" Xu Yi suddenly reacted.

The evil spirit Basheba made his soul illusory, trying to escape from the shackles of the red thread through this method. Real objects cannot bind it.

But it was useless, the soul-binding thread was still firmly tied to it.

The soul-binding thread became tighter and tighter, and Basheba felt a squeezing force, as if it had fallen into a compressor, and her soul was about to be crushed.

The undead spell on the floor suddenly reflected a faint red light, and the spell began to take effect. It can not only strengthen the exorcism weapon, but also strengthen the soul-binding cord.

Xu Yi used soul capture for the first time and lacked information, so he specially carved undead mantras on the wooden floor to assist.

Basheba screamed repeatedly, and the squeezing force became stronger. Its arms and legs were broken, and its body was twisted inward. The powerful force wanted to compress it into a ball.

"Exalted Satan, the great Lord of Hell, you are the Lord of darkness, your followers..."

Bathsheba's prayers were suddenly interrupted and he let out a scream.

Xu Yi held the Soul Binding Thread in one hand and the Dagger of Rest in the other. He hurriedly came to Basheba and pierced Basheba's throat with the knife.

"When you arrive at someone else's house, remember to keep quiet! Don't yell like a naughty child. This is very impolite." Xu Yi advised softly.

Although he didn't think that the other party's prayers could attract the attention of Satan, he was not wrong because after all, the other party still had the aura of the evil god on him.

If it really attracts Satan's attention, even if Ed comes, he can only run away hastily.

The dagger of rest pierced through Bathsheba one after another, and the screams were endless.

Xu Yi did not use the Alchemy Revolver Messiah. There were so many children here, and it would be easy to scare them by firing continuously.Moreover, the ordinary bullets fired by the Messiah are not much more effective in exorcism than the Dagger of Rest. The advantage of the Messiah is that it can attack from a distance.

Now that the judgment is combined with the double binding of the soul-binding thread, there is no need to worry about the sudden outbreak of evil spirits, and naturally there is no need to keep a safe distance.

The revolver needed to be reloaded, and he couldn't do that with only one hand.

Moreover, if the time to change bullets is calculated, the efficiency of the two is actually about the same.

Basheba's body became more and more illusory, and her body was compressed into a ball.

Satan did not pay attention to this "poor believer", and Basheba naturally failed to fight back. The soul-binding thread continued to tighten, and the evil spirit was finally compressed into a small ball.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

The entry devouring came as expected, and the creation of the soul jade did not affect the entry devouring, which can be said to be doubly satisfying.

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Curse of Evil (White Epic)"]

[Curse of evil spirits: 0/100
A curse placed on the target, causing it to produce various negative states. (Including: weakness, poisoning, bleeding, etc.)

ps: This entry will have a negative impact on humans, producing effects such as madness, falling, and bloodthirsty. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the "entry synthesis path: Undead Mantra + Evil Curse = Cursed Eye"]

It was the first time for Xu Yi to see such an entry, but he could understand it after thinking about it.

Witches who possess the ability to curse are called cursed witches and are the key targets of the church's crackdown.

If there was no problem with cursing witches, the church wouldn't be so cautious about it.

Xu Yi didn't know how to use the newly obtained entries and entry paths, so he threw them into the entry library.

[Soul Jade +8, current progress: 8/100]

"Is this the soul jade?" Xu Yi pushed aside the red thread and picked up a black-red "small bead" from it, holding it coldly.

This is the first soul jade he made, a perfect defective product.

A perfect soul jade is a smooth round bead, but the one in his hand has an uneven surface.

At this time, the unconscious Caroline suddenly moved and slowly opened her eyes, "What's wrong with me?"

"Ms. Caroline, how do you feel now?" Rowling asked urgently.

The children were so surprised that they gathered around Caroline and kept calling for their mother.

While everyone's attention was attracted to Caroline, Xu Yi stuffed the soul jade into Annabelle's mouth without leaving any trace.

No wonder he was so impatient, it was because the Broken Soul Jade in his hand was too unstable. In just over ten seconds, it showed signs of collapse.

When the soul jade enters Annabelle's body, the power of the evil god on it is immediately absorbed.

The thumb-sized soul jade quickly dissipated, and purple-red light flashed in Annabelle's pupils.

With the help of the Eye of Symbiosis, Xu Yi can see the changes in the toy box.

"It seems to have gotten bigger?"

After Xu Yi measured it, he found that it was not an illusion. The space of the toy treasure box had indeed become larger, by almost half a cubic meter.

The changes in the toy treasure box don't stop there. There is a small area on the top where the purple-red wooden wall actually shows a metallic sheen.

"The strength has increased more than ten times!" Xu Yi came to a conclusion after testing.

The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

If the toy treasure box becomes indestructible, if you encounter evil spirits and other dead objects in the future, you can even pull it directly into the treasure box space and use the laws of space to deal with them.

The reason why the kingdom of God is strong is because of this.

"What a pity!" Xu Yi suddenly sighed.

Due to the insufficient progress of the entry, the soul-binding thread cannot perfectly capture Basheba, and must leave the opponent in a state of serious injury.

This resulted in a lot of evil god energy spilling out, resulting in waste.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. If it is not pressed into a soul jade, Annabell will not be able to absorb the energy of the evil god.

Xu Yi suddenly realized that the soul jade and Annabelle's toy box seemed to complement each other.

(End of this chapter)

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