American exorcist god.

Chapter 104 Chapter 103 “Visiting” the Supernatural Collection Room

Chapter 104 Chapter 103 “Visiting” the Supernatural Collection Room
All the way down the stairs, the overhead spotlights cast soft light, and paintings of different styles hung on both sides. Even with Xu Yi's eyes, he couldn't find anything wrong. They were obviously paintings by famous artists.

This staircase doesn't look like it's leading to a basement, but rather like it's going to some high-end dance party.

Ed and Luo Lin led the way, Xu Yi walked in the middle, followed by a little tail, stalking little Judy who wanted to follow.

After dealing with the evil spirit incident in Harrisville, Xu Yi and Luo Lin came back together.

Ed has also undergone discharge surgery and is preparing to rest at home.

Thanks to his special physique, the injuries on the surface of Ed's body have been healed. The next step is to recover from the sequelae, which will take a lot of time.

Xu Yi looked excited. Today was the day for him to "visit" the Warren couple's supernatural collection room.

"I wonder how far the Eye of Obscure can grow?"

When the stairs reach the end, there is a heavy metal door standing in front of it. The door is engraved with dense incantations to suppress evil spirits.

Xu Yi hesitated for a moment, then stuffed the Annabell doll into his pocket and zipped it up.

Since Annabelle swallowed the power of the evil god, she has become a little irritable. Any soul that comes close to him will be warned by Annabelle.

Last time I met a wandering spirit on the road, he was slapped away by Annabelle just because he glanced at Xu Yi.

In order to avoid the situation of "what are you looking at" and "what are you looking at", I can only put the Annabell doll into my pocket to remind the other person to restrain themselves.

In Xu Yi's eyes, Annabelle's petulance was nothing. Who said her potential was so terrifying?

Since swallowing the evil power of Bathsheba, Annabelle's entry has changed again.

[Annabelle's Toy Box (Blue Epic), the entry is evolving, evolution target: "Annabelle's Toy House (Red Ordinary)"]

That's right, the toy treasure box that is already a blue epic level actually has the opportunity to continue to evolve and become a "red entry."

"White, green and blue, red, gold and purple", these are the "lower three levels" and the "upper three levels" of the entry.

Although the difference is only one level, it represents completely different meanings. The entries for the third level are already legendary creatures.

[Current evolution progress; 12/5000]

After seeing the progress bar, Xu Yi felt a little sad.

In other words, he needs to find about 500 evil spirits similar to Bathiba, refine them into soul jade, and feed them to Annabelle before they can evolve.

Evil spirits are easy to find, but there may not be even one evil spirit like Basheba that carries the aura of the evil god among a hundred, so the difficulty can be imagined.

"It seems there is a faster way?" Xu Yi thought to himself.

That is to directly kill and devour a great evil god!

But he can only think about it. With his current strength, if he forcibly challenges the evil god, he will undoubtedly die.

The metal door engraved with spells was pushed open, Ed turned on the light inside, and the scene in the basement appeared in front of him.

"This is simply a museum!" Xu Yi exclaimed.

The basement is full of dazzling things, displaying all kinds of strange things, including blood-stained bronze figures, mottled swan porcelain ornaments, long swords covered with patina...

"How is it? It's not bad here!"

Ed was very satisfied with Xu Yi's performance and was in high spirits, just like a senior fisherman showing off his fishing gear to a novice fisherman.

In Ed's mind, Xu Yi is a "comrade" who has the same hobbies as him.

"It's indeed amazing!" Xu Yi sighed sincerely.

There are so many paranormal collections inside that it’s hard to imagine how many paranormal incidents the Warrens have dealt with.

He looked around, but he didn't feel much resentment. Logically speaking, with so many supernatural objects gathered together, there should have been resentment.

An extremely powerful suppression array was deployed in this basement. This was the only explanation Xu Yi could think of.

"What are these glass boxes?" Xu Yi was keenly aware of the differences in the collection.

There are many supernatural objects in the collection room. These collections are treated in completely different ways. Some are placed on shelves, and some are piled directly on the floor... But there are very few, and they are placed in transparent glass boxes for safekeeping.

"Your eyes are really vicious!" Ed exclaimed.

Generally speaking, the attention of people who enter here is attracted by the wide variety of supernatural items, and few people pay attention to the glass boxes containing supernatural items.

In fact, Xu Yi didn't know what those glass boxes were, but he just had an intuition that those glass boxes were extraordinary.

"The seals inside the box are all very powerful evil spirits or demons." Ed explained. "How does it compare to the evil god that night?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"The evil god that night was very special. Even among my collections, he would still be at the forefront." Ed recalled what happened that night, and still felt a lingering fear.

Xu Yi secretly smacked his lips. Because of his contract with Annabelle, he knew the potential of the Annabelle doll, which could reflect the horror of the evil god from the side.

Such a terrifying collection is actually sealed in a small glass box. This shows how strong the sealing ability of these glass boxes is.

"These glass boxes..."

Before Xu Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ed.

"Sorry, I don't have any extra of these 'magic-forbidden boxes'."

Although they have not been in contact for a long time, Ed is quite familiar with some of Xu Yi's "preferences".

"You are really a roundworm in my belly." Xu Yi complained depressedly, and his voice changed, "You can always tell me where these magic-forbidden boxes come from, right?"

"I got it from a certain organization. I can't tell you the name for the time being. And as a friend, I advise you that it's best not to have contact with them."

When Ed said this, he looked disgusted, but his eyes were full of helplessness.

Xu Yi was a little curious, what kind of organization was it that made Ed so secretive?
"What kind of wolf is this?"

Xu Yi looked at the giant wolf head specimen on the wall and took the initiative to change the topic.

The other party doesn't want to say anything, so it would be rude to ask further. His emotional intelligence is not that low.

"This is the head of a fallen werewolf." Ed suddenly became interested as he talked about his beloved collection.

"A werewolf? A werewolf who is the natural enemy of vampires?"

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. He thought it was the head of a wild wolf, but he didn't expect it to be a werewolf.

There were werewolves and vampires in this world. He had known this for a long time, but he only knew about it through newspapers and had never seen it in real life.

"Yes, the chance of ordinary people encountering werewolves or vampires is very low. They are already rare. In modern times, they have also developed magical weapons to cover up their own bloodlines and hide them in the crowd. Even the church can hardly Discover them." Ed took the initiative to explain.

"How strong are the werewolves?" Xu Yi was a little curious.

"Very strong. They have very strong recovery capabilities. Ordinary bullets are basically ineffective."

Ed continued, "It's okay if it's in the wilderness, but it's terrible if it's in a city, because they can't use powerful weapons, and werewolves can do whatever they want. There was another time before, when werewolves attacked the church..."

"What's the result?" Xu Yi listened with interest.

"Although the werewolf failed to succeed, the church also failed to keep the werewolf. This is a very embarrassing thing for such a large church. Later, it spent a lot of money to develop something. What do you think it is?" Ai Germany actually bought Guan Zi.

"Silver bullet for bad blood!" Suddenly an idea flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

Ed sighed, "This will make me feel unfulfilled."

The three types of bullets in the Alchemical Revolver Messiah are actually used to deal with different dark creatures.

Demon-breaking flame bombs are used to deal with evil spirits and demons.

Death piercing bullets are used to deal with extraordinary species, such as unicorns and the like.

The Bad Blood Silver Bullet is used to deal with werewolves and vampires, creatures with strong recovery capabilities.

"Mr. Warren, can you get me some silver bullets?" Xu Yi suddenly had a new idea.

"Although the output of bad blood silver bullets is not high, with my relationship with the church, it should be no problem to get some." Ed nodded and agreed.

"Mr. Ed is so generous!" Xu Yi praised sincerely.

After listening to Ed's words, Xu Yi's mind suddenly opened up.

He thought of the "Super Accelerated Regeneration" entry. He now has 2 fragments and needs 3 more fragments.

In fact, if you want to get the fragments of "super-accelerated regeneration", you don't have to look for demons like Jason. You can also start with werewolves and vampires.

"Just listen to Ed, it's probably hard to find werewolves and vampires."

Xu Yi asked for a bad blood silver bullet just to prepare for a rainy day.

(End of this chapter)

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